marți, 15 iulie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Peekit presents... *BEST NEW VINES* Late June Release [Video]

Posted: 14 Jul 2014 08:45 PM PDT

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The Worst Knockoff Products You'll Ever See

Posted: 14 Jul 2014 08:37 PM PDT

If you're going to make a product that's a complete knockoff of something else, you're going to have to try a lot harder than this.

If you hate traffic jams:

The White House Tuesday, July 15, 2014

If you hate traffic jams:

Since our earliest days, the American transportation system has comprised our economic backbone -- part of what's made us great as a nation.

But right now, there's a big problem with our roads and bridges: Over the years, we've invested in them less and less. They haven't kept up with the needs and demands of our growing economy.

That's why the President has been clear: Investing in our infrastructure is a top priority, and it's why he's put out a long-term plan that shows we can invest in our infrastructure and pay for it in part by closing unfair tax loopholes and making commonsense reforms to our tax system.

With funding for surface transportation running out, and hundreds of thousands of jobs at risk, we simply can't afford to stop investing in our transportation.

65% of America's roads are already in less than good condition, and a quarter of our bridges require significant repair or can't handle today's traffic.

Take a look at our new interactive state-by-state map to learn more about the current condition of your state's roads and bridges.

Learn more about the condition of America's roads and bridges.

The President has a plan to fix our nation's infrastructure for the long run -- making targeted investments in the short term and laying the groundwork for increased efficiency down the road. But in the meantime, he's calling on Congress to avoid a lapse in funding of the Highway Trust Fund.

His long-term plan to invest in rebuilding our nation's infrastructure would (among other things):

  • Invest $302 billion over four years into our highways, railroads, and transit systems
  • Provide certainty that cities, states, and investors need to break ground on major projects
  • Build a world-class freight network that gets our products out to overseas markets

Find out more about the roads and bridges in your state -- and what will happen if Congress fails to act.

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"Sort of Like Knight Rider"

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

"Sort of Like Knight Rider"

This morning, President Obama toured the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, a facility in McLean, Virginia that focuses on new technologies that help make driving safer and smarter.

While there, he talked about the importance of investing in new infrastructure technologies and renewing the Highway Trust Fund, as well as Congress's inaction on important policies that would benefit millions of Americans.

Watch what the President had to say about rebuilding our infrastructure.

President Barack Obama prepares to drive a Saturn SL1 vehicle simulator

President Barack Obama prepares to drive a Saturn SL1 vehicle simulator during a tour of the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center in McLean, Va., July 15, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Amanda Lucidon)

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It's Time to Rebuild America

Our nation's infrastructure has long been our economic backbone. A well-performing transportation network keeps jobs in America, allows businesses to expand, and lowers prices on household goods for American families. But we've been investing in our infrastructure less and less -- and, as a result, congestion and maintenance backlogs have gone up.


In Case You Missed It: The President's Trip to Colorado and Texas

Missed the President's trip to Colorado and Texas last week? Don't worry -- the latest edition of "West Wing Week" features some amazing footage from his visit.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:00 AM: The President will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:10 AM: The President tours the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center

11:35 AM: The President delivers remarks at the Turner-Fairbank Highway

12:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest

3:40 PM: The President and Vice President meet with Secretary of Defense Hagel


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