miercuri, 24 decembrie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

It's More Than Just a Photo

Posted: 24 Dec 2014 01:02 PM PST

The Most Cringeworthy Moments Of 2014

Posted: 24 Dec 2014 10:04 AM PST

These moments are like a disaster that you just can't look away from.

Happy Holidays from Moz

Happy Holidays from Moz

Happy Holidays from Moz

Posted: 23 Dec 2014 04:01 PM PST

Posted by FeliciaCrawford

Ah, the holidays! This is the time of year when we give our thanks and make our wishes, when new and old meld happily together like hot buttered rum and Grandma's pistachio fudge.

There's been a lot of newness this year for Moz. As the smilin' face behind live chat, I've had the good fortune to meet many of you as you embark upon your Mozzy journey for the first time. And throughout 2014 alone, we welcomed more than two dozen new Mozlings into our family!

With all this wonderful change, we've added a few things to our list of office holiday traditions. Party with us as we celebrate the old and the new, the weird White Elephant gifts and the lumpy sweaters from your aunt, and all the good intentions and warm, fuzzy feelings of the season!

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