joi, 27 ianuarie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Bollywood Robot

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 05:07 PM PST

What I have just watched :)

For all who are wondering what this is: it's a Tamil (south Indian) movie called Robot (Enthiran in Tamil) featuring Rajinikanth and Aishwarya Rai. It tells the story of a robot who falls in love with his creator's fiancee, but is ultimately altered to follow a more destructive path by a rival scientists.
The Matrix looks like a toy after watching this excerpt.

Weird Things You Don't See Every Day

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 04:51 PM PST

Collection of weird people, animals, things, signs and situations.

Extreme Hanging Tents

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 02:47 PM PST

Rock climbers began to stay overnight on the rocks in the 50's. At first they were searching for convenient mountain "shelves" to replace a bed, and now they are using hanging tent systems called portaledges. They are designed specially for rock climbers who have to spend multiple days and nights on a big wall climb.
Honestly, I wouldn't be able to sleep hundreds or thousands feet off the ground!

12 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About "The Social Network"

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 02:34 PM PST

In case you don't know, the movie The Social network is somewhat of a documentary about the social networking website Facebook. It got 8 Oscar nominations. These are some very interesting facts about the characters in the movie as well as the real people who invented Facebook.

Chinese Military Camp

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 02:19 PM PST

Well, China may be a new economic superpower but they still can't provide all the zillions of their young people with new uniforms.

Crazy Smoking Girl

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 02:17 PM PST

Smoking kills. But sometimes it may kill you even faster. Take a look.

I'm a cat... no wait, now I'm a bunny

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 10:35 PM PST

Awkward Family Photos - Part 2

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 09:17 PM PST

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

Why Won't Google Use My META Description?

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 10:12 AM PST

Posted by Dr. Pete

I've seen some frustration in Q&A lately with how Google is handling search snippets and META descriptions. You may have seen a schizophrenic search result that looked something like this:

Sample Search Snippet

Site owners are understandably frustrated when they see the META descriptions they've labored over get carelessly tossed aside. So, where do snippets come from, and is there anything you can do to stay in control?

Search Snippet Basics

Typically, search snippets come from 1 of 3 places (and we’re just talking basic snippets here, not rich snippets like sitelinks):

  1. META descriptions
  2. On-page copy
  3. Open Directory Project (ODP) data

In the example above, Google is using my query ("January 11") and pulling up page content that the algorithm thinks is relevant. Since that copy is really just dates and fragments, I end up with a strange mash-up of on-page copy.

Controlling Search Snippets

So, is there anything you can do to bend Google to your will and always use your META descriptions? Unfortunately, the short answer is "no". Like so much of SEO, though, there are some ways to nudge Google in the right direction:

1. Focus Your META Description

Let's say that, for some reason, we really wanted that SEOmoz blog post to rank for "January 19". One solution is to make sure that phrase appears in our META description for the relevant page. If Google can find the matching copy in your description, they're more likely to use the tag as is. It's also just a good exercise – figuring out what your core target keywords are and targeting them naturally in your META description (don't just make it a list of keywords, of course) will help you focus your overall on-page SEO efforts.

2. Remove Duplicate METAs

In some cases, having too many pages with duplicate TITLE tags or META descriptions can lead Google to rank the wrong page or filter that META description. De-duplicating your TITLEs and META descriptions is a good practice anyway, but making sure that each page has its own unique and relevant description can also help insure that Google sees value in those descriptions.

3. Block Your ODP Listing

If you suspect that your search snippet is coming from the Open Directory Project (this would be more common on the home-page than deeper pages and long-tail queries), you can block Google from using your ODP listing with the following META tag:

<meta name="robots" content="NOODP">

This problem isn't quite as common as it used to be, but it does still pop up from time to time.

4. Block Your Snippet (Caution)

There's another, much more severe META tag you can use to block your snippet entirely:

<meta name="robots" content="nosnippet">

This directive will remove your snippet ENTIRELY, though, so use it with caution. It can also effect caching. In general, I'd only use this option if Google is taking liberties with snippets that could harm your brand or cause legal problems. Typically, these issues would be better dealt with in your on-page content directly.

5. Leave It Alone

Google's attempts to match snippets to queries don't always work the way you'd like, but in general they're a good thing. Matching, bolded keywords drive click-throughs, and people rarely read the whole text of a snippet. If it’s just a couple of long-tail queries, don't worry about it.

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Content Syndication: How to Make it Work for You Graywolf's SEO Blog

Content Syndication: How to Make it Work for You Graywolf's SEO Blog

Content Syndication: How to Make it Work for You

Posted: 27 Jan 2011 08:01 AM PST

Post image for Content Syndication: How to Make it Work for You

Syndicating your content is a tricky game. On the one hand, getting more exposure for you, your brand, or your company is a good thing. On the other hand, having another site outrank you for your own content is not a good thing. In this post, I’ll take a look at some of the pros and cons and offer some tips about how you can make syndication work for you.

Let’s get the easy stuff out of the way. Content syndication is different from web-scraping: content syndication is when you allow your content to be placed on another site. In some cases, the site will approach you asking to use your work; in other cases, you will approach them. In either case, both parties consent to the action. However, from a search engine perspective, it’s almost identical to web scraping because the engines see the same content in two places and have to look for signals that tell them who is the source or owner.

If you are thinking about content syndication, there are few things you do and don’t want to do. The first thing is you don’t want to give permission for someone to take all of your new content; instead, you want to give them access to a limited number of pieces. Try to come up with an arrangement that works for everyone like no more than 2 posts a month, or only posts from some select categories. If you have multiple syndication partners, this can be tricky.

There are some instances when you want to let someone republish your post in its entirety and aren’t concerned about the link back to your post…
Another thing you really want to try and negotiate is credit with a linkback to the original post. A notice at the beginning or end of post that says “This post was originally published on John Smith’s blog (link) under the title John Smith’s Great Title (link)”. If you can get a link to your homepage and the original post that’s golden. If you can only get one link, go for the deep link to the original post. It may seem counter-intuitive but it’s key if you want the search engines to credit you properly. I have seen some people try and use the rel canonical tag, but I’m less than convinced that it’s fool proof when crossing domains. IMHO it’s not worth the dice roll. If you can negotiate they only re-publish a snippet/section and not the entire post, that can also work to you advantage, because it means they have to link back  to the original post.

There are some instances when you want to let someone republish your post in its entirety and aren’t concerned about the link back to your post. For example, maybe you have an issue/rant/viewpoint that you want to get in front of a larger audience where it can do more good/damage. In that case, damn the search engines, full speed syndication ahead. Sometimes you know what type of post publishers like to syndicate, and you can create those posts with a few well-placed links to your projects, client’s projects, or friend’s projects. In the end you’ll end up with a higher powered link in exchange for giving up ownership of the content in the eyes of a search engine. Working on an ORM project? Get a pieced picked up with the client name in the post, point a few targeted anchor text links, and viola! One more SERP position will be under your control.

So what are the takeaways from this post:

  • Never let anyone republish 100% of your content
  • Try to get a link back to your main site and individual post in every article
  • Give permission to syndicate only a snippet of the post
  • Sometimes getting visibility is more important than getting credit
  • Sometimes getting a link from a higher powered site is more important than getting credit
  • Syndicated content can be powerful tool for ORM projects
tla starter kit

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

Content Syndication: How to Make it Work for You

Your Questions Answered

The White House Thursday, Jan. 27,  2011


Today, President Obama and senior officials from around the Administration will be answering your questions about the State of the Union Address and the President’s vision to win the future. Be sure to tune in - you can watch all the live question and answer sessions today on

Your Questions Answered. Watch Live

Here’s the lineup for today on

  • 11:30 a.m. EST: Economy Roundtable with Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers
  • 1:00 p.m. EST: Foreign Policy Roundtable with Denis McDonough, Deputy National Security Advisor
  • 2:30 p.m. EST: Live YouTube interview with President Barack Obama
  • 3:15 p.m. EST: Education Roundtable with Secretary of Education Arne Duncan
  • 4:30 p.m. EST: Health Care Roundtable with Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius

If you haven’t already, be sure to watch the President’s State of the Union Address:

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Watch Live: President Obama's YouTube Interview

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, Jan. 27,  2011

Watch Live: President Obama's YouTube Interview

Today at 2:30 p.m. EST President Obama will be participating in a live interview to answer citizens' questions submitted on YouTube. Watch it live at

And throughout the day policy experts from the White House and around the Administration will be answering your questions about the State of the Union. Check out the full line-up and tune in at

Photo Gallery: The State of the Union

See more photos of President Obama’s State of the Union Address.

From left: Sen. Patrick Toomey, R-Pa., Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood applaud as President Barack Obama enters the House Chamber to deliver his State of the Union address at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., Jan. 25, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Our Plan to Put One Million Advanced Technology Vehicles on America’s Roads
Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Greenfield, IN to visit a manufacturer of advanced batteries who can help the country meet President Obama's goal to put one million advanced technology vehicles on the road.

Health Care Costs
Stephanie Cutter, Assistant to the President for Special Projects, discusses how the health reforms in the Affordable Care Act will help bring down health care costs.

The President’s State of the Union Address: What They’re Saying Part II
Read more reactions to the President's State of the Union Address from America's governors, mayors and experts from various fields covered in the President's speech.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

9:45 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:15 AM: The President and the Vice President meets with Secretary of State Clinton

11:00 AM: The President meets with his national security team for his monthly meeting on Afghanistan and Pakistan

11:30 AM: Open for Questions: the State of the Union and the Economy

12:45 PM: The President and the Vice President meet for lunch

1:00 PM: Open for Questions: the State of the Union and Foreign Policy

2:30 PM: The President participates in a YouTube interview

3:15 PM: Open for Questions: the State of the Union and Education

4:30 PM: Open for Questions: the State of the Union and Health Care

5:00 PM: The Vice President attends a reception for the Democratic National Committee   Indicates events that will be live streamed on

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