miercuri, 9 martie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Fail Compilation February 2011

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 05:19 PM PST

Too many ouching moments here…

Hilarious Passive-Aggressive Office Notes

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 05:11 PM PST

After reading these notes to anonymous troublemakers -and every office has one or two of those types- I realize how glad I am to work from home, despite the relatively minor annoyances. At least now when someone steals my lunch, its someone I have to feed anyway. See 38 more of these notes that you will probably relate to.

Source: jobdescriptions

Millions of Dead Fish at King Harbor in Redondo Beach

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 04:44 PM PST

Millions of sardines created a massive stink and an even bigger cleanup effort in Redondo Beach's King Harbor Marina on Tuesday after they swam inside overnight, became trapped and died.

Authorities with the California Department of Fish and Game, along with other ocean biologists at the scene, declared the mass death a natural event. The fish, they said, sucked every drop of oxygen from the water and couldn't breathe.

Source: dailynews

Snake Catcher vs Snake

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 04:38 PM PST

A snake catcher caught a snake, put it in his back but the snake just didn't want to let it go. It attacked the man. I hope the guy is ok.

Source: tt.mop.com

Another Email Trolling by David Thorne

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 04:10 PM PST

You gotta love him or hate him!

Previous part:
The Missing Cat Poster

President Obama & the First Lady Address Bullying in Facebook Video

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, March 9,  2011

President Obama & the First Lady Address Bullying in Facebook Video

A special Facebook message from President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama about how preventing bullying is a responsibility we all share

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

President Obama Talks Education in Boston: “A Moral and Economic Imperative to Give Every Child the Chance to Succeed”
The President is joined by Melinda Gates in touring TechBoston Academy, a school serving kids from some of the toughest neighborhoods in Boston, which she helped turn into one of the city's most successful schools.

Expanding Safe and Responsible Energy Production
The Administration is expanding safe and responsible energy production by making efforts to increase current oil production and lower dependency on foreign oil. By increasing oil production in the US, the government is protecting consumers from high gas prices.

Honoring an American Hero: Celebrating the Life of César Chávez and dedicating the “Forty Acres” site as a National Historic Landmark
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar commemorates the courage and leadership of César Chávez and other farm labor advocates.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

3:00 AM: The Vice President and Dr. Biden visit the Alexander Garden to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

7:00 AM: The Vice President and First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Igor Shuvalov participate in a signing ceremony for a major Boeing-Aeroflot agreement

7:30 AM: The Vice President and First Deputy Prime Minister Shuvalov lead a roundtable discussion with Russian and American business leaders at Skolkovo

9:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:00 AM: The President receives the Economic Daily Briefing

10:50 AM: The President makes a personnel announcement WhiteHouse.gov/live

11:10 AM: The President meets with Secretary of State Clinton

12:30 PM: Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney WhiteHouse.gov/live

3:50 PM: The President meets with Veterans of Foreign Wars National Commander Richard Eubank

7:00 PM: The President hosts a party to watch the Chicago Bulls vs. Charlotte Bobcats game

WhiteHouse.gov/live  Indicates events that will be live streamed on White House.com/Live.

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30 Social Search Tools & SEO Resources for Power Users

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 06:03 AM PST

While everybody is talking about content farms right now, most people seem to overlook the far more important change that took place recently:  Google has incorporated social search results right into the regular ones.

Until now they displayed searches by your Twitter, FriendFeed or Google Buzz friends below the regular organic results. These changes are even more profound; I can’t explain them in a few short sentences. What’s clear though is that for power users who have a Google account, there has been another important layer of personalisation added.

The rankings differ significantly when logged in and out. For instance I see shared results for the keyword [seo] on #3 and #5, while they are usually #5 and #7 behind the Google News results. Compare the two screenshots below, the logged in version comes first.

Social search is not just Google though. Google is late to the party. There have been several first generation social search engines around since 2009 or earlier, but most of them haven’t survived or only offer a poor user experience and search quality. On the other hand there are plenty of new tools out there – not necessarily search engines as we know them – that offer unmatched social search capabilities.


Last but not least, Bing and Blekko offer Facebook search, which Google does not. So it’s time to dig deeper into search, both from an end user and an SEO specialist perspective. Thus I have compiled one of my infamous lists: 30 Social Search Tools & SEO Resources for Power Users.

Definition and features of the new Google social search

What is social search? How can you use it? Which results are social, and how are they determined? I won’t answer these questions. Google and other publications have already explained and visualised it:


Bing Social Search (Facebook Search)

While Google uses Twitter, Google Buzz, Friendfeed, and even Quora and other results from the sites you have connected on your Google profile, it doesn’t have access to your Facebook data. Microsoft Bing does.


Other Social Search tools (non-Google and non-Bing)

You don’t have to rely on the two big players to get social search from your online friends and colleagues. You can use third party tools, which often do an even better job at facilitating social search, be they browser extensions, similar site collections or less known search engines.

  • Greplin – you can search all kinds of third party sites, be they Twitter and Facebook, Gmail or Dropbox using this tool.
  • Wajam – an add-on that creates an extra result which you can expand. It’s based on your friends’ favourites from Facebook, Twitter & Delicious, on top of Google.
  • SideStripe – similar to Wajam, but you can add the widget to Facebook as well to search it from there.
  • blekko – search your friends’ likes using custom search engines (“slashtags”) provided by others
  • SimilarSites.com – use a toolbar and sidebar to browse similar sites to the one you have open in the current browser window. Results are user submitted.
  • SimilarPages – like Similarsites, but using a less intrusive browser extension.
  • Rollyo – as on Blekko, people can create and search custom search engines (search only selected sites) on the fly.
  • Topsy – the best real-time Twitter search out there. Find out quickly what’s currently popular.


Social Search SEO for Google and Beyond

OK, so now you agree that social search is probably the future of search, or you at least you consider the ramifications of all these tools and changes as a webmaster. Other people have done that before you. What do SEO specialists consider to be the impact of social search on SEO?


The history of Google social search (newest first)

For all those who haven’t followed social search in the past, while it was evolving, take a look at where it came from and how it developed. As I said in the first paragraph, social search has been around for years and what we see now is already the second wave of more advanced social search tools.


Issues and Trends

While social search might be the next big thing, it also raises some eyebrows. Do you really want Google to know who your friends are? Do you trust the social search tools and your online friends? Once we admit that social search is about to stay, how will the future look when it becomes more popular?


Why is this list geared to power users? The average searcher might still frown upon social media enhanced search, as they prefer to use Google in the same way that they did for the last decade. For the others, Google appears to become more and more low quality, despite the latest “farmer update”. Some content farms have even been winners in this update.

So advanced searchers are frantically trying to leverage their social connections to get better search results.

For good reason, it’s sometimes better to trust people you know, or at least large groups of people liking something, than algorithms counting words and links, especially as hardly anybody links naturally anymore.

© SEOptimise – Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. 30 Social Search Tools & SEO Resources for Power Users

Related posts:

  1. 30 Efficient Web Tools that Save Time and Make Money for Power Users
  2. Study: Twitter Users 3 Times More Active than Average Social Media Users
  3. Will Facebook Search Become the Dominant Player?

Seth's Blog : Herbs


Thyme is cheap. Twenty five cents worth is plenty for a family of four.

Hang out at the market and watch people buy expensive fish, chicken or beef to cook for a family gathering. Amost no one is buying fresh herbs. What's that about?

I guess that the main course is so expensive and so much work and so apparently foreboding and complex that most people believe they can't be bothered with the effort of adding herbs. Herbs would change everything. A twenty-five cent investment would transform a simple but expensive dinner into something really great.

"What! I don't know how. It's not worth the effort. I'll screw it up. Isn't this expensive piece of fish enough? I'm too busy. Hey, it's just dinner..."

Metaphor alert: your marketing is missing herbs.

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