joi, 3 noiembrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

People Are Awesome 2011

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 10:15 PM PDT

Haven't gotten your fill of action-packed videos this year? Then see the best of the best in four-and-a-half minutes, courtesy of YouTube user failarmyy, who created this mashup of thirty-nine unbelievable stunts.

Oh, and it goes without saying, don't try any of this at home.

‘We’re A Culture, Not A Costume’ Parody Posters

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 03:54 PM PDT

Earlier this week an Ohio University student organization "Students Teaching Against Racism" shared on Tumblr their poster campaign to help make people more conscientious of their Halloween costume choices. These posters were widely applauded on Tumblr and beyond, but with great internet recognition comes great meme possibility and the posters have spawned a handful of different variations. As far as I'm concerned the memes aren't mean spirited, just comedy spirited, or at least that's how I'm enjoying them.

Source: knowyourmeme

Holly Petraeus gets it

The White House, Washington

Good evening,

I want to make sure you heard a piece of news from Capitol Hill today.

This morning, Holly Petraeus, who has been leading an office at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to protect military families, went to Capitol Hill to highlight some of the most abusive practices our service members face in today's financial marketplace.
She explained that military families are the targets of predatory lenders. She talked about how many service members and their families struggle to make ends meet -- especially during deployments. And she said that the CFPB will help combat the lenders who try to take advantage of people with deceptive, unfair, and abusive lending practices.
But here's the thing: The Senate still hasn't confirmed President Obama's nominee to lead the CFPB, a former Attorney General from Ohio named Rich Cordray. The bureau needs a director to fully ensure that the debt collectors, private student loan providers, and payday loan providers are properly supervised and that consumers are not put at risk of falling prey to the same kinds of abusive practices that helped cause the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Rich has spent his career advocating for middle class families, and enjoys broad, bipartisan support from the elected officials, business leaders, and consumer groups who have worked with him.

Take a minute to read what Holly had to say, and share her testimony with those you know.

Holly Petraeus is the daughter of a decorated general, wife of a four-star general, and mother of an Army soldier who served in Afghanistan.  I don't know if there's anyone who better understands what it means to be part of an American military family.

She just gets the stress and challenges that those who serve in uniform, as well as their loved ones, face.

And that's exactly why she joined the CFPB, to safeguard our military personnel and their families.
Republicans in Congress could be taking steps to grow the economy by passing the American Jobs Act. There is no reason why John Boehner should send his members home to their districts without passing a single measure President Obama has proposed to help put the country back on track. Nor is there any reason why the Senate should require 60 votes on these proposals. Republicans could be helping to ensure that every American family gets a tax cut. And Republicans should be working to protect consumers by confirming Rich Cordray.
We can't wait. That's why I want you to hear from Holly Petraeus. I want everyone to understand how much sense it makes for the Senate to put Rich Cordray to work.

So check it out.


Vice President Joe Biden

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Seth's Blog : Invitation to a three-day session with me in New York

Invitation to a three-day session with me in New York

This is my last public event of the year.

I'm hoping you will consider coming to the Medicine Ball session, which I'll be holding in a loft outside of New York on December 7, 8 and 9, 2011.

I've discovered a few things about the spread of ideas: first, in-person interaction really can't be beat. While digital ideas spread far and fast, there's something really powerful about being in the same room. And second, it often takes more than an hour or two to really dig in and discover not just who else is in the room with you, but what's holding you back and what's available to move you forward. This session is an experiment in generating both skills and breakthroughs over three intensely-focused days.

Applications are processed first-come, first-reviewed, so if you're interested, I hope you'll check it out soon. Feel free to share this invite with anyone on your team who might benefit. Looking forward to seeing you.


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Why Does Great Content Fail?

Why Does Great Content Fail?

Why Does Great Content Fail?

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 12:44 PM PDT

Posted by Dr. Pete

Mom with obnoxious sonWith every skirmish in the ongoing war over SEO hats, I inevitably hear someone say “I built great content, and no one cared – content marketing doesn’t work.” I’m not here to deny it – sometimes, “great” content falls flat on its face.

Part of the problem is that we throw around that word like it’s self-evident (“Build great content! Tada!”), but the other part is that we just don’t give our own content a chance to succeed. Too often, it's not the fault of the content or even Google, but what we do (or don't do) after we create that content. Here are a few ideas for evaluating “great” content and putting it into action…

Don’t Listen to Your Mom

Before you even start promoting your “great” content, take a minute to make sure it’s as good as you think it is. Have you ever seen an American Idol audition where some kid came out spouting how they were God’s gift to singing and dancing and then proceeded to look like Charlie Sheen doing a one-man show? Apparently, they never performed in front of anyone but their mom. Don’t trust your fans, when it comes to the really important content. Find some critics and listen to them. The content that people will come back to time and time again usually didn’t get written in one draft.

What Does “Great” Mean?

Just the word “great” is a minefield of ambiguity. We all have some ability to judge quality, but too often our measures of greatness are based on hindsight – a blog post was “great” because it got a lot of traffic, Tweets, Likes, etc. I don’t think there’s any one recipe for great content, but I have seen some common themes, at least in my own content marketing successes. Most great content will match at least one of these:

(1) Great Content Has Credibility

As a consultant and subject-matter expert, my most successful content has been the pieces that really distill years of my own experience. Don’t cover a topic if you don’t know what you’re talking about. On the flip side, don’t underestimate the value of your own expertise, even if you think your subject matter is boring.

(2) Great Content Takes Real Effort

Not all great content has to cost a lot (plenty of unknown brands have proven that), but I think that most great content takes time and effort to create. If you know someone poured themselves into a piece, whether it’s a well-researched post, a well-edited video, or a gorgeous infographic, it says that they respect your time and intelligence. Real effort resonates with people. Respect your readers.

(3) Great Content Is Actionable

This is more a feature of informational content than link-bait, but great blog posts, for example, leave you walking away with something useful. Whether it’s SEO tactics, recipes, or home-improvement tips, if you leave with actionable knowledge, you’re going to remember that content. Give people useful information and help them put it into action.

(4) Great Content Begs to Be Shared

On the link-bait side, great content is something you instantly want to show others, whether it’s out of awe, disgust, or just to show that you’re cool. When you’re done creating a piece, are you eager to hit “publish” or are you just glad that it’s over and you can go home? Create content that you’re proud to share, not just because it might go viral, but because you’re the one who has to share it first (see below).

Market Your Marketing

The great irony of content marketing is that you have to market it. We’d all like to write content that everyone links to just by sheer virtue of its greatness. Some people will argue that that’s “pure” and marketing is somehow a stain on real greatness, but (pardon me) that’s bullshit. Wanting to be recognized solely for our virtues is nothing more than an ego trip. If you sit around waiting for a job because you think you’re a genius, but never apply or never talk to anyone, good luck. Your ego is in your way. The same goes for content. Content marketing requires marketing, and that starts with you.

(1) Reach Out to People

Remember what I said about creating content that you can’t wait to share? Well, here’s your chance. If you churn out crap just to build links, you’ll be embarrassed to tell people about it, and you should be. If you know you built something great, you’ll be eager to show your friends and peers. So, show them – contact people directly and let them know you have something great. Don’t just tweet it once and forget – email people, IM them, call if you have to.

(2) Time Your Launch

Too often, we put hours or days into a piece of content and then just hit “Publish” when it’s done, like 8pm on a Sunday when our whole industry is on planes to a conference that starts Monday morning. Plan your content publishing like you would plan a product launch: pre-announce that it’s coming, time your launch well, and don’t be afraid to re-announce. You’re not going to get anyone bent out of shape because you tweeted the same link in the morning AND the afternoon (as long as you don’t make a habit out of it). Only a small percentage of your followers are paying attention at any given moment.

Although I think timing depends a lot on your audience, Dan Zarrella has written some great content on the science of timing content. HubSpot also has a tool called TweetWhen that you can use to see when you’re most likely to be re-tweeted.

(3) Have a Promotion Plan

It’s funny how we’ll pour our hearts and souls into a piece of content, but then, as soon as it’s finished, we’re on to the next project. Then, we wonder why no one cares. I have to admit, I’ve been guilty of this one too many times. Don’t forget the importance of what happens after you publish your content. Better yet, build a marketing plan that covers those next steps. Hit your social media outlets, actively build links, do guest-posts on relevant sites, etc. We see content go viral and assume it just happened by magic – 10% of the time, that may be true, but the other 90% someone hit the streets and made it happen.

(4) Post It Somewhere Else

It’s tough to put a lot of time into a piece of content and not let it live on your own site, but sometimes you need to go where your audience is. Take Oli Gardner’s massive Noob Guide to Online Marketing published earlier this year on SEOmoz. Oli could’ve easily posted this guide on Unbounce, but he opted to target a slightly different but still very relevant audience. Over 4,000 Tweets and almost 100K visits later, it’s hard to deny that this tactic had a positive impact for his reputation and company.

Greatness Isn’t Instant

One last tip: At the speed of the internet, we tend to think that every success is overnight. Some content takes days or even weeks to make its mark. I think the days of trying to make Digg's home-page left us with some bad habits, and one of those is giving up on content that doesn’t explode in the first hour after it’s published. It’s nice when it happens, but too often that explosion just left behind the charred remains of servers and nothing but some traffic logs to show for it.

If you believe your content is great, give it a chance. It could catch on because of a guest post, a well-placed link, an interview, or any of a hundred factors that happen in the days and weeks after the content goes live. Even if you finally decide it did fail, learn what you can from it. People want to bank everything on one-shot content, but even the best content marketers don’t succeed 100% of the time (I’d say they’re lucky to bat 0.200) – failed content still carries valuable information, and you can build the next piece of great content on top of it.

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Advanced Google Analytics - Tips and Tricks

Posted: 02 Nov 2011 05:07 AM PDT

Posted by Fabian Alvares

Google Analytics affects everyone in search engine marketing (unless you use another analytics package!) but not everyone knows how to take full advantage of it. To take full advantage of it we have to share knowledge and that's what I'm here to do. I'll be sharing some great advanced segments, how to do multiple goal conversion tracking and the secret success behind cross domain tracking.

1. Advanced Segments

Advanced segments provide you with the ability to take your reporting up a gear. So many people mention it, but how and what should I be doing? Asking that question in a mirror won't provide any answers but here's something that will....

Social media segment

If you are paying for social media traffic then it's imperative that you check the value it yields to sales i.e. does it even generate any direct sales? Here's how to find out:

Click on the My Site tab > Advanced Segments > Then click on +New Custom Segment > Choose a name for it > Then click on +Add a dimension or metric > then add "Source" as a dimension > have it as "include" and "matching regular expression" then using a bit of regex, type the following in the field.


Social Media Segment

Click on test segment (check that it works!). Obviously find out the most relevant ones to your site and build up an accurate social media segment. Apply this to your reports and you can now segment your social media channel. Try cross tabbing by goal conversions to find out which channel is bringing in the beans.

Long tail keywords segment

Another useful advanced segment is to understand the long tail demand. Follow the same methodology to get into the advanced segment dashboard but follow this:

Click on +Add a dimension or metric > then add "Keyword" as a dimension > have it as "include" and "matching regular expression" then type the following in the field.


Long Tail Keywords Segment

Applying this segment to your reports will show you keywords with greater than two words. To filter more or less keywords simply change the number, for example if I wanted searches with greater than four keywords then I would modify it as follows:


When applied to your reports it will show you keywords with greater than three words.

Non Branded keywords segment

This is useful if you want to understand search without any branded terms. Follow the same methodology to get into the advanced segment dashboard but follow this:

For this to make sense, imagine my company is called John Lewis.

Click on +Add a dimension or metric > then add "Keyword" as a dimension > have it as "exclude" and "matching regular expression" then type the following regex in the field.


Exclude these terms and the misspellings of the brand terms. Applying this segment will allow you to differentiate between non branded keywords. I wonder how relevant this will be to SEOs with the introduction of SSL Search by Google?

2. Multiple Goal Conversion Tracking

Goal tracking is simple, name your goal, add your goal URL i.e. /thank-you, setup a funnel etc. That's all great but let's say we have two paths to get people to register on our site as follows:

Path 1 - = they registered from my home page and landed on my dashboard page.

Path 2 - = they registered in order to access my free carpet samples.

Both destinations lead to a registration, so how do you create a goal with multiple URLs? Here's what to do:

Get to the goal dashboard > name your goal > select goal type as "URL Destination"> then enter some regex into the Goal URL as shown below > on the "Match Type" field, select Regular Expression Match and save it.


Goal Tracking Multiple


You can remove the dollar ($) symbol at the end of it, if you want to capture dynamic elements.

To see a breakdown of the goal and to check that it is recording the correct pages, use the Goal Verification Report or Goal URLs (new analytics). I've tested this and it works 100%.

3. Cross Domain Tracking

The GA tracking cookies are first party cookies, which mean they can be used only by the website that sets them. If a visitor decided to leave the site to a different domain, the tracking cookies won't work. For example if your site accepts third party payments on another site then you will need use cross domain tracking to preserve the referral.

For cross domain tracking to work you need to have the Google Analytics Tracking Code (GATC) on both domains and the third party site must not prohibit query string parameters.

Step 1 – Modify the GATC

Go to Analytics Settings > Tracking Code > Select "Multiple top-level domains" radio button > Google Analytics will provide you with two new lines of code as shown below.

Cross Domain Tracking

_gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'none']);

_gaq.push(['_setAllowLinker', true]);

It's possible to get a cookie with a domain of and which would mean getting more than one set of cookies per visitor. According to Justin Cutroni, it's usually best practice to use the primary domain of your website instead of the 'none'. For example I would use '' to avoid multiple instances of the Google Analytics tracking cookies.

Step 2 – Transferring the cookies

Analytics has two methods to transfer the tracking cookies between the two domains which are _link() and _linkByPost()

Both extract the cookie values from the cookies and place the data in the destination page URL as query string parameters. Imagine our primary domain is and our 3rd party payment site is then apply the following:

Example 1 = If your website transfers the visitor between domains using standard anchor tags, use _link()

<a href="" onclick=

"_gaq.push(['_link', '']);return false; ">Buy Now</a>']);


Example 2 = If your website uses a form to transfer visitors between domains then you need to use _linkbypost()

<form name="post_form" action="" method="post"

onsubmit="_gaq.push(['_linkbypost', this]);">

Once you've applied either _link() or _linkByPost(), your site visitors will be tracked across the two domains.


Final thoughts

Everything discussed has been tested and works like a charm. If you come across any problems implementing these techniques drop me a line on twitter @panduuf or drop a comment below.

As always I'd love to hear your thoughts, thanks for reading it and I hope it's useful.

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How Much Does the U.S. Invest in Infrastructure?

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011

How Much Does the U.S. Invest in Infrastructure?

The United States is falling behind on investing in the roads, bridges, airports, and transit systems that keep our economy humming. While Europe and China invest 5% and 9% of their GDP on infrastructure, the U.S. invests just 2%.

That's why President Obama is calling on Congress to pass a piece of the American Jobs Act that will invest billions into our nation’s transportation infrastructure and create a National Infrastructure Bank. These measures will put hundreds of thousands of Americans back to work and provide a critical backbone for a strong economy.

By the Numbers: 2%

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

First Lady Michelle Obama Honors Youth in the Arts
First Lady Michelle Obama honors recipients of the President's Council on Arts and Humanities Youth Award.

First Lady Michelle Obama Talks Healthy Habits with Toddlers
The First Lady was in New Orleans to highlight the importance of building healthy habits at a very young age, a key component of the Let's Move Child Care initiative

Announcing the 2011 Campus “Champions of Change” Challenge
The White House Office of Public Engagement and mtvU are proud to announce the first ever Campus “Champions of Change” Challenge. The Challenge invites college and university students from across the country to demonstrate how their student led project is improving their campus community and helping America win the future.

Today's Schedule

All times Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

2:25 AM: The President arrives Cote D’Azur Airport

4:30 AM: The President arrives Espace Riviera and is greeted by President Nicolas Sarkozy of France

4:35 AM: The President attends a bilateral meeting with President Nicolas Sarkozy of France

5:50 AM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany

7:10 AM: The President meets with L20 International Labor Leaders

7:50 AM: The President arrives Espace Riviera and is greeted by President Nicolas Sarkozy of France

8:00 AM: The President participates in a working lunch with G-20 leaders

9:30 AM: The President participates in a G-20 working session

10:45 AM: The Vice President delivers keynote remarks at the United States Agency for International Development’s 50th Anniversary Celebration

11:05 AM: The President participates in the G-20 family photo

11:30 AM: The President participates in a second G-20 working session

2:25 PM: The President arrives Espace Riviera

7:30 PM: The President participates in a working dinner with G-20 leaders Indicates events that will be live streamed on

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