vineri, 13 ianuarie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Crow Roof Tubing

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 07:04 PM PST

This video is proof that crows are probably more intelligent than we give them credit for and here they are learning gravity and tubing down the roof.

Internet Browser Cosplay

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 02:51 PM PST

This is a group of friends cosplaying as various internet browsers. As you can see, each one is pretty much the perfect personification of their particular browser.

Check out internet explorer. In our opinion we cannot decide if she is stoned, drunk or simply just cross eyed. What is your opinion?

Via: peterfromtexas

Collection of Friday the 13th Movie Posters for Today’s Honour

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 01:05 PM PST

Today is Friday the 13th, and what better way to celebrate then by checking out an entire series of Friday the 13th movie posters?

Friday the 13th is a 1980 American slasher film directed by Sean S. Cunningham and written by Victor Miller. The film stars Betsy Palmer, Adrienne King, Harry Crosby and Kevin Bacon in one of his earliest roles. The film concerns a group of teenagers who re-open an abandoned camp site years after a young boy drowned in a nearby lake. One by one, the teens fall victim to a mysterious killer.

As seen at designbeep

Redefining Action Hero: Bill Gates is Better Than Batman [Infographic]

Posted: 13 Jan 2012 12:59 PM PST

I have a lot of respect for Bill Gates. Not just because he's been wildly successful, but because as far as I can understand, he's kept a steady head about him in spite of his success. As one of the wealthiest men in the world, he's also making a name for himself as one of the most philanthropic.

Obviously most of us don't have the kind of capital that Bill Gates has to work with, but I feel that everyone could learn from his philosophy towards philanthropy. I admire that his approach is both compassionate and practical. He sees charitable endeavors as something well worth investing in, because ultimately everyone benefits from an overall better quality of life around the world. He sums it up himself pretty well: "[The] hybrid engine of self-interest and concern for others can serve a much wider circle of people than can be reached by self-interest or caring alone." I feel like that's a refreshingly balanced philosophy. Not only that, but as this Infographic shows, there are direct results that speak to just how powerful a well-informed and carefully invested philanthropist can be.

Read on to find out more about the powerful things happening at the hands of Bill Gates, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the legacy of philanthropy started by some of America's most successful and most innovative figures. It's nice to remember that success doesn't always create greed — it can enable a powerful force of giving and problem-solving.

More Infographics.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: frugaldad

World’s Fastest Finger Painting Artist

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 11:42 PM PST

Meet Fabian Gaete Maureira, probably the most talented finger painter the world has ever seen. He's been called "Bob Ross on meth." The Chilean artist paints the detailed landscape portraits of trees, mountains and waterfalls with just the tips of his fingers in less than three minutes in this amazing YouTube video first found on reddit.

Flickr acount.

The RedBall Project

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 11:14 PM PST

RedBall Project by Chicago-born artist Kurt Perschke is a global art project that exists as a series of temporary installations in a city over a few weeks in which a 15-foot inflatable red sphere is embedded within a city's urban environment and provides a point of interaction with people on the street.

The work has taken place in cities such as Syndey, Barcelona, Chicago, Korea, Abu Dhabi and England among others.

"Through the RedBall Project I utilize my opportunity as an artist to be a catalyst for new encounters within the everyday. Through the magnetic, playful, and charismatic nature of the RedBall the work is able to access the imagination embedded in all of us. On the surface, the experience seems to be about the ball itself as an object, but the true power of the project is what it can create for those who experience it. It opens a doorway to imagine what if?"

Flickr Group Pool

Female Bodyguard Training In China

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 09:09 PM PST

Trainees gather at the beach as they wait for the beginning of a training session for female bodyguards organised by Tianjiao Special Guard/Security Consultant Ltd. Co. in Sanya, Hainan province January 8, 2012. According to the company, a total of 20 women, mostly college graduates, participated in the training session on Sunday, which was the first open group training for female bodyguards in China.

All trainees will have to undergo 8-10 months of training to develop sufficient skills to serve their clients. The company will offer the best trainee a chance to attend further study at the International Security Academy in Israel. Women are especially in demand because they are less visible than men and can take on other positions like a secretary or nanny. Female bodyguards are also paid better, up to about $130 a day. The average annual wage in China is just $308.

Image Source: (Reuters / CHINA DAILY)

The Best Cities in American Pro Sports [infographic]

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 08:52 PM PST

Who are the best sports fans in America? It's a good question. Wherever you live, you probably think that your city is the most passionate, has the loudest crowds, and deserve the title of America's greatest sports fans. We decided to look into it and came up with some facts and figures that reveal who really are the craziest, most sports-demented lunatic fans in North America!

More Infographics.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: ticketliquidator

Seth's Blog : The TED imperatives

The TED imperatives

  1. Be interested.
  2. Be generous.
  3. Be interesting.
  4. Connect.

In that order. If all you can do is repeat cocktail party banalities about yourself, don't come. If all you're hoping for is to get more than you give, the annual event is not worth your time. If you're not confident enough to share what you're afraid of and what's not working, you're cheating yourself (and us).

These aren't just principles for TED, of course. They're valid guidelines for any time you choose to stop hiding and step out into the world. It would be fabulous if people who were willing to commit to these four simple ideas had a special hat or a pin they could wear. Then we wouldn't have to waste our time while looking for those who care about their work and those around them.

[TED is a conference that started small, got big and then spawned more than a thousand local versions. Mostly, it's a culture of connecting interesting ideas and the people who have the guts to share them. Sometimes people at TED even follow these imperatives].


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Making It Easier to Do Business in America

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Friday, January 13, 2012

Making It Easier to Do Business in America

Right now, every entrepreneur who needs to do business with the government has to navigate a maze of overlapping agencies and deal with competing bureaucracy.

Today President Obama announced a new plan to change all of that: entrepreneurs will be able to go to just one department, visit one website, and call one phone number -- making it easier to do business in America.

Learn more about how the President is making it easier for American businesses.

Business USA Infographic


West Wing Week: "Insourcing: Bringing Jobs Back to America"

This week, the President visited the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, welcomed this year's NBA Champs -- the Dallas Mavericks -- addressed the EPA, announced a new Chief of Staff, and introduced the White House's Insourcing Initiative.

Watch the video and get a behind-the-scenes look at the President's week.

West Wing Week

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

By the Numbers: 130
One-hundred thirty of the nation's medical and osteopathic colleges—105 medical colleges and 25 osteopathic colleges—have committed to train students in treating brain injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental-health issues affecting returning service members.

From the Archives: Earthquake in Haiti
A look back at the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti two years ago, and efforts on the ground to help rebuild the country.

Behind the Scenes: Dallas Mavericks Meet Wounded Warriors at the White House
Go behind the scenes of the Dallas Mavericks' visit to the White House, where they met with service members after being congratulated for their 2011 NBA Championship.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

10:30 AM: The Vice President and Deputy Secretary of Education Tony Miller deliver remarks on college affordability

10:45 AM: The President meets with Secretary of the Treasury Geithner

11:20 AM: The President delivers remarks on government reform

1:45 PM: The President attends a campaign event

3:45 PM: The President meets with Secretary of State Clinton

5:30 PM: The President and the First Lady host Tuskegee Airmen and cast members for a screening of the movie Red Tails Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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More Bang for Your Buck: Maximize New Links on Old Pages - Whiteboard Friday

More Bang for Your Buck: Maximize New Links on Old Pages - Whiteboard Friday

More Bang for Your Buck: Maximize New Links on Old Pages - Whiteboard Friday

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 01:11 PM PST

Posted by Cyrus Shepard

We know that different links pass wildly different values for SEO purposes. Sometimes you build links that shoot your website to the top of the rankings, while other links are worse than worthless. The value of a link varies according to different factors, including:

  • Internal vs. External Links
  • Authority and Trust of the Linking Domain
  • Position of the Link on the Page
  • Alt Attributes vs. Text Links
  • ... and many other ranking factors.

What happens when you build new links on old pages? Often when link prospecting, we SEOs look towards older, high-authority pages for link targets. Do these links pass the same value as links from brand new pages?  In this week's Whiteboard Friday, I discuss why Google may treat these links differently, and provide 3 solid strategies for maximizing the value of all your new links, on all types of pages.


Video Transcription

Howdy, SEOmoz fans. Welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. My name is Cyrus. I'm an SEO Consultant. I'm also an associate here at the world-famous SEOmoz. Today we're talking about links. Now this is a little advanced SEO, but it's such a simple concept and so fundamental, it's going to change the way you look at your link prospecting in the future.

Here's a situation. You're dying to get this link. You've got this new page and you want to get a link to it. So you've got this old page sitting around on your site. It's got plenty of authority. It's got high PageRank. It's perfect. It has a lot of incoming links. And so you just put a little link to your new page.

You're really excited. You wait a few weeks and nothing really happened. You don't see the boost in traffic. It's kind of like you didn't even do anything.

This works for external links as well. You've been link prospecting, and you find this great old page that you want to get a link from. The webmaster agrees and he puts a little link. Again, you wait and nothing really happens.

I've noticed this over the years, and I've talked to other link builders who have noticed this phenomenon, that links from old pages don't always seem to have the oomph as a link from a brand-new page. We're wondering is there anything that you can do about this.

A guy by the name of SEOWizz, Tim Grice, who is over in the U.K., did a study about this. I'll link to it in the post below. He built a bunch of old links on old pages, and he built a bunch of similar new links on new pages. He compared the two. He compared the boost in rankings between those two, and what he found was this exact same thing, that the old links that he built just didn't raise his rankings as much as the new links he built. He concluded that old links just weren't worth it anymore.

SEOWizz: Old Content Links vs. New Content Links

New Links in Old Content

Source: Links In Old, Crawled Content Don’t Pass Weight

What do we mean by an "old page" when we talk about these old pages? From a technical, Google definition point of view, we're talking about something that has been previously crawled and indexed by Google. Stale content, by stale we mean content that hasn't been updated in a long time. It was written and it just stayed that way. There are no new blog comments. It has just been for two or three years the same way it was written. And old links. So this old page, all of the links that it got, it got years ago or months ago, and there are no new links coming in. That's what we're talking about when we talk about an old page. If it doesn't meet these definitions, then it's a new page.

Why would this happen? Why would Google care if it's an old page or a new page? We don't know exactly, but we do have some hints from some patent filings that Google has filed, specifically, Document Scoring Based on Document Content Update. It's been filed over and over again in different variations throughout the years. It's kind of like the manifesto of how Google runs its search engine. It's well worth a read. I'll also link to that in the content below.

Basically, in there, there are a couple of paragraphs in that most recent patent filing that talk about scoring a document based on the amount of change in a document. What Google is trying to do here is ignore minor edits. If you are making just a small link on that page, that qualifies as a minor edit. Google wants to ignore that because that could look kind of fishy, kind of scammy, kind of like you are doing some link manipulation or maybe you're buying links.

"In order to not update every link's freshness from a minor edit of a tiny unrelated part of a document, each updated document may be tested for significant changes... and a link's freshness may be updated (or not updated) accordingly. "

- Google's US Patent Application

What Google is looking for is not so much what changes, but how much changes and how many parts of the document change. This leads to a few solutions as to how we can address this problem of the old links in the new pages.

Now, I want to be clear. These links still pass value. Should you be building these links? Absolutely, but we want to make sure that we're getting as much oomph out of them as completely possible.

Let's look at some solutions to make sure that we're getting as much value out of these new links and old content as we possibly can. The first idea is that if you're going to update the link, it's a good policy to update the content around the link. Don't just change or add a little text link at the bottom of the page. Why are you adding that link? That's what Google is asking. Why is this changing? If you're changing the paragraph, the content, the surrounding text around that, that means this is new information, this is worth paying attention to, and Google is going to pass much more value from that link.

While you're updating that, don't forget the title tag. If you're updating the content, this is a perfect time to re-eval your title tag. That's another freshness signal that Google is going to use in order to evaluate how important this change is and how significant it is.

If you're building external links, this is on an old website, it used to be a broken link, and you convinced a webmaster to update it to point to your site, don't just have them update the link. Give them some information about your site. Give them as much content as you can to add to his content so that content gets updated as well. The more changes, the more significant the change, the fresher this is going to appear and the more that little link is going to count. It's going to start to look just like a fresh link in the eyes of the search engines.

What if you can't control this? What if that webmaster says, "No, I'm just adding a link," and you can't really get him to update any of the content? Well, you still have some options. The main one you can do is take that old page that you don't control and start building new links towards it. That way, the link to your site is going to count a little bit more because that page is going to appear fresher in the eyes of the search engine. Just build some third-party links - they're called bank shots in the link building world - and that's going to pass more value. They do a tremendous job of helping that link seem more relevant.

On the same token, social signals. If you start tweeting, sharing, getting this page shared in your social circles, those are going to be more freshness signals for Google to look at. It's going to appear more fresh.

And D, all of the above. Do whatever you can to make this old page as fresh as it can be and get as much relevance out of that link that you possibly can.

The final option would simply be to just build a new page. Get new pages and new links, diversify your link profile. Regardless, we want you to get as much value out of all the links that you build.

That's it for today's Whiteboard Friday. If you're a link builder, if you have experience with this, please share your thoughts in the comments below. Thank you.

Video transcription by

Next week on Whiteboard Friday: We'll be covering Google's "Search Plus Your World" and what it means for search marketers.

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Goodbye To An Old Friend: Marketplace

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 02:45 AM PST

Posted by caseyhen

The SEOmoz Marketplace, born in early 2007, passed away peacefully in January 2012. Cause of death: Old, out-dated code, 5 year old design, manual spam maintenance and was ridden with unfixable bugs. The Marketplace lived a very full life and helped many people find their perfect SEO job, while giving companies a place to show their stuff. Our dear Marketplace was loved by all and spammed by many.

A service is being held in his honor today, here on the SEOmoz blog to bid farewell to our good pal. Please feel free to say a little something in the comments, and let Marketplace know just how much you cared.

Wait... What?

When it comes to our Marketplace, let's be honest, we haven't put our best foot forward lately. When it made its first appearance back in 2007 it was a great addition to our site and for our community. As we have grown, the Marketplace always seemed to be one area of our website that was neglected and as you can see from the screenshots below it's a few design revisions behind. Today we are announcing that the Marketplace will be closing its doors next week.

But don't fret! We will be keeping our Recommend List (the most visited page in the Marketplace) and will give it a brand new look and feel. Over the past few weeks we've worked on puttiing together a comprehensive list of companies we recommend. There is some amazing talent out there! More details about getting on the recommend list will be included when the new list is released.

A Look Back

Over the years, the Marketplace did its job (hehe get it.. job.. ok nevermind) well but recently it has fallen into despair a bit. Not only is the design old, but it has put a strain on other systems, causing the site to slow down. The current Marketplace wasn't built to scale with the growth we have seen in the past couple years, and we're feeling the strain now. For example, there are pages that do not paginate, pages that don't cache, database queries that are not optimized, and additional pages that open our website to attacks. Take a peek at the amazing transormation it has seen in the past 4-5 years (aka none).

Marketplace 2007/2008

Marketplace 2012

Along with the design that hasn't changed, the code that powers the Marketplace is outdated and tired as well. The system has many bugs that cause things not to work and provide a poor user experience that we are not proud of. Currently our resources are strained building an amazing product for the community and sometimes things need to get cut. In the future we hope to add additional features into our user profiles that our users can use to promote themselves but we have yet to decide what will get done.

The Marketplace was also a very well known place to spam and without a process of detecting that spam it became a very labor-intensive process that we have a problem keeping up with. Our Marketplace was meant for a place to list your internet marketing company but it seemed that one of our favorite many plumbers found it a great place to spam also.


In place of our Marketplace we are encouraging you to utilize Linkedin. Post your job on your company page and then you are welcome to share it in our SEOmoz group

A Note About "Old" Q&A

On another note, for those members who have been around for a while will remember our original Q&A system. We will also be making a change to the way that old system works. Currently those questions are all publicly available but will be removed from public view along with the Marketplace. The top viewed questions will be migrated over to our new system and the other questions will be removed in 6 months. If you are a long time member and have questions you would like to keep, please copy them into a safe place as they will be removed in 6 months. All of your old questions can be found here.

Final Note

We would like to thank everyone who has participated in the Marketplace and would love to hear any success stories that you have had there. Additionally, if you have other great resources that may help community members find work, please leave those suggestions in the comments.

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