miercuri, 5 septembrie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Famous People with the Highest Known IQs

Posted: 05 Sep 2012 11:44 AM PDT

I have listed these smart celebrities in order from lowest IQ to highest IQ. Enjoy!

Jodie Foster – IQ 132

Nicole Kidman – IQ 132

Arnold Schwarzenegger – IQ 135

Geena Davis – IQ 140

Glenne Headly – IQ 140

Madonna – IQ 140

Shakira – IQ 140

Steve Martin – IQ 142

Scott Levy (aka Raven) – IQ 143

Asia Carerra – IQ 156

Stephen Hawking – IQ 160

Dolph Lundgren – IQ 160

Quentin Tarantino – IQ 160

Reggie Jackson – IQ 160

Paul Allen – IQ 170

Andrew Wiles - IQ 170

Judit Polgár - IQ 170

James Woods – IQ 180

Garri Kasparow - IQ 190

Richard G. Rosner - IQ 192

Kim Ung-Yong - IQ 210

Christopher Hirata - IQ 225

Terence Tao - IQ 230

Via: worldoffemale

Hilarious Army Photos

Posted: 05 Sep 2012 11:36 AM PDT

Who new that the army men had some sense of humor. Well they do and it is not bad. They might be in the military, but soldiers are just humans after all and humans.

Super Mario Marriage Proposal

Posted: 05 Sep 2012 11:20 AM PDT

A girl constructed a very special ring box to propose to her boyfriend – and the guy said yes.

Via: salainen.tumblr

Killing Time: How to Destroy Your Productivity [Infographic]

Posted: 05 Sep 2012 10:17 AM PDT

A study at The British Institute of Psychiatry showed that checking your email while performing another creative task decreases your IQ in the moment by 10 points. That is the equivalent of not sleeping for 36 hours. This mundane task is just one of many everyday work habits that may be standing in the way of your company's efforts to boost productivity and increase sales.

From constantly being interrupted and switching tasks at random, to creating an impossibly long to-do list and cluttering your desk, here are seven steps to ensure that you are decreasing productivity and overall sales effectiveness on a daily basis.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via Marketo

People Are Awesome [VIDEO]

Posted: 04 Sep 2012 07:36 PM PDT

Another one of those videos of awesome people doing awesome things, most of them in slow-motion.

Girls of the 2012 Moscow Car Show

Posted: 04 Sep 2012 05:32 PM PDT

Moscow car shows are events where pretty Russian girls appear to prove that they are still among the most beautiful ladies in the world.

The cars presented are also cool to see: Mazda 6, Nissan Almera, Mitsubishi Outlander, Hyundai SantaFe, BMW 7 series, AUDI (S6, S7, S8, R8), Lexus ES and LS, Suzuki Grand Vitara, Citroen C5, Kia Sorento, Honda CR-V, hybrids XC 60 and V60 from Volvo etc. And Russian VAZ and GAZ, of course!

A new mobile app

The White House, Washington

Good afternoon,

More and more Americans are using their phones to get the information they want, whenever -- and wherever -- they want it. In fact, there's a pretty good chance you're reading this email on your phone.

Take the White House's website for example. In 2010, 5 percent of visitors used a mobile device to access WhiteHouse.gov. Two years later that number has tripled to 15 percent -- and it's only getting higher.

President Obama believes government should be open and accessible, and in today's increasingly mobile world that means bringing his entire administration into the palm of your hand.

So if you have an iPhone, iPad, or Android device, get the free, upgraded app now:

Get the App for iPhone & iPad Get the Android App for Phone & Tablet

With the White House mobile app, you get:

  • Breaking alerts directly from the White House
  • Live video streams of official events as they happen
  • High-quality photos
  • The latest news from the White House
  • Full text of speeches and press statements in the Briefing Room

Download it for free here:




Jon Carson
Director, White House Office of Public Engagement

P.S. -- For phones without the app, WhiteHouse.gov has been optimized for people looking for information on a smaller screen. But if you use an iPhone, iPad or Android device, it's definitely worth trying out the free app.



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Please do not reply to this email. Contact the White House

The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111


The Ultimate Guide to Content Planning

The Ultimate Guide to Content Planning

The Ultimate Guide to Content Planning

Posted: 04 Sep 2012 02:08 PM PDT

Posted by simonpenson

A transition is in effect. The web is maturing and like any form of media that has gone before it that can mean only one thing: That content is now at the epicentre of audience creation once again.

The introduction of Penguin, as we know, is forcing every online business to re-examine how it ‘does’ online marketing and begin looking for ways to grow reputation, reach and visibility via content rather than the link building practices of old.

As Google turns up the algo to promote great content and social gives us all access to the social graph and the network effect it offers there has never been a better time to get your content game in shape and pull together a killer strategy for your brand.

I recently wrote a piece for another digital marketing site that goes into a little more detail around why content is coming to the fore and so for extra context it is certainly worth a read.

In addition to the above theory one thing we do know is that all forms of media before the web have followed the same basic evolution. It starts with obsession about the technology and the iteration of it to a place where the platform has mass media reach. The end game, and the thing that gives the platform longevity, is the content shared on it. Think print, TV and radio and this is true of all of them. We don't get excited about where a paper is printed any more. Instead its about the content that's printed on it.

The web is next and in this post I want to delve a little deeper into how to structure your own content planning to take advantage of this change and maximise the reach and impact of this change.

How to Plan

Stage one of any great content strategy is the plan. Without it you will fail. Without a clear roadmap of the kinds of content you need to produce, when and for whom you’ll quickly become an also-ran.

The question is how do you first understand what you should be creating and how can you structure your plan to cater for the various personas visiting your site?

Firstly you need to understand exactly WHO your audience is. Many people, especially when they start to become more comfortable with content strategies, often overlook this; and it's key to the whole process.

The point is all men and women are not the same. Obvious, right? Well we can all be guilty of treating our audience as the same person with the same ideals, needs and beliefs. Clearly this isn't the case and so it is important to segment your audience in a way that create two, three or four 'types' - all of which get to your product or service in different ways.

To explain this, and the planning process as a whole, I organised a round table catch up (an evening of beers) with some former colleagues of mine from the world of consumer magazines to pick their brains again on the best way to structure and execute your content plan

Their view, and mine, is always to ‘keep your reader as close to you as possible in every decision you make.’

That process must follow the same basic steps:

  1. Understand your Brand

You cannot begin to talk about personas or content ideas before you truly have your brand values down on paper. Many businesses skip this part but you MUST know exactly what you stand for, your tone of voice, political and social allegiances etc.

To do this you must first map the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. A simple SWOT analysis works well here as it lets you see easily where you might be able to steal a march and differentiate.

You can then align these strengths and opportunities to your brand values and begin to build a map of what you may want to ‘own’ from a content strategy perspective.

There are lots of tools out there to make this process easier too. SWOT analysis templates are available across the web while Moz's own TAGFEE core values can really help you structure your own mission statement and brand strategy. For those really interested in this area I can whole heartedly recommend spending time reading Michael Porter's work and strategies. His books make for great reading.

With this in place you can then move onto stage two…

  1. Understand your Audience

The plan to understand your reader is twofold; the first part is to create the ‘Typical Reader’. Here you should be specific and a great example may be:

Steve is 24 and drives a 2006 plate Range Rover Sport and he sees this as being the second most important thing in his life, after his fiancée!

He spends his time and money socialising, discussing sport, music and cars. He drinks Budweiser and occasionally a decent whiskey (as he thinks this is cool). He wears Ralph Lauren shirts but can’t afford to stretch his brand tastes further and so goes with generic jeans and shoes. To him brand is as important as the product, and it influences his buying behaviour.

The process of getting to this point is a post in its own right but the key point is to do your research well. Split it down into two specific parts:

1. Quantitative > Surveys via email and social work well for this. Ask general questions about your product or service so you can get a picture of where it sits in their lives and in their buying cycle. This can lead you to stage two, which is...

2. Qualitative > Customer focus groups, either in a pub or working with research companies and utilising controlled environments helps you to add 'colour' to the picture, enabling you to understand tone and emotive pointers etc.

From this you will usually be able to model your 'typical' client or customer, as above. You'll also be able to understand how to break the audience down into personas, each of which have more specific characteristics and ways of getting to, or interacting with what it is you are selling. For a step-by-step of using data to create them I recommend Mike King's excellent Keyword Level Demographics post.

The next step is then to nail your editorial proposition and to do this you must record your key USPs (things like ‘jargon free advice’ and ‘well written by people who understand the culture and fashions of the market’).

This is a relatively straightforward process and should get you to a point where you can easily sum up your editorial/content persona in the form of a famous person.

This is a really useful way of working as by agreeing that as a brand you are ‘John Wayne’, for instance, it becomes much easier to share tone of voice and attitude across a team, either in house or externally.

While this process is really useful to capture your core values we all know that in reality you have many different types of ‘reader’ and so the process of persona mapping is key to really ensuring your content appeals to your chosen audience.

The process of creating personas is a subject all of its own and this post cannot cover the entire process but several pieces here recently including this one and this one can help you segment your audience in a way that will help you when it comes to pulling together your content strategy.

Let’s assume then that you have followed those tips and have three or four tidy personas in place.

At this point you now have a really clear picture of who you are, your tone and editorial stance. You may even have drawn up an editorial guidelines document to steer the entire team in the same direction.

In short you are more prepared than a cub scout but structure is nothing without great ideas….

  1. Brainstorm Ideas

Ideas are the lifeblood of any content strategy. Without creativity your content marketing campaign is dead in the water. The good news though is that there are ways that you can make the whole process a little more structured and easier.

It is at this stage you can let your imagination run wild. If you have a team then a couple of hours in a bar or even just outside can produce a long list of crazy content concepts. Of course you don’t have to worry right now about them being realistic or actionable. The key point is to get them down on paper.

One great technique to use in recording and expanding your idea list is the use of mind maps. Bubbl.us is a great tool to use to help you do this.

Tools can help too and below is our top five for helping us isolate content ideas.

  1. Bottlenose

Bottlenose social search engine

This is a great new tool to highlight trending articles and social commentary based on specific keywords. It’s a social search engine and can really help you create news or hot topic led content.

  1. Spezify


Does a similar thing to Bottlenose but in a less structured but more visually interesting way.  Creates a tapestry of related tweets, images, music etc.

  1. UberSuggest

A popular tool for expanding on keyword ideas and the concept works well for helping you think more laterally.

  1. Keyword Expander

keyword expander

A really cool tool by Optimal Social it allows you to find relationships between things that people like.  So people that like (insert keyword) also like XXX. This has obvious benefits and can also help with persona creation. Free registration required.

  1. SEOGadget’s Content Ideas Generator

A popular one around these parts and for good reason; it may not be flashy but it does a great job of pulling in content ideas from a number of useful sources into one Google Doc.

Together these and some good old fashion thinking time can produce a great list of ideas, which will then need refining, which brings us onto the next stage.

  1. Segment your content types and flow

The next step is to begin organising the list you have into content types; working out the best way of presenting that concept for maximum reach.

This is where an understanding of content types comes in and the Content Matrix. This simple yet effective infographic by SmartInsight helps you understand the strengths and weaknesses of the different kinds of content you can create, while also giving you a great starting list of ideas.

It is then useful to segment your ideas into a simple table of types such as this:

  1. Create your content plan

I wrote this on the YouMoz blog last year as a introduction to content planning and it contains some useful elements around beginning to structure your editorial calendar, or plan, by using key elements.

The key part of the process though is ensuring you achieve the right flow.

Every great content schedule, whether it’s for TV, radio or any other media has peaks and troughs as you must have the small to appreciate the big stuff.

If you examine the very best musical pieces they are built in the same way and you should think of your content plan in the same way.

Create a planner as you wish. The one we use is shown below and captures the following elements. If you want a copy simply email us at infoatzazzlemedia.co.uk and we’d be glad to send you a copy.

The basics are that you segment as you would with a normal calendar with months and weeks. The key is then how you transplant the ideas you have into it.

Alongside ideas we capture key dates in the calendar. So in our example as a fitness website we might include key exhibition dates, official Get Fit weeks, peak times of the season such as January and so on. This work helps us capture the visitor’s general mood and frame of mind too and this helps you create content as a solution.

The key piece is getting the flow right and this is where the work done on content type is important as it enables you to then fill in the weeks with a view on what kind of content will follow each other well.

Timing too is important. Huge amounts of effort and many 'column inches' have been put into measuring and understanding the timing of social media activity and the same is true of other content. During a stint working for the UK's biggest golf media brand we discovered that sending a newsletter on a Friday full of equipment reviews etc worked amazingly well as the 'reader' believed that they were about to shoot the round of their lives that weekend, and wanted all the kit to do it with. Come Monday though reality had set in and so we would send a newsletter full of tips to help them improve!

Dan Zarella's blog is great for insight around social sharing and I would suggest you spend some time here absorbing that data to help you build your own content plan.

The other secret is then creating both ‘big bang’ and smaller regular content ideas and get them to work in unison, but that’s a post for another day.

Simon Penson is MD and founder of Zazzle Media, a UK based content marketing and technical optimisation agency.

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What do you want to know about the White House?

The White House

Your Daily Snapshot for
Wed., September 5, 2012


What do you want to know about the White House?

The White House isn’t just a home to First Families or meeting space for world leaders. It’s also known as "The People’s House" -- a place that should be open to everyone. And that’s why President and Mrs. Obama have made it a priority to invite young people, military families, and Americans of all ages to join them here at the White House.

Have questions about White House history and ways to engage? Join us for a special session of "Office Hours" on Twitter with White House curator William Allman at 2:00 p.m. EDT today, September 5th. Ask your questions now with #WHChat and follow the Q&A live @WHLive.

Read more about ways to engage with the White House from home.

The Google Art Project at the White House

As part of President and Mrs. Obama’s commitment to open the White House to as many Americans as possible, we have partnered with the Google Art Project and allowed their 360 Street View cameras to capture the rooms that are featured on the public tour. Now anyone, anywhere, can experience the history and art of the White House via their computer.

Check out the Google Art Project.

Behind the Scenes: The Google Art Project at the White House

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

We the People: 3 Million Signatures Later
Last year, the White House launched a new tool called We the People, offering a powerful and simple way to petition the Obama Administration to take action on a range of issues. Take a look at the platform more than three million signature later.

Spending Less, Spending Smarter
The Campaign to Cut Waste has already achieved $4 billion dollars in savings in 2012, well on track to meet and exceed President Obama's goal of $8 billion by the end of FY 2013.


President Obama Meets with Victims of Hurricane Isaac
President Obama visits St. John's Parish in Louisiana to take in the damage from Hurricane Isaac and meet with officials responding to the disaster.

Today's Schedule


All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

9:30 AM: The President receives The Presidential Daily Briefing

1:15 PM: The President departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews

1:30 PM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews

2:45 PM: The President arrives Charlotte, North Carolina

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Why every department needs to care about SEO

Why every department needs to care about SEO

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Why every department needs to care about SEO

Posted: 04 Sep 2012 05:54 AM PDT

SEO used to be something that happened on the sidelines of a business, usually by some tech specialist in a separate office. It often seemed like it had very little to do with the rest of the organisation.

But as the internet and what we do with it has changed, most firms have now realised that this needs to change. To make the most of their online presence, SEO has to be an integral part of their online operations in every department.

Search engine optimisation is now too important to be left lingering on the sidelines. From customer services and HR to marketing and PR, here's how SEO matters to every single area in your business. Read on to find out why you should be optimising everything you do online.

Customer services

Good or bad, customers love to give feedback, ask questions and leave reviews. Thanks to the growth of the internet their comments could be seen by thousands of potential customers, and this could be incredibly good or incredibly bad news for your business.

You may not realise it, but customer service efforts and SEO can work hand-in-hand to help highlight the positives and reduce the impact of any negatives.

The key here is to be part of the conversation. This means having a presence not only through your own dedicated website, blog and social media, but also by being seen in the wider arena.

Essentially, you need to get involved in relevant conversations on sites and forums other than your own. Saying the right things in the right places ensures that SEO and social media come together with potentially massive results for your company.

You must also be available, be ready to answer any questions or deal with problems swiftly and give honest, open responses to every message you receive. Many of these will be public-facing – gone are the days of ringing up to complain directly – so be mindful that everything you say and do could impact how other people view your company. Ensure every customer-facing member of the team knows the company line on big issues so you're all singing from the same hymn sheet.

SEO is also a vital part of building your FAQ or help sections for your site. Use analytics to identify what it is people are coming to you for, and make sure you are providing it.


Today's job market is very different from a few years ago, and it follows that how people search for a new position has changed as well. Even dedicated jobs boards have seen numbers fall and are having to evolve to meet a new set of expectations.

For your business, this gives an important opportunity to reach out to potential employees.

A careers section within your site can act as a constant source of information for job-hunters, and can be an integral part of your SEO strategy. Even if you don't have any vacancies at the moment, a holding page with details on the kind of people who work for you can work wonders. See this as another chance to get your targeted keywords on your site in a relevant, useful and honest way.

And where you continue to use job boards, see SEO as a way to increase findability and get the right people for your roles. There's no point using words that people won't search for – target your ads carefully and you could get people breaking down the doors to work for you, as well as enhancing your online presence.

You can also use social connections here too – the more involved you are with social platforms, the more people you can reach with your job opportunities.


PR and SEO are already joining forces for many companies, and they should work together in many respects to promote your brand and help get you seen in the right places.

In the world of public relations, SEO is incredibly useful as it can help understand behaviour – how people search and what keywords they use. This means you can then target your PR materials effectively.

And don't forget that journalists use search too. They will be scouring the web for their latest stories, so make sure you optimise everything you put out there so it can be seen by them. Whether you publish articles directly on your site, apply for news results listings or send your press releases out to journalist distribution sites, each piece of content should be optimised. This goes for associated media too – images and videos must also be searchable and recognisable by the bots.

Think of SEO and PR as a way to unify your brand messages and ideals, and don't miss out on the opportunity to be seen online.


There is no point having an all-singing, all-dancing website if no-one can find it. You may have sent out leaflets to thousands of potentials, and placed adverts in relevant publications or on local radio, but you still won't reach every possible customer. Besides, many people turn to the internet as their first port of call these days, rather than the traditional local press.

So, if you run an Italian restaurant in Coventry, you need to make sure your website appears whenever someone types that phrase into their search engine. If you don't show up, you're losing out immediately.

Search engine marketing is the backbone of creating and maintaining a prominent, positive online presence. Your site must be accessible – to both the bots who will index your pages and the people who will view it. To be visible, you must target specific keywords that are relevant to your business and avoid underhand techniques.

Google and the other search engines keep the specifics of their ranking algorithms a closely-guarded secret, but there is a lot we can deduce from the top-ranking sites, and from information they have shared.

Content must be optimised without keyword overstuffing; the site must be user-friendly, up-to-date and functional; and backlinks to your pages should be relevant and not spam attacks.

All change

It might seem like a lot to understand and instigate, especially for departments that haven't had to think about SEO in the past. However, the results will speak for themselves. If the rest of the business is unsure of the benefits, or even hostile to the required changes, it might help to hold a presentation and outline the many ways SEO will strengthen the business.

In the current climate, no company can afford to be left behind online, and it can seem like an arms race with your competitors. That's why it can't be left to one lone department to fight the SEO war everyone needs to come on board.

You may find it helps to use an SEO agency, which will be able to assess how different departments are performing and make vital recommendations. Often, outsiders can more clearly see the ways in which the company could improve its holistic SEO.

All this may seem like a lot of work, but by coming together every department in your business can help to establish a holistic SEO strategy that boosts success. By working to the same plan, different departments can ensure that all content is optimised and that everything they do, from issuing a press release to answering a customer query, can have a positive effect on SEO.

The result could be huge boosts to your online presence – with higher rankings, better visibility, more engagement and increased conversions. Start integrating SEO throughout your entire organisation and you will soon see that it's a recipe for online success.

Image credit: Baltic Development Forum

© SEOptimise - Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. Why every department needs to care about SEO

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