luni, 22 octombrie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

New York Comic Con 2012 Cosplay

Posted: 22 Oct 2012 03:28 PM PDT

Check out some of these fun and fancy costumes from the 2012 Comicon.

99 Life Hacks to Make Life Easier

Posted: 22 Oct 2012 12:08 PM PDT

The Tumblr blog titled Joel Zimmerman has posted a great list of image macros that each give one of 99 life hacks that might just make certain life situations a little easier for all of us.

League of Legends Community [infographic]

Posted: 22 Oct 2012 09:30 AM PDT

LoL's no laughing matter. Millions of gamers from more than 145 countries play the multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game League of Legends daily, some of them are skilled enough to engage in ultra competitive tournaments for the chance to win a chunk of the multimillion-dollar prize pools.

Check out the October 2012 infographic below. Since November of last year, 11 million monthly active players have become 32 million…and Teemo dies 324% more frequently!

Click on Image to Enlarge.
Via leagueoflegends

Who Writes the Most Popular Content on Your Blog?

Who Writes the Most Popular Content on Your Blog?

Who Writes the Most Popular Content on Your Blog?

Posted: 21 Oct 2012 07:47 PM PDT

Posted by robmillard

Google Analytics’ Custom Variables may seem daunting for a web marketer with relatively little technical knowledge, but they’re actually quite easy to implement and use (especially if you’re using Wordpress). This post will show you how to easily track blog post authors using Custom Variables, and also explores some of the reporting possibilities.

Why track authors?

There are many reasons to track blog post authors that apply to your content strategy, including:

Highlighting editorial success

Rewarding those who have performed well and highlighting their success is an effective means of creating enthusiasm within an organization towards SEO and content promotion. Tracking authors can make this type of report much easier to produce.

Evaluating freelancers

Is the freelance writer you’re paying worthwhile? If you’re outsourcing work to a number of freelancers, are some better at optimizing their copy for search than others? What do user engagement metrics say about the quality of their work?

Identifying successful guest authors

If a guest post author is driving a particularly large amount of traffic to your site, it may be because they have a strong social media presence to promote to or that they link from their own authoritative domain. If this is the case, why not ask them to provide content on a regular basis?

How do I set up Custom Variables?

Please don’t be deterred by this section. The plugin implementation is as easy as ticking a few boxes, and the hard-coded route isn’t particularly difficult, either.

Google Analytics for Wordpress Plugin

I would imagine that many Wordpress installations use Joost de Valk’s GA Plugin. This plugin is the easiest way to track authors, so if you haven’t already got GA tracking on your site, I’d recommend installing it. You can find GA tracking by going to Plugins > Add New > search for “Google Analytics for Wordpress” and install the top result.

Activate the plugin and go to it’s Settings page. Select “Show Advanced Settings” and you will see a table called “Custom Variable Settings.” All you need to do is select “Author Names” and hit the update button.

There are a bunch of other tracking options here such as tags, categories, and publication year. You may wish to turn these on while you’re in there as you may find a use for the data later down the line; it’s better to have it ready and waiting than to not have it at all!

Wordpress hard-coded

If you’ve hard-coded your GA tracking onto your Wordpress site, you can make a quick and simple edit to enable author tracking.

This example assumes that your GA tracking code is in the footer.php file. You can edit this by going to Appearance > Editor and selecting your footer.php file from the right hand list. Your GA code should look something like this:

Insert the following code between the two lines that start with _gaq.push:

if (is_single()) {
$author = get_the_author();
echo " _gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 1,'Author','". $author . "', 3]);";

Your code should now look like this:

Select “Update File” and you’re done.

A quick note iif you care about what this bit of PHP does: it checks whether the current page is a blog post (is_single()), gets the name of the author (get_the_author()), and then prints the Google Analytics Custom Variable code with the author name inserted using echo.

If you’re not using Wordpress…

If you're not using Wordpress, you’ll typically need to use whatever server side language you’re using to populate and print the Custom Variable within your Google Analytics tag. It should go in the same place as shown in the example above. The line you need to write looks like this:

_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar', 1,'Author','', 3]);

The only caveat here is that the number one denotes with Custom Variable slot you’re using for this information. Google Analytics gives you 5 slots (1-5), so if you’re using other custom variables, ensure that you don’t have conflicting tracking that uses the same slot.


Custom reports

The first report you probably want to see is pageviews by author; that is to say, whose content is the most popular? You can do this quite easily through Custom Reporting, in which you use Pageviews as your metric and Custom Variable (Value 01) as the Dimension Drilldown:

Adding Landing Page as a second dimension drilldown lets you click into each author to see which of their pages are attracting the most traffic. You can make this report even more interesting by adding user engagement metrics such as bounce rate and average time on page, which could be used as an indication of content quality.


If you want to browse Standard Reporting showing only data for a specific author, you can create a Custom Segment with Custom Variable (Value 01) as your filter. This way you can look through their keywords, referrers, content etc.

Tailored dashboards

Tracking authors also allows you to create dashboards which are tailored to a specific writer by applying filters when you create widgets. Essentially, you can create any widget and filter to show a certain value for Custom Variable (Value 01).

As an example, I’ve created a dashboard for a ukulele songbook website I made a while back, showing only data for songs written by The Beatles. (I need you to imagine that The Beatles are writing for my site. Thanks.)

This dashboard shows:

  1. Acquisition: where is traffic to their articles coming from? Traffic types, top referrers, top keywords
  2. Behaviour: what’s happening when they get to the site? Bounce rate, avg. time on site, visit and pageview trends, top pages
  3. Outcomes: what’s the result of their work? In this case, AdSense revenue and top AdSense pages, but this could also be conversion and eCommerce data.

This makes dashboards a whole lot more interesting for a particular writer, so hopefully they’ll come back and check it more often. Why not schedule it to email to them on the day they tend to plan their work?

Most linked to authors

Exporting this data and combining it with other sources can produce useful reports. For example:

  • Use a Custom Report with a flat table, Landing Page and Custom Variable (Value 01) as dimensions and Visits as the metric.
  • Export up to 5000 rows of this report with the URL hack.
  • Use a VLOOKUP() to combine this data with an export of the Top Pages report from Open Site Explorer.
  • You can then use a Pivot Table to show the most linked to writers. Select the whole table, then click Insert > Pivot Table > Click ok on the wizard. Then use your author column as a row label, and drag inbound links into values. This will give you a list of authors by the sum of all links their content has generated.

Obviously there are many, many different ways to use this data. Are there any ways you use the above data differently? Leave your good tips in the comments!

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Photo: President Obama on The Daily Show

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Monday, October 22, 2012
Photo: President Obama on The Daily Show

President Barack Obama is interviewed by Jon Stewart during a taping of “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” at the Comedy Central Studios in New York, N.Y., Oct. 18, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

President Barack Obama is interviewed by Jon Stewart during a taping of “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” at the Comedy Central Studios in New York, N.Y., Oct. 18, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

Weekly Address: Congress Should Join the President to Help Responsible Homeowners
President Obama urges Congress to act to build on the momentum we are seeing in the housing market by helping responsible homeowners refinance, saving $3000 a year.

Weekly Wrap Up: "The Power of We"
Here's a quick glimpse at what happened last week on

A Fall Social in the #WHGarden
As part of the 2012 White House Fall Garden Tours, we invited 50 of our followers on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ for a private tour of the White House gardens.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

11:25 AM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews

11:45 AM: The Vice President delivers remarks at a campaign event

1:40 PM: The President arrives Boca Raton, Florida

3:30 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks at a campaign event

9:00 PM: The President participates in the third Presidential Debate; the First Lady also attends

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Seth's Blog : No one ever bought anything on an elevator

No one ever bought anything on an elevator

If your elevator pitch is a hyper-compressed two-minute overview of your hopes, dreams and the thing you've been building for the last three years, you're doing everyone a disservice. I'll never be able to see the future through your eyes this quickly, and worse, if you've told me what I need to know to be able to easily say no, I'll say no.

The best elevator pitch doesn't pitch your project. It pitches the meeting about your project. The best elevator pitch is true, stunning, brief and it leaves the listener eager (no, desperate) to hear the rest of it. It's not a practiced, polished turd of prose that pleases everyone on the board and your marketing team, it's a little fractal of the entire story, something real.

"I quit my job as an Emmy-winning actress to do this because..." or "Our company is profitable and has grown 10% per week, every week, since July," or "The King of Spain called me last week about the new project we just launched."

More conversations and fewer announcements.

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duminică, 21 octombrie 2012

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Is the Fed in Control? If So, Control of What?

Posted: 21 Oct 2012 08:56 PM PDT

Reader Richard is wondering about a statement I made in Problem is Demand: First IBM, then Intel, now Google.

Specifically Richard questions my statement "In spite of what everyone seems to think, the Fed is not really in control of much of anything".

Richard writes ...
Hi, Mish

I am a big fan of yours but I am shocked, however, by your quote in my subject line. How can you say that when the Fed totally controls everything in the financial markets not only in the U.S. but much of elsewhere in the world? It is single-highhandedly propping up the U.S. equity market, rendering bond vigilantes ineffective in the bond market, and creating an "echo real estate bubble" at will!

Hoping to hear an elaboration from you in your next blog.

Regards, Richard
No Echo Bubble in Housing

Hello Richard, for starters, there is no echo real estate bubble.

Home sales are at depressed levels, financial institutions are still overloaded with hugely underwater properties, and prices have bounced a bit in some areas, by 5-10% bounces following 50-60% declines hardly constitutes an echo bubble.

Had Richard said the Fed created an echo bubble in stock prices, I would have agreed. Let's step back a second and look at the three primary things the Fed wants to accomplish.

Three Things Fed Desperate to Accomplish

  1. Stimulate Credit 
  2. Stimulate Jobs
  3. Stimulate Housing

The Fed has failed at all three. Arguably, credit has risen, but nearly all of the rise is student loans, making debt slaves out of kids in the process, something the Fed certainly does not want to accomplish.

In September 2011, Ben Bernanke said he was surprised by weak consumer spending. I wrote about it in Bernanke, a Complete Dunce, "Puzzled by Weak Consumer Spending"

In March of 2012, Bernanke said he was puzzled over jobs. I wrote about that in Bernanke Puzzled Over Jobs, Cites Okun's Law; Six Things Bernanke is Clueless About

On October 15, the president of the New York Fed complained about the "poor performance of the U.S. economy" as well as "inadequate aggregate demand". For discussion, please see Recovery, Monetary Policy, and Demographics: NY Fed vs. Mish Analysis

How Can The Fed Be In Control When ...

How can the Fed be in control when it cannot spur jobs, it cannot spur housing, it cannot spur credit, it remains puzzled over numerous things, and in fact launched QE III in a moment of Panic!

To be sure the Fed has taken credit for the surging stock market.

However, in terms of the Fed's real goals, this is like attempting to cure lung cancer and failing, but by happenstance removing a wart from a big toe and declaring success.

The Fed is not in control, it is only an illusion. One other person commented on this recently.

Please consider the Hoisington Third Quarter 2012 Review by Lacy Hunt. The article discusses QE1, QE2, QE3, demand curves, commodities, and numerous other ideas in a six-page PDF. The article is well worth a read in entirety, but here are a few key snips ...
While prices for risk assets have improved, governments have not been able to address underlying debt imbalances. Thus, nothing suggests that these latest actions do anything to change the extreme over-indebtedness of major global economies.

To avoid recession in the U.S., the Federal Reserve embarked on open-ended quantitative easing (QE3). Importantly, the enactment of QE3 is a tacit admission by the Fed that earlier efforts failed, but this action will also fail to bring about stronger economic growth.

Three studies show that the impact of wealth on spending is miniscule—indeed, "nearly not observable." How the Fed expects the U.S. to gain any economic traction from higher stock prices when rising commodity prices are curtailing real income and spending is puzzling. This is particularly relevant when econometricians have estimated that for every dollar of gained real income, consumption will rise by about 70 cents.

Conversely, the Fed actions are causing real incomes to decline, which has a 70-cent negative impact on spending for every dollar loss. Compare that with the 0.004 positive impact on spending for every one-dollar increase in wealth. Former Fed Chairman, Paul Volcker, summarized the new Fed initiative as sufficiently and succinctly as anyone when he stated that another round of QE3 "is understandable, but it will fail to fix the problem."
Fed Without Options

Lacy Hunt concludes with ...
For Fed policy to improve real GDP, actions must be taken that either (1) shift the entire demand curve outward (to the right), or (2) do not cause an inward shift of the AS curve that induces an adverse movement along the AD curve. Accordingly, the Fed is without options to improve the pace of economic activity.
Bernanke says he is not out of options, so Lord only knows what he may try. However, Lacy Hunt's statements are accurate.

Simply put, the Fed is without options that will do any good for the economy.

Control of Stock Market? Interest Rates? What?

The Fed is not in "control" of the stock market. Creating echo bubbles does not constitute control. Bubbles, by definition, pop.

If you think the Fed is in "control" of interest rates, you need to reconsider that as well. Certainly the Fed has distorted the bond market and yields, but most likely in the direction of the trend. Regardless, distortions do not constitute "control" no matter how it appears in short-term periods. 

Given the folks at Hoisington and other small select groups of individuals and bloggers know as I do, that Fed "control" is nothing more than a mirage, I need to make a slight change in my statement.

Here is the revision: In spite of what [nearly] everyone seems to think, the Fed is not really in control of much of anything.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

"Wine Country" Economic Conference Hosted By Mish
Click on Image to Learn More

Compromise to Nowhere; Germany Mulls Greek Debt Buyback; More Haircuts Coming?

Posted: 21 Oct 2012 08:43 AM PDT

Late last week, following a bitter feud between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande, a compromise of sorts was reached at the latest summit.

Please consider Berlin and Paris Compromise on Bank Oversight.
European leaders have reached agreement on the roadmap to a banking oversight regime in the euro zone. Following a public back-and-forth between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande, the 27 European Union heads of state and government on Thursday night found a compromise at their two-day summit in Brussels.

The agreement calls for the legal framework for financial sector oversight to be completed by the end of the year, but actual implementation won't come until later. The oversight regime will be introduced "in the course of 2013," the summit's closing statement reads.

The compromise is a victory for Merkel. Both France and Spain had been emphatic that bank oversight begin on Jan. 1, 2013. Berlin, however, insisted that any such regime be thoroughly planned and resisted efforts to move quickly, receiving support from such non-euro-zone countries as Sweden and the Czech Republic. Over a dinner of roast veal and spinach, Hollande and his allies backed down.

As the week progressed, it seemed as though the conflict between Europe's most important protagonists had escalated.

The French president in particular seemed to be on the war path. He gave a joint interview to several European dailies which included what seemed to be a direct attack on the chancellor. "Those who speak most passionately about political union are often the ones who hesitate the most when it comes to making pressing decisions," he said. His feistiness did not abate immediately upon his arrival in Brussels. Before meetings began, he insisted that the summit would be focusing on the planned banking union and not on fiscal union, Merkel's preferred project. He also accused Merkel of dragging her feet on bank oversight due to the approaching 2013 general elections in Germany.

Merkel didn't shy away from confrontation either. During her speech to German parliament on Thursday prior to her departure for Brussels, she threw her support behind Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble's proposal, made earlier in the week, for a super commissioner to monitor, and even veto, national budgets of euro-zone member states.
Compromise to Nowhere

Bear in mind last June the Euro leaders agreed to do this by the end of this year. Now the target, minus details, "will not come until later". The oversight regime will be introduced "in the course of 2013."

Is "introduced" the same as "implemented"? The more important question is "Does it even matter".

Catch A Falling Knife

In his Weekly T-Report Peter Tchir sums up the situation nicely.
I would love to be able to say that Europe is fixed. It isn't and this particular summit was particularly disappointing. They announced some vague plan to plan a bank supervisor. I still don't understand why people really think a bank supervisor would change anything. Just think about the Spanish bank bailout. Money was supposed to be available in July, then August, then September and as far as I can tell, not a single distribution has been made.

Spain is not asking for a bailout yet, and allegedly it wasn't even discussed. I cannot tell whether it would be worse if it wasn't discussed or that they are lying to us and it was discussed but no conclusion was reached.

Talk about various ways to manipulate the Greek debt problem. Plans range from further punishing the PSI bonds which I think would meet with incredible resistance and accomplishes nothing, to ways to get the ECB off the hook and dump losses on ESM. I am not sure there is any particularly good solution to the official sector problem because owning 10′s of billions of mismarked bonds and loans is a difficult problem to overcome.

Then there is news that France is in more frequent disagreement with Germany. That will make any longer term solution more difficult to achieve.

So why didn't markets sell-off more? At this stage everyone still believe the ECB will intervene with OMT and the ESM will provide some form of PCL along the lines of the IMF's programs (my ultimate goal is to write and entire paragraph with just acronyms).

One of these days, Europe will fail to catch the falling knife. Europe has let the situation deteriorate and then the EU cobbles together some sort of program that kicks the can for a little while. OMT and ESM should be the ultimate in can kicking, but every delay means that resistance will mount. If ESM gets immediately saddled with ECB GGB losses, how will the countries react? Will there be an immediate capital call? The ESM is supposed to be leveraged at 6.66 times and any losses that hit capital would limit how much it could currently borrow.

I see a likely scenario that the market starts to question the resolve of Europe and the dissent amongst all the various organizations and the countries rewards those who bet against Europe now. I would be selling Italian and Spanish bonds here or even short.
Meaningless Plans Roll On

Slowly but surely Greek bondholder losses approach 100%. There have been several haircuts already and now the German Finance Ministry Mulls Yet Another Debt Buy-Back Scheme.
Germany's Finance Ministry is considering a debt buy-back as a possible way of reducing Greece's huge debt pile which threatens to rise well above a target level of 120 percent of GDP by 2020, according to German news magazine Spiegel.

The Greek government could borrow money from the euro zone's permanent bailout fund and use this to buy back its own debt, which at present trades at around 25 percent of its face value. Buying just 10 million euros worth of Greek bonds could reduce the debt mountain by 40 million, Spiegel said.

Talks would have to take place with debt-holders to see if they would accept such a price for their Greek paper.
Ho Hum

Would bond holders agree to another haircut? Even if they did,  would it matter?

In a report earlier this week Tchir estimated a buyback would save Greece less than a billion euros a year.

His math "Greece pays 2% on these bonds and the first maturity is 2023. Other than meeting some artificial Troika target, this plan has no meaningful impact. Greece will have to borrow money from the ESM to pay for these bonds. Depending on the price they pay and the coupon on the new debt, they will likely receive cost savings of far less than €1 billion per annum. If the average price paid is 50% of par (seems likely once the deal starts) and the borrowing rate on the ESM loans is 2%, the cost savings would be €600 million."

There's your answer: no it would not matter.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Drumbeat of Weaker Revenues

Posted: 21 Oct 2012 12:06 AM PDT

For the first time in three years, US corporations are poised to report lower sales. From technology to fast food giants, Falling Revenue Dings Stocks
America's largest companies are on track to report lower quarterly sales for the first time in three years, a broad and gloomy verdict on the health of the global economy.

The drumbeat of weaker revenue is particularly troubling to investors looking for a read on the health of the global economy because it reflects underlying demand. Companies have a lot of levers to pull to improve profits: They can sell assets, buy back stock or cut costs. But it is hard to improve sales unless consumers and companies spend more of their money.

The earnings reports are providing a counterweight to optimism triggered by a string of improvements in U.S. retail sales and home sales, data that pointed to an end to the slump in the housing market and a recovery in consumer confidence.

Several corporate chiefs said conditions worsened in the past month of the quarter and pointed to further weakness into next year. That means companies will be under pressure to cut costs and hold back spending to meet their profit targets, potentially putting a further drag on growth.

"I will tell you, one of the differences is it has been very rare that we've ever seen all of our major markets experiencing the impact of these kinds of global economies at the same time," McDonald's Chief Executive.

GE cut its forecast for revenue growth this year to 3%; three weeks ago it expected 5%. Chief Financial Officer Keith Sherin attributed the lower forecast to faster than expected downsizing of GE Capital.

Profit and revenues at the biggest U.S. companies have been expanding since the third quarter of 2009, a bright spot in what has been a lackluster recovery. But that run appears to be coming to an end this quarter. Growth in sales started decelerating in the second half of last year and ground to a near halt last quarter. Profits are expected to shrink by 1.8% for the third quarter, according to Thomson Reuters.

"You've got very slow global GDP growth," GE's Mr. Sherin said.
Belief in the Fed's ability to pull rabbits out of its hat is about the only thing this market has going for it, even though close scrutiny shows the Fed is not really in control of much of anything.

Stocks are priced beyond perfection, for growth that will not happen. When this matters no one knows, but it will matter.

Unless it's different this time (and it won't be), real returns in equities do not look good going forward.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock