marți, 28 iulie 2015

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

What It Was Like To Be A Rural Doctor For A Day In 1948

Posted: 28 Jul 2015 06:15 PM PDT

Nowadays doctors don't make house calls all to often but back in 1948 this type of practice was very common. As you're about to see, rural doctors had a very busy job.

People Who Aimed For Perfection And Totally Nailed It

Posted: 28 Jul 2015 05:52 PM PDT

You've got to give them some credit for trying.

Seth's Blog : Predicting the future isn't easy

Predicting the future isn't easy

The best plans are based on trends, not specific events.

Here's a hopeless task: There are 18 candidates in the GOP race.

If you can rank them in the order they're going to drop out, I'll give you a signed copy of my new book or $10,000, your choice. The chances of being correct are 1:18!, or about one in six quadrillion, so I think the prize is safe.

On the other hand, this blog's twitter account is consistently creeping toward 500,000 followers. If you can guess the date, I'll send you a signed book. Your odds are a lot better on this one.

When in doubt, pick projects where the factors you need to have in place are on the road the audience is already on.


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