sâmbătă, 6 octombrie 2012

Seth's Blog : Get the listing

Get the listing

Most successful (and honest) real estate agents will tell you that their business is about the listings, and that sales ability comes second. All other things being equal, the agent with a better home to sell will make a better sale. 

The same thing is true for baseball managers—if you have a better lineup you're more likely to win the game. And of course that's true for the sushi restaurant with fresher fish. And the tech company with better programmers, and the college with better professors...

If this is all so obvious, why do we spend all our time trying to find cheap average inputs and then make them special through our magnificent sales and management skills? Why do we industrialize the hiring process, spend very little time on scouting, and seek out the replicatable instead of the special exception? Our ego demands that we spend all day polishing the average instead of seeking out the exceptional.

Better to invest the time and money on special people and raw materials instead.

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vineri, 5 octombrie 2012

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Greek Prime Minister Warns of Societal Collapse Like Weimar Germany; Citizens Storm Defense Ministry; Merkel Takes Gamble on Visiting Greece

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 02:58 PM PDT

Greece is politically and economically bankrupt. Unemployment is 24.4% and destined to get much worse with the latest round of austerity measures.

Worse yet, Greece is still encumbered by massive layers of bureaucracy that makes it difficult to get anything done.

Yesterday, in a massive breach of security, Greek citizens stormed the defense ministry. This has German chancellor Angela Merkel willing to take a chance on a trip to Greece next week.

Today, Antonis Samaras, the Greek Prime Minister warns of societal disintegration without urgent financial aid.
Antonis Samaras says Greece's democracy is in danger, comparing situation to Germany's pre-war Weimar Republic

Greece is teetering on the edge of collapse with its society at risk of disintegrating unless the country's near-empty public coffers are shored up with urgent financial aid, the country's prime minister has warned.

Almost three years after the eruption of Europe's debt drama in Athens, the economic crisis engulfing the nation has become so severe that democracy itself is now imperiled, Antonis Samaras said.

Resorting to highly unusual language for a man who weighs his words carefully, the 61-year-old politician evoked the rise of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party to highlight the threat that Greece faces, explaining that society "is threatened by growing unemployment, as happened to Germany at the end of the Weimar Republic".

Mounting anti-austerity rage before a new round of sweeping EU-IMF-mandated austerity measures appears to have caught the government off-guard, with officials voicing fears over the ability of Samaras's fragile coalition to survive.

The unprecedented storming of Greece's defence ministry by hundreds of protesting dockworkers on Thursday – a breach of security not seen in modern times – has especially unnerved officials. On Friday, Samaras lashed out at "those who don't understand the meaning of law and order".

"The government is waging a battle on all fronts for the nation's credibility and its future so that the sacrifices made by Greeks aren't lost," he said, referring to the spending cuts and tax increases that have sparked record levels of poverty and unemployment. "I will not allow the country to become a free-for-all."

In the interview Samaras emphasised that Greek cash reserves would run dry by the end of November. "The key is liquidity," said the leader. "That is why the next credit tranche is so important for us."

The high-wire act of placating international lenders while keeping social unrest at bay will be tested as never before when Merkel, the German chancellor, flies into Athens next Tuesday. With anti-EU sentiment at an all-time high, opposition parties and trade unions vowed a baptism of fire.

"She should expect demonstrations. Greek society will welcome her with mass protests," said Panos Skourletis, a spokesman for the radical left main opposition Syriza party.

The Independent Greeks party, also vehemently anti-bailout, has said it will make war reparations a major part of its own protest when it stages a "symbolic blockade" outside the German embassy in Athens during Merkel's visit.
The warning by Samaras coupled with the storming of the defense ministry is not a sign of a pending societal collapse, but rather a sign the collapse is well underway.

There is no reason to believe a visit from chancellor Merkel will stem the tide.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

September Jobs +114,000; Unemployment Rate 7.8%; Part-Time Workers +582,000; Initial Reaction and Election Impact

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 09:09 AM PDT

Initial Reaction and Election Impact

The establishment report of +114,000 jobs was pretty much about what most expected. The four-month average is a mere 120,000 a month (a very weak set of establishment numbers for this point in a recovery).

However, the household survey surprise shows the unemployment rate fell three-tenths of a percent to 7.8%.

On the surface, this is a solid showing, and 100% certain to boost the Obama campaign. I suggest these numbers will overshadow a horrendously weak performance by the president in the debate.

That said, a closer look shows the entire drop in the unemployment rate can be attributed to a surprise rise of 582,000 in part-time workers. U-6 unemployment remained at 14.7%. U-6 includes part-time workers who want a full-time job.

Still, all things considered, this was the strongest report in four months.

Does it change my recession outlook?

No, it doesn't. A one-month potential outlier based primarily on a rise in part-time employment, accompanied by other weak data does not change my perception.

Jobs Report at a Glance

Here is an overview of today's release.

  • September Payrolls +114,000 - Establishment Survey
  • Four-month average +120,000 - Establishment Survey
  • US Employment +873,000 - Household Survey
  • Involuntary Part-Time Work +582,000 - Household Survey
  • Baseline Unemployment Rate -.03 at 7.8% - Household Survey
  • U-6 unemployment did not drop. It remained at 14.7%.
  • The Civilian Labor Force +418,000

Recall that the unemployment rate varies in accordance with the Household Survey not the reported headline jobs number, and not in accordance with the weekly claims data.

Quick Notes About the Unemployment Rate

  • US unemployment rate -.3 to 7.8%
  • In the last two months the unemployment rate dropped .5%
  • Reversing a three-month trend, those "not" in the labor force fell by 211,000
  • In the last year, those "not" in the labor force rose by 2,643,000
  • Over the course of the last year, the number of people employed rose by 2,867,000. 
  • Participation Rate rose .01 to 63.6%
  • Long-Term unemployment (27 weeks and over) was 4,844 million a decline of 189,000
  • Were it not for people dropping out of the labor force, the unemployment rate would be well over 10%.

Over the past several years people have dropped out of the labor force at an astounding, almost unbelievable rate, holding the unemployment rate artificially low. Some of this was due to major revisions last month on account of the 2010 census finally factored in. However, most of it is simply economic weakness.

September 2012 Jobs Report

Please consider the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) September 2012 Employment Report.

The unemployment rate decreased to 7.8 percent in September, and total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 114,000, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment increased in health care and in transportation and warehousing but changed little in most other major industries.

Click on Any Chart in this Report to See a Sharper Image

Unemployment Rate - Seasonally Adjusted

Nonfarm Employment - Payroll Survey - Annual Look - Seasonally Adjusted

Employment is above the total just prior to the 2001 recession, and about where it was in 2005.

Nonfarm Employment - Payroll Survey Monthly Changes - Seasonally Adjusted

click on any chart for sharper image

Between January 2008 and February 2010, the U.S. economy lost 8.8 million jobs.

Since the employment low in February 2010, nonfarm payrolls have expanded by about 4.7 million jobs. Of the 8.8 million jobs lost between January 2008 and February 2010, approximately 53% percent have been recovered (not accounting for normal demographics growth)

Statistically, 125,000+- jobs a month is enough to keep the unemployment rate flat. For a discussion, please see Question on Jobs: How Many Does It Take to Keep Up With Demographics?

Since the beginning of the year, job growth has averaged 145,000 per month, compared with an average monthly gain of 175,000 in 2011.

Current Report Jobs

Average Weekly Hours

Index of Aggregate Weekly Hours

Average Hourly Earnings vs. CPI

BLS Birth-Death Model Black Box

The BLS Birth/Death Model is an estimation by the BLS as to how many jobs the economy created that were not picked up in the payroll survey.

The Birth-Death numbers are not seasonally adjusted, while the reported headline number is. In the black box the BLS combines the two, coming up with a total.

The Birth Death number influences the overall totals, but the math is not as simple as it appears. Moreover, the effect is nowhere near as big as it might logically appear at first glance.

Do not add or subtract the Birth-Death numbers from the reported headline totals. It does not work that way.

Birth/Death assumptions are supposedly made according to estimates of where the BLS thinks we are in the economic cycle. Theory is one thing. Practice is clearly another as noted by numerous recent revisions.

Birth Death Model Adjustments For 2011

Birth Death Model Adjustments For 2012

Birth-Death Notes

Once again: Do NOT subtract the Birth-Death number from the reported headline number. That approach is statistically invalid.

Note the historically rare occurrence this month of a negative non-January adjustment.

In general, analysts attribute much more to birth-death numbers than they should. Except at economic turns, BLS Birth/Death errors are reasonably small.

For a discussion of how little birth-death numbers affect actual monthly reporting, please see BLS Birth/Death Model Yet Again.

Household Survey Data

click on chart for sharper image

In the last year, the civilian population rose by 3,701,000. Yet the labor force only rose by 1,059,000. Those not in the labor force rose by 2,643,000 to yet another record high 88,921,000.

That is an amazing "achievement" to say the least, and as noted above most of this is due to economic weakness not census changes.

Decline in Labor Force Factors

  1. Discouraged workers stop looking for jobs
  2. People retire because they cannot find jobs
  3. People go back to school hoping it will improve their chances of getting a job
  4. People stay in school longer because they cannot find a job

Were it not for people dropping out of the labor force, the unemployment rate would be well over 10%.

Part Time Status

click on chart for sharper image

There are 8,613,000 workers who are working part-time but want full-time work. This is a volatile series, however, this month's jump of 582,000 is exceptionally large.

BLS Alternate Measures of Unemployment

click on chart for sharper image

Table A-15 is where one can find a better approximation of what the unemployment rate really is.

Notice I said "better" approximation not to be confused with "good" approximation.

The official unemployment rate is 7.8%. However, if you start counting all the people that want a job but gave up, all the people with part-time jobs that want a full-time job, all the people who dropped off the unemployment rolls because their unemployment benefits ran out, etc., you get a closer picture of what the unemployment rate is. That number is in the last row labeled U-6.

U-6 is much higher at 14.7%. Both numbers would be way higher still, were it not for millions dropping out of the labor force over the past few years.

Note that U-6 unemployment did not drop. Only baseline unemployment did.

Duration of Unemployment

Long-term unemployment remains in a disaster zone with 40% of the unemployed in the 27 weeks or longer category.

Grossly Distorted Statistics

Given the complete distortions of reality with respect to not counting people who allegedly dropped out of the work force, it is easy to misrepresent the headline numbers.

Digging under the surface, the drop in the unemployment rate over the past two years is nothing but a statistical mirage. Things are much worse than the reported numbers indicate.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

"Wine Country" Economic Conference Hosted By Mish
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Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Celebrities Who Get Better with Time

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 02:43 PM PDT

Some celebrities who definitely improved with time.

Pamela Anderson

Ryan Seacrest

Russell Brand

Nelly Furtado

Uma Thurman

Ashley Tisdale

Minka Kelly

Katy Perry

Taylor Swift

Katherine Heigl

Bruce Springsteen

Kate Gosselin

John Mayer

Jennifer Love-Hewitt

Tina Fey

Anne Heche

Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Aniston

Kelly Clarkson

Charlize Theron

Avril Lavigne

George Clooney

The Impact of the Electric Car [Infographic]

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 10:15 AM PDT

This infographic provides an overview of the electric car industry and describes their environmental and energy impact… This visualization offers numerous statistics, facts and global comparisons on the future of electric vehicles, in terms of costs, environment, sales and the role of electric vehicles in our transportation systems across the globe.

Click on Image to Enlarge. Via: compliancenadsafety.com

OMGWTFLOL YouTube Comments [Video]

Posted: 04 Oct 2012 07:56 PM PDT

BuzzFeed compiles some of the funniest comments made by Youtube users, the kinds that add value to the videos.

US Pole Dance Championship 2012

Posted: 04 Oct 2012 07:46 PM PDT

2012 US Pole Dance Championship held in New York.

Top 10 Most Expensive Burgers In The World

Posted: 04 Oct 2012 07:29 PM PDT

Top 10 most expensive burgers in the world.

Via Buzzfeed