miercuri, 7 martie 2012

Energy Update: An All-of-the-Above Energy Strategy

The White House Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Energy Update: An All-of-the-Above Energy Strategy

President Barack Obama tours the University of Miami Industrial Assessment Center in Miami, Florida, Feb. 23, 2012. The IAC is where students learn how to become industrial energy-efficiency experts as they help small to mid-sized manufacturers reduce their energy costs. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy).

In his February 23rd speech at the University of Miami, President Obama addressed the energy issue on everyone's minds – gas prices. He detailed his all-of-the-above energy strategy that expands production of America's energy resources, like oil and natural gas; promotes energy efficiency to save consumers and businesses money; and supports a wide variety of clean energy technologies.

In Miami, President Obama announced new programs that will provide $30 million for natural gas vehicle fuel research and $14 million for algal transportation fuel research, funding that has the potential to decrease our dependency on foreign oil and increase energy security. His remarks followed a tour of the University's Industrial Assessment Center (IAC), which trains students to become energy-efficiency experts who can identify areas to improve productivity, reduce waste, and save energy at small- and medium-sized manufacturers. The IAC program was started by the DOE in 1976, and there are now 24 across the country.

The following week, President Obama travelled to Nashua, New Hampshire, to tour Nashua Community College's automotive technology lab, where students learn how to work with alternative fuels and emerging automotive technologies. His remarks following the tour reiterated the all-of-the-above energy strategy being implemented by the Obama Administration.

To further emphasize the Administration's energy agenda and fact-check the current gas price discussion, Dan Pfeiffer posted this blog, noting that:

The truth is that there is no silver bullet to address rising gas prices in the short term, but there are steps we can take to ensure the American people don't fall victim to skyrocketing gas prices over the long term. That's why since taking office the President has been focused on a sustained, "all-of-the-above" approach to developing new domestic energy sources, expanding oil and gas production, and reducing our reliance on foreign oil, most notably through the historic fuel economy standards the President has established, which will nearly double the efficiency of the vehicles we drive and save families $1.7 trillion at the pump.

These actions represent just a snapshot of the Administration's efforts to promote American-made energy. For more information, check out the highlights below, read President Obama's speech at the University of Miami, take a look at the blog entry on the Clean Energy Standard, and learn about how our dependence on foreign oil is declining.


President Obama highlights Blueprint for American Energy at University of Miami
During his visit to Florida, President Obama highlighted the University of Miami's Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) as a smart and important piece of the administration's "all-of-the-above" approach to domestic energy sources. The President spoke about his blueprint for a new era of American Energy and discussed concerns about rising fuel costs. Learn more about the President's visit to the IAC in this blog post and listen to his full remarks here.

President Obama tours Advanced Vehicle Lab Facility at Nashua Community College
On March 1st, the President toured the Nashua Community College automotive lab, which is part of a consortium of community colleges across the country that have received funding from the Department of Energy (DOE) to develop specialized training related to alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies. During the tour, the President viewed a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) truckfrom the City of Nashua, which partners with the automotive program for the service and repair of their expanding CNG fleet. Check out the President's remarks for the event.

Secretary Chu visits site of America's First New Nuclear Reactor in Three Decades
On Feb. 15th, Secretary Chu visited the Vogtle nuclear power plant in Waynesboro, Georgia, highlighting the steps the Obama Administration is taking to encourage America's nuclear power industry, including $10 million in new funding for research and development in advanced nuclear reactor and fuel cycle technologies. Read Secretary Chu's comments.

ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit held from Feb. 27th to Feb. 29th
ARPA-E held the third annual Energy Innovation Summit from Feb. 27th to Feb. 29th, bringing together energy leaders from academia, business, and government. The event allowed the leaders to explore and discuss emerging technology innovation in areas of zero carbon power, power management, electrical storage, bioenergy, and more. Take a look at the presentations.

Secretary Clinton and Administrator Jackson launch Short-Lived Climate Forcers Initiative
On Feb. 16th, Secretary Clinton, with EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, launched the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, a global effort to combat climate change by reducing short-lived pollutants such as methane, soot, and hydroflourocarbons. The United States has committed $12 million in new funding for the effort, contributing to the $15 million provided to the foundation from the other members, including Bangladesh, Canada, Mexico, Sweden, Ghana, and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Watch the event.


DOE announces funding for the newest Energy Innovation Hub
On Feb. 7th, Secretary Chu announced plans to launch a new Energy Innovation Hub for advanced research on batteries and energy storage with an investment of up to $120 million over five years. The hub, which will be funded at up to $20 million in fiscal year 2012, will focus on accelerating research and development of electrochemical energy storage for transportation and the electric grid.

DOE announces the winning companies of the America's Next Top Energy Innovator Challenge
On Feb. 10th, Secretary Chu announced the three winning startup companies – based on a public vote and an expert review – out of the 14 participating in the "America's Next Top Energy Innovator" challenge.

US and Mexico sign agreement easing the way for resource development in the Gulf of Mexico
On Feb. 20th, representatives for the US and Mexico signed an agreement on the exploration and development of oil and natural gas reservoirs along the United States' and Mexico's maritime boundary in the Gulf of Mexico. This Transboundary Agreement removes uncertainties regarding development of transboundary resources in the resource-rich Gulf of Mexico. As a result of this Agreement, nearly 1.5 million acres of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf will now be made more accessible for exploration and production activities.

President Obama signs Presidential Memo to increase bio-based product purchases
On Feb. 21st, President Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum directing the Federal Government to take decisive steps to dramatically increase the purchase of biobased products over the next two years, which will create jobs and drive innovation where biobased products are grown and manufactured. The Memorandum will also result in a 50 percent increase in the number of new products that are designated as biobased. Biobased products include items like paints, soaps and detergents and are developed from farm grown plants, rather than chemicals or petroleum bases. The biobased products sector marries the two most important economic engines for rural America: agriculture and manufacturing. Read more about the BioPreferred program.

Energy Star leaders achieve President Obama's energy efficiency goals for buildings
On Feb. 22nd, the EPA announced that nearly half of the organizations recognized as Energy Star Leaders have improved the energy efficiency of their building portfolios by 20 percent or more. Last year, President Obama announced a nationwide call to action to improve the energy performance in buildings across the nation by 20 percent by 2020. EPA's Energy Star program has helped these 90 leading organizations achieve the President's goal by providing them with a proven energy management strategy, which includes a focus on ongoing performance measurement and whole-building improvement. Energy Star Leaders have cumulatively saved more than $150 million on utility bills and prevented greenhouse gas emissions equal to the electricity use of nearly 95,000 homes.

Army unveils world's first military fleet of fuel cell vehicles
On Feb. 22nd, U.S. Army, Pacific, unveiled a fleet of 16 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles that the military services in Hawaii are testing in an effort to research efficient, clean and renewable energy sources, and reduce the U.S. military's dependence on petroleum.

EPA announces recipients of inaugural Climate Leadership Awards
On Feb. 29th, the EPA, the Association of Climate Change Officers (ACCO), the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) (formerly the Pew Center on Global Climate Change), and The Climate Registry (TCR) named the winners of the inaugural Climate Leadership Awards. The awards recognize corporate, organizational, and individual leadership in addressing climate change and reducing carbon pollution. From setting and exceeding aggressive emissions reduction goals to reducing the emissions associated with shipping goods, these organizations are improving efficiency, identifying energy and cost saving opportunities, and reducing pollution.

ARPA-E announces $150 million in funding for breakthrough energy technologies
On Feb. 29th, Dr. Arun Majumdar, Director of ARPA-E, closed the Summit by announcing that on Friday, March 2, ARPA-E will release a $150 million funding opportunity open to all breakthrough energy technologies. The Open Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will support transformational and disruptive high-impact energy R&D projects related to renewable power, bioenergy, transportation, the electrical grid, and building efficiency, among other technology areas.

DOE announces ambitious new initiative to deploy US offshore wind projects
On March 1st, Secretary Chu announced the start of an ambitious initiative to capture the potential of wind energy off American coasts. As part of a planned six-year $180 million initiative, an initial $20 million will be available this year as the first step in supporting up to four innovative offshore wind energy installations across the United States.

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Influencer Marketing - What it is, and Why YOU Need to be Doing it

Influencer Marketing - What it is, and Why YOU Need to be Doing it

Influencer Marketing - What it is, and Why YOU Need to be Doing it

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 01:09 PM PST

Posted by Eric Enge

Content marketing is an increasingly hot topic these days. More and more people are starting to realize the potent role that high quality content plays in creating visibility for your brand on the Internet. Seth Godin was quotes a few years back as saying "content marketing is the only marketing left".

One of the biggest reasons for this is the intense competition that exists on the web today for nearly any commercial offering. For example, you can see this if you do a search on something like intitle:"lathe operation", as shown here:

Search Results for a Niche Product

Even this very niche oriented term generates over 7,000 results. Surely the end user only wants to consider a very few options. As I always like to say: "Google only needs 4 results, so how are you going to be one of the 4?" Superior content is one key component of this.

But, superior content is not enough. Unless the world gets to know about it your superior content will get you nowhere. You have to have a way to get the word out. This is where "Influencer Marketing" comes into play.

By definition, influencers reach a lot of people (often more than you do), and they have the ability to influence people's opinions.

Influencer Marketing Defined

Influencer Marketing is the name we give to the process of developing relationships with influential people that can lead to their assisting you in creating visibility for your product or service. This type of marketing depends on your having something great to offer your potential customers, and the audience of the influencer, and it also depends on your building a great relationship with the influencer as well.

In today's social web, there are a three major ways an influencer can have a big impact on your business:

  1. They can write a blog post / article about you.
  2. They can share information about you in their social media accounts.
  3. They can ask you, or permit you, to guest post on their site.
  4. Or, any combination of, or all of, the above.

Of course, they can also Like or +1 your content as well, which has a lesser impact, but is still potentially interesting. To recap the benefits of the influencer, they often have a larger audience than yours, or at the very least, a different audience:

Influencers have Different and Large audiences

However, the benefit is much larger than that. Let's say you had 100 followers in your Twitter account that shared a piece of content, and this results in 20,000 people seeing what they shared. This may result in 20 additional shares and 10 links.

Now consider the same audience being reached by one influencer. Those 20,000 connections will be much more responsive to the shared content because of the trust they have in the opinions of the influencer, and this much result in 100 additional shares and 50 links.

People more likely to trust influencer recommendations

That's a pretty hefty advantage. Further, the search engines actively calculate author authority, so they will also place more weight on the vote of the influencer.

Leveraging the Influencer

As a fan of content marketing, chances are that you already have your own blog, and your own social media accounts. You probably already use these in tandem, and make sure that you follow similar content themes, and any time you create a new blog post you share it on your social accounts. When you do this correctly, you set yourself up for the following type of virtuous cycle:

Social Media and Blogs Reinforce each other

Doing this effectively is a great start. You can grow your audience over time because people who are already connected with you will share your stuff, and this does reach their audiences.

However, this works much more effectively if you can goose the process in two ways:

  1. Develop relationships with major influencers so they are subscribing to your blog or following/friending/circling you in social media accounts. This is made possible by developing enough of a relationship with the influencer and having a history of creating content of interest to them. Here the payoff occurs when they choose to link to it or share it on a social network.
  2. You actively reach out to influencers and get published directly in front of their audiences. One example of this is writing guest posts for them and getting published in their blog. This also depends on having a credible history so they will consider your article. The payoff here is quite direct, and happens as soon as the content publishes.

Both of these strategies lead to the influencer acting as an amplifier for your voice.

Building the Relationship

This is not really so different than making new friends when you move to a new neighborhood. When you go to that first neighborhood party, you don't walk around asking everyone there to give you $20. You ruin your place in the neighborhood by doing that. Doesn't work in the neighborhood, and it doesn't work in building relationships anywhere else either.

The process is really quite straightforward, as shown here:

Create Trust through Active Contribution

The major elements are:

  1. Start interacting with them. Treat it like you are developing a new friendship. When it comes to business, focus on providing value to them. If they have a question, seek to answer it. Don't spend any time telling them what value you bring, just deliver it to them.
  2. On an ongoing basis, show that you will be active in sharing their stuff to your audience. Even if your audience is much smaller, the give and take attitude will be noticed.
  3. Actively help out others. When you focus all of your attention on one person to the exclusion of others it starts to feel a bit freaky. Give value to others on a regular basis. Publish great stuff. Share other people's good stuff. Tip: if you discover great content from a little known author, the influencer you are trying to build your relationship with will be more interested than ever!

As for interacting, the more personal the better. I built many of my relationships in the search industry by going to conferences and sitting in the front row when people I wanted to meet were speaking, and then being the first person up to speak to them, when the session was over. Face to face contact like that is awesome.

The following diagram tries to illustrate which types of relationship building methods are the most personal, and therefore carry the most value:

More Personalized Interactions Build Relationships Faster

It's also important to prioritize. Which people are worth the most effort? How do you decide? You might fly to a conference to go meet some critical person face to face. Others you might simply interact with on social media accounts.

Note that it certainly is possible to build meaningful relationships with people through social media only, but nothing beats face to face.

Opportunities are also important. Your first opportunity to make a big impression on someone might be to respond to a blog post, a tweet, or a Facebook update. Your target may ask for help with something, as Rand did in this November 2006 blog post:

Rand Offered up a Linkbait Idea

How did that one turn out you ask? Somebody stepped up and took it on:

Oh right, it was me. The analytics report published on August 27, 2007. Point is, jumping on opportunities like this makes a big impression, and can really accelerate the building of a relationship.

What are the chances someone will share or link?

Once you have developed a relationship, you still need to do the right things to get someone to share or link to your stuff. No one is going to share everything you do, because some of the stuff you do is not that good or not that relevant (don't be offended, no one is great all the time).

Here is a formula I have developed for the probability of someone sharing or linking to your content:

Chances Someone will Link to or Share Your Content

Let's look at the major elements:

  1. Relevance - if it is not relevant to them, they are not going to share it, even if it's great! - if it is not relevant to them, they are not going to share it, even if it's great!
  2. Uniqueness - Seth Godin likes to tell us to be remarkable. If what you create is not exceptional, no one is going to care, and no one is going to share.
  3. Quality Content - This goes without saying. Crap content will bring crap results and no amount of relationship building will change that.
  4. Trust in the Author - This is where the relationship comes into play. You can create great content, but if you are not yet trusted, your share rate will be far lower.
  5. Trust in Referring Sources - How someone learns about a piece of content is a factor in the share rate as well. If an authority tells you about it, you are more likely to respond by passing it on.
  6. Visibility - People can't share what they don't see. For example, if you create a great blog post and you tweet it once, a small percentage of your followers will ever see it. Tweets are here now and gone 5 minutes later. Even the most addicted tweetaholic misses some of their tweet stream.
  7. Impressions - Impressions is an interesting one. This is classic marketing in action. Marketing experts used to say that it took an average of 7 impressions per sale. Of course, all impressions are not created equal:
Multiple Impressions Increases Share Chances

As you can see the reach of influencers is long. Not only can they get you links, they can give you shares that result in other people giving you links.


Learning to work the very human dynamics of people on the Internet is a critical marketing activity. This is not new. It has always been valuable to build relationships with influential people. The Internet simply gives us new mechanisms for doing that.

Communication and relationship building is easier than it has ever been. You can easily get started with social media or blog conversations, and that's great. Don't overlook the power of the old fashioned way though. More personal interactions still have the biggest impact.

Creating fantastic content is a must, so make that a key part of your plan. Then, supplement that by building the right relationships so you can get the world to know about all the cool stuff you are doing.

One last tip, add value to the audience at each step of the way. Even when you are creating content for your own blog, people are only going to share it because it helps others. Give, give, and give, and always be helping others. People will notice, and that's a good thing.

For those of you who are interested in more, drop me a line at info at stonetemple.com and I will send you our white paper on identifying influencers.

Eric is active on Twitter (@stonetemple) and Google+ (+Eric Enge).

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Help for Military Homeowners

The White House

Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Help for Military Homeowners

Holly Petraeus, Assistant Director for the Office of Servicemember Affairs in the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, wrote a blog post about what’s being done to help military homeowners in light of the recent $25 billion settlement between the Federal government, 49 state Attorneys General, and five of the largest mortgage loan servicers. We wanted to make sure you didn’t miss it:

Find out what the recent settlement means for military homeowners, and what the CFPB is doing to help.

Photo of the Day

photo of the day 030612

President Barack Obama signs the prosthetic arm of Sgt. Carlos Evans, USMC, after greeting wounded warriors in the East Room during their tour of the White House, March 6, 2012. First Lady Michelle Obama first met Evans, who was injured in Afghanistan while on his fourth combat deployment, during a visit to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in 2010. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It 

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

Hiring Veterans: Good for a Company's Bottom Line
Nation’s leading institute for veterans and military families publishes “Business Case” for hiring veterans.

Vice President Biden Visits the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City
The Vice President was so moved, he remarked that he would have come to Mexico City if only just to see the Basilica, the most holy Roman Catholic site in Mexico. 

What You Need to Know About Today's Housing Announcement
President Obama describes a set of measures aimed at helping homeowners -- particular those who have served in the Armed Forces.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

10:15 AM: The President departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews

10:30 AM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route Charlotte, North Carolina

12:45 PM: The President tours a manufacturing plant WhiteHouse.gov/live

1:45 PM: The President departs Charlotte, North Carolina en route Washington, DC

3:00 PM: The President arrives Joint Base Andrews

3:15 PM: The President arrives the White House 
6:00 PM: The Vice President attends a campaign event

WhiteHouse.gov/live Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on WhiteHouse.gov/Live

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Seth's Blog : A habit of attention

A habit of attention

At the core of permission marketing is the efficiency of earning, maintaining and leveraging attention.

If you don't have to begin anew each time, you can cut the effort and spending you're putting into reaching strangers. And if the consumer can trust that you won't waste her time, she can spend more time on productive work and less time sorting offers to see what's worth looking at.

The method for accomplishing this: make promises and keep them. Make an offer and then follow through. Don't waste my time.

The advanced method: intentionally design your communications to create a habit of attention. Habits are hard to form and even harder to break, and when properly constructed, they can benefit both sides.


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marți, 6 martie 2012

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Recession Hits Australia; 21st Monthly Decline in Construction; Service Sector in Contraction, New Orders Plunge; Ring, Ring Goes The Bell

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 10:18 PM PST

A set of incredibly weak economic reports from down under have left me with in inescapable conclusion that Australia has entered recession.

Australia GDP Expands "Less Than Expected" .04% in 4th Quarter

The BBC reports Australia's economy expands 0.4% in the fourth-quarter
Australia's economy has expanded by less than expected in the fourth quarter of 2011, as business spending dropped, sending the dollar to a six-week low.

Gross domestic product rose by 0.4% in the three months to the end of December compared with the previous three months, said the Bureau of Statistics. Analysts were expecting growth of 0.8%.

However, most analysts say that growth is expected to pick up in the coming months. "We're doing much better than most," said Stephen Walters, from JP Morgan.

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) said it still expects growth of 3-3.5% this year and next.
3.5% growth? What the heck are these guys smoking?

21st Monthly Decline in Construction

Bloomberg reports Australian Construction Index Falls to Lowest in Four Months
A gauge of Australia's construction industry fell to the lowest level in four months as commercial construction remained weak and house building declined.

The construction performance index fell to 35.6 in February from 39.8 a month earlier, the 21st monthly decline, a survey by the Australian Industry Group and the Housing Industry Association released in Sydney today showed. A reading below 50 represents a contraction.

"The tentative signs of recovery that had emerged in the closing months of 2011 as interest rates were lowered appear to have dissipated since the start of this year," Australian Industry Group Director of Public Policy Peter Burn said in a statement. "With new orders also weak in February and with market interest rates somewhat higher, the outlook for the next few months remains flat."
Tentative signs of recovery? With construction dropping 21 straight months? Really?

Service Sector in Contraction

Markit reports Australia Service Sector in Falls in February.
Key Findings

  • Service sector activity fell in February according to the latest seasonally adjusted Australian Industry Group/ Commonwealth Bank Australian Performance of Services Index (Australian PSI®) which was down 5.2 points to 46.7 in the month.
  • And in three-month-moving-average terms, the Australian PSI® has remained below the critical 50 point level for four consecutive months.
  • Reports of declining activity levels in February were common across the sector, with businesses reporting that sales, new orders and employment levels all fell back in the month.
  • The new orders component of the Australian PSI® recorded a particularly sharp fall, and is now at its lowest level in over 12 months.
  • In line with these soft trading conditions, the average selling price index declined in February, and is also at its lowest level in over 12 months.

New orders

  • On a seasonally adjusted basis, new order levels fell sharply in February after remaining broadly steady over much of the past year.
  • The new orders component of the Australian PSI® fell by 8.5 points to 45.6.
  • New order levels declined across most service sub-sectors in February, with particularly sharp declines reported in the retail trade and communication services sub-sectors.
  • This was only partly offset by solid growth in new orders in the finance & insurance and personal & recreational services sub-sectors.

Australia PSI

click on chart for sharper image
Huge Price Squeeze

Please take a good look at that chart. Wages have risen 31 months. Input prices have risen 108 consecutive months!

Every other component of the PSI is in contraction. Selling prices have fallen for 3 months while new orders have plunged.

Trendline Growth

For another look at GDP growth in Australia, please consider The Australian economy is not growing at trend
The outcome over 5 years? Trend growth at 0.72% per annum, with peak to trough and current total growth as marked on the chart.

Over the last 12 months, yearly GDP per capita growth was at 0.7% - substantially less than the long term rate of 1.48% over the last ten years, or the 2.4% rate over the whole data series.

The Australian economy is still growing, but at half the long term pace on a person by person basis, and given the problems with the standard CPI measurement (which contrary to popular belief, does not measure inflation), it is likely that purchasing power is not being maintained either.

With a government forced to return to surplus to maintain its AAA rating and thus reduce stimulus spending, credit growth running at 35 year lows and decelerating, a slowdown and likely reversal in Terms of Trade from record high commodity prices and in the absence of further Chinese stimulus (which arguably did more than all the endogenous stimuli post GFC), its hard to see how GDP growth can return to the mean trend of pre-GFC years.

It's also hard to see how this is surprising.

Ring, Ring Goes The Bell

Indeed, it's not surprising (to a few of us anyway).

Yesterday I stated Australia Retail and Housing Bloodbath Coming Up.

Today I am ringing the bells of recession.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Athens' Pitifully Hollow Warning to Bond Holdouts; Self-Serving, Misguided Hype by IIF on "Implications of a Disorderly Greek Default and Euro Exit"

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 11:45 AM PST

I can't help laughing at the Financial Times headline story Athens threat to bond holdouts.
Greece has threatened to default on any of its bondholders who do not take part in this week's €206bn debt restructuring, raising the pressure on potential holdouts.

The threat is aimed in particular at the 14 per cent of investors who own Greek bonds issued under international law. The remaining 86 per cent, who own bonds covered by Greek law, were warned in the same statement that Greece would use so-called collective action clauses to make any deal binding on any holdouts.

People involved in the deal said there would be no sympathy for any holdouts in the international law bonds, as many of them were hedge funds who had bought in on the hope of being paid back in full as other investors suffered losses of about 75 per cent.

"They will be portrayed as evil hedge funds and nobody will have any pity for them. That means you can be violent with them. They need to realise that they don't have a free option here," one person close to the deal said.
Pitiful Threat

This pitiful threat demonizing evil hedge funds will prove to be as effective as a parent telling a child, "If you don't clean up your room, I will give you piece of cake".

The hedge funds want a default. They are the ones covered with CDS contracts that will pay them in case of default. Those covered by CDS contracts have no incentive to agree to deals and threats to blow the entire deal sky high is exactly what most of the holdouts want to hear.

Implications of a Disorderly Greek Default and Euro Exit

Even more pathetic than the Greek "threat" is a "confidential" (purposely leaked) report by the Institute of International Finance which which represents about 450 banks and other private creditors to Greece.

The Wall Street Journal has posted the document, Implications of a Disorderly Greek Default and Euro Exit so let's take a look at the hype.

  1. Direct losses on Greek debt holdings (€73 billion) that would probably result from a generalized default on Greek debt (owed to both private and public sector creditors);
  2. Sizeable potential losses by the ECB: we estimate that ECB exposure to Greece (€177 billion) is over 200% of the ECB's capital base;
  3. The likely need to provide substantial additional support to both Portugal and Ireland (government and well as banks) to convince market participants that these countries were indeed fully insulated from Greece (possibly a combined €380 billion over a 5 year horizon);
  4. The likely need to provide substantial support to Spain and Italy to stem contagion there (possibly another €350 billion of combined support from the EFSF/ESM and IMF);
  5. The ECB would be directly damaged by a Greek default, but would come under pressure to significantly expand its SMP (currently €219 billion) to support sovereign debt markets;
  6. There would be sizeable bank recapitalization costs, which could easily be €160 billion. Private investors would be very leery to provide additional equity, thus leaving governments with the choice of either funding the equity themselves, or seeing banks achieve improved ratios through even sharper deleveraging;
  7. There would be lost tax revenues from weaker Euro Area growth and higher interest payments from higher debt levels implied in providing additional lending;
  8. There would be lower tax revenues resulting from lower global growth. The global growth implications of a disorderly default are, ex ante, hard to quantify. Lehman Brothers was far smaller than Greece and its demise was supposedly well anticipated. It is very hard to be confident about how producers and consumers in the Euro Area and beyond will respond when such an extreme event as a disorderly sovereign default occurs.

There is a more profound issue, however. The increased involvement of the ECB in
supporting the Euro Area financial system has been such that a disorderly Greek default would lead to significant losses and strains on the ECB itself. When combined with the strong likelihood that a disorderly Greek default would lead to the hurried exit of Greece from the Euro Area, this financial shock to the ECB could raise significant stability issues about the monetary union.
Self-Serving, Misguided Hype by IIF

That "confidential" PDF is one of the biggest examples of self-serving nonsensical financial hype stories as you can find anywhere. It was put together by nannyzone supporters attempting to scare everyone about eurozone breakup costs.

For starters the ECB will not be impacted by Greece regardless of what happens. The ECB would be made whole by EMU member nations if necessary.

Moreover, the idea that tiny Greece will "cause" a Lehman-like cascade is farcical. The "cause" of this mess is the woefully inept treaty that created the eurozone.

Greece, Spain, and Portugal are all bankrupt and all will exit the eurozone in due time and one cannot lay the blame for this on Greece. Indeed, had the fools at the EMU, IMF, and ECB allowed Greece to default two years ago, damage would have been minimized.

Foolish attempts to "contain" Greece made matters far worse. That the damages will be higher now is a direct consequence of the ECB president Jaan-Claude Trichet's policy "we say no to default".

At every opportunity to do the right thing (let Greece default), bureaucrats in the ECB, IMF, and EMU member countries threw more and more money at  Greece in repeated attempts to prevent the inevitable.

Only Realistic Solution is Eurozone Breakup

Throwing still more money at Greece now will not prevent Greece, Portugal, and Spain from leaving the eurozone later. Instead, repeated attempts to stay on this road-to-ruin will do nothing but up costs later on, just as Miracle Monti's misguided LTRO programs will likewise do.

For a more realistic discussion of the impacts and a recommended proper approach, please consider Report Shows Netherlands Would Benefit by Leaving Eurozone; Country by Country Aggregate Costs; Dutch Freedom Party Wants Euro Exit Referendum; Critical Juncture for Eurozone

The euro and the eurozone are fundamentally flawed. Those flaws cannot be fixed by throwing more money at the problem. The only solution that really works is a breakup of the Eurozone, and the sooner the bureaucrats accept that simple fact, the better off everyone will be.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Obama Unveils New J.P. Morgan, Wells Fargo Bailout Plan, Disguised as Mortgage Relief

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 09:46 AM PST

Under guise of helping homeowners, president Obama has finalized his plan to further aid banks. Please consider Obama's alleged Mortgage Relief Plan.
The White House on Tuesday announced it was cutting the mortgage fees charged by the Federal Housing Administration's refinancing program in another effort to help the languishing housing market recover.

President Barack Obama will announce the move at an afternoon press conference, his first since November.

An estimated 2 million to 3 million FHA borrowers will be eligible to benefit from the revamped program, the White House said in a statement.

The measures to be announced by Obama this afternoon do not need Congressional approval.

Under the revised FHA streamlined refinancing program for loans originated prior to June 2009, borrowers refinancing existing FHA loans would pay an up-front mortgage insurance premium of 0.01%, down from 1.0%. The annual premiums will be cut in half to 0.55%.

The reductions could save the typical FHA borrower about a thousand dollars per year, the White House said.

Jaret Seiberg, senior policy analyst with Guggenheim, said the plan would be "broadly positive" for housing and the economy by reducing foreclosures and freeing up income for consumers.

Big banks like J.P. Morgan Chase JPM and Wells Fargo WFC would see fee income related to FHA mortgages spike with this program, Seiberg said in a research note.
Broadly Positive For Whom?

Contrary to the opinions of Seiberg, this plan will not be "broadly positive" for housing and the economy any more than numerous other misguided attempts purported to do the same thing, all of which failed at their stated intent.

Throwing more taxpayer money down the drain will of course be "broadly positive" for big banks that will see income rise.

Indeed, much of the rally in bank shares this year has been in regards to "broadly positive" measures by the administration and the Fed purposely designed to bailout banks in contrast to stated reasons.

Moreover, the plan is sure to be "broadly positive" for Obama's reelection chances, and "broadly negative" for taxpayers who will no doubt end up footing the bill, perhaps in more ways than one.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Misty Water-Colored Memories, Dirt-Cheap Stocks, and Patient Opportunism

Posted: 06 Mar 2012 02:12 AM PST

Looking at forward earnings estimates, buy recommendations, and numerous explanations once again as to why "stocks are cheap" I am left wondering (to paraphrase Barbara Streisand) "Can it be that it is all so simple now? Or has time repeated every lie?"

Looking back, all that's left from the housing crash is "misty water-colored memories" of opportunities to cash out at the top (or dreams of not buying in the first place). The same can be said of the Nasdaq technology bubble that peaked at 5132 in March of 2000.

12 years later, the Nasdaq has managed to crawl back to 3000. Will it be another 10 years before the Nasdaq again hits 5000?

"Dirt Cheap" says Analyst Dick Bove

In 2000, in 2007, and again recently, we have heard many misguided explanations as to why "stocks are cheap". Some use forward earnings estimates, others tortured rationale such as "stocks are cheap compared to bonds", and still others use historical P/E estimates as if recent history is a guide to repeatable earnings.

Recently, analyst Dick Bove said Bank Stocks 'Dirt Cheap' as Image Starts to Turn
The Rochdale Securities vice president of equity research has long held that big banks have been most hampered not by their balance sheets by rather by negative perceptions - from Washington, Wall Street, and individual investors.

But as positions improve and policy makers begin to indicate that some of the more onerous new regulation proposals could be eased, that in turn presents opportunity, Bove said.

"What we're looking at is the complete change in attitude towards this industry from what it's been over the past three years," he said in an interview. "What has killed this industry over the last three years has been the negative psychology. It's not negative any longer."

"If you take a look at this industry based on any historical comparison to what the true value of the companies would be, they're dirt cheap," Bove said. "They remain dirt cheap, and the fact is that either you've got to come to the conclusion that the industry will never get back to the multiples it had in the past...or that it will get back to where it was in the past, in which case these stocks are still very, very cheap."
Warning: A New Who's Who of Awful Times to Invest

Please compare the analysis by Bove to that presented by John Hussman in Warning: A New Who's Who of Awful Times to Invest
Banking Notes

The FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile for the fourth quarter of 2011 was released last week. The headline: "Banks earned $26.3 billion in the fourth quarter, an increase of $4.9 billion (23.1%) from the same period in 2010." This FDIC report was quickly picked up by news articles as a sign of clear recovery in the banking sector.

The details: "Earnings benefited further from lower provisions for loan losses. Insured institutions set aside $19.5 billion in provisions for loan losses during the fourth quarter." The amount set aside for loan losses declined $13.1 billion (40.1%) from the fourth quarter of 2010. Actual net charge-offs of $25.4 billion exceeded loss provisions of $19.5 billion. As a result, total loan loss reserves declined by $6.3 billion (3.2%), falling for the 7th consecutive quarter. Meanwhile, full-year net operating revenue declined for only the second time since 1938 (the only other decline occurred in 2008).

In another widely reported sign of recovery, the number of insured institutions on the FDIC's "problem list" fell from 844 to 813 during the quarter. Of course, 18 insured institutions actually failed last quarter, and so are no longer on the list. Nearly 1% of insured institutions were merged into other institutions during the quarter, likely accounting for much of the remainder.

Similarly, banks enjoyed their largest quarterly increase in lending since 2008, which was hailed as a sign of resurgence in economic activity.

A good amount of bad debt has been written down, but the remaining bad debt still needs restructuring. Notably, non-current assets and bank-owned non-foreclosed property ("other real estate owned" or OREO) is actually a larger percentage of bank assets today than in 2008. Restructuring generally means reducing the interest spread or writing down a portion of the principal, and this process is likely to siphon off earnings in the financial sector for years. Despite their preferred status as "risk on" speculative assets, I continue to view financials as a minefield.
Bubbles Are Not Reblown

To Hussman's distinctly sobering bank forecast, let me add a couple of thoughts. For starters, the last bubble is not re-blown.

Consider the "4 horseman" of the internet boom: Microsoft, Intel, Dell and Cisco. Where are they now? Sure there are some new leaders like Google and Apple, but the old ideas have languished.

Consider the housing bust: In spite of every trick in the book used by Congress and the Fed, housing prices make new low after new low.

Consider the banking sector: In spite of every effort by the Fed to get banks to lend, banks simply are not lending.

I suggest the financial sector will be dead money (at best) for years, perhaps decades, just as waiting for the return of Intel, Cisco, or Microsoft has been.

Cisco Monthly

click on chart for sharper image

Citigroup Monthly

Is there going to be another credit lending bubble?

Take a look at excess reserves parked at the Fed for your answer. The same can be said for reserves piling up at the ECB. So where's that earning's growth going to come from? Mars?

About That Increase in Lending

Analysts went gaga (a continual state of affairs actually) over recent increases in bank lending. For example, consumer credit expanded by $19 billion in December of which $11.8 was non-revolving credit.

I took a look at non-revolving credit in Consumer Credit "Demolishes Expectations" Really? No Not Really! The "Non-Bounce" in Non-Revolving Credit and noted that $8.8 billion of that is growth in federal government loans (which just happens to be where student loans are parked).
Non-Revolving Loans Minus Government Loans

Non-Revolving Loans Minus Government Loans Detail

True Bounce in Percentage Terms

Note that the year-over-year "bounce" has not even gotten back to the zero-line in spite of exceptionally easy comparisons.
Eight Reasons Banks Aren't Lending

  1. Banks are capital impaired
  2. New Basel may require banks to hold more capital
  3. Few credit-worthy businesses want to expand
  4. Banks can park trillions of dollars at the Fed and make .25% interest risk-free for doing nothing.
  5. Demographics: Retiring boomers are scaling back purchases
  6. Real wages are declining
  7. Banks are sitting on massive amounts of real estate, SIVs, and off-balance sheet garbage still not marked to market
  8. Banks simply do not like the risks

Are U.S. Stocks (In General) Dirt Cheap?

Still think bank stocks "dirt cheap"? Heck, are stocks in general dirt cheap? Let's return to Hussman for an opinion.
Last week, the estimated return/risk profile of the S&P 500 fell to the worst 2.5% of all observations in history on our measures. This is not a runaway bull market. Rather, it is a market that again stands near the highs of an extended but volatile trading range. I am convinced that the breakdown of the market from this range has been deferred only through repeated and extraordinary central bank actions.

Importantly, the market is again characterized by an extreme set of conditions that we've previously associated with a "Who's Who of Awful Times to Invest." The rare instances we've seen this syndrome historically are reviewed in that previous weekly comment. They include the 1972-73 and 1987 market peaks, and several instances since 1998.

Arguments that stocks are "cheap on the basis of forward operating earnings" fail to adjust for the record high level of profit margins (about 50% above their historical norms), and also apply bubble-era norms for price-to-forward earnings multiples. This is the same argument that analysts made in 2007, and it is dangerously wrong.
Hussman has made those kinds of arguments before and so have I. If anything, I think Hussman may be an optimist. Indeed, I believe there is a decent chance of "Negative Returns for a Decade"

Clearly I have been preaching a consistent message, and equally clearly the market has other ideas. I was in a similar situation in 2006, calling for a recession when the yield curve inverted, waiting an agonizingly long time for it to arrive.

This is yet another agonizingly long time for me as it has been for Hussman who writes ...
My greatest concern as an investment manager is the possibility that some number of our shareholders will grow so exasperated with remaining defensive during these periods that they capitulate and take a significant position in the market at the worst possible point.

In a market that has now underperformed Treasury bills for more than 13 years, with two plunges of more than 50% in the interim (all of which we anticipated), my hope is that shareholders recognize our record in identifying major downside risks, and understand - if not fully agree with - my insistence on stress-testing our methods against Depression-era data in 2009 in response to the credit crisis.

The completion of the present bull-bear market cycle (and it will be completed) will undoubtedly present strong opportunities to play offense, but today stands among a Who's Who of the worst historical times to do so. Particularly for investors who do not have a large number of future cycles between now and the point they will need to draw significantly on their assets, a defensive stance is crucial here.
Red highlighting is mine.

Here is a quote from Howard Marks at Oaktree Capital as referenced by Hussman.

Howard Marks, Oaktree Capital, The Most Important Thing (2011)

"You simply cannot create investment opportunities when they're not there. When prices are high, it's inescapable that prospective returns are low. That single sentence provides a great deal of guidance as to appropriate portfolio actions. Patient opportunism - waiting for bargains - is often your best strategy."

I tracked that message down to chapter 13 of Marks' Google Book The Most Important Thing: "The Most Important Thing Is .... Patient Opportunism"

The wait may be agonizing, but it beats the consequences of plunging in at exactly the wrong time as happened in the Nasdaq in 2000, in housing in 2005 (on arguments "get in now before it's too late), and in the stock market in 2007.

History suggests there will be better opportunities around the corner for those who have the patience to wait for them. How long that wait might be is still anyone's guess.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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