marți, 25 iunie 2013

Here's the plan to cut carbon pollution


Hi, all --

The carbon pollution that causes climate change isn't a distant threat, the risk to public health isn't a hypothetical, and it's clear we have a moral obligation to act.

The 12 hottest years on record have all come in the last 15 years, and 2012 was the hottest one we've ever recorded. When carbon pollutes the air, the risk of asthma attacks increases. When the Earth's atmosphere fundamentally changes, we see more heat waves, droughts, wildfires, and floods.

These events also create an economic imperative to act. When farms wash away and crops wilt, food prices go up. Last year, we saw 11 different weather disasters that each cost the United States more than $1 billion.

And confronting this challenge isn't just about preventing disaster -- it's also about moving America forward in a way that creates hundreds of thousands of good, new, clean energy jobs. It's about wasting less energy, which saves money for every business and every family in America.

So the debate's over. It's time for action. 

Here's what President Obama is announcing today. Check it out, then help to spread the word.

First, he's laying out a plan to cut carbon pollution in America -- by working to cut pollution from power plants, protect the health of our kids, boost clean energy, and revamp our transportation sector for the 21st century. Second, he's preparing the United States for the impacts of these changes -- by building stronger, safer communities and developing resources to make our country more resilient. And finally, he's leading international efforts to combat global climate change.

We've put together a graphic that breaks this all down -- from the effects we're already seeing to the specific actions we're going to take to lead this fight.

No single step can reverse the effects of climate change, but that's no excuse for inaction. We have a moral obligation to leave our kids a planet that's not broken and polluted.

So here's what we're going to do:

Share President Obama's plan to make sure people in your community understand why we're taking these steps and what comes next.  



David Simas
Deputy Senior Advisor
White House


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5 Questions About Semantic SEO

5 Questions About Semantic SEO

5 Questions About Semantic SEO

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 07:42 PM PDT

Posted by Matthew Brown

Earlier this month, I attended the SemTechBiz2013 conference in San Francisco. This is a gathering of creators and designers of the semantic tech stack, folks who work on semantic web standards, and representatives from the search engines, all coming together to discuss the state of the industry. There was a focus on semantic search and structured data markup at the show, reflecting the expansion of and Google Knowledge Graph as well as Bing Snapshots and the growing influence of the Open Graph Protocol.

Aaron Bradley wrote up a fantastic list of key takeaways from the conference, and if you're attempting to get your head around semantic search, it's a great starting point. Blatant plug alert: I'll be talking about how to strategically adjust for these shifts in my talk at MozCon in early July.

Marketers have a laundry list of activities to choose from to increase visibility, build brand, and drive engagement. It can be tough to quantify when to work on the hot new thing, especially when the words "Google" and "SEO" are prominently involved. When there are fundamental shifts in the SEO landscape (and I believe we're near the beginning of one of these shifts), search industry practitioners are often asked how to organize a strategy around the new tactical options. Here are five questions that I hope clarify the current state of semantic SEO and structured data markup:

1. Is "Semantic SEO" a new term?

We spend a lot of time in the SEO community debating terms and definitions, even when they are established activities we've been doing for years. This is doubly true for folks in tech who are not in the search industry. If you have an abundance of free time, you can jump into any Hacker News thread related to SEO and see there's still no agreement on whether or not SEO is a valid term or discipline.

The optimization part aside, in Aaron's SemTech piece I referenced above there is a concise definition of semantic search provided by Tamas Doszkocs of WebLib:

"Semantic search is a search or a question or an action that produces meaningful results, even when the retrieved items contain none of the query terms, or the search involves no query text at all."

That's a great starting point to think about how Google and Bing are shifting towards semantic search results. Justin Briggs wrote a piece about entity search results that's over a year old, and it's still a useful primer on how search engines are increasingly moving towards these kinds of results for user queries. However, there's still not an agreed-upon term to describe the activities around achieving visibility in the semantic search results or optimizing for a semantic search engine.

I've heard everything from "entity-based SEO" to "entity SEO" to "Search Entity Optimization" as descriptors for optimizing around entity-based results. I'd personally lean towards "semantic search optimization" or "semantic SEO," but I can guarantee one thing: It doesn't matter what you call it at the end of the day. Adjusting to the semantic search landscape will be part of the SEO's job description going forward.

2. What do "entity-based search results" look like now?

The first wave of entity-based results in Google have been through "answer cards" and Knowledge Graph results. We're used to frequently seeing Google searches for people, places, and media object results that look like this:

It's obvious that Google's Knowledge Graph result above is generated primarily from the Freebase entry on Sam Peckinpah. The shift that will be much harder to deconstruct will be search results ranking sites that aren't clearly optimizing for specific keyword queries, or may not contain what SEOs would consider strong link profiles with exact- or partial-match anchor text. Consider this result for the classic phrase from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey:

The YouTube clips and other search results on the first page all contain what you might expect to see in terms of on-page optimization and anchor text profiles: keyword usage in the title/META tags/URL, and a mix of exact- and partial-match anchor text in the link profiles. But the IMDb and Wikiquote pages are a bit different, and don't contain strong signals in either of those areas. There are quite a few links to the IMDb page, but relatively little in the way of partial- or exact-match anchor text that an SEO might be expect to see. Additionally, while the phrase is found in the body content of the page, the usual SEO sweet spots in the URL, internal anchor text, and HTML title tag aren't optimized for the quote.

Gianluca Fiorelli recently wrote a piece on graphs and entity recognition, which addressed this topic and how it it may relate to co-occurrence and co-reference across web documents. Google released the Wikilinks Corpus this year, and in the release they describe a system of co-reference to add in entity resolution. Specifically, when are different mentions or queries referencing the same entity across web documents?

The Google/UMass Wikilinks project provides a good illustration of cross-document co-reference with two web documents that both link to the disambiguated entity 'Banksy' on Wikipedia:

Or in my previous example above, when people are searching for "I'm sorry Dave," Google can fairly easily match that query to the entity 2001: A Space Odyssey across web documents that co-reference the IMDb page, and return results for that entity without relying on keyword string matches in HTML tags and anchor text.

3. So is the keyword dead?

Interestingly enough, I've read two pieces from very sharp SEOs who have a different take on that. AJ Kohn makes a compelling case that keywords still matter as they are crucial in determining user intent and matching that to relevant results. While entity-based SEO and Knowledge Graph results attempt to guess user intent through localization, personalization, and entity disambiguation, there's nothing more clear in terms of intent than a keyword string of "hospitals in Seattle" or "What's the best Xbox 360 game?" (Obviously it's Bioshock.)

But there are a couple of signs that the keyword may be fading a bit as the ultimate arbiter of user intent. Consider the launch of Google's "conversational search," which layers what you've searched for, who you are, and where you are as intent modifiers to your query. Even stubborn old SEOs are coming to realize that there are layers of implicit intent in search results that we can't possibly unravel through keyword research or link graph metrics.

Mr. Bradley makes a very salient point in his SemTechBiz writeup (seriously, read that): Mobile is the driving force behind the semantic search revolution. Google, Bing, and Yahoo all see the writing on the wall with mobile adoption and the slow death of the desktop PC. Keywords may never die, but they're going to have a lot of company when it comes to determining user intent and serving relevant search results.

4. Is structured data markup a ranking factor?

Wouldn't we love to know? Not to be rude and answer my question with a question, but when was the last time Google actually confirmed something is a factor in their ranking algorithm? My memory says it was the site speed announcement in 2010. Readers should feel free to correct me in the comments if there is a more recent example.

As a simplified mental model, you could group the search engine ranking factors into one of these categories:

  • Popularity signals: Links, and the quality and quantity thereof in particular. Other visibility signals such as social media sharing would fall into this category.
  • Relevancy signals: There's a whole lot that goes into this one, but a good reference point is the Google patent on phrase-based indexing.
  • Things that dramatically affect user experience on a site: Hacked sites at the extreme, and smaller factors like site speed or reading level at the other end of the spectrum.
  • Things that actually appear in the search engine results: Keywords in HTML titles, URLs, and META description tags (yes, they affect CTR at a minimum).

Structured data markup significantly affects both the way relevancy signals have traditionally been generated in the keyword-string SEO world, as well as how search results actually appear. The SERP landscape is a long way from ten blue links; video and image thumbnails, authorship thumbnails, and rich snippets of many types now fundamentally alter what users click on:

It will be interesting to see what testing data and correlation studies tell us about structured data markup as a ranking factor. If Google and Bing can derive a clean signal from the presence of this markup, it certainly meets other criteria we've typically used to mark something as a ranking factor. Here at Moz, we'll soon be publishing ongoing updates to the 2011 Search Engine Ranking Factors study. It should be interesting to once again see any changes in correlation data as well as the latest SEO survey results.

5. Will implementing markup actually hurt our search engine visibility in the future?

There have been a number of SEOs who raise valid concerns about the implementation of structured data markup. Will it enable scraper sites to easily take your data and use it to outrank you? Or worse, will Google vacuum up your data for its own purposes in Knowledge Graph results or increasingly sophisticated rich snippets? This tweet from Dennis Goedegebuure concisely sums up the latter concern, and it applies to Google, Bing, Facebook, Twitter or any other search engine or social media network:

For many practitioners in the SEO industry, it feels like we may have seen this movie before. Let's say, for example, that you spent considerable time and money optimizing images with an eye on increasing your visibility in Google image search. The recent UI change to Google image search results likely had a significant negative ROI impact on that effort. There's a very sound takeaway in that Define Media Group post: It's still a good idea to adhere to SEO best practices for image search optimization, but it likely changes how heavily you'd opt to prioritize that work versus an activity that will yield more traffic or visibility. The same ROI calculation should be applied to structured data markup, whether it's, Open Graph Protocol, or Twitter Cards markup.

The vast majority of the rich snippets and Knowledge Graph elements in the search results are derived from Freebase and a small handful of other semantic data sources, such as the CIA World Factbook and MusicBrainz. Whether or not we choose to mark up our sites will have little effect on the current Google or Bing SERPs.

However, there's a massive amount of data still present in good old HTML, and the search engines are keen to use structured data to display that information. You can see the limitations of document retrieval and reliance on the link graph in any number of less-than-desirable search results. I believe Google and Bing will raise the bar on the quality of search results through the wider adoption of semantic data markup.

I also believe we should consistently hold them and any other structured data consumers accountable for making sure proper attribution and responsible user interface design are key parts of their structured data consumption. SEO has received a bad rap in some circles as simply being a vehicle for spam. The reality is that SEO heavy-lifting is behind many of the better search results you'll find. Going forward, the same guideline will apply to structured data.

A healthy web ecosystem will find a balance between search engine, user, and content publisher. Let's continue to remind the aggregators of our data of that as we continue down the semantic SEO path.

Bonus question: What's the best move for web publishers?

The rate of adoption of structured data markup will have profound effects on what our SERPs look like in the next few years. Is it worth the effort for web publishers (both small and large) to immediately provide this markup? I'd love to hear your thoughts and strategy in the comments.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

The New Science of Web Psychology: Interview with Nathalie Nahai

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 03:57 AM PDT

Posted by Erica McGillivray

Nathalie NahaiWe all want to influence our customers and our clients to follow the path to conversion. But what if that path fails to draw them in? That's where Nathalie Nahai, the web psychologist, comes into play. She helps nudge your audience toward the right path and make your goals in Google Analytics happy, not to mention your boss or clients.

Nathalie recently authored the new book Webs of Influence: The Psychology of Online Persuasion. We were so impressed with Nathalie that we invited her to speak at this year's MozCon, July 8th-10th in Seattle. Get your ticket today because you don't want to miss this:

Buy Your Ticket Today!

How'd you get your start working in inbound marketing as a psychologist?

I have a mixed background in psychology, the arts, and web design, and it wasn’t until I met some of the digi/tech entrepreneurs in East London that I even considered applying my psychology to online interaction. I became curious about how we’re influenced online and started looking for books on the subject. When I realised that there was a huge gap in the market, I decided to write the book myself. That was the real launching point.

Those of us working with data sometimes have to fight "common wisdom." What web psychology optimization tip always shocks people?

I think the most obvious one is based around a comfortable assumption regarding website visitors, to which my response is always, "If you think you know your target audience, you’re wrong. Where’s your research?" No matter how well you think you know your audience, you should always research them, and never assume that the knowledge you have about them is carved in stone. People change â€" so must your strategy.

What's your favorite social media medium to engage in?

I’d have to say Twitter, or Instagram when I’m travelling. Though recently there have been so many genuinely fascinating updates running through my Facebook feed, including my favourite, I Fucking Love Science, that a lot of my productivity has been lost to that particular black hole.

You recently wrote a post about why people troll online. How do you recommend dealing with trolls?

Honestly? I usually write a polite, reasoned response back, and if they retort with something obnoxious (which thankfully happens fairly rarely), then I ignore the thread. There’s no point fuelling the fire.

" ...given that a great proportion of our communication is non-verbal [8], and that we rely heavily on facial recognition to connect with and understand one another, it may be that losing eye-contact online actually cuts out our main avenue for empathetic communication â€" without which we become emotionally disconnected and more predisposed towards hostile behaviour."

Now for some fun stuff, what's inspired you lately?

I went to an incredible gig by Susheela Raman, an extraordinary Tamil-London musician whose skill and smouldering charisma make for spellbinding, trance-inducing performances. I’ve loved her music for years, and every time I go to one of her shows, I end up on a high for days. If you ever get the chance to see her live, grab all your friends and go. She’ll blow your mind.

Susheela Raman performs "Kamakshi."

Okay, since I know you're a Trekkie (I'm one too), what was your favorite non-spoilery part of Star Trek Into Darkness?

I LOVED the new Star Trek!

My favourite bit was the tribble cameo. It was a cheeky nod to one of my favourite episodes, "The Trouble With Tribbles," where someone sneaks a tribble onto the Enterprise and they multiply so fast they clog up the whole ship.

Thank you so much, Nathalie, for sharing a bit about web psychology, some beautiful music, and a couple types of geekiness with us. :)

If you're interested in seeing more from Nathalie, she'll be at this year's MozCon, July 8th-10th, talking about "How Gender and Cultural Differences in Web Psychology Affect the Customer Experience." You can also follow her on Twitter @TheWebPsych and read her book, Webs of Influence: The Psychology of Online Persuasion.

Buy Your MozCon ticket

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Seth's Blog : Different or remarkable?


Different or remarkable?

Differentation by marketers has a long and obvious history. When you see competition, you differentiate.

Buy mine, I can prove it is different.

They offer X, I offer Y. They cost this, I cost that.

The thing is, differentiation is selfish. It's the act of the marketer with intense interest in his segment of the market, it's inside baseball, deeply thought through reasons why someone should buy my thing instead of their thing.

Most customers, of course, don't have the same selfish view of the market, the same obsessed knowledge of features and benefits.

Differentiation is not the purple cow. This is in fact a willful misreading of what I've been writing about, usually by people who haven't read it...

Remarkable has nothing to do with the marketer. Remarkable is in the eye of the consumer, the person who 'remarks.' If people talk about what you're doing, it's remarkable, by definition.

The goal, then, isn't to draw some positioning charts and announce that you have differentiated your product. No, the opportunity is to actually create something that people choose to talk about, regardless of what the competition is doing.


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luni, 24 iunie 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

10-Year Treasury Yield Up 100 Basis Points Since May; What's That Mean for Mortgage Rates and Housing Affordability?

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 11:49 AM PDT

Curve Watchers Anonymous note the yield on the 10-year treasury note hit as high as 2.657% today, up a whopping 104 basis points since the early May low in yield of 1.614%.

$TNX: 10-Year Treasury Yield

The 10-year yield has been falling since the open today, but the overall rise since May has clobbered mortgage affordability.

Treasury Rise vs. Mortgage Rate Rise

My friend Michael Becker, a mortgage broker at WCS Funding Group writes ...
Hello Mish

As bad as Treasuries are selling off, the sell off in MBS is much worse. I looked at some charts this morning and the prices of Fannie Mae and Ginnie Mae coupons continue to drop.

The FNMA 3.5 coupon was trading at 106 22/32 on May 2nd, and this morning it was trading at 99 9/32. Ginnie Mae is worse. The GNMA 3.5 coupon was trading at 109 1/32 on May 2nd, and this morning it was trading at 99 24/32.

In terms of interest rates, I locked an FHA purchase on May 2nd and the rate was 3.25%, and that rate carried a 2 point lender credit to help pay for closing costs. In order to get the same deal today, (a 2 point lender credit) the rate would have to be 5% today.

This as an apples to apples comparison illustrates that FHA rates have increased 1.75% in 7 weeks.  You could get 4.625% on an FHA purchase, but you wouldn't get any closing cost help.

I was locking well qualified borrowers at 3.50% on conventional loans (Fannie Mae) at the beginning of May, and now they are looking at 4.875%.

Most of this pain has occurred since the FOMC meeting last Wednesday, and I am sure the talking heads at CNBC have no idea how much interest rates have spiked.  They keep saying that housing is strong enough to withstand this rise in rates, but I think they are deluding themselves. 

I have people who I pre-approved for a mortgage early last week prior to the FOMC meeting, and now that they are getting their contracts accepted and ratified are shocked to learn mortgage rates have spiked one percentage point in just the last few days.

Affordability Check

A one percentage point rise in rates affects affordability by 10-11%. With mortgage rates up 1 3/8 to 1 3/4 points, that equates to a rise in monthly payments (or a drop in affordability) by as much as 17%.  Anyone who stretched to buy is no longer qualified unless they locked some time ago.

Refinancing will soon be dead in the water (anyone who has not already locked no longer has any incentive) and new home affordability has taken a big hit. 

Mainstream media talking heads say this will not affect the housing recovery. Assuming this trend sticks (even if rates simply level off now), how can this bond revolt not affect housing?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Bank Transfers and Services Suspended in China: ATMs, POS Machines, Online Banking Paralyzed 50 Minutes

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 10:03 AM PDT

Several readers sent a link to an article regarding online bank outages and suspended services in China. The translation show below is very choppy. If a reader has a better translation or a different source I will post it.

Please consider Bank of China, Bank of suspension of transfers morning counters were unable to apply for online banking
WASHINGTON (correspondent with Xuan) Following the ICBC, the Bank of China also go awry again. This morning, the Bank of China Bank moratorium on transfers, online banking, counters are inoperable.

10:00 many, many people began to receive messages sent to the Bank of China, "the end result of the Bank of China Bank failures, bank customers can not carry on through the Bank transfers, please Bank online banking, bank counter or use of other bank transfer system, Bank system will be restored promptly notify you. "large number of transfer business banking needs of the people turned to online banking, counter, but according to the instructions of the public still found text messages can not handle.

Reporters call the BOC, customer service said, now silver has been fully suspended phase transfer services, online banking, the counter can not be handled, and now has the background system response, recovery time is not yet known.

As of 12:00, the Bank customer service said handle part of the user's online banking has been restored.

Just yesterday, 10:35, Shanghai and other places ICBC system failures, ATM machines, POS machines, online banking appeared paralyzed more than 50 minutes, all kinds of businesses can not properly handle.

The ICBC bank system failure comes trouble "money shortage", inevitably lead to speculation that many people guess the bank is not money.

To solve this problem, ICBC relevant person in charge told reporters that morning, business process slow, the analysis on the host software upgrade, emergency treatment, 11:27 various businesses all returned to normal.

As for speculation that the crash might be the last two days the inter-bank "money shortage" relevant, ICBC has denied.
The above is an unedited Google translation. Is this a massive software glitch or is something else in the works?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Currency Stress Hits India: Rupee Near Record Low, Emerging Nations Face Capital Flight; Global Currency Crisis Awaits

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 12:29 AM PDT

Numerous foreign exchange issues have simultaneously hit the global economy recently. Latest on the list is India where a Funding Strain Grows as Fed Outlook Hurts Rupee.
India faces growing strain to fund the widest current-account deficit in major Asian nations after the rupee slid to an all-time low on concern the U.S. will curb monetary stimulus as its economy improves.

The rupee touched the weakest level versus the dollar on June 20 after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke said the U.S. central bank will probably taper bond purchases this year if the American economy performs as it projects. The potential for reduced stimulus exposes emerging nations from India to Indonesia and Brazil to the risk of capital outflows.

"The prospect of the U.S. unwinding stimulus means that funding the shortfall will get more challenging," said Sonal Varma, an economist at Nomura Holdings Inc. in Mumbai. "Even if the deficit narrows, it will remain too high for comfort."

The rupee, which touched an all-time low of 59.98 per dollar last week, fell 0.6 percent to 59.6475 as of 11:33 a.m. in Mumbai.

The currency's 9 percent tumble this quarter is the worst in Asia, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. India is prepared to take action to reduce volatility as needed, Raghuram Rajan, the top adviser in the Finance Ministry, said June 20.

The imbalance in the current account, the broadest gauge of trade, is the biggest risk to an economy that grew a decade-low 5 percent in the year ended March, according to the Reserve Bank.

Foreign-direct investment in India fell the most in more than a decade last fiscal year, increasing reliance on stock and bond inflows to fund the shortfall.

Currency reserves stood at $290.7 billion as of June 14, Reserve Bank data show, about 9.4 percent lower than an all-time high of $321 billion in 2011. They "provide a cushion" against shocks, Fitch Ratings said June 12, when it boosted the outlook on India's sovereign rating to stable from negative.

The currency won't stabilize until the central bank is able to "recoup" foreign-exchange reserves, Bank of America Merrill Lynch said in a note, adding the monetary authority will try to "defend expectations" at 60 rupees per dollar for now.
Defending the Rupee

Just like Brazil defending the real,  India now feels compelled to defend the rupee. Good luck with that idea if capital flight takes off in a major way (and I suspect it will).

India does have currency reserves, but those can vanish in a hurry if things get out of hand. And if India does use currency reserves to defend the rupee, I rather doubt the India bond markets will take all that kindly to it.

Thus defending the rupee against further declines is easier said than done if the markets  have indeed soured on the country, and that is precisely how it looks now.

Global Currency Crisis Awaits

A global currency crisis awaits. I do not know what country triggers first. It could easily be Japan, China, Brazil, India, Australia, Canada, the UK, or any of many countries in the eurozone (as well as numerous countries not on anyone's radar).

This sad state of affairs is courtesy of mad central bank monetary policies coupled with inane can-kicking fiscal policies everywhere you look.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Things Dogs Teach Us [Video]

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 04:22 PM PDT

A compilation of Youtube dog moments reminds us why our canine best friends are so awesome.

The Cutest Damn Animals You'll See Today

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 04:16 PM PDT

Funny and cute animal pictures.

How to Impress Girls

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 02:24 PM PDT

The easiest way to have perfect abs or at least to look like you have one. Looks almost legit.

How the Superhero Fashion Has Changed

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 01:06 PM PDT

Superhero costumes have changed a lot over the last decades.


Captain America

Judge Dredd

Fantastic Four

The Flash

Ghost Rider

Green Lantern


Iron Man


The Punisher





Smoothie Recipes For Everything [Infographic]

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 08:50 AM PDT

Is there anything as versatile, adaptable and convenient as a smoothie? I doubt it. Nor are there many things as universally beloved. Smoothies are scrumptious, indulgent concoctions that tickle the taste buds and, inexplicably, with every sip make you feel just a little bit happier and make the world a little bit friendlier. The smoothie is so much greater than the sum of it's parts. And just to prove the smoothie can do no wrong, it can actually make you more awesome too.

Smoothies contain a smorgasbord of ingredients, and depending on what you throw in, smoothies can ascend from mere flavorsome delight and sweet-tooth satisfier to the dizzying heights of muscle-building, energizing, health-enhancing superdrink. Why eat just one superfood, when you can combine a load of goodness into one easily digestible drink? Plus, it's super quick and absurdly easy to prepare, making it weirdly efficient not just nutritionally, but generally. Created in the 1940's, but perfectly designed for 21st century living.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Via superskinnyme