luni, 23 septembrie 2013

Speaker Boehner has a choice to make


Hello --

Right now, Congress has two jobs: to pass a budget that invests in the middle class and to pay the bills it has already incurred.

But instead of doing their jobs, a few reckless Republicans in Congress are so obsessed with refighting old political battles over Obamacare that they're threatening to shut down the government and stop paying the country's bills.

On Friday, these House Republicans voted to shut down the government unless the Senate and the President agree to defund Obamacare. This week, instead of playing those games, the Senate is set to send a simple budget resolution back to the House -- one that keeps the government open for a few months while leaders continue to work on a budget that creates jobs and cuts the deficit in a balanced way. That's a reasonable solution.

But some Republicans still care more about scoring political points on Obamacare than keeping the government open and our economy moving forward.

This kind of up-to-the-final-hour brinksmanship is beyond irresponsible, and it could reverse the hard-earned economic progress we've made by creating another crisis. Unfortunately, we've watched them run this play before, and we know what it looks like. Two years ago, these Republicans held the economy hostage, and as a result our credit rating was downgraded, the stock market plummeted 17 percent, consumer confidence dropped like a rock, and businesses stopped hiring.

That's why it's time for GOP lawmakers to pass a simple budget resolution that doesn't defund Obamacare and move on. 

We need your help to spread the word so that Americans know what's going on, so forward this message to your friends and family.

In the five years since the financial crisis began, the American people have pushed the economy forward. Over the past 42 months, businesses have added 7.5 million jobs. American manufacturing is growing again, and the auto industry is back. We've reformed Wall Street so that no company is ever again too big to fail and created the toughest consumer financial protections this nation has ever seen. We've cut our deficit by more than half, made the tax code more progressive, and reformed our health care system.

Today, there is record demand for American products abroad, and our tech companies are booming. The housing market is coming back -- sales of existing homes are up by double digits and new foreclosures are down to the lowest levels since the start of 2006.

We need to keep building momentum. So we're asking Congress to join the President in creating a better bargain for the middle class, and give up on manufacturing a new political crisis. For that to happen, reasonable Congressional Republicans have to stand up to a few extreme members of their party for the good of the country and our economy.

From the day he took office, President Obama has been open to any good idea when it comes to the budget, as long as supporting middle-class families remains our North Star. Republicans won't extract concessions over the full faith and credit of the United States.

Will you help spread the word? Share this message so that people know what's about to happen to the economy if Congress doesn't act.



Dan Pfeiffer
Senior Advisor
The White House

P.S. -- Want to learn more about where we are five years after the start of the financial crisis? Check this out.


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Seth's Blog : Q&A : Poke the Box vs. meh


Q&A : Poke the Box vs. meh

Our series continues with a question about one of my shortest books, a manifesto about starting (and art): Poke the Box.

Ben Nesvig asks, "I find myself getting uninterested/unmotivated on projects that I start. The emotion of deciding to start has faded and the results are slow to keep me motivated.  Is this the resistance/lizard brain that is keeping me from pushing forward? Or is this a signal that I am not passionate about what I am doing and I should look somewhere else for what I am truly passionate about because there I will find endless motivation?"

Variations of this question, some more honest and self-aware than others, come up more than just about anything else. Now that the world has handed us a microphone, a media platform and a productive way to create a ruckus, why do we hesitate? And why does it get more difficult as we get closer to the reality of shipping the work out the door?

The question is as important as the answer. Starting is fun, of course, because it's fresh, it might work, it breaks the rhythm, it is filled with possibility. The starting overcomes what Steve Pressfield calls the Resistance, the heckler, the lizard brain, the primeval desire to hide and find safety. Neophilia and our desire for shiny objects is enough to at least temporarily get us going. Alas, there's another word for this desire to start but not finish: daydreaming.

The real work comes after the novelty wears off. This work creates value, because given control over our actions, most of us stall, float sideways or sabotage the work. Because it's unsafe. How could it be any other way? Change is always risky, because change moves us from what we know to what we don't.

So we say, "meh." We talk ourselves out of shipping, because, hey, it's easier to just stay here, where at least it is safe and warm. There's no building on fire, no layoffs today. At least for now. So we don't jump, we wait until we're pushed, when, of course, it's too late.

Yes, the answer is yes. Yes we're stuck, and yes we're stuck because we're afraid of a different path than the one we signed up for.

And no, no you must not go try to find "motivation," because if you can't be motivated by this opportunity, this one, right now, the odds are that you're unlikely to find a better sort of Oz, where there is no fear. Our desire to shop around for a place to jump is driven by the lizard brain, not by the actual knowledge that there's a better opportunity around the corner.


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Honoring the Victims of the Navy Yard Shooting

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Honoring the Victims of the Navy Yard Shooting

President Obama spoke yesterday at a memorial service to honor the victims of the Navy Yard shooting, and to thank first responders for their work.

"We know that no words we offer today are equal to the magnitude, to the depths of that loss," the President told the families of the victims. "But we come together as a grateful nation to honor your loved ones, to grieve with you, and to offer, as best we can, some solace and comfort."

Click here to hear the President's full remarks.

President Obama speaks at the Navy Yard Memorial Service

  Top Stories

Weekly Address: Congress Must Act Now to Pass a Budget and Raise the Debt Ceiling

In his weekly address, President Obama says the economy is making progress five years after the worst recession since the Great Depression, but to avoid another crisis, Congress must meet two deadlines in the coming weeks: pass a budget by the end of the month to keep the government open, and raise the debt ceiling so America can pay its bills.


Stand for Civil Society! President Obama to Host Forum at UN General Assembly

Tune in on Monday from 3 to 4 p.m. at as President Obama hosts a High Level Event on Supporting Civil Society in New York on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly.


Five Years After Lehman: Taking Stock of Where We Are

Five years after the financial crisis, hear seven Obama administration officials talk about the crisis and recovery that followed.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

11:25 AM: The President and First Lady depart the White House en route Joint Base Andrews

11:40 AM: The President and First Lady depart Joint Base Andrews

12:35 PM: The President and First Lady arrive New York City

1:45 PM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with President Goodluck Jonathan of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

3:00 PM: The President holds a Civil Society Roundtable WATCH LIVE

4:00 PM: The Vice President, Governor John Hickenlooper, and FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate deliver remarks in Greeley, Colorado

5:20 PM: The President meets with USUN Mission employees and their families

8:50 PM: The President and First Lady attend a reception for visiting Heads of State and Government

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Building Your Marketing Funnel with Google Analytics

Building Your Marketing Funnel with Google Analytics

Building Your Marketing Funnel with Google Analytics

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 04:21 PM PDT

Posted by dohertyjf

Do you have an idea of the path a user typically takes to convert on your website? Or, are you simply building traffic from one channel (probably organic) and wondering why it's not converting better? As I've grown up as a marketer, I've begun to really appreciate the insights that data can provide us on how users interact with our sites, and more importantly, on how they convert and where the experience can be improved to increase our conversion rates, and thereby our top-line revenue from online channels.

I've recently been very interested in building a full marketing funnel based on Google Analytics data. While it's one thing to be able to identify where conversion discrepancies exist, such as low-converting types of visitors, it's quite another to build a full and informed funnel from your site's data. In order to do this and have an accurate view of where your conversions are actually coming from, you need to first have the following in place:

  • Email URL tracking: Check out Annie Cushing's thoughts here in slides 11-14. (Actually, look at the whole deck.)
  • Social network tracking (tagging parameters and using a shortener to see clickthroughs by link)
  • Display tagging
  • Referral links tagged (or at least be aware of HTTPS sites linking to you, like Medium)
  • Paid search campaigns tagged
  • Tagging on affiliates (if applicable)

You can build your campaigns here using Google's tool.

What's a funnel?

Before we get too far into the meat of this post, I want to make sure we're all talking about the same thing. I'm not referring to one of these. Rather, I'm referring to one of these:

The funnel is typically broken into three sections:

  • Top of funnel (TOFU)
  • Middle of funnel (MOFU)
  • Bottom of funnel (BOFU)

The goal of this post is going to walk you through how to identify the channels that are performing best for you in each of these areas. Once you know those, you know where to invest depending on your company's needs or priorities. Also, knowing the different areas to which you can contribute will help endear you to the people running those channels, which will help you avoid being siloed as "the SEO." Instead, you will start to be seen as part of the marketing team, which is what you are.

Another note: I'm not teaching you how to integrate into other marketing channels in this post. Stephanie Chang did a great job of it back in July when she wrote An Introduction to Integrated Marketing and SEO: How It Works and Why It Matters. Have a read there after you're finished here.

Understanding attribution

You may already know this, but Google Analytics offers multi-channel attribution tools within the "Conversions" section:

In the "Assisted Conversions" section, you will see a number of columns. The ones to pay attention to are:

  • Assisted Conversions
  • Last Click/Direct Conversions

It's important to understand the difference between assisted conversions and last click/direct conversions. According to Google's own Answer Bin, a channel gets credit for an assisted conversion for any touch that they bring to the site where the interaction was not the one that led directly to a conversion. Google says:

This is the number (and monetary value) of sales and conversions the channel assisted. If a channel appears anywhereâ€"except as the final interactionâ€"on a conversion path, it is considered an assist for that conversion. The higher these numbers, the more important the assist role of the channel.

On the other side, a last click or direct conversion is a touch on the site that led directly to a sale. These are your closer, aka bottom-of-funnel channels. Google says:

This is the number (and monetary value) of sales and conversions the channel closed or completed. The final click or direct visit before a conversion gets Last Interaction credit for that conversion. The higher these numbers, the more important the channel’s role in driving completion of sales and conversions.

Make sense? Great. Let's build a funnel.

Identifying channels based on funnel level

As I said above, we're going to use Google Analytics to identify the channels in the different levels of your funnel. If you use a different Analytics platform, like Omniture or Piwik, write a guide using that and I'll be happy to share it out.

Top of funnel

The top of your marketing funnel is where the first interactions with your brand take place. This is typically attributed to search or organic, but is that really the case for your website?

First, let's identify the most common channels that people use to discover your site. To do this, go to Content > Site Content > Landing Pages. Set your secondary dimension to "Medium." You'll see something like this:

Now, export this data to Excel (I've provided a spreadsheet at the end that you can plug this data into) and pivot it to see which mediums are driving your best traffic. If you want to get super fancy, break it down by type of page as well.

Here's how that pivot table is set up:

For the site shown in these screenshots it is indeed PPC and organic search. But just knowing the channel isn't enough, so let's take it a step further to see where the different channels are driving traffic. You'll either need to manually classify your pages (if you have relatively few like in my example) or write an Excel script to do this automagically.

I now know that referral is the primary driver of traffic and that the majority goes to the homepage. One specific referral, which I tagged with a Medium of "Link," sends the best traffic directly to conversion pages (which might not necessarily be the best place for people to land for their first interaction):

Middle of funnel

The middle of your funnel is the area where people are moving from a first brand interaction to an initial sale, or if they have already made a purchase, towards another sale. What we're looking for in the data here is channels that are not necessarily our primary first- or last-touch drivers. Rather, these are the channels where the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-time visitors come from in order to interact with your content again.

We can figure out the most popular and most effective middle-of-funnel channels a couple of different ways. The first, and by far the easiest, is by comparing different types of attribution to discover which channels get more credit based on first click, linear (where each channel gets equal credit), and last-click. To learn what each of the different attribution models really means, check out the Google support page.

By sorting the Model Comparison Tool in Analytics by Linear (high to low), you can find the channels that perform best when given equal credit independent of where they are in the funnel.

But this doesn't give us great insight into which channels perform best in the middle. Rather, it's telling us which channels account for the most revenue overall (which is still important to know), and the place doesn't matter. In the above example, for Distilled that's Direct, then email, organic search, and referral, in that order.

To find which channels are the most popular for your users to come back, we need to do some manipulation in Excel (my favorite tool) to clean out the first- and last-touch interactions in the Top Conversion Paths report.

What you want to do now is expand the number of rows in Analytics to account for as many of your paths as possible. For most sites the 5,000-row limit in Analytics will suffice.

Download all of your conversion paths into Excel. You'll have one column with the complete paths, followed by the following columns:

  • Conversions
  • Conversion Value

To wrangle the data into the format we need, I also added the following columns:

  • Steps in Conversion Path
  • First Touch
  • All Middle
  • Last Touch
  • $/Conversion
If you're a visual person, this screenshot may help you out to see how the sheet is set up:
Note: the hardest part here is figuring out what your cutoff is for conversion amount. For Distilled, for example, I removed anything under $30, because we don't do anything with the data underneath that. I also picked a minimum threshold for the number of conversions that channel brought.
In Distilled's case, five seemed pertinent because it gives enough to get a decent idea of $/conversion but also eliminates the very long (20+) conversion paths that we're not going to optimize for anyways. However, also keep in mind that the length of the path matters. For example, Distilled's median # of steps before a conversion is eight. With fewer than eight steps, our average per conversion is 30% higher than it is with eight+ steps in the funnel.
So, to clean up the data, I removed the following:
  • Paths with conversions < 5
  • Paths with conversion value < $30
  • Paths with (unavailable) in the path
  • Paths with more than 15 steps in the path
After you clean up the data, it will pull into the "Common Middle" sheet within the Excel workbook I link to below. Then, you can see pretty quickly which channels are driving the most middle conversions, and which middle paths give the best $/conversion:

Here's the setup for that pivot table:

Once again, this will automagically work for you in the Excel sheet.

Bottom of funnel

The bottom of the funnel is the last touch that occurs before someone buys. These channels are incredibly important to know about because you can then build your strategy around how to get people into those channels and convert them later.
This one is easy to find. It doesn't take tricky Excel functions. It doesn't involve crazy data analysis.
Assuming you have Analytics set up correctly, you can find this data in Conversion > Attribution > Model Comparison Tool. When you set the Model to Last Interaction, you'll see something like this:

For Distilled, you can see that our highest last-touch channels are direct, then email, then organic search.

Applying the data

Remember this funnel from the beginning?

Based off the data, I now see that for Distilled, the sections of our funnel look this way:
  • Top
    • Direct
    • Organic Search
    • Social
  • Middle
    • Organic to Organic
    • Direct to Email
    • Direct to Organic
  • Bottom
    • Email
    • Organic
    • Direct

Now we can build out a marketing plan depending on our needs.

Excel sheet

I promised you an Excel sheet that I have put together for you. Note that it does not automatically clean out your very long conversion paths, but use the parameters given above to narrow down your data to make it actionable if that makes sense for your business.

That said, you can download the spreadsheet here.

Bonus Excel sheet to find profitability by # of touches

I mentioned above about finding the number of touches that perform best for you. Here is a quick and dirty spreadsheet that allows you to do just this. Basically, the sheet looks at the number of touches and averages the conversion amount for each bucket. You can see the results on the far right.

To use this sheet for yourself, download your Multi Channel Funnel groupings in Analytics (you need to have ecommerce enabled) and enter your data into the sheet.

Download this bonus spreadsheet here.

Example and conclusion

If we are trying to convert more people to DistilledU, through that goal I know that Organic converts best for us on the last touch. This means that we need to invest in content that drives people towards a conversion through organic, so either blog content with a call to action or larger content teaching people SEO. We know that email converts 4th best for DU, but it works well higher in the funnel to convert people eventually. Therefore, we need to get more people onto our DistilledU email list.

Direct traffic converts well, of course; people are coming to the site because they know about it. Therefore we need to get top-of-mind and convert them into email and RSS subscribers so that they become familiar with our content and eventually buy through email or search.

We've built our funnel. You should go and build yours. I'd love to hear what insights you have.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Seth's Blog : Compared to what: Marketing and relativity


Compared to what: Marketing and relativity

What tastes better, a $30 bottle of wine that's the cheapest the restaurant offers...

or the very same bottle at the restaurant next door, where it's the most expensive?

When asked about our experience, the essential question is always, compared to what?

What offers a better education: four years at your first choice selective college like Purdue or Williams?

or four years at the same place, but it's your last resort safe school, after you've been rejected by more famous (and thus selective) schools like Yale and Harvard?

What represents a better performance: a three hour marathon when you come in first in the small-town meet, or a three hour marathon when you come in last at the elite one?

We often need a frame before we're comfortable evaluating value. Marketers regularly exploit this glitch by creating the illusion of value (or non-value) by highlighting comparisons, when in fact, those comparisons really don't have to matter.

Without a doubt, there are competitive items and experiences where extrinsic status matters, and where understanding the context of what is created is part of the point. Winning may in fact be the goal. For most of what we experience, though, it's our own interpretation of the experience itself that matters, not what a marketer tells us about how this ranks against that.

Good enough, is.

(Bonus: jazz).


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