miercuri, 30 martie 2011



How to Link Out for SEO Benefit

Posted: 29 Mar 2011 07:44 AM PDT

Google.com results for [news]

Outgoing links are one of the most underestimated weapons in the arsenal of every SEO and webmaster. After all, you want to get backlinks not give away links by linking out, don’t you? So it seems to be a contradiction. Popular wisdom also suggests that you would lose by linking out rather than gain some SEO value.

Most people seem to assume that linking out leads to:

  1. Users leaving your site
  2. Search engines assigning less value to your site (aka PageRank leaking)
  3. A bad user experience as readers interrupt reading to jump to other sites
  4. Supporting your competition
  5. Appearing less authoritative (so that you have to link out to others who know better)

to name just the most obvious perceived drawbacks of linking out people.

All of this can happen, but doesn’t have to. Also, even if it does happen, a short term loss can be a gain in the long run.

You can try to mitigate the negative effects of outgoing links by linking out correctly and by adopting a strategic approach to it.

The SEOptimise blog has thousands of outgoing links in the editorial part and we rank at #1 for [seo blog] in Google UK despite or because of this, so we must do something right, mustn’t we? In SEO terms, you refer to us as a so-called hub site. Some people assume that Google loves hub sites and favours them in search results. Aren’t we the best proof of this SEO benefit?

So the question is not whether you link out but how. Let me split this up into several more specific questions:

Negative Approach to Linking Out

How to deal with users leaving your site via outgoing links

Link out in a new window/tab using target=”_blank” in your link. This way, users will stay on your page or return by closing the new tab or window. This was frowned upon by some Web users before everybody used tabs, but these days it far less of a problem. You can have lots of tabs open in modern browsers without experiencing any issues.

Link out at the bottom of the article. Treat your blog post or page like a landing page and streamline it. It starts with an eye catcher, then some easily readable lists or tables follow; structure it with sub-headlines, citations and small digestible chunks of text using a bit of bold and italic text decoration. Then add the external links at the bottom of the post or page. Just like scientific publications do – the Internet was originally based upon this concept.

Add internal links to similar articles before the outgoing links. Add thumbnail images to these internal links.


How to convince search engines to assign more value to your page by linking out

Link out to very relevant high quality resources using deep links. I see people linking out to the homepage of Wikipedia.com, Flickr.com, BBC or even Google as the source. These links are worthless. Even if somebody clicks them, they are useless as nobody will search on those sites for the actual page you refer to but which you are afraid or too lazy to link to.

Of course Google engineers are smart enough to figure out which links are useful and which are not. Search engines don’t work on a page to page basis; they also form topical clusters. Just check the Google Wonder Wheel to see what I mean. Google does not favour outgoing links just for the sake of them; it also categorises the pages linked out linguistically.

Don’t be stingy. Link out plenty or don’t link out all. Why? Google has been known for years to favour so-called hub sites. Hub sites are sites that link out to many other authoritative and relevant sites. In the SEO industry, hub sites like Search Engine Watch or Search Engine Land have been the most successful publications over the years in spite of other sites like SEOmoz or SEO Book being even more on topic and targeted.


How to make sure your visitors have a good user experience

Link out where it makes sense. Add sources and additional resources below the article. Don’t link out to obvious sites like Google, Facebook and Twitter when mentioning them. Rather, link to actual messages or updates and your profiles on those sites where appropriate. Use self-explanatory anchor text for both internal and external links. Highlight links with CSS, but don’t overdo it. Link to the subject of your article in such a way that people who want to go there don’t have to look hard.


How to ensure you don’t support your competition, or rather how to make it a win-win situation

You can’t prevent your outgoing links from supporting your industry peers; even by crippling them with nofollow. Either you link out to colleagues from the industry or you don’t. Decide not to link out, and they won’t link to you either in most cases. Decide to link out and they will link, like and Tweet you as well in most (or at least many) cases. So, embrace linking out to industry peers wholeheartedly and don’t be nit-picky about every single link.


How to appear more authoritative by linking out

Link out to those people who offer really in-depth articles on parts of the topic you write about. Do not link out to people who are describing exactly the same but better. Link out to those who cover certain aspects that you don’t.

Also, collect the links you want to link out to before you actually write your own post so that you can expand on the issue or concept that others have covered before.

Don’t reinvent the wheel just for the sake of making yourself appear as the first person who has written about a certain topic. You aren’t, and everybody knows it. You can also find your own angle and provide links to others with a more general approach.


Positive Approach to Linking Out

Now that we have dealt with the issues you might face using external links as an SEO weapon, we can add some of the SEO benefits you are after when linking out. Outgoing links are actually the best method to get incoming links. Sometimes it’s as easy as pinging another blogger. Sometimes it can be more of challenge, but it may pay back in manifold ways after a while.


Link out to get noticed

When you start out as a blogger, especially with a business or corporate blog it is quite difficult to get noticed at all. There are millions of other blogs out there and nobody cares about your great content. The best way to make people notice and care is to tell them. You can’t tell them upfront by aggressively self-promoting without annoying people though. This is not a good start. There is a way to make people notice and care: notice and care for others first. Read the blogs in your niche, industry or from your area.

Don’t treat them like competitors. You can’t compete with the whole world anyway. You can cooperate with other bloggers though. That’s the secret behind the concept of the blogosphere. It’s a social sphere made up of bloggers.

Link out to fellow bloggers who are similar to you and write about them in the best case. They will notice you. Do it a few times, Stumble, Tweet,  like them, and comment on their blogs. Unless you fail at blogging completely, some of them will start to care for you as well. At least use them as sources and provide ”via” links back to their articles.

This is a strategy that does not work without a blog. So get one. A site without a blog is quite dead these days. A blog is often far less time consuming and rewarding than other options like a forum or a feedback community.


Link out to get backlinks

As noted above, it’s just a matter of pinging other bloggers to get a backlink. Don’t overuse this and keep in mind that ultimately you are after real editorial links from other bloggers or webmasters. Even non-bloggers check their web analytics tools to find out who links to them, and they might link back to you. You just have to provide an incentive to do so.


Link out to become a hub site

The hub site is the holy grail of SEO. For about a decade it’s almost a mystic topic few people write about: a hub site is a site that gets preferential treatment by Google for the sheer variety and resources it connects around the Web.

To become a hub site you have to link out plenty to authoritative sites. Linking out solely to your own properties on other domains won’t suffice. It’s not the sheer number of links, it’s about the authority and variety of sites you link out to.


Hub site success stories

Searching for [news] on Google.com from the US results in Drudge Report being at number 4 in spite of Drudge Report not even having the word ‘news’ in the title or headline of their site, two of the most important on-site ranking factors. Google News and News at Yahoo follow at 5 and 6.

There is barely any “SEO” on Drudge Report at all, so it is really difficult not to attribute its success to plenty of linking out.  Alltop is another good example for a link-only hub site. They rank in the top 10 for generic queries like [design], but also competitive keyphrases like [seo news].

So you see: a “one man show” site can compete with huge organisations mostly by linking out.

SEOptimise has been in the top 10 for [seo blog] for years, but just recently when I stepped up my linking out efforts by providing several highly popular 30+ resources lists in a row, we moved up to #1 in the UK.

© SEOptimise – Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. How to Link Out for SEO Benefit

Related posts:

  1. Linking Out Instead of Link Building to Rank in Google
  2. A Natural Link Profile and Nofollow as a Ranking Factor or Signal
  3. Does a Perfect Link Profile Look Too Perfect? Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Nofollow Links!

Knowing Your Clients Means Knowing Their Business!

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 05:56 AM PDT

Richard Fergie recently conducted an in-house training session in which we looked at Analytics – Google Analytics in particular. The session was based on two parts, Technical and Business, the latter of which discussed reporting.

The technical part of the session included a hilarious explanation of how users, browsers and analytics pass around cookies (Tesco double chocolate chip in this case), whilst the business part of the session discussed the reporting and the possibilities of reporting on several levels.

The Business section raised some good points and got me thinking about how much people immerse themselves in their clients' businesses.

Although I wouldn't expect to know every aspect of the customer's business, I would expect to know key activities, features and objectives that would help me achieve the targets that are set by the business. Below, I have listed three areas that as an SEO you would expect to know before you set out on any part of the SEO strategy, or even before defining the SEO strategy itself.

Business Model:

By getting some knowledge of your client's business model, you can start to understand what they believe success is related to.

These may include:

  • Are they pure play or multi-channel?
  • What are their business objectives?
  • Understanding the industry
  • What is their current online & offline marketing activity?
  • Are they looking for direct response conversion or brand awareness?
  • What is the length of the buying cycle?


Business KPIs:

Each year a business generally sets out their targets for the following financial year, detailing what they want and what they believe they should achieve as a business. These figures are then associated with different channels to ensure that growth is seen throughout the business and not just in certain channels. This is generally when the online marketing director/manager outlines the KPIs for their different marketing channels.

If your client was an e-commerce store and 2010/11 provided them with a traffic split similar to below, then you would know that a significant part of the business KPIs is going to come from search, and SEO in particular.

Potential Business KPIs:

  • Increase revenue by %
  • Improve brand visibility
  • Improve conversions
  • Improve lead generation


Your KPIs:

KPIs need to be discussed and agreed upon before any part of your SEO campaign can begin. Most businesses and online marketing managers will have KPIs ready for you that will either be agreed instantly or be negotiated if they are unrealistic.

I was once in a meeting where the KPI was to increase non-brand traffic from 250k to 2 million in one year for a business in a niche market that didn't generate a significant amount of non-brand traffic. I thought this was unrealistic – I would be interested to hear any unrealistic KPIs that you have been given in the comments section below.

If your client hasn't provided you with any KPIs, then either ask whether they have any specific KPIs they would like for this project type or suggest some or even both. Here are just a few suggestions:

  • Increase visibility
  • Increase revenue/conversions
  • Increase traffic
  • Increase non-branded key phrases
  • Improve page views
  • Increase in the percentage of targeted keywords on the first page of Google



So you know the business model inside out, you know what they want to achieve this year and have your KPIs set, so now what? Well now we get to work, and put everything into trying to achieve our set targets. The most important thing that we get out of all of this is knowing what we need to report on to show the impact that your work is having.

So the question is, how well do you know your client? Could you tell me their business goals for the new financial year? What's more important, ranking for important industry key phrases or generating increased revenue through non-brand search?

These are questions that you should know the answers to, not only because they are your client, but because these answers will help you define your SEO strategy, which in turn will help them achieve their business goals. Help achieve business goals and 9 times out of 10 you will gain client retention.

Do you know your clients? Does your reporting reflect what your client is trying to achieve and give them enough information to make decisions? Are your documents tiered for different management levels or are they a single combined document? I look forward to hearing your thoughts below in the comments, or of course on Twitter @danielbianchini.

© SEOptimise – Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. Knowing Your Clients Means Knowing Their Business!

Related posts:

  1. Client’s Guide to SEO: How to Approach SEO Agencies
  2. London SES: Overview of Day 1
  3. 50+ Advanced Web Analytics Tools for Business Use [2010 Edition]

Seth's Blog : A slow news day

A slow news day

I think you can learn a lot about an organization (and a person's career) when you watch what they do on a slow news day, a day when there's no crisis, not a lot of incoming tasks, very little drama.

Sure, when we're reacting (or responding) and it's all hands on deck, things seem as if they're really moving.

But what about in the lulls? At the moments when we can initiate, launch new ventures, try new things and expose ourselves to failure? Do we take the opportunity or do we just sit and wait for the next crisis?

If you have ten minutes unscheduled and the phone isn't ringing, what do you do? What do you start?


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marți, 29 martie 2011

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Pissing and Moaning Over 1.875% of the Budget

Posted: 29 Mar 2011 10:21 PM PDT

Democrats and Republicans are horn-locked in a debate about whether budget cuts should be $30 billion or $60 billion.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, says President Barack Obama's offer to accept a total of $30 billion in spending cuts for 2011 is "clearly in the same ballpark" with what House Republican leaders asked for.

The pathetic debate lingers on.

Please consider Budget Negotiations Stall Amid Charges of Inaction as U.S. Shutdown Looms
Republicans and Democrats in Congress traded charges over which party is stifling agreement on budget cuts needed to avert the first U.S. government shutdown in 15 years.

With no accord in sight on legislation to extend government spending past April 8, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, accused Republican leaders of trying to placate an "extreme minority" of their party by spurning an offer to reach a deal.

President Barack Obama's offer to accept a total of $30 billion in spending cuts for 2011 is "clearly in the same ballpark" with what House Republican leaders initially sought before their rank-and-file demanded deeper reductions, Reid said.

"Are they afraid to tell the extreme Tea Party members of their caucus that they're trying to find common ground with Democrats?" Reid asked yesterday at his weekly news conference.
Pathetic Performance by Both Parties

Quite frankly this is a pathetic performance by both parties. Moreover, I will flat out state the Republicans have only themselves to blame.

By offering a piss poor budget reduction of a mere $60 billion, they now look like the bad guys for not meeting the Obama half-way at $30 billion.

Just the Math Maam

Please do the math. $30 billion is a mere 1.875% of the budget. That is what everyone is pissing and moaning over.

If Republicans had any balls, and they clearly don't, they would have proposed cutting the budget by $300 billion. Then, a compromise at $150 billion would have been a mere 9.375% of the deficit.

It is is bad enough to argue over 9% of the budget, so what does it mean to bicker over 1.875% of the budget?

What it means is that neither party has the balls to fix a damn thing. It also means the Republicans can blame themselves for being placed in this absurd position.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Addicted to the Nanny State; Politicians are Like Pushers

Posted: 29 Mar 2011 01:27 PM PDT

Here is an email from reader Buck Novak in response to Misguided Views of Libertarian Economics and the Alternative "Regulation" Model

Buck writes ...
Hello Mish

I find it interesting that people who hate big corporations embrace the ever-growing nanny state. The reality is the nanny state is nothing but a gigantic corporation that hires those who would not be hired in the private workforce at prices far more than they are worth.

In many respects, government is no different than big business. Governments, like business want to grow. Bureaucrats always want more employees and bigger budgets.

The difference is the nanny state is run by politics not by profit. It is run for a political agenda.

If you want a perfect example of a corporation too big to succeed, it's the government.

Take a look at those protesting in Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio and elsewhere.

Who is protesting government cuts? Why it's government employees. They protest for their benefit, not the benefit of the public at large and they want government to use even more force to take what it needs.

What does it take to stop the madness?
The Ever-Growing Nanny State

Through a process of extortion, coercion, and vote buying, a population too dumb to figure out what is really going on becomes addicted to the nanny state. The only ones who benefit are the politicians and the nanny employees. They are in bed with each other.

Unfortunately, misguided souls buy into the propaganda of the politicians and the public unions and clamor for more "nannyism" even though the process makes slaves out of everyone.

Students are especially prone to supporting the nanny state in return for student loans that make those same students debt slaves for life.

For more on the slavery aspect of public unions and collective bargaining advocates, please see

  1. Paul Krugman, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, others, Ignore Extortion, Bribery, Coercion, and Slavery; No One Should Own You!

  2. Collective Bargaining neither a Privilege nor a Right

There is one major difference between private business and the nanny business. Huge mistakes will eventually force big businesses out of business. However, the bigger the mistakes of the nanny state, the faster it grows. The current $1.6 trillion deficit should be proof enough.

Stopping the Madness

What does it take to stop the madness?

It takes people willing to be involved. It takes leadership from Congress. It takes politicians willing to stand up to the public unions whose mission it is to addict everyone on nanny drugs.

There is one other thing that would crash the nanny state: Force of the market.

Greece is the perfect example. Unless we want to become like Greece, we must take action to halt the nanny state now.

Politicians are Like Pushers

Public union employees and those addicted to the nanny state need an ever-increasing "fix". They are like drug addicts, and politicians are like pushers.

Think about drug addicts willing to do anything for their daily fix. Addicts will coerce, bribe, or steal to get what they want. Public unions are no different.

Those not addicted are not equally motivated. Indeed, no one is as motivated as a drug addict in need of a fix. Like pushers, politicians supply the "fix" in return for votes. Thus, overcoming inertia of the nanny state and its addicts is difficult.

I commend those like New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Senator Rand Paul, Congressman Ron Paul, and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker for their efforts to rein in the nanny state. It's not an easy process. Those addicted to the nanny state are willing to do anything to get their fix.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

March LPS Mortgage Monitor Report: 30% of Loans in Foreclosure have not made a Payment in Over 2 Years

Posted: 29 Mar 2011 02:57 AM PDT

Inquiring minds are reading the March 2011 LPS Mortgage Monitor.

There is a bit of good news in the report. Delinquent and Non-Current Rates are improving. However, the rates are still exceptionally high historically. Also, some of the foreclosure data is skewed by moratoriums and reworked loans.

On the other hand, option ARM foreclosures have increased dramatically over the last six months and 30% of loans in foreclosure have not made a payment for at least two years. 47% of those in foreclosure have not made a payment for at least 18 months.

Charts and Comments from the LPS Report
Delinquencies remain about twice the 1995-2005 average, foreclosure inventories are 7.8 times historical "norms".

30% of loans in foreclosure have not made a payment in over 2 years.

February Month-End Data: Conclusions

  • Delinquency rates resumed their decline after an increase in January and foreclosure inventories remain stable, slightly below historic highs.
  • Delinquencies continue to improve as new problem loan rates decline and cure rates increase.
  • Foreclosure start declines and foreclosure suspensions are reducing the upward pressure on inventories caused by foreclosure sale moratoria.
  • An enormous backlog of foreclosures still exists with overhang at every level:
  • There are three times the number of loans deteriorating greater than 90+ days delinquent as compared to foreclosure starts.
  • There are also three times the number foreclosure starts vs. foreclosure sales.
  • Foreclosure inventory levels are over 30 times monthly foreclosure sale volume.
There are 42 pages of charts and tables in the report. Inquiring minds will want to take a closer look.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Kuroshio Sea - 2nd Largest Aquarium Tank in the World

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 09:50 PM PDT

This awesome tank is found at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan.

The main tank called the 'Kuroshio Sea' holds 7,500-cubic meters (1,981,290 gallons) of water and features the world's second largest acrylic glass panel, measuring 8.2 meters by 22.5 meters with a thickness of 60centimeters. Whale sharks and manta rays are kept amongst many other fish species in the main tank.

The music is "Please don't go" by Barcelona.

Hilarious Mona Lisa Recreations

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 09:45 PM PDT

Some of the most unusual recreations of the lady who became immortal. More images.

Toddlers and Tiaras Star Eden Wood

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 09:23 PM PDT

Eden Wood is a beauty queen whose face, clothing, hair and accessories are all done on a regular basis for one purpose: winning. She is a beauty pageant queen who was featured on TLC's Toddlers & Tiaras and now she is making her own music video -- all at the tender age of five.

The song, called Cutie Patootie is the same one she performed on CBS's The Talk, includes lines like: "shakin' my booty" (done with a little rump shake) and talks about money, looks and affection, things a 5-year-old probably should not be thinking about, let alone singing about on national television.

It is easy to pick on child beauty pageants and doing so is like shooting fish in a barrel. Yes, it is gross that this little girl is made up and singing about grown-up things, but I am more curious about what she will be like when she is older.

Source: facebook

Necker Island Rental for $53k Per Night

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 09:12 PM PDT

Necker Island is owned by famous billionaire Sir Richard Branson. You may rent the island for $53,000 per night. It has white sand beaches and crystal blue tides. And you may bring up to 28 friends with you.

Gun Accidentally Discharges

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 09:03 PM PDT

is is a gunshot accident that was just waiting to happen. A man got into his car and when he went to fasten his seatbelt, his Glock 18 accidently discharged. The gunshot blew a 9mm hole through the bottom of the leather seat of his car's door frame, his underwear, and his pants. Luckily, the man was only slightly injured.

The victim says:
"What the hell was that?!?" she said. It took me a half a second to realize that my gun had just gone off…on my hip…in its holster. My wife and I had just finished breakfast at our favorite café and got into the car.

Me being the passenger, I rotated my torso to the left to fasten my seatbelt like I always do. When I straightened again, my Glock 19 discharged, blowing a 9mm hole through my pants, underwear, the leather seat and bottom of the car's door frame.
The bullet nicked my hip, but the wound is nothing a bandage couldn't cover. So what went wrong? Guns never go "Bang" all by themselves.

After ensuring I wasn't hemorrhaging profusely and didn't have to make a dash for the hospital, I stayed seated in the car as my wife came around to my door and opened it. I undid my belt and slid the Galco JAK202 Slide Belt Holster, with the gun still in it, off my belt. Why it went off was immediately apparent.

Source: itstactical

Make a Wish Little Girl

Posted: 28 Mar 2011 08:58 PM PDT

This is a special statue. If you write your wish on a note and place it into the special hole it will come true. A girl just couldn't find an empty hole in the statue to place her wish note. So she used the only hole left empty.