miercuri, 22 septembrie 2010

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

Google Instant: Fewer Changes to SEO than the Average Algo Update

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 12:23 PM PDT

Posted by randfish

Ugh... Part of me just wants to link to this old blog post and leave it at that.

But, since there's actually a bit of data to share helping to show that (at least so far) Google Instant changes less than your average algorithmic rankings update, let's share.

880,000 Search Visits Analyzed

Conductor released some nice research from anonymized data of sites on their software platform making a compelling case:

Search Term Keyword Length for Visits Post-Google-Instant
If Conductor keeps putting out this kind of stuff, they'll be a "must-read" in no time

Hmm... Looks pretty darn similar to me. A tiny increase in 4, 5 and 6 word phrases would seem to go against many of the prognostications and fears that this move would decimate the long tail (though, to be fair, plenty of savvier search folks predicted a slight increase as Google's "Suggest" function would be more obvious/visible to searchers and push them to perform more specific queries).

Data from 10,000 More Searches

Matt Bennett at MEC blogged some data from 5 sites in his purvue representing about 10,000 searches. He shared this excellent graph (similar to the one above):

That's more evidence to suggest this is a very subtle change (if there's any at all) in keyword demand.

Google Search Traffic for SEOmoz & Open Site Explorer 

While I don't have as much data to share as Conductor, I can show you some tidbits from SEOmoz.

Here's SEOmoz.org's traffic from Google in the past week compared to the week prior:

SEOmoz.org's Traffic Pre-and-Post Google Instant


And here's a similar look at OpenSiteExplorer's Google traffic:


OpenSiteExplorer Traffic Pre-and-Post Google Instant


There's a suspiciously small amount of change in the keyword demand, and although these are certainly un-representative of the broader web, we can be relatively confident that lots and lots of folks in our industry, performing queries that might lead them to these two sites, have awareness of and are using Google Instant.

One change that did catch my eye (thanks to some Tweets on the topic) is that Google's Suggest itself seems to have changed a bit:

Querying for SEOmoz in Google Instant

Hard to complain about that :-)

Other Sources Worth Reading on the Topic

I was a bit dismayed to see so many in the SEO field taking this as a serious threat or even touting the massive "changes" that would be coming soon to SEO best practices or even search query demand. We're usually pretty good about shrugging off Google's pressbait around technical changes that don't have much of an impact, but this one seemed to have more legs than usual.

That said, there are a few pieces I think warrant a read-through (or at least, knowledge of):

Very much looking forward to the discussion, but I'm leaving for Social Media Week Milan and will be hard pressed to contribute at normal levels until my return next week. Until then - Buona notte!

p.s. If you have data to share on how Instant has or hasn't impacted your traffic-driving queries, that would be awesome. If you blog/upload it, we'll be happy to update the post with links.

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Daily Snapshot: A Surprise Call from the President

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
50 States/50 Stories

Video: A Surprise Call from the President

Surprise Call from the President

In March of this year, Gail O'Brien was diagnosed with high grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. She had no health insurance. Thankfully, the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan was established thanks to the Affordable Care Act. As a result, Gail now has insurance that will pay for her treatments and is responding very well. Last week she got a surprise call from President Obama. 

Watch what happened.

Today's Schedule

Today, the President will hold a backyard discussion on health care reform and the Patient’s Bill of Rights at a private residence in Falls Church, Virginia. In the afternoon, the President will travel to New York City for the UN General Assembly. He will deliver remarks at the Millennium Development Goals Conference at the United Nations Building.

All times are Eastern Daylight Time

9:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:00 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

10:35 AM: The President drops by a meeting with insurance commissioners

11:45 AM: The President holds a backyard discussion on health care reform and the Patient’s Bill of Rights WhiteHouse.gov/live  (audio only)

12:00 PM: The Vice President attends an event for Senator Blanche Lincoln

2:45 PM: The President departs the White House

3:00 PM: The President departs Andrews Air Force Base en route New York

3:55 PM: The President arrives New York City, New York

4:30 PM: The Vice President hosts a Medal of Valor ceremony with Attorney General Eric Holder WhiteHouse.gov/live

4:45 PM: The President delivers remarks at the Millennium Development Goals Conference WhiteHouse.gov/live  (audio only)

6:15 PM: The Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden host a reception in honor of the 16th anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act

6:35 PM: The President delivers remarks at a DSCC/DCCC event

7:30 PM: The President delivers remarks at a DSCC/DCCC dinner

WhiteHouse.gov/live Indicates Events that will be livestreamed on WhiteHouse.gov/live.

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog

50 States, 50 Stories – New Health Care Website Launches Today
Assistant to the President Stephanie Cutter unveils a new website that provides critical information on the Affordable Care Act, including stories in every state that detail how reform is already strengthening the health care system in your state.

Awarding Chief Etchberger the Medal of Honor
The Vice President was also present as the President awarded Chief Master Sergeant Richard L. Etchberger, U.S. Air Force, the Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry. Chief Etchberger received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his heroic actions in combat on March 11, 1968, in the country of Laos.

Republicans in Congress Push to End Consumer Protections, Let Wall Street Run Loose
Deputy Communications Director Jen Psaki discusses the Congressional Republicans' hopes of repealing Wall Street Reform.

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Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Can Google Detect an Affiliate Website

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 08:29 AM PDT

Post image for Can Google Detect an Affiliate Website

One of the questions that often comes up is does Google hate affiliate websites, and are they penalized in the algorithm?

I’m also quite sure Google has an idea at what point, whether by percentage or by total number of links, that a site becomes an affiliate website …
The answer to that is slightly nuanced but, for simplicity’s sake, they don’t hate affiliate websites. Nor have I seen any evidence that shows affiliate sites are penalized. What Google does hate is thin affiliate websites with little or no trust. However, a better question to ask is can Google detect affiliate websites, and can they make it harder  for affiliate websites to rank … ? But those are entirely different questions.

If you’ve read the leaked quality rater guide from 2009, you’ll see that Google has set up lot of hurdles specifically making it harder for affiliate websites to “pass” the sniff test. One of the quickest and easiest ways that Google can determine an affiliate website is through “naked” links to common affiliate programs like Linkshare, CJ, ShareASale, and others. But, really, how good can Google be at detecting those links? Well, here’s a publicly available free tool put out by Sitonomy that checks what types of programming tools are being used by a website.

Now if the folks at Sitonomy can detect that 4% of the* links on a page are from CJ, I’m positive that Google can as well. I’m sure Google can tell on page level throughout the site and the site as a whole. I’m also quite sure Google has an idea at what point, whether by percentage or by total number of links, that a site becomes an affiliate website. It would also be fairly easy to say, once you cross that threshold, you need a higher level of trust to rank for competitive terms. This is one of the reasons I strongly disagree with Lori Weiman, who says affiliates should never cloak links.

UPDATED: the % is total links scanned not just links on the page, my bad.

So what are the takeaways here:

  • Use a tool like Sitonomy to check your most important pages and see what they are able to find as far as affiliate links
  • Look into redirection tools that mask your links, and make sure you block them from search engine spiders
  • Obfuscate some of your other links as well even if they aren’t affiliate links: people should always be unsure of your intent
  • Always make sure you comply with FTC regulations for disclosure. If needed, use a nice non-machine-readable graphic for maximum stealthiness

Creative Commons License photo credit: Aditya Rakhman

This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis WordPress Theme review.

Can Google Detect an Affiliate Website

tla starter kit

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You Should Hear These Stories

The White House, Washington


Good morning,

Six months ago, Gail O'Brien didn’t know whether or not she would be able to treat her cancer.  Betsy Burton wasn't sure if she could afford to keep paying the skyrocketing premiums for her employees' health insurance. Paul Horne was struggling to make ends meet after his prescription drug coverage hit the "donut hole."
The thing about these stories is that they could happen to anybody.  Millions of Americans -- maybe even you or someone you know -- have been struggling for years with our broken health care system.  These stories are what inspired me to fight for the Affordable Care Act and made me so proud to sign this landmark legislation into law six months ago.
Every day, I hear from Americans like Gail, Betsy and Paul, and a few of these folks have stepped forward to bravely share their stories with the entire country. Take a minute to hear what they have to say:

50 States/50 Stories. Listen Now

The Affordable Care Act is already making a difference in the lives of millions of Americans.  And starting tomorrow, the Patient's Bill of Rights goes into effect, ending some of the worst abuses of the insurance industry and putting you, not your insurance company, in control of your health care.
Here's what the Patient's Bill of Rights means for you:

  •  No more discrimination against kids with pre-existing conditions.  Insurance companies can no longer bar families from purchasing coverage because of a child's pre-existing condition. 
  • No more lifetime coverage limits. Insurance companies can no longer put a lifetime limit on the amount of coverage you can receive. 
  • Young adults can now stay on their parent's plan.  Young adults can stay on their parent's health insurance plan up to age 26 if their job doesn't provide health care benefits -- a huge relief for many parents and recent college graduates.
  • Free preventive care.  If you join or purchase a new plan, the insurance company will be required to provide preventive care like mammograms, colonoscopies, immunizations, pre-natal and baby care without charging you any out of pocket costs.
  • Freedom to choose your own doctor. If you purchase or join a new plan, you have the right to choose your own doctor in your insurer network.
  • No more restrictions on emergency room care. Insurance companies will not be allowed to charge you more for out of network emergency services if you purchase or join a new a plan.

This is a long-overdue victory for American consumers and patients.  For years, millions of Americans have been at the mercy of their insurance companies as they jacked up rates, denied coverage or dropped patients all together.  
Now, some opponents of this reform have pledged to "repeal and replace" all of the progress we've made over the past six months.  But I refuse to go back to the days when insurance companies could deny a child health care due to a pre-existing condition or impose a lifetime limit on care for a cancer patient.  Those days are over.

The Affordable Care Act provides basic rules of the road that make our health care system work for consumers.  It cuts costs and will help us begin to get our fiscal house in order.  And most importantly, it provides Americans with the peace of mind that their insurance will be there for them when they need it.

To learn more about the Patient’s Bill of Rights and the Affordable Care Act, visit:



President Barack Obama
P.S. Last week, I surprised Gail O'Brien by calling her at home.  You can see what happened here:





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