marți, 9 noiembrie 2010

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Jetman Yves Rossy Loops

Posted: 09 Nov 2010 05:58 AM PST

We've previously covered the increasingly daring stunts of jetpack pilot Yves Rossy. Last Friday, he performed loops in the air:

The former fighter pilot and extreme sports enthusiast, 51, described himself as "very happy and satisfied" with the stunt and said he now hopes to fly his custom-made jet pack through the Grand Canyon.

Rossy performed his aerial display at an altitude of 7,874ft (2,400m) after jumping from a replica of the Breitling Orbiter, the first hot air balloon to complete a continuous around-the-world flight.

He said on his website: "The flight went well, despite a little problem when starting my engines. I was able to do my two loopings and I am very happy."

Epic Fails - Part 7

Posted: 09 Nov 2010 05:42 AM PST

Something new to laugh about. Enjoy this new collection of epic fails.

All previous parts:
Epic Fails - Part 1
Epic Fails - Part 2
Epic Fails - Part 3
Epic Fails - Part 4
Epic Fails - Part 5
Epic Fails - Part 6

Miss Pole Dancing Sudamerica 2010

Posted: 09 Nov 2010 05:22 AM PST

This is the Miss Pole dancing contest for Argentina and Sudamerica that took place in Buenos Aires. It included 16 professional and 10 amateurs. Peru's Miss Elizabeth Munoz (3d and 4th pictures) was eventually declared the Miss Pole dancing 2010, but based on the photos, they are all winners.

Source: daylife

Russian Brides Meeting Foreign Grooms

Posted: 09 Nov 2010 03:03 AM PST

It is hard to believe that real love is present on these photographs. It seems that Russian girls dream about wealthy life so badly they would do anything to marry a foreign groom, no matter what his age and appearance are, and move abroad.

Similar post:
Don't Tell Me It's Love.

Chewing Gum Art

Posted: 09 Nov 2010 01:56 AM PST

Ben Wilson is a London based artist who, since 2004, has been beautifying the city by painting small drawings on sidewalk gum. It's said that at any moment, there's about 300,000 pieces of gum stuck to the sidewalk on Oxford Street. People just spit them out, and once stuck, they are very difficult to remove and clean up. However, this doesn't faze Ben Wilson. He gets on his hands and knees, pulls out his acrylics, and paints a miniature scene on each of them.

According to the BBC, Wilson's been doing this for six years, and made some 8,000 different paintings, which he photographs and catalogs.

10-Day Old Baby Dolphin Rescued In Uruguay

Posted: 09 Nov 2010 01:39 AM PST

Ten-day-old dolphin was discovered by walkers on a beach near Montevideo, Uruguay. The baby Dolphin was nursed back to health.

17 Interesting Facts About Feet

Posted: 09 Nov 2010 01:33 AM PST

Here are 17 interesting facts about feet for your amusement. The record for the world's largest feet belongs to Mathew McGrory who wears size 28 1/2 shoes! (average size is 10 1/2); there is a woman named Madeline Albrecht (no, her name is not the only funny thing about her) who holds the record for most feet sniffed at 5,600; the average person takes 10,000 steps per day; the average woman walks three miles more per day than the average male (this doesn't surprise me: my wife spends half her day shopping and those corridors are huge); 9 out of 10 women wear shoes that are too small for them. Check out the other fun facts about feet in the infographic below.

More Infographics.

Click to Enlarge.

Source: active-sandals