sâmbătă, 7 mai 2016

Seth's Blog : Calling your finding

Calling your finding

Many people are trying to find their calling.

But that doesn't explain Marianne Money, bank manager, or Jim Kardwell, who owns a card company. Or Thomas Duck who started Ugly Duckling rent-a-car and Tito Beveridge who makes vodka. It doesn't explain why people named Dennis are more likely to become dentists...

I'm not sure that anyone has a calling. I think, instead, our culture creates situations where passionate people find a place where they can make an impact. When what you do is something that you make important, it doesn't matter so much what you do.

It's not that important where. It matters a lot how. With passion and care.


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vineri, 6 mai 2016

Seth's Blog : Unlimited bowling

Unlimited bowling

When we were kids, my mom, fully exasperated, would survive a day when school was closed by dropping a bunch of us off at Sheridan Lanes for a few hours of bowling.

You only had a certain amount of money to spend, and each game (and the snacks) cost, so we knew that one could only play a few games. Which meant that every single roll mattered. Don't waste one.

Unlimited bowling is a whole different concept. As many games as you want. Roll to your heart's content.

When you're doing unlimited bowling, you can practice various shots. You can work on the risky splits. You can bowl without remorse.

As you've guessed, the fat pipes of the internet bring the idea of unlimited bowling to much of what we do. Interesting is enough. Generous is enough. Learning is enough.

It's a special kind of freedom, we shouldn't waste it.

More on this in my new interview with Chase Jarvis. (YouTube)


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joi, 5 mai 2016

Seth's Blog : The most common b2b objection (and the one we have about most innovations)

The most common b2b objection (and the one we have about most innovations)

You'll never hear it spoken aloud, but it happens all the time, particularly when you're selling something new, something powerful, something that causes a positive change:

"You're right, but we're not ready."

This is what people felt about the internet, about word processors, about yoga pants...

When you think this is going on, the answer isn't to be more 'right'. The answer is to figure out how to help people be more 'ready'.

PS I'm doing an AMAAA (ask me anything about the altMBA) today at 3 pm NY time.

Find out more by subscribing to the altMBA newsletter today and we'll send you all the details about the info session.


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