miercuri, 23 noiembrie 2016

Seth's Blog : All we have is each other

And that's enough. It has to be. It's all we've ever had. The challenge is in realizing this and working with it, even when we're secretly hoping for something more, some external force. You and me, kid, you and me...

All we have is each other

And that's enough. It has to be.

It's all we've ever had.

The challenge is in realizing this and working with it, even when we're secretly hoping for something more, some external force.

You and me, kid, you and me and a few billion other folks.

We can treat each other as if it matters, because it does.



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marți, 22 noiembrie 2016

Seth's Blog : The yeasayer

Opposite of the naysayer, of course. This is the person who will find ten reasons why you should try something. The one who will embrace the possibility of better. The colleague to turn to when a reality check is necessary,...

The yeasayer

Opposite of the naysayer, of course.

This is the person who will find ten reasons why you should try something.

The one who will embrace the possibility of better.

The colleague to turn to when a reality check is necessary, because the reality is, it might work.

Are you up for it?


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luni, 21 noiembrie 2016

Seth's Blog : Limited, unique & educational

It snowed last night here, so it must be almost time for the holidays. Some thoughts as you think about holiday gifts for you and the people you care about: There are fewer than 2,000 copies of my huge new...

Limited, unique & educational

It snowed last night here, so it must be almost time for the holidays. Some thoughts as you think about holiday gifts for you and the people you care about:

There are fewer than 2,000 copies of my huge new collection left. The book weighs 18 pounds, it's 800 pages long and profusely illustrated. We will not be printing any more, that's all there are. All the copies are currently on container ships and on their way to our fulfillment house... orders taken now should arrive to most locations before the holidays.

My most recent original book, What To Do When It's Your Turn... is now in its fifth printing. It comes in a multi-pack, so you can have one and give one (or more) away.

I have three bestselling courses on Udemy. There is a master course on value creation, one for freelancers and a leadership course that's a fundraiser for Acumen. Learning is a great gift, of course, because it transforms people you care about. And it is sure to be the right size.

You can find a list of all my books here.

And we're getting close to my live event in New York on December 10. I hope you can come and even better, bring a colleague.



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