marți, 20 mai 2014

A Cup of Coffee

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

A Cup of Coffee

What does a cup of coffee mean? For Vice President Biden and Officer Peter Laboy of the Alexandria Police Department, quite a bit.

After Officer Laboy was injured in the line of duty last year, Vice President Biden visited him in the hospital and brought coffee for his unit. Last week, Officer Laboy returned the favor -- bringing the Vice President a cup of coffee here at the White House.

Listen to the latest "Being Biden" and hear the story in the Vice President's own words.

Listen to the newest edition of Being Biden.

  Top Stories

Announcing the White House Science Fair and Celebrating Girls Excelling in STEM

Next week -- on Tuesday, May 27 -- the White House is going to be filled with robots, science projects, and more. Students from around the country are headed to the 2014 White House Science Fair hosted by President Obama, and we couldn't be more excited.


Making Full Use of America's Talent

For all of the progress women have made in the 20th century -- gaining the right to vote, becoming nearly half of the workforce, and increasing their education -- there is still work to be done to remove barriers that limit us from making full use of our nation's talent in the future.


In Case You Missed It: The President and Vice President Stop By a Shake Shack

Last Friday, President Obama and Vice President Biden stopped by a local Shake Shack for burgers, and spoke briefly about the need for Congress to pass transportation funding.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

7:30 AM: The Vice President and Dr. Biden arrive in Bucharest

9:45 AM: The Vice President and Dr. Biden visit Otopeni Airbase

10:45 AM: The President drops by a meeting with business leaders

12:45 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

5:00 PM: The President meets with Secretary of Defense Hagel


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Operational SEO: Insights into running an SEO department [Presentation]

Operational SEO: Insights into running an SEO department [Presentation]

Link to

Operational SEO: Insights into running an SEO department [Presentation]

Posted: 20 May 2014 03:35 AM PDT

Operational SEO is a huge topic with so many areas to talk about. When Linkdex asked me to speak at their ThinkTank on the subject, it took me a while to identify the key area that I wanted to discuss, but I finally narrowed it down to the people who deliver the projects, the team! Without the very best people it doesn’t matter what tools you have or what brand you are working for, they are limitless.

In the presentation that I gave on the 8th May, I talked about how to ensure that you are keeping on top of the talent that is available to keep ahead of the digital merry go-round that we sit within. I also discuss how we changed our structure three times in the space of time that I have been at to ensure that it was the best for us. I went into how we deal with tools, processes & templates internally and one of the biggest things for me, communication. I finish by talking about the need to constantly push on and ensuring that not only the product evolves, but the team continues to develop through training, conference attendance and constant up-skill.

All of the things I talk about, I have strong feelings on. If you attended the session then I hope you enjoyed it. If you didn’t then take a look at the slides below, and let me know your thoughts on what is required to deliver market leading SEO in the comments below or over on twitter @danielbianchini.

Full transcript coming soon.

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Seth's Blog : Small differences, looming large


Small differences, looming large

As we get more technologically advanced, more civilized and more refined, differences get smaller.

The Nikon SLR was in a different universe than the Instamatic. Just about anyone could instantly see the differences between pictures taken with these cameras. Taking pictures for online use with the Sony RX1 and the 80% less Canon pocket camera--not so much.

The rough peasant wine available on your table at a local restaurant was a totally different experience than a vintage Burgundy. Thirty years after that vacation, it's pretty tough (in a blind tasting) to tell the difference between a bottle that costs ten dollars at the local store and one that costs $200...

The speed difference between a Mac IIfx and a Commodore 64 was no contest. One was for professionals, one was a game for kids. Today, there's no dramatic functional difference for most users between the speed of the cheap Android tablet and the Mac Pro.

But of course, for those that care, the difference matters more than ever. For those that care, the premium available to be paid for a better camera, wine or computer is actually far greater than it ever was before.

As the differences get smaller, the purely functional reasons for premium goods fade away, and instead they are purchased for the reason we've always purchased luxury goods: because of how they make us feel, not because of what they actually do. The fur coat is not warmer than the down jacket, it's merely harder to acquire.



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luni, 19 mai 2014

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

ProtonMail - Easy to Use Email So Secure NSA Cannot Break It; What About NSA Other Attacks?

Posted: 19 May 2014 10:26 PM PDT

With the NSA snooping around anywhere and everywhere, violating the constitution in the process, the following development was inevitable: Harvard & MIT Students Have Created an Email So Secure Even the NSA Can't Crack It.
Nearly a year ago, former CIA technical assistant Edward Snowden stepped forward to say he was responsible for one of the most explosive leaks in history. The National Security Agency was exposed, and Andy Yen, a Harvard PhD candidate, was appalled.

"I posted on Facebook, 'Hey, I don't really like the fact the government is wiretapping us. What's happening in America?'"

At the time, Yen was working at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Switzerland, known as CERN, where the elusive "God Particle" was discovered, coincidentally alongside a handful of other Cambridge, Mass.-educated students from either Harvard or MIT. A team of five suddenly formed, all focused on creating a service stronger than Lavabit, Snowden's email provider.

That service is called ProtonMail, and it is launching out of private beta Friday.

ProtonMail is end-to-end encrypted email that is based offshore in Switzerland, where the team could operate free of surveillance mandates. Although "encryption is not necessarily a new technology," according to Yen, "only one to two percent of the population knows how to do it." ProtonMail handles the entire process without forcing users to install any software, and promises NSA-proof correspondence.

"Even we don't have the ability to read that email," Yen asserted. "If we can't read it, we obviously can't turn it over to any government agencies."

A main motivation behind starting ProtonMail was the human rights component. Referencing a writer in China who blogged about the service, Yen said, "Say you're an activist in China fighting for democracy, this is a life or death service."

The catch is similar to that of Dropbox's model — the service will be free, unless you're a "power user," and then ProtonMail will ring in at roughly $5 a month.
Supposedly, if you can understand Gmail, you can understand ProtonMail. If it's as good as advertized, will it be banned?

This is what it had to come down to. Government nonsensically spying on everyone led to a more-secure service that freedom lovers and criminals alike will embrace.

By the way, the encryption might be secure, but that will not stop the NSA from hijacking entire computers.

Cisco CEO Complains About NSA Allegations

Please consider In Letter to Obama, Cisco CEO Complains About NSA Allegations
Warning of an erosion of confidence in the products of the U.S. technology industry, John Chambers, the CEO of networking giant Cisco Systems, has asked President Obama to intervene to curtail the surveillance activities of the National Security Agency.

In a letter dated May 15 (obtained by Re/code and reprinted in full below), Chambers asked Obama to create "new standards of conduct" regarding how the NSA carries out its spying operations around the world.

 The letter follows new revelations, including photos, published in a book based on documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden alleging that the NSA intercepted equipment from Cisco and other manufacturers and loaded them with surveillance software. The photos, which have not been independently verified, appear to show NSA technicians working with Cisco equipment. Cisco is not said to have cooperated in the NSA's efforts.

Addressing the allegations of NSA interference with the delivery of his company's products, Chambers wrote: "We ship our products globally from inside as well as outside the United States, and if these allegations are true, these actions will undermine confidence in our industry and in the ability of technology companies to deliver products globally."

"We simply cannot operate this way; our customers trust us to be able to deliver to their doorsteps products that meet the highest standards of integrity and security," Chambers wrote. "We understand the real and significant threats that exist in this world, but we must also respect the industry's relationship of trust with our customers."

The letter follows a May 13 blog post by Cisco General Counsel Mark Chandler saying the NSA had "overreached." Chandler said that Cisco does not cooperate with any government, including the U.S. government, to "weaken our products."

Concern about the aggressive tactics of the NSA have hit Cisco's results, especially in emerging markets like Russia, Brazil and China. When the company reported quarterly earnings last week, it said that orders from emerging countries fell seven percent, and that Brazil, Russia, India, China and Mexico combined for a 13 percent drop. Individually, orders in Brazil fell 27 percent and in Russia, 28 percent.
If your computer and your router are not safe, is ProtonMail safe? Is anything really safe?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Maximum Overweight High Yield?

Posted: 19 May 2014 01:37 PM PDT

On May 13, the BCA came out with this recommendation U.S. High-Yield: Maximum Overweight.

Our model predicts that the default rate for speculative grade bonds will average near 3.0% during the next year. Moody's latest estimate for the 12-month trailing default rate is much lower at 1.7%. Our view is that the U.S. and global economies will continue to expand (and recession will be avoided) over at least a one-year investment horizon. In this case, default losses could remain less than that projected by our model which is calibrated to pre-crisis macro factors. The current cycle could see the default rate move lower still given the scope of deleveraging that followed the financial crisis and Great Recession. Corporate balance sheets are in excellent shape, and there is still an ample cash cushion available to fund operations in the event of a growth setback.

We continue to monitor three key factors for evidence of a turn in default risk: our Corporate Health monitor, bank lending standards, and Fed policy. None of these yet signal cause for concern.
No Cause For Concern - Yet

I doubt we see default rates spike as high as they did in 2009, not because corporations are really flush with cash, but rather because corporations are holding cash-substitutes (backed by debt). Those cash-substitutes can be used as cash in a credit crunch emergency.

Nonetheless, there are numerous problems with the "Don't Worry Yet" philosophy. What follows is a discussion from a risk-reward standpoint, starting with reward.

Potential Reward

Using the SPDR Barclays High Yield Bond (JNK) as a general proxy for high yield bonds, the reward prior to writeoffs is approximately 5.85%.

To calculate actual net return, start with 5.85%, subtract BCA's expected default rate of 3.0%, then subtract another 2.0% or so for inflation. Assume a recovery rate of 40-60% on defaults and you are overweight "junk" for a final net return 2%+-.

Potential Risks

What about the risks? Could BCA's model be wrong? Might default rates be much higher? Might the market start pricing in an expectation of higher defaults even if defaults themselves do not soar? What about rising rates? What about liquidity risks if the market turns on junk bonds?

What about the fact that complacency is at an extreme (see Big Appetite for Risk) and risky assets are typically the first to suffer in a downturn?

Do you really want to be overweight junk when the expected reward is so tiny? Obviously many people do, or junk bond yields would not be as low as they are right now.

The Fed created a junk bond bubble by holding the short-term rate to near-zero, fueled by round after round of QE and things like Operation Twist (selling the short end of the curve and buying the long end) a maneuver designed to bring down long-term rates.

I say "no thanks" to speculating in bubbles. Worse yet, the potential reward is tiny, and the model requires extreme complacency to continue for a year, something I think is highly unlikely.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

World's Unsold Cars Piling Up Everywhere: Fact or Fiction?

Posted: 19 May 2014 11:11 AM PDT

A few days ago a reader sent me a link about unsold cars piling up around the world. I did not touch the story because I had already seen it, years earlier in fact.

Flashback January 19, 2009 Unsold Car Images From Around The World.

Nonetheless, the story was recently picked up as "new" in so many places that Bloomberg's Barry Ritholtz felt the need to set the story straight in The Truth About Auto Sales.
This week, an e-mail landed in my inbox with the header "Unsold Cars."

Normally, I would have deleted the e-mail without a second thought. But several things about it warranted further notice.

The first were aerial photos of thousands of cars. Wow, this really was a lot of cars.

The second was the phrase "Timestamp: Friday, May 16th, 2014," which suggests that these photos were brand new.

What struck me was how familiar it all looked. Maybe that was because I posted those same photos on The Big Picture blog and Business Insider in February 2009.

The origin of the photos was a Jan. 16, 2009, article in the Guardian by Nick Mead. Note that this was smack in the middle of the financial crisis, when anything purchased on credit simply froze. At the time, other sites also picked up the photos from the Guardian, such as car blogs like Jalopnik, and market sites like Mish's Global Economic Analysis.

The truth about these five-year-old photos didn't stop the usual doom and gloomers from immediately running with them. Zero Hedge, Silver Bear, Daily Paul, and too many others to list here re-posted these old snaps as if they were new.

Which raises the following question: How trustworthy are your favorite Internet sources? It varies a lot.

UPDATE: Since I wrote this over the weekend, two other sites have identified the photos and story as false: Debunker site and, in far less family friendly but much more amusing language, the auto blog Jalopnik.
Moral of the Story

It's best to fact check, especially if you don't have a good memory. As with Barry, I did not bother posting the story last week because I knew I had seen those images before. Barry only posted the story because so many places incorrectly posted the story as new.

Note: The Silver Bear reference is incorrect. It is an undated duplicate of my 2009 post.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Learn The Secrets Of Body Language

Posted: 19 May 2014 11:51 AM PDT

Body language is a language all it's own. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they position themselves. Educate yourself on the signs of body language so you can know what everyone is saying at all times even if they aren't speaking.

Sad Batman Meme Goes Viral

Posted: 19 May 2014 10:30 AM PDT

It didn't take long for Ben Affleck's Batman to become an internet sensation. He's been dubbed Sad Batman and Sad Batman has been photoshopped into every hilarious scenario you could ever hope to see him in.

Find Out The Greatest Export Of These Countries

Posted: 19 May 2014 09:14 AM PDT

Each country in the world is good for something. Do you know what your country exports?

Car Shows Are A Great Place To Meet Women

Posted: 19 May 2014 09:03 AM PDT

Ladies love cars. They have ever since they were created. Want to pick up a good looking girl? Hit up a car show.