marți, 19 octombrie 2010

Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Michael Gray - Graywolf's SEO Blog

Change Your Content Based on Traffic Intent

Posted: 19 Oct 2010 07:38 AM PDT

Post image for Change Your Content Based on Traffic Intent

A few weeks ago, Brent Payne made a post about “whitehat cloaking” and changing your content based on referring website. He asked for some feedback on Twitter, causing some follow up discussions. I had a few people asking for examples about how to do this. In this two part post, first we’ll look at some theory about why would you want to do it, under what circumstances, and how to do it without angering the Google Gods. In tomorrow’s post “How to Conditionally Change Your Content,” I’ll give you some ideas about how to implement this.

Let’s talk about the high level strategy items first. Why would you want to serve different content to different users:

  • Social media traffic is advertising averse, so show them fewer ads and more social oriented content
  • Search traffic can be goal/purchase oriented, so try to serve them content designed to help you do that
  • Direct traffic can get the full brand treatment designed to build subscribers, regular visitors, or a sense of community

To use a cooking metaphor, I’m not serving each of these people a different meal, but I’m varying the seasoning to suit my guest’s individual tastes. Let’s get past the superficial. What are some things you could do differently for, say, social media traffic? Under most situations, social media visitors don’t click adsense, banner ads, and that sort of thing. For social media traffic, your best outcome will be getting them to link to your page, vote/retweet your page, or visit other pages. What you want to think about is how you can change your content to help you meet those goals.

With Google’s announcement that site speed is a factor, many savvy webmasters opted out of third party buttons and began to use smaller, lightweight, on-site graphics. While this helps with site speed, it doesn’t help with social engagement. If you want more social interaction show bigger buttons up top, especially the third party buttons with active vote/tweet counts. I would remove as much advertising as you could. I would replace this with graphics or sections featuring other social content. If you use tags to isolate your social content it would be easy to pull out using a DB query. How about showing your most popular or most emailed pages. Rather than showing a social media audience 25 pages of your top 25 list, consolidate all of the content onto one page.

What about search traffic? How can you change the content to better suit their needs? In some cases you may want to remove content like the sidebar, making your pages more like single page squeeze pages. Of course this will depend on the page content like, say, a product page. You may want to be more aggressive with advertising placement if you run an adsense or affiliate website. You could also vary the advertising a bit. I’ve spoken before about using tags to target your advertising, but why not use search query terms as well. If someone came to your website searching for [cheap mexico vacations], normally you would just serve them ads about cruises, hotels, or vacation packages to Mexico. However, if you trapped for search queries containing the word [cheap] you might also want to mix in some value based vacation advertising.

While there are some advantages to doing this, there are some pitfalls as well. This type of behavior makes for a more complicated website to maintain and run, so make sure you have the resources for the long haul. Secondly you have to be concerned about the search engines and giving the appearance of cloaking with ill intent. The more dramatic the main content is from one version to another, the more likely it is to upset a search engine. For example, if you serve a 1,400 word article to direct traffic, a 700 word trimmed down version to search traffic, and a 400 word version to social traffic, you are taking some risks. I would make sure that search engine bots get a version that is very close if not identical to the version that users coming from a search engine will get.

In the next post I’ll walk you through some of the steps on How to Conditionally Change Your Content from a programming perspective.
Creative Commons License photo credit: Rob Hughes

This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis WordPress Theme review.

Change Your Content Based on Traffic Intent

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Daily Snapshot: White House White Board Returns

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

 White House White Board: Austan Goolsbee Explains the Jobs Trends

In the second edition of White House White Board, Austan Goolsbee, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, looks back at the President’s record on the economy through the perspective of the last three years in private sector employment. Watch the video and tune in at 1:30 PM EDT today for a live chat on the economy with Austan Goolsbee.

 White House White Board


Today's Schedule

Today, the President will sign the Obama Administration’s Executive Order on the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics in a ceremony in the East Room. The ceremony follows a National Education Summit and Call to Action hosted by the U.S. Department of Education that began on Monday, bringing Administration officials together with experts in education and Hispanic community leaders from around the country on issues ranging from early childhood learning to higher education. The revised executive order will place a high priority on action designed to reach the ambitious education goals President Obama has set for our nation and ensure America’s future competitiveness in a global economy.

All times are Eastern Daylight Time

10:15 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:45 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

11:15 AM: The President meets with Treasury Secretary Geithner

1:00 PM: Briefing by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs

1:30 PM: Tuesday Talk with Austan Goolsbee

1:50 PM: The President signs the Executive Order on the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics

2:15 PM: Tuesday Talk with the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities

4:30 PM: The President meets with Secretary of Defense Gates

8:15 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks at a rally for Senator Patty Murray

9:00 PM: The Vice President attends an event for Senator Barbara Boxer  Indicates Events that will be livestreamed on

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog

Empowering Defense Through Energy Security
The Department of Defense (DoD) hosts an Energy Security Forum as part of National Energy Awareness Month to discuss how the Department of Defense can turn energy use from a strategic and operational challenge to a key strength for the warfighter.

Robots, Solar Cars and Rockets at the White House Science Fair
Middle school and high school students from across the country descend on the State Dining Room at the White House with their award-winning science fair projects in tow.

A Wisconsin Mother Shares her Health Care Story
Tracy’s son Sami was diagnosed with a medical condition when he was very young but, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies can no longer deny coverage to children based on a pre-existing condition. Hear Tracy tell her story and find out how the Affordable Care Act is helping people in your state.

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I Hope You Find this Video Helpful

The White House, Washington

Good morning,

If you watch TV, open a newspaper or read news online, you probably hear a lot of back and forth every day about the economy and its impact on the job market.

It can be tough to filter out the noise and get a clear understanding of what’s really going on. I thought it would be helpful to take a look at where our economy has been over the past three years and what President Obama and his Administration have done to help dig us out of the pretty massive hole we were in when he first came into office.

So, we’ve put together this short video. 


Here’s the bottom line: when President Obama came into office in January of 2009, we were in the middle of the worst economic crisis this country has seen since the Great Depression.  Through the Recovery Act, tax credits for working families and small businesses, and investments in the industries of the future, we are getting back on the right track.  We went from losing nearly 800,000 jobs in a single month as the President came into office to our ninth straight month of private sector job growth last month.

We still have a lot of work to do.  Times are still tough for millions of Americans who are out of work, and we’re not going to rest until those folks can find a job. 

If you have questions about what’s happening with our economy or about what this Administration is doing to turn it around, I’m happy to answer them.

In fact, today at 1:30 p.m. EDT I’m hosting a live chat to take your questions.  Find out how to tune in and submit your questions:

I'm looking forward to talking to you later today.


Austan Goolsbee
Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers

P.S. In case you missed the first White House White Board video on tax cuts, be sure to check it out here:



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Seth's Blog : Four roads

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Four roads

You might be stuck because you pick the wrong fork on a looping road. You keep getting better at the route you cover, but it doesn't go anywhere, you just keep doing it over and over. Nine years of experience is very different from one year of experience, nine times.

You might be impatient or unable to stick to your decision to take this particular road, and thus you're always starting on a new road. Since the new road is always strange to you, you rarely get any better at getting where you're going.

You might be on the wrong road. Sure, you get better at navigating your way, you can walk faster, you feel more comfortable--but this road is never going to lead much of anywhere.

And, if you're lucky, you might be on the right road, and getting better as you go.

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luni, 18 octombrie 2010

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Chicago Pension Funds Selling Assets to Meet Obligations; Needs to Double Property Taxes; Current Liabilities of $41,966 per Household

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 08:16 PM PDT

Congratulations of sorts go to Chicago for having the most messed up pension plan of any city in the nation.

Please consider Chicago faces crisis over pension funding, how to pay for it
Much has been made of retiring Mayor Richard Daley's plan to draw down reserve funds to balance next year's city budget and how it could burden his successor.

But the chairman of the Finance Committee, Ald. Ed Burke, today talked about a far larger problem. One in four pension funds for city workers will go broke in the next decade, if current funding levels continue and markets don't improve, and all will be belly up by 2032 if nothing gives.

"It's similar to watching the house burn down without turning on the fire hydrant," said Burke, 14th, during the first day of hearings on Daley's proposed $6.15 billion budget. "At the present time, the city pension funds are actually selling assets to meet obligations."

Stabilizing employee pensions long-term would require greater employee contributions, higher taxes, major changes to the pension systems or a combination of those steps. Without relief, the city would have to about double its property taxes for the next 40 years to cover its pension obligations, said Gene Saffold, the city's chief financial officer.

To cover the outstanding liabilities, each household in Chicago would have to pay $41,966, the report concluded. That's the highest per-home amount among U.S. cities.
Number of Chicago Households

Inquiring minds just may be wondering "How many households are in Chicago?"

The answer is 1,044,027. That would make the pension liability a mere $43,813,637,082.

Chicago is bankrupt.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Industrial Production Unexpectedly Declines, First Drop in a Year; Where to From Here?

Posted: 18 Oct 2010 09:44 AM PDT

In yet another sign of a weakening economy, Production in U.S. Unexpectedly Dropped in September
Output at factories, mines and utilities fell 0.2 percent, the first decline since the recession ended in June 2009, figures from the Federal Reserve showed today. Factory production also decreased 0.2 percent, reflecting declines in consumer durable goods, like appliances and furniture.

The rebuilding of stockpiles, a component of the factory rebound last year, will probably cool following eight consecutive gains in inventories, a sign assembly lines will not accelerate much more. At the same time, improving demand from overseas and a pickup in business investment on new equipment may keep benefiting American manufacturers like Alcoa Inc., helping support the

Economists forecast production would increase 0.2 percent, according to the median of 63 projections in a Bloomberg News survey. Estimates ranged from a decrease of 0.3 percent to a gain of 0.4 percent. The drop followed an unrevised 0.2 percent gain in August.
Industrial Production Release

Inquiring minds are interested in the Industrial Production Release details.

Final products and consumer goods were both down for the second consecutive month. With the collapse in housing and the stimulus money pretty much spent, I expect further weakening of all the major market group components.

The only positives in the report this month are mining and business equipment, with the latter weakening rapidly.

Industrial Production

In percentage terms the bounce in industrial production looks impressive. In actual terms it looks pretty feeble.

Note that industrial production collapsed to 1998 lows at the bottom of the recession, taking back an unprecedented 11 years worth of gains. In spite of the huge bounce from the bottom in percentage terms, Industrial production is barely above the level in 2000.

Business Inventories

Note the impressive drop in business inventories. In percentage terms the rebound looks good, but only in percentage terms, not real terms.

Moreover, the important point is that inventory replenishment is nearly over. Looking ahead, production will be more in line with actual final demand, and that demand looks both weak and weakening.

Look for 3rd quarter GDP to surprise to the downside.

Fed is Spooked

I believe this is what has the Fed spooked. Yet, spooked or not, the Demographic Pendulum is in Motion.
Demographic Pendulum in Motion

Few understand the deflationary impacts of the entire gamut of trends that is playing out, or the stress these trends place on families.

It is futile to fight changing social trends, but that has not stopped the Fed with reckless proposals on top of reckless proposals. Please see Inflation Targeting Proposal an Exercise in Blazing Stupidity; Fed Fools Itself for more details.

As I stated in June of 2008, we are now on the back side of peak consumption and Peak Credit. Regardless of what Bernanke of the Fed does, the demographic pendulum is in motion. There is no going back.
Once attitudes hit extreme then reverse, there is nothing the Fed or anyone else can do about it.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List