joi, 21 octombrie 2010

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Is It Possible: Super Human Elasticity

Posted: 21 Oct 2010 09:51 AM PDT

Some people can train to become extraordinarily flexible, but Zlata can do more.

Strange and Funny Warning Signs

Posted: 21 Oct 2010 09:41 AM PDT

Sometimes warning signs can be very confusing and really funny.

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What do warning signs really warn about.

Pakistan vs UK

Posted: 21 Oct 2010 01:15 AM PDT

Click to enlarge.

International Tattoo Festival in Beijing 2010

Posted: 21 Oct 2010 12:48 AM PDT

Another Victim of Plastic Surgeons

Posted: 21 Oct 2010 12:43 AM PDT

Svetlana Davydova, a participant of one Russian reality show , decided to enlarge her lips. The results after the first plastic surgery you can see on the first photograph are ok compared to what happened after the next doses of silicone injections.

Selling Your Old Car Using Your Girlfriend

Posted: 21 Oct 2010 12:29 AM PDT

As seen on Ebay.

The Cost of Car Insurance

Posted: 21 Oct 2010 12:25 AM PDT

Liability insurance is like Mafia protection. It's a pain in the neck, it's expensive and you'd rather forget you needed it in the first place. But when you find yourself in a jam you'll be glad you had it. And in the United States, it's required if you want to get anywhere on wheels. But how much is required varies from state to state. Here are a few more facts about liability protection.

More Infographics.

Click to Enlarge.

Source: carinsurancequotes