vineri, 21 ianuarie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Thousands of Fishermen Empty Lake in Minutes

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 05:53 PM PST

Got a favorite fishing spot? Well, you ain't never seen nothin' like this one in Lake Antogo, Mali. On one day a year, the Dogon people can fish in the sacred water of the lake – and fish they do: the lake gets emptied in minutes!

Spot The Odd One Out

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 05:41 PM PST

Strange has never looked as good or hilarious as it does in these funny pictures. At first glance everything seems "normal" but a closer look reveals a far spookier adventure unfolding right before your eyes and once you spot it, you'll have a toe curling chill running down your spine or a hearty belly laugh. Either way, you'll feel like a true champ once you figure out what's strange about each and every one of these pictures.

Hot Chicks In Spider-Man Costumes

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 04:25 PM PST

Andrew Garfield isn't the only one that looks good in the red and black costume..

Tips for Beggars

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 04:19 PM PST

How to make a beggar sign better and get more cash.

Hot Chick Makes A Double Decker Pizza Burger

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 03:58 PM PST

This girl shows you step-by-step on how to make the coveted double decker pizza burger. God, I`m so hungry now.

A Little Brave Wildebeest

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 03:49 PM PST

A young wildebeest almost won the fight against a hungry lioness, but was later killed by a large male lion.

Source: dailymail

The Truth about Alcoholism (Infographic)

Posted: 21 Jan 2011 03:45 PM PST

Alcohol is the oldest and most widely used drug in the world. Millions of people consume alcohol each day – but when do you classify a person as addicted and what can it do to you when abused?

More Infographics.

Click to Enlarge.

Source: medicalinsurance

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

Whiteboard Friday Live - When Keyword Targeting Gets Tough

Posted: 20 Jan 2011 09:42 AM PST

Posted by Jamie

Whiteboard Friday Live – tomorrow at 10am Pacific Standard Time

We'll do it live! For the first time ever, Whiteboard Friday will be broadcast live!  Will the whiteboard fall from the wall? Will Rand go crazy? You'll have to tune in to find out!

The broadcast starts tomorrow morning at 10am PST.  Rand's topic will be: "When Keyword Targeting Gets Tough, The Tough Get Whiteboard Friday".  Watch the presentation live, chat with other viewers, and ask questions using the Twitter hashtag #mozlive.  We'll be live for a full hour so there will be plenty of time for questions.

The live broadcast starts on this page on Friday, January 21st at:

Pacific Time: 10:00am
Eastern Time: 1:00pm
London/GMT: 6:00pm

Start the broadcast

Visit or click below to watch the live broadcast and chat with other viewers!


Can't make it? We'll be recording the broadcast!

Tune in live, or feel free to come back to our blog to watch the complete recording later.

Technical difficulties?

This is our first live video broadcast, and we hope everything goes well.  But, if you have any trouble during the broadcast, feel free to let us know using the chat functionality when the broadcast is live.

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Tuesday at 9

The White House, Washington

Good afternoon,

I just started at the White House as a Senior Advisor to President Obama, and over the past few days we've all been increasingly focused on Tuesday’s State of the Union Address (9 p.m. EST). The President will talk about what America needs to do to create jobs today, make America more competitive tomorrow, and win the future for our children and our country.

And to make sure that you are part of the discussion about America's future, we've been working on a number of ways to use our online program to give you and Americans across the country a chance to participate in this important event and ask your own questions.  That starts immediately after the speech ends, when White House policy experts will be available at to discuss the issues the President raised in the speech and to take your questions and feedback.

We've also lined up a series of live online events with President Obama and other senior Administration officials on Wednesday and Thursday to answer as many of your questions as possible.

Check out the lineup of events and learn how to participate:

The 2011 State of the Union. Watch and Engage

If you only do one thing right now, be sure to mark this on your calendar:

President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union Address
Tuesday, January 25, 9 p.m. EST
Watch live @

I'll be in touch next week with more details and reminders about all of the ways you can engage with the White House around the State of the Union Address.


David Plouffe
Senior Advisor to the President


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West Wing Week: "A Rather Large Painting"

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Friday, Jan. 21,  2011

West Wing Week: "A Rather Large Painting"

West Wing Week is your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Watch as the President welcomes the presidents of China and Pakistan, serves the D.C. community in observance of Martin Luther King Day, speaks in remembrance of Ambassador Richard Holbrooke and President John F. Kennedy, and more.

Watch the video.

West Wing Week


In Case You Missed It



Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Voices of Health Reform: Paul's Story
This series, Voices of Health Reform, highlights how Americans are already benefiting from the health reform law, the Affordable Care Act. This story is about Paul from Indiana.

Leading by Example: The Federal Government's Sustainable Future
With a portfolio including 350 million square feet of public buildings, 200,000 federal vehicles, and a flow of goods and services throughout government totaling $95 billion, the General Services Administration is moving the federal government towards a more sustainable future.

First Lady Michelle Obama: "When You Study Abroad, You’re Helping to Make America Stronger"
The First Lady focuses on the importance of studying abroad in support of the President’s “100,000 Strong Initiative” – a program that aims to increase the number of Americans who have the opportunity to study in China.



Today's Schedule



All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).


10:15 AM: The President hosts a reception for U.S. Mayors

10:50 AM: The President departs the White House en route Andrews Air Force Base

11:05 AM: The President departs Andrews Air Force Base en route Albany, New York

12:10 PM: The President arrives in Albany, New York

1:05 PM: The President delivers remarks on the economy

1:45 PM: The Vice President delivers remarks at the Democratic Issues Conference

2:00 PM: The President departs Albany, New York

3:05 PM: The President arrives at Andrews Air Force Base

3:20 PM: The President arrives at the White House

6:30 PM: The President departs the White House en route Cambridge, Maryland

7:30 PM: The President attends the Democratic Issues Conference

9:45 PM: The President arrives at the White House   Indicates events that will be live streamed on








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Seth's Blog : Misjudging risk (and bad decisions)

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Misjudging risk (and bad decisions)

The perception of risk is skewed when bad outcomes are vivid, personal and immediate.

Given the choice between working on the important and the urgent, the urgent almost always wins.

Given the choice between avoiding the rare but grisly outcome or doing the hard work to avoid the equally nasty, more subtle but more common outcome, we usually go for the grisly.

We do this sort of miscalculation all the time at work. We avoid the hard work on the long-term project in order to panic and rush about to avoid the possible vivid, immediate and personal risk on the short-term project, even if it's far less important.

(Think about this the next time you're in the security line at the airport).

This is one reason why the media is so complicit in many of the issues of the day... they take concepts that were previously abstract and relentlessly make them vivid, personal and immediate. It amplifies the risks around us and easily sells us on a cycle of dissatisfaction.

If you want to create action on the important, figure out how to make it vivid, personal and immediate.

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