luni, 14 februarie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Parking Fails

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 05:12 PM PST

These are good examples of how not to park your car. Some make you wonder how the driver actually managed to do that..

The Best of Bill O'Reilly's Meme: You Cant Explain That!

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 04:51 PM PST

Russia's Fish Fight For Oxygen In St. Petersburg Ponds

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 04:41 PM PST

Fish cluster at an ice hole, covered with thin pieces of ice, struggling for air in a pond in a park in St. Petersburg, Russia. As the long Russian winter drags on, fish in the ponds of St. Petersburg become increasingly desperate for oxygen, clustering in vast, thrashing masses at shrinking holes in the ice. Not only does ice block oxygen that could be diffused into the water from the air, but it also impedes sunlight from reaching oxygen-generating plants and algae in the water.

Penny Johnson Facelift: Businesswoman Suing for £54m Over Facial Twitch

Posted: 14 Feb 2011 04:39 PM PST

Penny Johnson wanted to have facelift surgery, and her plastic surgeon promised her "amazing" recovery facial procedure.

Only a year ago Mrs Johnson was a high-flying IT and finance businesswoman who worked at Bishop Cavanagh and received an annual salary of over $960,000. But her career and family life were ruined at the moment she decided to have facelift surgery at Methley Park Hospital in Leeds.

The surgeon tried an experimental procedure that left Penny Johnson with a drooping eye, slurred speech, drooling, and pain in her right eye, because of the nerve damage.

The woman is unable to work, and now she is suing her plastic surgeon for £54 million (about $80 million) compensation, since her twitch and "monster eye" stopped her working and caring for her 3 children, who complained about the way she looked.

Source: dailymail

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

Getting SEO Value From Your Affiliate Links

Posted: 13 Feb 2011 01:19 PM PST

Posted by Paddy_Moogan

There are various industries online where traffic and revenue from affiliate programs is a huge part of the overall revenue stream. If you work in one of these industries (gambling for example) then you may have the opportunity of optimising the affiliate program to get more value from an SEO point of view. In this post I'm going to outline some of the techniques you can use along with the advantages and potential risks of both.

I want to very briefly cover why some of these techniques may carry some risk. Google has traditionally sought to not pass value across links that appear to be affiliate based. I searched high and low for some official Google Webmaster Guidelines on affiliate links, all I found was this page which talks more about content rather than links. However I did find the following quote from an interview that Eric Enge did with Matt Cutts:

Eric Enge: If Googlebot sees an affiliate link out there, does it treat that link as an endorsement or an ad?

Matt Cutts: Typically, we want to handle those sorts of links appropriately. A lot of the time, that means that the link is essentially driving people for money, so we usually would not count those as an endorsement.

I think the gist is that the website has only put the link in place because they are getting some financial reward for doing so. ie they get paid a commission if someone uses the link and then buys a product etc. Therefore, Google doesn't like to count them as editorially given links.

There are various arguments that can be had as to whether affiliate links should be counted or not, but thats not the point of this post. All you need to know really is that Google doesn't tend to count affiliate links as editorally given, therefore you need to be careful how you use and optimise them.

Here are some ideas for you to optimise your own affiliate program to try and get some SEO benefit from the links.

1) Use of a Dedicated Landing Page for Big Affiliates

I quite like this technique. The principle is that you look at who your biggest affiliates are in terms of SEO value, as well as traffic. Then you create a dedicated landing page on your domain for that affiliate to use. You can even do this so that they can still link to their own versions of deep pages such as categories or product pages.

For example, if the SEOmoz affiliate program were to do this, a landing page to PRO could look like -

This URL would look exactly the same as the URL would if it didn't have /paddy on the end. So for the user, they wouldn't notice anything different and would have the same experience.

To stop the problem of having loads of duplicate content pages, you can make use of the rel=canonical tag. So on the URL, I'd implement the rel=canonical which points to If you are unfamilar with rel=canonical then you should read this guide from Lindsay.

By doing this, you are telling Google that the /paddy page is a duplicate on the /pro page. therefore don't index it and pass any links or authority to the /pro page. It should also stop the /paddy page from showing in search results.

As mentioned above, I'd say to do this for your larger affiliates, mainly because it can be a tricky process to get setup. However if you have a good developer who has some time to spend on this, you could potentially roll it out across your entire affiliate network.

2) Make Sure Affiliates Link to the Correct Page

We saw a case recently of a large client in a competitive industry having their own in house affiliate program. However the program had been running for quite some time. In that time the client website had undergone a few changes in terms of URL structure, so some affiliates were linking to old URLs.

 Most of the time this isn't a problem if the appropriate redirects have been put in place. Unfortunately, the client site had been through more than one change of URL structure, and on one of these changes, redirects were not implemented correctly. Here is how some affiliates were linking to the client -

Affiliate links to -

302 redirect to

301 redirect to

See where the problem lies here? That pesky 302 is stopping link juice from being passed to the new version of the URL. This is a common problem when multiple developers and SEO agencies work on the same site over a period of time. The first set of URL changes meant that a 302 redirect was used instead of a 301. Then when an SEO agency came along to make the URLs optimised for keywords, they use a 301, unaware that previous work had been carried out.

We ran some analysis and found around 600 links going to old client URLs that were not redirecting properly, all of these were from affiliates who were pretty easy to contact and get to fix the problem.

The client was unaware that older affiliates were still linking to the very first version of the URL which went through several redirects, one of which being a 302 that meant that value was not being passed. So our advice was two fold -

1 - Change the 302 redirect to a 301 in order to pass value to the latest version of the page

2 - Contact all affiliates and ask them to update their links to the latest version of the URL. Some affiliates may not want to go to the effort of doing this, however you should point out that linking to a paid that goes via multiple redirects like this, could sometimes strip off their tracking code and not credit them for sales. They'll soon change the links!

3) Help your Affiliates Make Their Content More Valuable (and get links!)

A few weeks ago I wrote a Distilled blog post about getting more SEO value from your YouTube videos. If you take a look at this article, it tells you a way to get clean backlinks by getting people to embed your YouTube videos. If you have videos available to you, it is worthwhile adding clean links and encouraging your affiliates to embed the videos on their website. This has three benefits -

1 - Your affiliates are adding more value to their own sites by having relevant, helpful videos on their site, therefore potentially increasing the click through rate to your site

2 - Embedding these videos will help the overall strength of your YouTube channel

3 - You get a nice additional link to your website

As an added incentive, you could even slightly increase commission for affiliates who embed your videos. This can help to get things kick started.

The end result will hopefully be something like this:

Video by ParryGripp

Ok, I really just wanted an excuse to put a video of a baby monkey going backwards on a pig on the blog :)  But the point is that you can add a nice clean link underneath your video.

4) Add More Value to Widgets and Iframes That Affiliates Use

I worked with a client recently who was looking to get a bit more benefit from their affiliate program. They are in a super competitive industry and had tons of affiliate links, so just a small change to this could result in higher click throughs and more revenue. The long term SEO benefit was also a big factor.

This client had embeddable chunks of content that were pulled in dynamically using an iframe. Links within the iframe couldn't be seen by the search engines, nor could they see the content, so there was no SEO value at all. A solution was to add a HTML wrapper around the iframe which contained a link to the client and the affiliate could also add some content which the search engines would see. Again, there are several benefits to this approach -

1 - You're adding value to the affiliate site by allowing for the option of adding content which the search engines and users can see

2 - You're getting an additional link back to your website

Hopefully this has been useful and given you some food for thought when optimising your own affiliate programs. Any feedback or ideas you have, as always feel free to drop a comment below!

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Seth's Blog : An acre of attitudes

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An acre of attitudes

Anne Lamott relates an image from a friend in her great book on writing, Bird by Bird. My version:

Everyone is given an acre of attitudes at birth. It's yours to tend and garden and weed and live with. You can plant bitterness or good humor. Feel free to fertilize and tend the feelings and approaches that you want to spend time with. Unless you hurt someone, this acre is all yours.

Probably worth putting up a decent fence, so that only the attitudes that you choose will have a chance to put down seeds, but it's certainly a bad idea to put up a wall, because a walled garden is no good to anyone passing by. You get to decide what comes through your fence gate, right?

Watching out for invasive species—spending sufficient time on weeding and pruning and staking seem to be incredibly powerful tools for accomplishing the life you want. I refuse to accept that an attitude is an accident of birth or an unchangeable constant. That would be truly horrible to contemplate.

Happy Valentine's Day. Good luck with your garden.

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White House White Board: The President's Budget

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Monday, Feb. 14,  2011

White House White Board: The President's Budget

In this White House White Board, Jack Lew, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, explains how the President's Budget will help the government live within its means, while still investing in America's future. Tune in to at 10:20 a.m EST to watch the President discuss key buget priorities.  

Watch the video.

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Statement by National Security Advisor Tom Donilon on Iran
The White House has released a statement from National Security Advisor Tom Donilon on Iran.

Weekly Address: "It's Time Washington Acted as Responsibly as Our Families Do"
The President previews his budget, explaining that it will help the government live within its means, while still investing to make sure America wins the future. Releases Second Set of Open Source Code
At the Tech@State event at the State Department, the White House's New Media Director Macon Phillips announced the White House’s second code release to the open source community that powers the Drupal content management system.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

9:20 AM: The President departs the White House en route Baltimore, Maryland

10:10 AM: The President visits a science classroom

10:20 AM: The President delivers remarks on education and key budget priorities

11:45 AM: The President arrives at the White House

12:15 PM: OMB Director Jack Lew and CEA Chairman Austan Goolsbee will discuss the White House Budget  Indicates events that will be live streamed on White

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Seth's Blog : Treating best customers better

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Treating best customers better

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the way you treat your best customers is a fork in the road. You either treat them better or worse than everyone else.

To launch my first book with Amazon and the Domino Project, we're trying a neat experiment that rewards our biggest fans.

We're going to set the launch price of the Kindle edition (which is also readable on any computer or iPad) based on the number of people who subscribe to our free newsletter. It started at $9.99 and we've already lowered it two dollars.

For every 5,000 people who sign up for the newsletter this week, we're going to lower the price of the ebook a dollar, until (we hope) we reach a dollar. On the 21st of February, all our subscribers will get a link to the URL that lets them pre-order the Kindle edition at a reduced price until the official publication date.

You get it first and you get it for less.

Details are here... Thanks for being a best customer.

[It's sort of a twist on Kickstarter. In the case of that site, the creator says, "if enough people put in some money, I'll be able to make something." In this case, I'm saying, "If enough people put in some attention, I'll be able to bring you something on a regular basis." Once again, attention is truly valuable.]

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