marți, 22 martie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Rare US Civil War Photos

Posted: 22 Mar 2011 06:35 PM PDT

The American Civil War (1861–1865), also known as the War Between the States (among other names), was a civil war in the United States of America. Eleven Southern slave states declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate States of America, also known as "the Confederacy". Led by Jefferson Davis, the Confederacy fought for its independence from the United States. The U.S. federal government was supported by twenty mostly Northern free states in which slavery already had been abolished, and by five slave states that became known as the border states. These twenty-five states, referred to as the Union, had a much larger base of population and industry than the South. After four years of bloody, devastating warfare (mostly within the Southern states), the Confederacy surrendered and slavery was outlawed everywhere in the nation. The restoration of the Union, and the Reconstruction Era that followed, dealt with issues that remained unresolved for generations".

Abraham Lincoln discussing strategy

Miniskirts in 60s and 70s

Posted: 22 Mar 2011 06:21 PM PDT

These are some very good looking girls wearing the miniskirts from the 1960's and 1970's. Those were the days when the skirts were shorts and the girls were hot. There is something to be said for yesterday's fashions.


Feather and Hammer Drop on Moon

Posted: 21 Mar 2011 10:36 PM PDT

Here's the famous footage of the Apollo 15 astronaut that dropped a hammer & feather on the moon to prove Galileo's theory that in the absence of atmosphere, objects will fall at the same rate regardless of mass.

There has been much debate over the years on whether this footage is real, or was faked in a studio. Decide for yourself!

Ads with Serious Messages

Posted: 21 Mar 2011 10:28 PM PDT

Oftentimes advertisers dig in to consumer's serious side by laying out intense and thought provoking advertisements. The following creative but chilling ads will make you think twice before calling the advertising world a vast soulless cesspool. It appears that these ads were meant to catch your attention in a much more meaningful way. To view more images.

The Best Passive Aggressive Fridge Notes

Posted: 21 Mar 2011 10:11 PM PDT

No one place on Earth harbors more passive aggression than an office kitchen. This can lead to some pretty interesting and potentially relationship crushing passive aggressive notes. Here are the 30 most passive aggressive notes found in office kitchens.

Twitter Pics of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore

Posted: 21 Mar 2011 09:31 PM PDT

These are some very private photos of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. It seems that they lead normal lives in spite of the fact that they are superstars. It is obvious from these photos that the two are very much in love.

St. Patrick's Day Celebration

Posted: 21 Mar 2011 09:18 PM PDT

Welcome to Ireland, home of the four-leaf clover, Irish flags, leprechauns, and of course St. Patrick's Day. Apparently, lots of people like a lot this holiday. At least you could assume that judging from the numbers of people who come out to celebrate it.

Justin Bieber Fans Got Trolled

Posted: 21 Mar 2011 09:16 PM PDT

Bieber fans are the definition of gullible

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

Headsmacking Tip #18: Use Discussion Search as Competitive Intel

Posted: 21 Mar 2011 01:47 PM PDT

Posted by randfish

Most of us in the search field have likely seen the addition of "Discussions" to Google's search options. It lets searchers specifically target either forums or Q+A sites for their queries (or both, by default), and it's a gold mine for competitive intelligence and research.

Discussions Search

Here's 5 ways to leverage discussions for SEO + competitive intel:

  1. Search for your competitors' product names or websites in the Q&A section. You'll almost always find people asking about features, alternatives, ways to use the service/product. These are great opportunities to authentically present your solution as an alternative, or simply learn about what makes their customers happy (or unhappy).
  2. Query your keywords in the forums and you'll discover popular threads with engaging content. You can use these as the catalyst for content/blog posts, as opportunities to connect with other forum users who share your interests and sometimes even as link opportunities. You can use the sorting by "by date" to ID the most recent discussions.
  3. Keep tabs on your own brand/product names - potentially you might use the "24 hours" or "past week" settings every day/week. The discussions and questions are opportunities to explain your product, present the best face you can and provide "off site" customer service. Many times, these will lead to some good traffic, and often, links/tweets/shares as well.
  4. Using high-level topics around your site/niche/keywords, you can often find entire forums/Q+A sites/sections devoted to your topics. If they contain a large number of active users, it's likely worthwhile to register, make yourself known and be a contributor in these communities (it's how I started building SEOmoz's links and traffic back in 2003!)
  5. Similar in function to Link Intersect, and perhaps my favorite in terms of finding good referencing opportunities, is to use the brand names of multiple competitors with "OR" separators and set the sorting to "relevance" but restrict the date range to "last month." This shows recent threads where several of your competitors were mentioned, and is often an ideal place to present your own solutions.

Discussion Search with OR

Forums and Q+A sites are often good sources of direct traffic, but your presence in them can also lead to greater awareness, links, sharing, tweets and citations of other kinds. In addition to Google's Discussion search, BoardReader and BoardTracker make for solid alternatives (and will often show stuff Google misses or buries).

Undoubtedly, you'll be able to think of many more tactics that discussion/forum/Q+A search enables. Enjoy!

p.s. Some folks noted in the comments that SocialMention's search and the integration with Raven Tools are also good for this type of stuff.

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Seth's Blog : The triumph of coal marketing

The triumph of coal marketing

Do you have an opinion about nuclear power? About the relative safety of one form of power over another? How did you come to this opinion?

Here are the stats, and here's the image. A non-exaggerated but simple version of his data:


For every person killed by nuclear power generation, 4,000 die due to coal, adjusted for the same amount of power produced... You might very well have excellent reasons to argue for one form over another. Not the point of this post. The question is: did you know about this chart? How does it resonate with you?

Vivid is not the same as true. It's far easier to amplify sudden and horrible outcomes than it is to talk about the slow, grinding reality of day to day strife. That's just human nature. Not included in this chart are deaths due to global political instability involving oil fields, deaths from coastal flooding and deaths due to environmental impacts yet unmeasured, all of which skew it even more if you think about it.

This chart unsettles a lot of people, because there must be something wrong with it. Further proof of how easy it is to fear the unknown and accept what we've got.

I think that any time reality doesn't match your expectations, it means that marketing was involved. Perhaps it was advertising, or perhaps deliberate story telling by an industry. Or perhaps it was just the stories we tell one another in our daily lives. It's sort of amazing, even to me, how much marketing colors the way we see the world--our reaction (either way) to this chart is proof of it.

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Bringing Prosperity to America and Brazil

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Tuesday, March 22,  2011

Photo of the Day

First Lady Michelle Obama, President Barack Obama, President Sebastián Piñera of Chile and his wife, Cecilia Morel, wave during a welcoming ceremony at La Moneda Palace in Santiago, Chile, March 21, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

"Together We Can Advance Our Common Prosperity:" The President Speaks to the People of Brazil
President Obama speaks in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil about the common economic goals of Brazil and the United States, and about our goal to protect the human rights of the people of Libya.

President Obama Answers Questions on Libya: "A Testament to the Men and Women in Uniform"
During a joint press conference with Chilean President Sebastian Pinera, the President once again emphasizes that the U.S. military involvement in Libya is limited to the grave and urgent humanitarian threat posed by Colonel Qaddafi to his people, and that the involvement will soon be led by our broad coalition of partners.

Better Benefits, Better Health for Seniors
Dr. Donald Berwick, Administrator of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, discusses the benefits senior citizens have seen and will continue to see under the provisions of the Affordable Care Act.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

7:45 AM: The Vice President hosts a breakfast meeting with Secretary Clinton

8:00 AM: The First Family departs Santiago, Chile, en route San Salvador, El Salvador

10:00 AM:  The Vice President speaks on the importance of investing in education

12:00 PM: Open for Questions: Startup America – Reducing Barriers

2:45 PM: The First Family arrives in San Salvador, El Salvador   

3:30 PM: The President and the First Lady participate in an arrival ceremony 

3:50 PM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with President Funes  

4:20 PM: The President holds an expanded bilateral meeting with President Funes

4:55 PM: The President and President Funes hold a joint press conference

10:10 PM: The President and the First Lady attend an official dinner hosted by President Funes  Indicates events that will be live streamed on White

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How Much Time Do You Spend Actually Doing SEO Graywolf's SEO Blog

How Much Time Do You Spend Actually Doing SEO Graywolf's SEO Blog

How Much Time Do You Spend Actually Doing SEO

Posted: 22 Mar 2011 08:02 AM PDT

Post image for How Much Time Do You Spend Actually Doing SEO

How much time do you spend doing SEO per day … or specifically how much time do you waste reading about SEO instead of doing it? Unless you are beginner who is still  learning, if your spending more than an hour reading about SEO everyday, you’re probably wasting your time.

While the SEO space is filled with “news”, drama, and attention seeking behavior (also known as ASB), there simply isn’t a significant amount of important changes that go on in SEO on a daily basis. If you’re spending all day reading blogs, forums, and links on twitter, youre acting a lot more like a social media manager than an SEO. Fortunately there is a simple solution, but you’ve gotta go cold turkey … For one week stop reading your rss feeds, forums, and twitter. When you come back give yourself 2 hours to read what’s most important, if you stay within the 2 hour limit you’ll be able to identify what you think is the most important things you need to read, and forget the rest.

To get this done you’re going to need to use one or two curators like SEO roundtable or sphinn (which has improved dramatically since dropping user voting, see friends and scorpions). You could also try subscribing to the SEO book forum, yes it’s not free, but IMHO it’s worth it (and yes that’s an aff ink but I’d recommend it anyway). if you’re looking for another source, try my new Facebook page I’m experimenting and will put up one to two articles per day. It will be a mix of old and new articles but will always be high quality information, and things I think will make you learn and more importantly think about SEO.

With all that extra time you should actually start doing more SEO. The number one thing you should do is, more testing and less just believing what some guru writes or blogs and tells you is true, you will be a better SEO for doing it. Spend time creating great link worthy content or doing a content audit or any other maintenance work that makes your website leaner and meaner and removes the dead wood.

The key to being an expert in any field and knowing that 5 percent of knowledge that really matters and  finding a balance between theory and hands on experience. So are you ready to stop reading and start doing … or are you just going to stay where you are …
Creative Commons License photo credit: MrB-MMX

tla starter kit

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  5. Glass Whiteboards - For a professional durable white board with no ghosting, streaking or marker stains, see my Glass Whiteboard Review
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  7. Link Building- Backlink Build offers 45 PR5+ Backlinks for $295
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  9. Scribe SEO Review find out how to better optimize your wordpress posts.
  10. TigerTech - Great Web Hosting service at a great price.

This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

How Much Time Do You Spend Actually Doing SEO

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Seth's Blog : Un essaim de puces

Un essaim de puces

To quote Sarah Jones, the market has become a swarm of fleas (it sounds better in French, for sure).

Short attention spans, flitting from place to place, a hit and run culture.

Marketers are more like circus ringleaders than ever before. Far better, it seems, to concentrate on the few (fleas) willing to slow down, the few willing to stop acting that way and actually pay attention and stick around.

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