marți, 5 aprilie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Victims of Sunburn

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 05:13 PM PDT

Soon summer will begin and a new beach season. But be careful with sunburn, do not spend much time under the sun, and it will happen as these people.

Hilarious Office Bathroom Prank

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 05:00 PM PDT

One guy transformed his coworker's office into a princess bathroom.

Bad Russian Roads

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 04:50 PM PDT

The Russians have to have the worst roads in the world. They are in a constant state of repair because they don't drain properly and they are full of potholes and deep pools. At the rate that they are being repaired, Russia will have bad roads for a long time.

A new road was built in Skolkovo about a year ago, it cost 1 billion rubles (about 37 million dollars). Now this road is in very bad condition and this situation provoked a big scandal. And this example is not the only one of such kind.

Miniature Books as a Hobby

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 01:08 PM PDT

Jozsef Tari from Hungary collectss micro books. Let's see his amazing collection. He downloads books from the Internet then he prints them out and makes miniature copies of them. These are terrific looking miniature books.

Source: ilovepecs

April Fools 2011: StarCraft Returns to Consoles

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 10:25 PM PDT

It's supposed to be the Kinect version of SC2.

yn Monroe When She Was Norma Jeane

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 10:21 PM PDT

Photos of Norma Jeane before she became Marilyn Monroe. She wasn't yet that blonde bombshell we used to. More images.

Most Beautiful Ladies in Radio

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 09:52 PM PDT

We scoured every major media market in the United States, looking at countless radio station websites and going through hundreds of Myspaces to come up with our top 50 hottest women of radio.

Vanessa Hale / 98.7 Los Angeles

Silly Jilly / 95.7 Houston

Summer on the Radio / 103.7 San Diego

Josie Dye / 102.1 Toronto

Kaci Kruz / 93.7 Greenville

Kate McGwire / 105.9 Boise

Nikki Blakk / 107.7 San Francisco

Katie Richter / 101.9 Morgantown

Megan Carter / 97.9 Rochester

Megan YZ / 93.7 Fargo

Jenna Rae / 98.9 Fort Wayne, Indiana

Wild Wendy / 103.5 New York City

Shannon Murphy / Mojo in the Morning

Tati / Z90 San Diego

Krissy Taylor / 98.1 Akron, Ohio

Blondie / 97.5 WABB Mobile, Alabama

Lena Svenson / 101.3 Twin Cities

Tall Cathy / 96.1 Pittsburgh

Jillian Escoto / 104.3 Los Angeles

Karli Henriquez / 102.7 Los Angeles

Laura Steele / 104.5 San Antonio

Deena Lang / 97.9 Palm Beach

Mercedes / 94.1 Las Vegas

Nina Chantele / 107.5 Chicago

Letty B / KMVQ 99.7 San Francisco

Sara / 97X Panama City Beach

Miss Stacy / Party 105 New York City

Melissa Chase / 103.7 Richmond, Virginia

Jennifer Reed / WYSP Philadelphia

Nessa Diab / 94.9 San Francisco

Holly O'Connor / Island 106, Panama City

Lynn De Laleu / 106.1 New York

Whitney Laney / 106.7 Orlando

Astra / 106.1 Long Island

Marci Wiser / X96 Salt Lake City

Jamie Martin / 97.3 San Antonio

Erica Rico / 93Q Houston

Angi Taylor / 103.5 Chicago

Randi Rasor / 103.1 Palm Beach

Jenn Hobby / Q100 Atlanta

Luscious Liz / Power 106 Los Angeles

Lauren Michaels / 98.5 Las Vegas

Jayde Donovan / 106.7 Orlando

Jessica Reyes / 98.1 Orlando

Kyle Unfug / 104.7 Phoenix

Jena Jacobbs / 103.9 – South Bend

Geena the Latina / 93.3 San Diego

Meredith Walusek / 93.3 Tampa Bay

Kelsey Webb / Dave & Jimmy Show

Ashley Kix / 93.1 Madison

Source: popcrunch

Super Sandwich

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 09:42 PM PDT

This is a giant multi layered super sandwich deluxe. It looks delicious but it also certainly looks like it is big enough for more than one person. Or at least more than one person could eat at one setting.

Tom Ford's 22 Essentials, Presented By Pugs

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 09:25 PM PDT

These cute pugs will show you 22 things every man needs to be a perfect gentleman according to Tom Ford's book.

The perfect pair of dark denim jeans.

A sense of humor.

A daily read of an intelligent online newspaper.

Good manners.

A nail clipper.


Magnifying mirror.

A beautiful toothbrush.

Bottle of mouthwash.

A good cologne that becomes a signature.

A well-cut dark suit.

A pair of classic lace-up black shoes.

Black loafers.


Lots of crisp white cotton shirts.

Always new socks and underwear (throw the old ones away every six months).

A classic tuxedo.

A beautiful day watch with a metal band.

A beautiful night watch with a leather strap.

The perfect pair of sunglasses.

A good bed, crisp sheets, down pillows, and down duvet.

Perfect teeth (if you don't have them save up and have them fixed).

Source: buzzfeed

Spider Invasion in Pakistan

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 09:21 PM PDT

Spider invasion has some positive consequences for the Pakistani people. It led to a drop in malaria rate.

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

Early Ranking Factors Data + an April Linkscape Update

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 02:30 AM PDT

Posted by randfish

It's that time of the month... There's new data in Linkscape's index, which means Open Site Explorer, Moz's SEO Toolbar, our API and many of our other tools all have new links and metrics. Here are the stats for index 36:

  • 41,278,073,331 (41.3 billion) URLs
  • 491,446,900 (491 million) Subdomains
  • 114,288,802 (114 million) Root Domains
  • 416,475,264,279 (416 billion) Links
  • Followed vs. Nofollowed
    • 2.23% of all links found were nofollowed
    • 57.63% of nofollowed links are internal, 42.37% are external
  • Rel Canonical - 7.43% of all pages now employ a rel=canonical tag
  • The average page has 60.88 links on it (down from 61.69 last index - this has been dropping from index to index for many months now)
    • 51.50 internal links on average
    • 9.38 external links on average

We're in the process of testing some much larger indices, as well as some new processes for index updates that will allow us to maintain several levels of freshness in our dataset. Look for some exciting news on this horizon in the next 2-3 months.

In addition to the Linkscape update, I'm excited to share some very early results from SEOmoz's 2011 Search Ranking Factors. The results this year come from two sources - the opinions of SEO professionals via survey AND a broad correlation analysis of Google's results. This morning at SMX Munich, I presented the following slide deck:


 This is still early data and not fully vetted, so please give a bit more leeway than normal. That said, here were some of the top takeaways for me, personally.

  1. Facebook + Twitter are Big. Even if you don't believe that it's having a major impact on the rankings directly, the correlation shows that those sites/pages which perform well in social media outperform in search rankings. If you're in either profession - SEO or social media marketing - you should probably be working to strengthen your skillset on both sides.
  2. Partial Anchor Text. This was heavily discussed on several panels today, and the opinions of voters suggest that SEOs have noticed too - exact match anchor text seems to be less powerful than partial match anchor text (at least, sometimes). To be honest, I voted and thought that exact was still stronger, but it could be that Google's getting pickier about spammy, overly precise keyword-match anchors (and that's a good thing, IMO).
  3. Exact Match Domains? The correlation this round is strikingly lower than last June's data. Perhaps Google's taken some action here, or maybe other factors are at play, but either way, the votes from the SEOs suggest that we haven't yet seen the bottom of exact match domain name value.
  4. Something's Funny About Nofollows. The correlation data here is downright weird. Maybe nofollowed links are simply well-correlated to followed links, maybe Google's actually using some nofollow signals or perhaps, nofollows often come from good places (like social media sites, profiles, blog comments, discussion forums, etc.) that correlate to good, useful, high quality sites/brands.
  5. Domain-Wide Signals Matter. After the Panda/Farmer update, no one in SEO should be surprised that Google's looking at domains as well as pages, but the correlation and the strength SEOs ascribed in the voting both surprised me.

I'm really excited about the full report and data, which should be released sometime in May.

BTW - If you have questions about the correlation data specifics, feel free to post below, but know that we haven't done all the work or released all the data we intend to in the future. As before, we'll be making the entire dataset available so anyone can replicate our results.

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How To Manage Twitter: Do It Your Way

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 02:36 PM PDT

Posted by jennita

These days it seems like every time we turn around someone is telling us how to manage our Twitter account(s). Whether they're talking about managing a business, a community or even a personal account, I sort of feel like I'm always being told what to do. Sadly, as my mother knows very well, I usually don't take well to being told what to do. This is especially true when it comes to social media... I mean do we really think there's only one way to get the job done? I'm thinking... no.

Personally, it just doesn't make sense to give a presentation or write a post about Twitter and talk in absolutes. What works for me, may not work for you at all. So please, just know that if you're not doing it the way XYZ Company is doing it, that doesn't mean you're doing it wrong. In fact, you're probably doing it right, and by "right" I mean right for you.

At SES New York a couple weeks ago there were quite a few sessions about social media and even specifically on Twitter. Now, there was a mix of some advice I wouldn't always agree with but there was also some great information. I live-tweeted the event, so I've thrown in some of my favorite advice from the conference.

How Do you Engage?

ROI - Return on In-action - what happens if you don't take action/engage? What will you miss out on? @
see original tweet from @jennita

I'm a huge fan of engaging on Twitter and feel strongly that this is how we've gained a large following on Twitter. However, not everyone agrees. When it comes to the SEOmoz account, I reach out to people all the time even if it's just a *high five* or a #woohoo type of response. You'll find that if you complain about us in some way, you may very well get a response. [Sometimes you won't, that might depend if curse words were involved ;) ].

But, this is how we engage. Remember that there simply isn't just one way to engage with your followers on Twitter and don't let anyone tell you there is.

In some instances "engaging" with your followers may simply be tweeting relevant content. Take a look at the Search Engine Land account, they don't reply to people, retweet or anything of the sort. They focus on publishing great content and tweeting about it. The account has almost 37,000 followers so people obviously find value in this type of account. Remember that engagement doesn't necessarily mean respond to every tweet, it could mean just understanding what your audience wants.

"Engagement" is such a general word, and to be honest I feel like it's way overused [although this alone could probably be a separate post]. My point here is simple, test, try, play, and take a step out of the norm... and remember that a Twitter response may not be the best response.

For example, when I was at SES NY I complained on Twitter that the wifi I had paid for at the Hilton NY wasn't working. The next day I got an email from the Rooms Division Manager. What the what?! That's right, the social media person alerted someone about my complaint, looked up my account and saw that I was actually a diamond member and 1. shouldn't have had to pay for the wifi and 2. wanted to fix the problem ASAP. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. This blew me away, and I manage social media all day long!

Believe me, I'll be giving that a shot one of these days. :) How can you engage with your users outside of the proverbial Twitter box?

What Should You Tweet?

If you're a company & can find a way to solve someone's problem on Twitter - huge win! @
see original tweet from @jennita

"Don't be promotional"

"Always retweet power users"

"Never talk about politics or religion"

"Tweet every post 3 times"

"The ratio of tweets to replies should be 3 to 1"

Meh. This is some of the advice I've seen and read about what you should be tweeting about on Twitter. Well from my perspective if you listen to this advice you are simply limiting yourself. With Twitter, the sky's the limit! Again it all boils down to your particular audience and what they like or don't like.

With social becoming an essential piece to an overal marketing strategy and specifically beneficial for SEO, it's definitely important to think about what you're tweeting. But don't confine yourself to a little box.

At the SEOmoz account you'll find a little bit of everything. We have silly tweets, informational tweets, we tweet about every one of our blog & YOUmoz posts and we retweet posts when it makes sense for our community. This works for us. Often times we'll tweet the same post twice, but use different text each time to see which one does better. We may even give "promoted tweets" a gander and see how that works. But you know us... we love to test!

If you're not sure what your followers want... ask! People love to give their opinion, and asking them to fill out a poll or just simply asking them what they'd like to see from your account will go a long way.

Whatever you do, don't limit yourself. Try testing out different types of tweets and see what kind of a response you get. The idea here is just to get your brain thinking about all the different types of content you can tweet.

When Is the Right Time to Tweet?

Automate & Schedule: Use RSS, schedule links throughout the day/week/month whatever works best for your people @
see original tweet from @jennita

Look, I understand that there are certain times of day when people are more active and other times when people tend to retweet more. It's definitely important to test these out and to check out Dan Zarrella's findings to get a good idea of where to get started. But your community is different than my community, don't base your Twitter strategy on what works for SEOmoz or any other company. You have to determine this for yourself and figure out when you should tweet that works best for your followers/community.

Here at SEOmoz we have a very international following, so I set up tweets to go out while I'm sleeping in Pacific time, because our Londoners are just getting to work. Obviously I'm not responding and engaging at that particular time, but those tweets about posts, upcoming webinars, etc. get lots of retweets at that time. If you're a local restaurant that is open only for breakfast and lunch, the times you should be tweeting is going to be extremely different than ours.

Break.the.rules. Seriously people, don't be so scared by Twitter. Sure, there are ways you can screw things up but think of all the great tweets that go out every single day that don't end up as the topic of someone's blog post? Thousands? Millions? A lot. :)


Bloggers and speakers I'm begging you to remind people when you're talking about Twitter that there is more than one way to manage a Twitter account.

Now that I've beat it into your brain that there isn't just one way to manage Twitter, I'd really love to hear how you manage your account or how you've seen others manage their account that you liked. Go ahead, throw it all into the comments below. :) I'd also love to hear actionable stories about how you've used certain tools to increase your followers, engagement, etc.

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