marți, 16 august 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

25 Creative Tramp Stamp Tattoos

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 05:30 PM PDT

Many women are getting Tramp Stamp these days; many guys are drooling over them. The lower back tattoo, also known as a tramp stamp or ass antlers, is becoming more and more common. And since so many people are getting the lower back tattoo, we must ask...have tramp stamps gained any class over time? Have they become acceptable for "good girls"? In a word: No. Ask any group of guys, "What do you think of a girl with a lower back tattoo versus a girl without one?" You will quickly find your answer.

Related post:
26 Worst Male Tramp Stamps

Facebook Profile Dress

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 05:10 PM PDT

The work of emerging Romanian designer, Lana Dumitru, this somewhat revealing Facebook dress allows you to show your faccebook profile and a whole lot more. It was part of her graduation collection which tracks woman's evolution 'from the initial stage of nudity up to her upgraded virtual level of being'. Indeed.

Source: tuxedoconfessions

Caplin Rous, World's Most Famous Capybara

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 02:28 PM PDT

Caplin Rous, arguably the most famous real-life giant rodent, has died. He was three-and-a-half years old.

Caplin Rous is a capybara. Related to the guinea pig, the capybara is the largest species of rodent. They're extremely rare as pets, only 30 or so are sold in the U.S. each year. Though they're native to South America, Caplin was born in Texas and lives in the town of Buda with Melanie Typaldos, who never expected this animal to take over her life quite the way he has.

Adult capybaras may grow to 130 centimetres (4.3 ft) in length, and weigh up to 65 kg (140 lb). The top recorded weight is 105.4 kg (232 lbs). And this one named Caplin Rous (pronounced rose) is quite famous in the Internet. "Normally when people see him they have no idea what he is...but they just think he's really cute," says Typaldos.

Caplin weighed just three pounds when Typaldos first got him at the age of 11 days old. Two and a half years later he now tips the scales at more than 100 pounds!Caplin enjoys taking long walks with his family Capybaras are semi-aquatic animals and Caplin enjoys swimming in his backyard pool more than anything. Instead of purring like a house cat, Caplin makes tiny squeaks when he is happy.

Tablet Takeover: The State of the Tablet PC in the Enterprise [Infographic]

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 02:13 PM PDT

First introduced by Microsoft in 1999, many viewed the Tablet PC as a toy, a device that couldn't get any real work done. With the release of Apple's iPad in 2010, the mobile computing world has been consumed with tablets. A mobile device that is bigger than a smartphone, but smaller than a laptop, Tablet PCs are quickly becoming the device of choice for professionals who need the power of a computer, with the portability of a smartphone. Today's #E2sday looks at the state of the Tablet takeover in the enterprise.

More Infographics.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: socialcast

Air Swimmers - Awesome RC Flying Shark and Clownfish

Posted: 15 Aug 2011 11:14 PM PDT

Air Swimmers are fish-shaped balloons that you can fly around your room using a remote control. You fill them with helium and they stay inflated for weeks.

Hot Cosplay Girls From Comiket

Posted: 15 Aug 2011 10:35 PM PDT

Comiket otherwise known as the Comic Market is the world's largest self-published comic book fair, held twice a year in Tokyo, Japan. It is a grassroots, DIY effort for selling dojinshi, self-published Japanese works.

Comiket now attracts half a million visitors per each 3 day event (known as the summer and winter Comiket). It is a free event but they encourage sales of the Comiket catalougue, detailing what is on the stands each day.

Real-life Rapunzels - Part 2

Posted: 15 Aug 2011 09:44 PM PDT

It's a collection of long-haired girls. Maybe their hair isn't as long as the hair of Rapunzel, but it still looks impressive.

"Rapunzel" is a German fairy tale in the collection assembled by the Brothers Grimm, and first published in 1812 as part of Children's and Household Tales. The Grimm Brothers' story is an adaptation of the fairy tale Persinette by Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de La Force originally published in 1698. Its plot has been used and parodied in various media and its best known line is an idiom of popular culture.

Previous part:
Real-life Rapunzels - Part 1

Ashton Kutcher’s Villa on Wheels

Posted: 15 Aug 2011 09:36 PM PDT

Size matters in Hollywood and while Ashton Kutcher might not be able to match the $2 million a show paid to Charlie Sheen, the man he's replaced on hit TV comedy Two And A Half Men, he has more than made up for it with his trailer. At $8,750 a week it's just as well Mr Demi Moore is reported to be on a possible $20 million for 26 episodes.

In fact, the two-storey, 53ft long, 30-ton luxury home from home used by Mr Demi Moore isn't called a trailer – it's described as a 'mobile estate'.

Source: dailymail

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

SEOmoz Daily SEO Blog

Remembering a Dog Named Goodnewscowboy

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 05:51 AM PDT

Posted by gfiorelli1

Goodnewscowboy famous avatar

Sunday, August the 7th, was a sad day for the Moz community when we lost a beloved member due to cancer.

Maybe the newest don’t know him, but there was a “Dog” here that was the smartest and funnier commenter of all: we knew him as goodnewscowboy; his real name was Bullitt Darlington.

The Moz community is proud of these qualities, so well expressed by the SEOmoz TAGFEE Tenets:

  1. Transparent and Authentic;
  2. Generous;
  3. Fun;
  4. Empathetic;
  5. Exceptional.

and Bullitt was the best example of this philosophy.

Transparent, because – even though he used for a long time the photo of his beloved golden retriever – we always knew he was talking from his soul;

Authentic, because he never hide himself behind a curtain of presumed knowledge or superiority;

Fun, because he was able to invent the most amusing joke and his a la Laurel & Hardy comments threads are going to be in the story of the SEOmoz blog;

Empathetic, because he was there when someone needed it, with an email, with a tweet, with a comment in Facebook;

Exceptional, because his intuition was so lucid, that he was able to argue and well guess so many things in SEO and marketing... while declaring, in his honestly and humbleness not being a real SEO.

Yes, SEO was not Bullitt’s main profession. It was his dream, what he wanted to be and what he started to be and preparing to make as his real job, one of the passions that made him fight his cancer. But he was an SEO in his heart.

I still remember a night this last January when I, Bullitt, Casey and Dr. Pete where having a totally not SEO chat on Twitter. It was like a conversation friends have sitting in a bar and sharing a beer, nothing remarkable, but unforgettable was that sensation of closeness we felt for few minutes.

We left with a promise that Bullitt’s health prevented us from making: to have the same conversation but in person during the last MozCon in Seattle, where we all were going to be.

Bullit last avatar... it was a fight to convince him use his real photo.

Bullitt has passed away, but someone only dies when the last memory of him fades away. His 2689 comments here will make live in our memory always. Go and read them… and remember a man called goodnewscowboy.


From the SEOmoz staff:

We remember Bullitt Darlington, aka goodnewscowboy, as the most kind, witty, helpful and warmhearted soul to grace this community. Donations in Bullitt's memory can be made to the Salvation Army, one of goodnewscowboy's favorite charities.

Below are some of our favorite comments from goodnewscowboy. Feel free to share your own memories in the comments below. He wouldn't want it any other way.

Good News Cowboy Comment

GNC Comment

Good News Cowboy CommentsBullitt DarlingtonGNC Comment

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How to Get Search Volume Data Straight into Excel [Mozcon Debrief]

Posted: 15 Aug 2011 02:00 PM PDT

Posted by richardbaxterseo

A few weeks ago I attended (and had the honour of speaking at) Mozcon. Mozcon is without a doubt the best SEO conference I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been to a lot. It rocks to be amongst so many stars! Anyhoo, just to say thanks to the Mozteam for flying me over to sunny Seattle, I brought them a new toy to play with. And the best part, it’s free for anyone to use.

Introducing the Adwords API Extension for Excel.

Oh Gosh, Richard Made a Video

My team were insistent – no light piano jazz this time. It sucks. I have no idea what’s wrong with them – elevator music is awesome. So here’s a quick tour in my best British accent. Think: “shine yer shoes, Guvnor?” (If you’ve ever heard Rand’s Brit accent attempts, you’ll know where I’m coming from with that.)

Get Yourself an Adwords API Key

Obviously that’s a pretty quick tour in the video, so it didn’t include the fiendishly simple set up process. So you know, you’ll need an Adwords API key. Adwords API keys are available to My Client Center account holders. Get one of those from here. For whatever reason, it’s tough to migrate to an MCC account from a plain old Adwords account, so take my advice and create a fresh Google account login for your Adwords API.

Learn the Queries

Learning the queries is pretty easy. Here are the most important:



Example: =getAdWordAvg(A1,"EXACT","GB","WEB")

Description: returns average search volume from the adwords API. Matchtype accepts broad, exact and phrase match. Country codes can be found in the Adwords documentation and devices can be mobile or web.



Example: =arrayGetAdWordStats(myKWlist,"EXACT","US","MOBILE")

Description: array formula (auto adds {} brackets) will return data from a list of keywords in a table (average search volume and seasonal data).



Example: =arrayGetAdWordIdeas(Table1,"BROAD","US","WEB",20)

Description: array formula (auto adds {} brackets) will return suggestions from a list of keywords in a table (average search volume and seasonal data).

I Want, I Want! Gimme the Download! Gimme!

Just so you know, the full installation guide is over on SEOgadget. All you have to do is download this zip file and run setup.xls. That’s all!

After years of working with Excel, I’m still really excited by it. It’s solved a lot of problems for me in the past and I'd just like to personally thank my chief data wrangler and master datasmith of Choice, Tom Gleeson. He rocks.

I’d really love to hear your thoughts, feedback and of course how you’re using the extension to work smarter in your keyword research.

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How to Use a How to Article Graywolf's SEO Blog

How to Use a How to Article Graywolf's SEO Blog

How to Use a How to Article

Posted: 16 Aug 2011 09:50 AM PDT

Post image for How to Use a How to Article

If you work on any aspect of SEO, Internet marketing, PPC, or social media, chances are good that you’ve come across a lot of tutorials or how to articles. Some of them are really good, and you want to use them in the future. But unless you have an organized, disciplined way of keeping track of the information and making it actionable, it’s just going to collect dust in your bookmarks. In this post, I’d like to teach you how to take it to the next step: use the information, make it actionable, and implement it as part of your long term workflow.

If you’re very good at saving information and remembering that you have it somewhere, Evernote is probably the best solution. It allows you to actually save the content of the page in case the page ever goes offline in the future. While I do use Evernote, I find Instapaper and a To-Do list work better for me (I use toodledo, for those of you who care). When I come across something on Twitter, Sphinn, Ziteapp, or elsewhere on the web, I send it to Instapaper to read on my iPad at a time that works best for me. If it’s something that is a tutorial/how-to/actionable or something I want to add to my yearly audit or site audit or “master plan,” I use a secret email to send it to my to-do list. Every few weeks, I’ll set aside some time to process the posts I have sent there. Here’s what I do as I look at the post:

Ask myself whether it’s something I need to add to my master plan, site audit, yearly content review, or library of plugin/programming/functions.

Ask myself whether this is something new, or is it updating/modifying/adding to an existing action list/checklist.

Is it breaking down into action items something I need to do, or should the work be outsourced?

Obviously updating or editing an existing bits of information is easier than starting from scratch. However, to be the most helpful and teach you the full concept, I’m going to start from scratch. Let’s assume I want to start a Facebook fan page. What are the current steps and best practices? I’ll be taking a look at three different posts. These were written in 2011 so, if you’re reading this post after that, the actual information may have changed, but what I really want you focus on is the process of extracting the information into bite-sized, do-able chunks. Here are the three posts I’ll be using:

To get started, we’ll go through each page and break it down into step by step directions. For example, here is what I would come up with needing from those three pages:

Information Needed
  • Category/Subcategory:
  • Desired Vanity URL:
  • Name:
  • Founded:
  • Website:
  • About:
  • Overview:
  • Mission Statement:
  • Physical Address:
  • Phone Number:
  • Awards:
  • Product:
  • Email:
  • Avatar Photo:
  • Extra Product Photos (5):
  • Secondary Admins:
  • List of 25 friends to secure vanity URL:
  • Custom Tabs:
Pre-Launch Functions to test
  • Test post
  • Test post from 3rd Party Tools (Hootsuite)
  • Test RSS Integration
  • Test Mobile Posting
  • Enable Insights
  • Third Party Tool Integration (Raven Tools, etc.)
  • Wall Settings – Set default view, fan permissions
  • Photos – allow fan posting and or tagging
Now, depending on who will be using the list, you can add notes, suggestions, and reminders. For example, while most people use a square avatar for their Facebook picture, you can use a tall photo for enhanced visibility (200px X 600px). So that might be something worth adding as a note to your documentation. This post only covers the most basic aspects of setting up a profile and getting it public-ready. It doesn’t discuss how to promote it, advertise with it, or increase engagement with fans. All of that is beyond the scope of the article.

What I really want you to grasp here is that, when you come across a tutorial or “how to,” develop a plan to make the information valuable and useable over time. Don’t worry if it seems like you’re starting in the middle. If you set out to write a tutorial on how to do something from start to finish, it can sometimes be a daunting task. If you just get started and add as you go, it’s a lot less intimidating.

One warning I do want to bring up is to beware of cookie cutter or prescription SEO. Having a checklist is good for making sure you meet all the technical requirements or have all the pieces in places when starting a project. If you follow an identical plan for all your sites and don’t realize that some things don’t apply or aren’t the best solution for every situation, you will run into problems down the road. You need to learn when things don’t apply, aren’t right answer, or are the completely wrong answer. For example, your first girlfriend may have found your karaoke and air guitar tributes to 80′s hair band ballads funny and endearing, but your second girlfriend might not. Learn to adapt to the situation.

So what are the takeaways from this post:
  • Look for articles that teach you how to accomplish a goal.
  • Develop a workflow that allows you to break something down into small, do-able tasks.
  • Develop a library of best practices, work flows, start up procedures, or an audit checklist.
  • Review and update the process as needed.
  • Beware of falling into a cookie cutter process. Understand that sometimes you need ignore, adapt, or change your plans.

photo credit: Photospin

tla starter kit

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  3. Regional Directory - Check to see if your website is listed!
  4. Need an SEO Audit for your website, look at my SEO Consulting Services
  5. Link Building- Backlink Build offers customized link building services
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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

How to Use a How to Article

President Obama and a big, red barn

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

President Obama and a big, red barn

For the third stop of his Rural Bus Tour in Peosta, Iowa, President Obama hosts a Rural Economic Forum at Northeast Iowa Community College. At the Forum, the President and members of his cabinet will meet with small business owners, private sector leaders, rural organizations, and local government officials to discuss growing the economy and accelerating hiring in rural and small towns all across America.  

President Barack Obama holds a town hall meeting at the Seed Savers Exchange in Decorah, Iowa, on the first day of a three-day Economic Bus Tour in the Midwest, Aug. 15, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Take a Tip from the White House on Foursquare
The White House joins Foursquare, a location-based social networking website, which is the latest way for you to engage with the administration.

President Obama: Our Biggest Challenge Right Now Is Putting People to Work
On the first stop of his rural road trip, President Obama took questions on topics ranging from using renewable energy to create jobs to the future of Social Security to his Administration's plans to bolster education.

Second Stop on the Economic Bus Tour: Decorah, Iowa
President Obama will be talking with small business owners, rural organizations and local families at the Seed Savers Exchange.

Today's Schedule 

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

12:50 PM: The President delivers opening remarks at the White House Rural Economic Forum

1:35 PM: The President participates in a breakout session hosted by Small Business Administrator Karen Mills

1:55 PM: The President participates in a breakout session hosted by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack

3:00 PM: The President is interviewed by KSDK Saint Louis, Missouri and WDAF Kansas City, MO

3:30 PM: The President delivers closing remarks at the Rural Economic Forum  Indicates events that will be live streamed on

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