miercuri, 12 octombrie 2011

Creating a Buzz Pre-Launch

Creating a Buzz Pre-Launch

Creating a Buzz Pre-Launch

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 01:41 PM PDT

Posted by Sam Crocker

Hi Mozzers! Today I wanted to share with you a recent experience that highlights the value of hiring an inbound marketer/strategist prior to launch of a new product and some recent success a project I worked on has had in generating loads of links, tons of Twitter hype, some great traffic - and most importantly some solid lead generation... with just a holding page.

Obvious disclaimer: As stated above, this is a project I have worked on and I am associated with the site to that extent - duh, how else can I write a meaningful case study? The client has been kind enough to allow me to share this information with you, which is both rare and exciting, and hopefully will give you guys some great ideas.

A Case Study

I’ve recently been working on a project with a client that truly “gets” online marketing and it’s been a great opportunity to try out some new things. They wanted to invest heavily in inbound marketing pre-launch and commissioned a team of experts to develop a social strategy, brand messaging, information architecture and keyword research as well as an international rollout plan and linkbuilding strategy document. This, in my view, was really smart forward thinking and hopefully justification for others as to how important and valuable it can be to involve inbound marketers BEFORE a site is built and use their input for a launch strategy.

For me, by far the most exciting part of this experience was being involved in the development of the pre-launch strategy. The formal launch of the client company’s Forex trading platform is set for early 2012. But with excitement building for a platform set to markedly improve the trading experience for Forex traders world-side – the founders gave us free reign to spec and launch a holding page months before the true launch of the site.

Now, we've all seen your standard holding page, but we decided to do something a bit different - why should the ongoing development of the site prevent us from generating a buzz? The idea originally came from hearing Dave Naylor speak at a4uexpo last year. Dave spoke about building links to new folders on a site and walling them off using robots.txt because it "makes the spiders hungry". This seemed like a brilliant idea to me, but I was nervous about building links to any part of the site for which we did not yet have content - user experience and the rest of it. After a number of chats with my partner in crime on this project, (and a number of other projects in the past), Neal Dougan, we came up with an idea to invest in design, make something different, and take advantage of the budget we had been granted. We explored the feasibility of using parallax scrolling (a la Ben the Bodyguard) but needed to create something that would be meaningful to our users and hadn't been done to death.

We pushed the idea of creating an interactive infographic to attract attention and interaction with the holding page. The real creative came from a New Zealand based design agency (STRATEGY) and some Django/HTML 5 wizards also based out of New Zealand (Sons & Co.). The end result takes personal input from the user, compares it against a high flyer in the financial trading space, and contains a hook to get users to sign-up. To have a look at the end result you can check out the holding page which is live on Mahi Forex.

The combination of getting the user to engage, and using new and emerging web technologies to create something interactive makes all the difference and it's pretty clear to me that there are many better ways to attract an audience than using tired techniques like "regular" infographics.


The holding page went live on Saturday, October 1 - but we saved our initial push for Monday (October 3). At time of publication (Monday, October 10) this holding page has received:

  • > 25,000 Visits from 130 countries.
  • Links from more than 250 referring sources (including coverage from really exciting/high quality websites)
  • 697 Tweets
  • >1,000 Facebook likes


Description: C:\Users\Samuel.Crocker\Pictures\Mahi Stats.PNG

And most importantly we had more than 450 people submit their email addresses asking for an invitation to the platform - from people seeing how quickly a famous trader can earn your yearly salary and responding to the prompt "Perhaps it's time to start trading - Email me an invitation". This is clearly part of a broader marketing play – but I think the number of sign-ups is what has us most excited. Anyone who has worked in the affiliate space around forex and trading knows the value of getting people signed up.

Description: C:\Users\Samuel.Crocker\Pictures\mahi snap2.PNG

There will always be people who are sceptical of anything that include marketing messaging, or undertones and people hate to be marketed to generally speaking but for me, if something is fun and exciting I don’t mind watching it. And I think the sign-ups indicate that we’ve got some of the right people involved and most excitingly, some people who may not have heard about us otherwise.

Why it Worked

Right, far be it for me to claim the credit for this one - without the help of Neal, the design agency, the amazing development team out in New Zealand, and the fact that the client "got it" this wouldn't have worked, but I think there are a number of reasons that this play worked in this instance.

First of all, I do think it plays to Rand's post the other day about thought leadership. The forex space is an increasingly crowded one, yet it is largely populated by sites that display very technical information in an inaccessible and uncreative way, and the market leaders (from a ranking perspective) are sites that have been around since the dawn of the internet. As a result - we decided the only way to make an impact was to make a splash and appeal to the design savvy, the marketing types, and folks who may not hear about the brand through the financial circles and press. So we decided to try something relatively new - and certainly new to the space.

Another reason this worked as well as it did, was that the design and development was truly good enough that it didn't just get flamed by the community and featured prominently on a number of design sites and CSS galleries.

The outreach and seeding on this has been really strong as well, but ultimately, the site attracts natural links and people naturally want to share it - and it was designed very specifically with this aim.

The Lessons

1. You should engage your marketing team long before you launch a new product or website. I know a lot of people say "you shouldn't pay for SEO until such and such a point" but I personally think that's nonsense. None of this would have happened had the client not recognised the value in inbound pre-launch. As a consequence, you can also be sure that the CMS will be client and SEO friendly, there will be a portion of the site dedicated to posting fun branded content, the information architecture will be well organised and the international rollout plan and targeting will be in the bag.

It costs a lot less to get this right the first time than to redesign and redirect a bunch of poorly organised content.

2. Do something unique. I know this sounds like a cop-out, but honestly, a plain old infographic will never get as many natural links as something experimental. With this project, we really needed to do something different to shake up the market so that we can compete with the platforms that started as currency calculators in year dot.

3. Take a risk every now and again. We couldn't promise numbers on how many links this would generate, how many leads, or how much traffic but we assured the client it would be successful - and I think if any of you have worked in the affiliate space in forex you know how much these leads alone are worth.

Description: mahi snap1.PNG

4. Consider your target audience. A successful piece of linkbait (in my view) should target your main client base as well as one other community and this should be evaluated on an individual basis for anything you put out for the purpose of creating buzz. It only made sense for us to target the design/internet community in this case because - who better to create a buzz - but you have to be true to the audience. You can't approach the design/dev community or tight niche communities like Reddit with some contrived crap. We didn't do it to get links, we did it to create interest, to make use of new technologies and to start a long process long before the site was ready.

5. Don't be cheap. I know that not all clients have big budgets to play with, but as I argued earlier: this holding page EASILY paid for itself with the lead generation alone, forget about the value of the links. It's hard to quantify the reward but there is no benefit to half-assing something. If you're going to bother to do a piece of linkbait, go as far as you can with your budget and bear in mind that done right, it's easy to cover your costs! This is especially important if you're hoping to get support from the online community.

6. Don't always do it for the links. I think this is especially important when considering a launch or a holding page. Yes we want links but that was not the purpose of this exercise. We wanted to engage and excite users about a cool new product that isn't quite ready to go to market yet. That was our primary focus and the links came naturally.

7. Downtime doesn't have to be suck-time. There is no reason that a delay in the development of a site needs to be time wasted. You can start building your brand and building up equity to your site long before launch and could easily do the same to launch subsequent new sections of a site - just remember to think outside the box!

An aside - it wasn't all dewdrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Everyone seems to like the creative, but some seem to find the reality a bit harsh/sad. A bit of an unplanned for externality, particularly with all of the #occupy stuff going on this week but we hadn't really planned on that when we started developing the concept almost six months ago.

Thanks all for reading, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the site and on the bigger picture stuff/lessons you've learned with this sort of thing as well! Feel free to find me on Twitter or Neal if you have any questions!

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How to Create a Custom 404 Page Graywolf's SEO Blog

How to Create a Custom 404 Page Graywolf's SEO Blog

How to Create a Custom 404 Page

Posted: 12 Oct 2011 10:11 AM PDT

Post image for How to Create a Custom 404 Page

If you’ve spent any time on the internet chances are you’ve seen silly, funny, or just plain insane custom 404 error pages. However this article isn’t about creating one of those types of custom 404 pages, this is about creating a better 404 page that is not only helpful to your users, but solves technical problems you might not even know you had.

Make Your 404 Page Informative

Technically a 404 is an “invisible” code that is sent by your webserver to the computer or search engine that requests your page, and it tells them the page they were looking for isn’t there. There are lots of reasons why that could happen, maybe you moved the page, maybe the person made a mistake linking, and we’ll deal with those issues later on, but for now lets focus on the user. Some people will know what a “404 error” is others won’t, so my recommendation is tell them it’s a 404 error, but also include some information that tells them what happened, and that the page they were trying to get to isn’t there.

That’s where a lot sites stop and in my opinion they drop the ball. If you leave a customer at a dead end they will leave, if you give them an information scent to put them back on track, you have a better chance of keeping them on your website and doing what you want them to do. Every website is different but here are some suggestions of what kind of links/information to put on your 404 page:

  • Links to popular pages
  • Links to popular products
  • Links to important company, customer service or contact information
  • Links to important FAQ’s
  • Links for technical support or contact

Getting Data from Your 404 Page

Now that you’ve made your 404 page useful for the users, how about making it useful for you and your IT team. One of the easiest ways to do this is gather information every time the 404 page is visited and write it to log or database. If your website is in bad shape and has a lot of errors, this could actually backfire and become a huge resource hog, so be careful when you implement this solution. If you can try to capture what page/file they where looking for, where they came from (referrer), IP address, and user agent. Once you have had this in place for a while you want to start aggregating the data and looking for trends or patterns.

  • Are there files/page that are being requested often
  • Are there websites that might have a bad link to you that you can ask them to fix
  • Are you getting lots of 404′s from one IP … this usually indicates scraping or bot behavior

Making Your 404 Page Work Smarter

Any website that has been around for a few years has likely seen some architecture changes, had pages come and go, and maybe even changed serving technology from HTML to JSP to ASP to PHP. The more changes the more likely you are to have 404 errors. You can play with your server technology to have JSP pages really run as PHP, but that can get tricky. You can use server tools like ISAPI or HTACCESS to handles these redirections, but if there are hundreds of them, there will likely be a negative performance impact.

A better solution is to use the 404 page to handle redirections. When the 404 page gets called before a single line of code is served back, check the file requested in a redirect table, if there is a match, then issue a 301 redirect, if not then serve the normal 404 page. It’s really important to not serve code back and then try to redirect, that creates what’s called a “soft 404″ and actually makes things worse. There are a few advantages to using your 404 page to handle redirects:

  • You can prevent chaining multiple 301 redirects together
  • Usually this method uses less resources than ISAPI or HTACCESS
  • You have one central point of maintenance
  • It’s a lot easier to migrate this solution if you change hosting companies or serving technologies

So what are the takeaways from this post:

  • Funny or entertaining 404 pages are good, but 404 pages that help the end user are better
  • Use your 404 to to give customers the information they need to get back on track to complete a sale, fill out a form, or other mission critical goals
  • Be helpful with customer service, FAQ, technical or support information
  • Use your 404 page to gather information about problems on your website
  • Use this information to fix broken links, and set up redirects

photo credit: Shutterstock/3445128471

tla starter kit

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

How to Create a Custom 404 Page

We Can't Take "No" for An Answer

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

We Can't Take "No" for An Answer 

Last night, Republicans blocked the American Jobs Act. Not a single member of the Republican Party voted for the bill which independent economists estimate would put up to 1.9 million Americans back to work next year.

Read Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer's blog post on the consequences of Republicans in the Senate blocking the American Jobs Act.

Photo of the Day

President Barack Obama meets with members of his national security team in the Situation Room of the White House, Oct. 11, 2011, to thank them for their work in disrupting a plot to assassinate Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir of Saudi Arabia. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

First Lady Michelle Obama Leads Jumping Jacks for the World Record
First Lady Michelle Obama leads a group of 400 local children on the South Lawn of the White House to help break the Guinness World Records title for the most people doing jumping jacks in a 24-hour period.

Cuentos of Our Past: Celebrating Our Shared Heritage
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar shares the stories of his family's Hispanic heritage and underscores the progress being made on commemorating Latino culture in the United States.

California Mom Says Provisions in American Jobs Act Are "A Blessing"
Tamara Washington hopes Congress passes the American Jobs Act, because the subsidized employment provisions in that bill that can change people’s lives

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

11:35 AM: The President delivers remarks at White House Forum on American Latino Heritage

1:00 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney WhiteHouse.gov/live

2:40 PM: The President meets with the National Association of Evangelicals Executive Committee

4:30 PM: The President meets with Secretary of Defense Panetta

WhiteHouse.gov/live  Indicates events that will be live streamed on WhiteHouse.gov/Live

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Seth's Blog : First, make rice

First, make rice

Fledgling sushi chefs spend months (sometimes years) doing nothing but making the rice for the head chef.

If the rice isn't right, it really doesn't matter what else you do, you're not going to be able to serve great sushi.

Most of the blogging and writing that goes on about marketing assumes that you already know how to make the rice. It assumes you understand copywriting and graphic design, that you've got experience in measuring direct response rates, that you've made hundreds of sales calls, have an innate empathy for what your customers want and think and that you know how to make a compelling case for what you believe.

Too often, we quickly jump ahead to the new thing, failing to get good enough at the important thing.


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marți, 11 octombrie 2011

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Slovak Prime Minister Threatened to Resign if EFSF Failed to Pass; It Failed to Pass, What's Next?

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 08:44 PM PDT

Iveta Radicova, prime minister of Slovak said she was prepared to step down if her coalition failed to approve the EFSF. The vote failed. OK prime minister, how about that resignation?

The Financial Times reports Slovak PM in quit threat over eurozone vote.
Slovakia's prime minister on Monday threatened to resign in a last-ditch attempt to persuade a junior coalition partner to back additional powers for the eurozone's €440bn bailout fund.

Iveta Radicova said she was willing to tie approval of enhancements to the European financial stability facility to a confidence motion ahead of a crucial vote in the Slovak parliament on Tuesday. Officials told the Slovak news agency that she was also prepared to step down if her coalition failed to approve the EFSF.

Talks aimed at breaking the political deadlock in Bratislava over the bailout fund broke down on Monday evening. Parliamentary approval is being blocked by the libertarian Freedom and Solidarity party. Its leader led by Richard Sulik, who has made clear his distaste for a bailout he feels will be costly to Slovakia, the second-poorest member of the eurozone, and end up helping wealthier Greece, a country he says is simply bankrupt and unable to repay any aid.

Speaking before Monday's meeting of the four-party coalition, Mr Sulik said that his party had not shifted its long-standing opposition to the EFSF, and that he would not feel responsible if the government fell over the issue. Without his 21 MPs, the coalition does not have enough votes in the 150-seat parliament to vote through the EFSF extension.

"A responsible decision is now needed on how to proceed next," Ms Radicova, leader of the centre-right coalition, told reporters. If Ms Radicova fails to secure Mr Sulik's support, the government could turn for help to Robert Fico, the leader of the left-wing opposition SMER party, who has said he would support EFSF, but at the price of the government dissolving itself.
Slovakia Votes Down EFSF Expansion Plans

The BBC reports Slovakia votes down eurozone bailout expansion plans
Slovakia's parliament has voted against measures to bolster the powers of the eurozone bailout fund, seen as vital in combating the bloc's debt crisis.

The governing coalition had linked the vote to a confidence motion and as a result has effectively been toppled.

The measure failed to pass by 21 votes, but that result had been anticipated after a junior party in the centre-right coalition said it would abstain.

The Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party said it was opposed to Slovakia's taxpayers being asked to cover the debts of richer countries.

Many Slovaks feel their country - the second poorest in the eurozone - should not have to bail out countries like Greece.

Government officials said they would try to pass the EFSF expansion package in a second vote with support from the opposition, but no date has been fixed for that vote.

The socialist opposition Smer party - which also abstained - is expected to support the move but may make stringent demands including fresh elections.

Following the vote, Smer said it was up to the four parties in the toppled coalition to approach it with offers.

"We're saying 'no' to a rightist government, but we're saying 'yes' to the rescue fund," Smer leader Robert Fico said during the debate.
Rob Cameron at BBC news offers this opinion:
As one by one the rest of the eurozone ratified the proposals and the debt crisis deepened, most of the coalition came around. Except Richard Sulik, leader of the neo-liberal Freedom and Solidarity party, and his 21 MPs.

Some placed their hopes in Robert Fico, former prime minister and leader of the leftist opposition. But Mr Fico sensed an opportunity to wound and perhaps bring down the government, hastening early elections he is likely to win.

What will happen next? A second vote will probably be held within days. With Mr Ficos's support that vote is likely to succeed.
Finland caved in on collateral demands. Slovak will likely cave in as well. It would be fitting if Slovak stands in the way, but I doubt it does. However, I suspect this is the end of the line for Eurozone bailout increases, at least bailouts that require a vote. There is simply too much opposition everywhere to do any more.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Greece may Run Out of Gas in 3 Days in Refinery Strikes; Garbage Piles Up in Street of Athens

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 10:37 AM PDT

Refinery strikes in Greece ahead of a general strike on October 19, have caused supplies of fuel to drop to a mere 3 days. Everyone is up in arms over still more austerity measures. Also ahead of the "general strike", trash collection services are on strike and garbage mounts in the streets of Athens.

Cars Queue Up For Dwindling Gasoline Supplies

Ekathimerini reports Cars queue up as refineries leave strike open
Greece's oil refineries will continue their strike for "as long as necessary," the president of the union representing refinery workers said late on Monday, as cars began lining up to fill their tanks at gas stations across the country from the early hours of Tuesday.

Speaking on Skai Television's "New Files" program, Nikos Orfanos said that a government draft bill to reduce spending in the sector represents a threat to workers' terms of employment, adding that the new measures are aimed at transforming Greece into a "colony" under the control of foreigners.

Meanwhile, speaking on the same program, gas station owner Giorgos Asmatoglou said that while his sector has not expressed any intention to join the strike that began at midnight on Monday, gas stations will be able to continue serving customers only for another three or four days before they begin running dry.
Garbage Piles Up in Street of Athens

AFP reports Greece hit by new strikes against austerity
New strikes hit Greece on Tuesday as the government finalised talks with its EU-IMF creditors on additional spending cuts to secure payment of a bankruptcy-saving loan.

Civil servants blocked the entrance to several ministries, teachers and municipal staff walked out on their jobs and a key refinery began a protest shutdown ahead of a general strike on October 19.

Hospital workers and prison guards will go on strike later this week while Greece's tax collectors and bank workers plan stoppages next week with lawyers also threatening to join the fray.

Public sector workers are up in arms over pay cuts and government plans to put at least 30,000 on temporary leave this year, on top of cuts imposed last year to rein in a budget deficit five times over the European Union ceiling.

Lawyers, pharmacists, taxi owners and other self-employed professionals are protesting against a parallel deregulation drive to improve the competitiveness of the gridlocked Greek economy, which is in a deep recession.

Another strike by garbage collectors that began last week has left the capital Athens strewn with trash heaps.
These reports show Greece is no longer functional. Should gasoline run out, the entire country may as well shut down.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

FDIC Backs Volcker Rule on Proprietary Trading; Bill Addresses Symptom of Problem, Not the Real Problem

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 09:34 AM PDT

As part of the Dodd-Frank financial reform, banks will be barred from trading for their own profit instead of their clients under a rule being proposed by federal regulators.

Yahoo!Finance reports FDIC backs ban on banks trading for own profit
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. backed the draft rule on a 3-0 vote Tuesday. The ban on proprietary trading was required under last year's financial overhaul law.

For years, banks had bet on risky investments with their own money. But when those bets go bad and banks fail, taxpayers could be forced to bail them out. That's what happened during the 2008 financial crisis.

The Federal Reserve has also approved the draft of the so-called Volcker Rule, which was named after former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker.

The Securities and Exchange Commission and Treasury Department must still vote on it, and then the public has until January 13 to comment. The rule is expected to take effect next year after a final vote by all four regulators.

Wall Street banks have complained that the ban on proprietary trading could prevent them from buying and selling investments that their customers might want. It would also put U.S. financial firms at a competitive disadvantage to those in other countries.

At the same time, several big U.S. banks have already shut down their proprietary trading operations in response to enactment of the financial overhaul.

The rule also would limit banks' investments in hedge funds and private equity funds, which are lightly regulated investment pools. Banks wouldn't be allowed to own more than 3 percent of such a fund. In addition, a bank's investments in such a fund couldn't exceed 3 percent of its capital.

Before Congress passed the financial regulatory overhaul, banks had no limit on how much of those funds they could own. Still, typically on Wall Street, such investments already fall below the 3 percent threshold.

Banks could still put their clients' money into those funds. They will still be able to manage such funds, and collect fees and a percentage of trading profits.
Public Comment Until January 13, 2012

The document is 298 pages, and although I am not going to read it here is a link to the Volcker Rule Proposal courtesy of the Wall Street Journal.
The Journal discusses the legislation in Regulators Unveil 'Volcker Rule,' Seek Comment

U.S. bank regulators on Tuesday unveiled for public comment proposed regulations that outline how banks should restructure their operations to comply with a new ban on risky speculative bets.

Under the so-called Volcker rule, banks would have to stop any proprietary trades by July 21, 2012, and would be barred from using foreign affiliates to conduct trades. They would have a two-year transition period to unwind their holdings of investment firms that conduct prohibited proprietary trades. Under the proposal, proprietary trades are defined as those lasting 60 days or less. For most shorter-term trades, banks would have the burden of justifying to regulators that such a trade is permitted.

In the complex, 298-page proposal, regulators posed 383 questions to industry groups and other members of the public for comment.

The proposal is designed to prohibit trades designed to make a quick profit, but critics say the exemption for hedging could allow banks to make the type of bets the rule aimed to prevent. That is because a bank might define the risk to its portfolio broadly, such as the risk of a recession. Regulators say a thorough compliance program will make sure that banks don't make proprietary trades under the guise of hedging.

Proprietary-trading desks at banks have functioned like hedge funds, making bets on stocks, commodities and other assets, often using borrowed money to do so. A report by the Government Accountability Office in July said stand-alone proprietary trading accounted for $15.6 billion in revenue at the six largest bank holding companies for the 13 quarters from June 2006 to December 2010. However, proprietary trading accounted for $15.8 billion in losses, during the financial crisis wiping out the gains of the previous 4 1/2 years.
Fractional Reserve Lending and Fed Policies at Root of Crisis

Were it not for fractional reserve banking, sweeps, use of 20-1 leverage or greater, and the Fed keeping interest rates too low, too long, reckless behavior might not have happened.

Were it not for too-big-to fail policies of the Fed and Congress, banks may also not have engaged in reckless behavior.

To the extent banks do take poor risks on proprietary trading, on real estate loans, on credit cards, or anything else, they should be allowed to fail, not propped up at taxpayer expense.

Whatever this regulation achieves in its final form (good, bad, or nothing at all), it is 100% guaranteed to not address the root cause of the great financial crisis.

I would rather see bills to end the Fed and fractional reserve lending right along with it. Instead we have a 298 page proposal that addresses a symptom of the problem instead of the problem.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

No Bounce in China

Posted: 10 Oct 2011 11:54 PM PDT

The anemic performance in Chinese equities continues this evening even as equities have rallied as much as 10% in the last week in many countries.

click on any chart for sharper image

Asia-Pacific Equities

Australia is up .62%, India 3.14%, Japan 1.8%, South Korea 1.57%, and Taiwan 2.59%.

$SSEC Shanghai Index

$SPX S&P 500 Index

$DAX Germany Equities Index

$AORD Australia Equities Index

There has been some semblance of a bounce in most places one looks except for China. This is not bullish for commodities in my opinion.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List