joi, 20 octombrie 2011

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

How the Economy is Killing Americans [Infographics]

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 02:47 PM PDT

With the current state of the economy, Americans are cutting back on basic necessities. Healthy nutrition and medical practices are declining; stress and anxiety are on the rise. See how the economy is really affecting our quality of life with this somber look at our mental, physical and financial health.

More Infographics.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Source: creditloan

A Duet With Siri (iPhone 4S Song)

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 10:32 PM PDT

Siri can listen to you, talk to you, help you get things done, it understands you—but did you know Siri makes a great bandmate? Jonathan Mann proves it in this duet.

The 50 Best Breakfasts in the World

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 08:06 PM PDT

Many people consider breakfast their favorite meal of the day. This is especially true if they have a great breakfast to eat. These are some of the most delicious and scrumptious looking breakfasts that you have ever seen.

1. English breakfast

2. Breakfast in Iran

3. Cuban breakfast

4. Polish Breakfast

5. Spanish breakfast

6. Delicious Moroccan breakfast

7. A healthy Hawaiian breakfast

8. Swedish breakfast

9. Icelandic breakfast

10. Breakfast in Portugal

11. Breakfast in Australia

12. A Brazilian breakfast

13. An Italian breakfast

14. A Welsh breakfast

15. Breakfast in Denmark

16. A Philippines breakfast

17. An Alaskan breakfast

18. A traditional German breakfast

19. The famous American breakfast

20. The French breakfast

21. Breakfast in India

22. A hearty Scottish breakfast

23. Breakfast in Thailand

24. An Argentinian breakfast

25. An Irish breakfast

26. A Canadian breakfast

27. Breakfast in Mexico

28. A Russian breakfast

29. Breakfast in Vietnam

30. Breakfast in Peru

31. Breakfast in Bolivia

32. An Egyptian breakfast

33. Breakfast in Japan

34. Breakfast in China

35. Malaysian breakfast

36. Breakfast in Mongolia

37. Breakfast in Belize

38. A Hungarian breakfast

39. A Korean breakfast

40. Breakfast in Pakistan

41. An Estonian breakfast

42. Breakfast in Jordan

43. Breakfast in Venezuela

44. Breakfast in Colombia

45. Breakfast in Ghana

46. Breakfast in Uganda

47. A Bahamas breakfast

48. Breakfast in Costa Rica

49. Breakfast in the Dominican Republic

50. A Turkish breakfast

Source: hostelbookers

Crazy Celebrity Shoes

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 03:19 PM PDT

Crazy celebrity shoes are found on celebs of all ages. I don't know how they get their feet into some of these crazy shoes, but I guess being a celebrity means you sacrifice comfort for style.

Ranging from neat and interesting to ugly and frightening, take a look at some of these crazy celebrity shoes.


Marion Cotillard

Charlize Theron

Sharon Stone

Irina Lazaryanu

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

Cheryl Cole

Janet Jackson


Jennifer Connelly

Penelope Cruz

Eva Mendes

Mary Kate Olsen

Lily Allen

Tilda Swinton

Elizabeth Banks

Anne Hathaway

Jordin Sparks

Gwyneth Paltrow

Victoria Beckham

Solange Knowles

Lydia Hearst

Sarah Silverman

Gwyneth Paltrow

Michelle Monaghan

Becky Newton

Leighton Meester

Dita Von Teese

Zoe Soldana

Lake Bell

Taylor Momsen

Should I Change My URLs for SEO?

Should I Change My URLs for SEO?

Should I Change My URLs for SEO?

Posted: 19 Oct 2011 12:28 PM PDT

Posted by Dr. Pete

browser address barEvery SEO eventually gets fixated on a tactic. Maybe you read 100 blog posts about how to build the “perfectly” optimized URL, and you keep tweaking and tweaking until you get it just right. Fast-forward 2 months – you’re sitting on 17 layers of 301-redirects, you haven’t done any link-building, you haven’t written any content, you’re eating taco shells with mayonnaise for lunch, and your cat is dead.

Ok, maybe that’s a bit extreme. I do see a lot of questions about the "ideal" URL structure in Q&A, though. Most of them boil down to going from pretty good URLs to slightly more pretty good URLs.

All Change Is Risky

I know it’s not what the motivational speakers want you to hear, but in the real world, change carries risk. Even a perfectly executed site-wide URL change – with pristine 301-redirects – is going to take time for Google to process. During that time, your rankings may bounce. You may get some errors. If your new URL scheme isn’t universally better than the old one, some pages may permanently lose ranking. There’s no good way to A/B test a site-wide SEO change.

More often, it’s just a case of diminishing returns. Going from pretty good to pretty gooder probably isn’t worth the time and effort, let alone the risk. So, when should you change your URLs? I’m going to dive into 5 specific scenarios to help you answer that question…

(1) Dynamic URLs

A dynamic URL creates content from code and data and carries parameters, like this:

It’s a common SEO misconception that Google can’t read these URLs or gets cut off after 2 or 3 parameters. In 2011, that’s just not true – although there are reasonable limits on URL length. The real problems with dynamic URLs are usually more complex:

  • They don’t contain relevant keywords.
  • They’re more prone to creating duplicate content.
  • They tend to be less user-friendly (lower click-through).
  • They tend to be longer.

So, when are your URLs too dynamic? The example above definitely needs help. It’s long, it has no relevant keywords, the color and size parameters are likely creating tons of near-duplicates, and the session ID is creating virtually unlimited true duplicates. If you don’t want to be mauled by Panda, it’s time for a change.

In other cases, though, it’s not so simple. What if you have a blog post URL like this?

It’s technically a “dynamic” URL, so should you change it to something like:

I doubt you’d see much SEO benefit, or that the rewards would outweigh the risks. In a perfect world, the second URL is better, and if I was starting a blog from scratch I’d choose that one, no question. On an established site with 1000s of pages, though, I’d probably sit tight.

(2) Unstructured URLs

Another common worry people have is that their URLs don’t match their site structure. For example, they have a URL like this one:

...and they think they should add folders to represent their site architecture, like:

There’s a false belief in play here – people often think that URL structure signals site structure. Just because your URL is 3 levels deep doesn’t mean the crawlers will treat the page as being 3 levels deep. If the first URL is 6 steps from the home-page and the second URL is 1 step away, the second URL is going to get a lot more internal link-juice (all else being equal).

You could argue that the second URL carries more meaning for visitors, but, unfortunately, it’s also longer, and the most unique keywords are pushed to the end. In most cases, I’d lean toward the first version.

Of course, the reverse also applies. Just because a URL structure is “flat” and every page is one level deep, that doesn’t mean that you’ve created a flat site architecture. Google still has to crawl your pages through the paths you’ve built. The flatter URL may have some minor advantages, but it’s not going to change the way that link-juice flows through your site.

Structural URLs can also create duplicate content problems. Let’s say that you allow visitors to reach the same page via 3 different paths:

Now, you’ve created 2 pieces of duplicate content – Google is going to see 3 pages that look exactly the same. This is more of a crawl issue than a URL issue, and there are ways to control how these URLs get indexed, but an overly structured URL can exacerbate these problems.

(3) Long URLs

How long of a URL is too long? Technically, a URL should be able to be as long as it needs to be. Some browsers and servers may have limits, but those limits are well beyond anything we’d consider sane by SEO or usability standards. For example, IE8 can support a URL of up to 2,083 characters.

Practically speaking, though, long URLs can run into trouble. Very long URLs:

  • Dilute the ranking power of any given URL keyword
  • May hurt usability and click-through rates
  • May get cut off when people copy-and-paste
  • May get cut off by social media applications
  • Are a lot harder to remember

How long is too long is a bit more art than science. One of the key issues, in my mind, is redundancy. Good URLs are like good copy – if there’s something that adds no meaning, you should probably lose it. For example, here’s a URL with a lot of redundancy:

If you have a “/store” subfolder, do you also need a “/products” layer? If we know you’re in the store/products layer, does your category have to be tagged as “featured-products” (why not just “featured”)? Is the “featured” layer necessary at all? Does each product have to also be tagged with “product-“? Are the waffles so tasty you need to say it twice?

In reality, I’ve seen much longer and even more redundant URLs, but that example represents some of the most common problems. Again, you have to consider the trade-offs. Fixing a URL like that one will probably have SEO benefits. Stripping “/blog” out of all your blog post URLs might be a nice-to-have, but it isn’t going to make much practical difference.

(4) Keyword Stuffing

Scenarios (3)-(5) have a bit of overlap. Keyword-stuffed URLs also tend to be long and may cannibalize other pages. Typically, though a keyword-stuffed URL has either a lot of repetition or tries to tackle every variant of the target phrase. For example:

It’s pretty rare to see a penalty based solely on keyword-stuffed URLs, but usually, if your URLs are spammy, it’s a telltale sign that your title tags, <h1>’s, copy, etc. are spammy. Even if Google doesn’t slap you around a little, it’s just a matter of focus. If you target the same phrase 14 different ways, you may get more coverage, but each phrase will also get less attention. Prioritize and focus – not just with URLs, but all keyword targeting. If you throw everything at the wall to see what sticks, you usually just end up with a dirty wall.

(5) Keyword Cannibalization

This is probably the toughest problem to spot, as it happens over an entire site – you can’t spot it in a single URL (and, practically speaking, it’s not just a URL problem). Keyword cannibalization results when you try to target the same keywords with too many URLs.

There’s no one right answer to this problem, as any site with a strong focus is naturally going to have pages and URLs with overlapping keywords. That’s perfectly reasonable. Where you get into trouble is splitting off pages into a lot of sub-pages just to sweep up every long-tail variant. Once you carry that too far, without the unique content to support it, you’re going to start to dilute your index and make your site look “thin”.

The URLs here are almost always just a symptom of a broader disease. Ultimately, if you’ve gotten too ambitious with your scope, you’re going to need to consolidate those pages, not just change a few URLs. This is even more important post-Panda. It used to be that thin content would only impact that content – at worst, it might get ignored. Now, thin content can jeopardize the rankings of your entire site.

Proceed With Caution

If you do decide a sitewide URL change is worth the risk, plan and execute it carefully. How to implement a sitewide URL change is beyond the scope of this post, but keep in mind a couple of high-level points:

  1. Use proper 301-redirects.
  2. Redirect URL-to-URL, for every page you want to keep.
  3. Update all on-page links.
  4. Don’t chain redirects, if you can avoid it.
  5. Add a new XML sitemap.
  6. Leave the old sitemap up temporarily.

Point (3) bears repeating. More than once, I’ve seen someone make a sitewide technical SEO change, implement perfect 301 redirects, but then not update all of their navigation. Your crawl paths are still the most important signal to the spiders – make sure you’re 100% internally consistent with the new URLs.

That last point (6) is a bit counterintuitive, but I know a number of SEOs who insist on it. The problem is simple – if crawlers stop seeing the old URLs, they might not crawl them to process the 301-redirects. Eventually, they’ll discover the new URLs, but it might take longer. By leaving the old sitemap up temporarily, you encourage crawlers to process the redirects. If those 301-redirects are working, this won’t create duplicate content. Usually, you can remove the old sitemap after a few weeks.

Even done properly and for the right reasons, measure carefully and expect some rankings bounce over the first couple of weeks. Sometimes, Google just needs time to evaluate the new structure.

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Why Google Wants to be in Your Wallet and Drive Your Car Graywolf's SEO Blog

Why Google Wants to be in Your Wallet and Drive Your Car Graywolf's SEO Blog

Why Google Wants to be in Your Wallet and Drive Your Car

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 10:47 AM PDT

Post image for Why Google Wants to be in Your Wallet and Drive Your Car

When I talk with people who aren’t involved with internet marketing about Google, I’m surprised by the amount of trust they put in Google and how they feel Google is making the world a better place … for truly altruistic reasons. It’s not until I point out how Google will gladly provide all the services “for free” because the data they get in exchange is worth more–a lot more–than it costs them to provide the services which are slowly eroding your privacy, both online and offline that their understanding of Google begins to change.

So why does Google want to build cars that drive you around Jetsons style, like in the video below? They want to track you and have complete access to where you are going every day.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Why does Google care that I go to Pomodorino Italian restaurant in Seaford? So they can sell advertising to me before I go. I hop in my car and type in the address. Before departing, the Google car navigation asks if I would like to go to Piccolo in Bellmore. It’s the same distance, and they have a 3 course, price fixed menu and $5 off coupon. This type of instant groupon style offering has the potential to make a ton of money for Google. Is this good for the user? That depends. Do you value your privacy more than a $5 off coupon? Once Google is in your car, it’s tracking your every move. And just because I don’t have anything to hide doesn’t mean I’m doing anything wrong.

Access to your personal purchasing data is the same reason Google and other vendors are building ewallets. While I used a humorous tone, I actually meant what I said on Twitter: with Google wallet, they are just inches away from crawling completely up your ass. With the potential to create frictionless commerce that could top Amazon Prime for ease of use, if Google can critical mass for adoption, we’re all in trouble. Google could use your data and sell you promotions for everything you buy. But isn’t this helpful to the average consumer? Again, the answer depends on how much value you put on your privacy. While you may not care and actually like that Google gives you offers on tomato sauce or toothpaste, does it change your opinion if Google knows you are buying from swingers websites or adult diaper stores and selling that data to advertisers … any advertiser.

As some will point out, after reading the Google Wallet FAQ, Google doesn’t have direct access to what products you buy, which I believe to be true. However, even if they don’t know exactly what you’re buying from CVS or Rite Aid–heck they don’t even know what you are buying from Adam & Eve (NSFW) and (NSFW)–they can figure out what you spend on average every month: $322 on restaurants, $243 on clothing, and $562 on adult websites. Is that the kind of information you want Google to have on you, to sell to advertisers, to use to profile or retarget ads to you, or to match up with your browsing history and advertising profile?

Some people will question whether your bank or financial institutions like American Express already have access to this data … the answer is that yes they do. However, those industries are severely regulated with what they can or can’t do with that data. Google, on the other hand, is going where no one has gone before, isn’t subject to those same rules, and no one is big enough to stand up and tell them “no.” Are you willing to trust that kind of data to a company who says patents and IP laws are anti-competitive, cost them money, and just “get in the way”? I hope not.

So what can you do? Opt out of Google ad profiling and, every few months, check that you stay “opted out.”  When Google releases a new product, ask yourself how does it help them make money or better target advertising at you. Understand and educate your friends and family: these free services aren’t really free. When you don’t pay for something, you are the product being sold.

photo credit: Shutterstock/SATYRJA

tla starter kit

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

Why Google Wants to be in Your Wallet and Drive Your Car

Behind-the-Scenes Video: “The President Has Selected You"

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Behind-the-Scenes Video: “The President Has Selected You"

For more than 40 years, the Presidential Citizens Medal has honored Americans who have "performed exemplary deeds of service for their country or their fellow citizens."

This year, President Obama asked the public to submit nominees. Over 6,000 nominations were submitted and today the President will honor 13 recipients of the 2011 Citizens Medal in a ceremony at the White House. Tune in to at 2:00 p.m. EDT to watch the ceremony.

Check out this behind-the-scenes video of White House staff calling this year’s recipients of the Citizens Medal: 


In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Joining Forces at the World Series to Support Our Military Families
First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden meet with military families and recognize Major League Baseball’s support of military families at Game One. Check out the new MLB and Joining Forces Public Service Announcement with Mark Teixeira and Johnny Damon.

The American Jobs Act Bus Tour: President Obama at Fire Station 9
In Chesterfield, Virginia, President Obama talked about the challenge facing first responders across the country.

Clean Tech LiveChat with Richard Kauffman this Thursday
Richard Kauffman, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Energy, hosts a live discussion about the challenges and opportunities of renewable energy innovation and deployment on Thursday, October 20th.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

10:00 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:15 AM: The Vice President delivers remarks at Plymouth State University on jobs and the economy

12:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

2:00 PM: The President welcomes the 13 recipients of the 2011 Presidential Citizens Medal

4:00 PM: The Vice President files campaign paperwork at the New Hampshire State House

4:10 PM: The President holds a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg of Norway

5:45 PM: The Vice President attends a campaign event  Indicates events that will be live streamed on

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