luni, 14 noiembrie 2011 - Why You're Behind if You're Not Using It... - Why You're Behind if You're Not Using It... - Why You're Behind if You're Not Using It...

Posted: 13 Nov 2011 12:27 PM PST

Posted by CraigBradford

If someone told you that there was a quick and easy way that many of you could improve your SERP CTR for minimal effort, you'd all stop in your tracks and give them full attention. Yet, and rich snippets are still horribly under-utilized.

Since Google (and Bing!) officially introduced in June, it’s fair to say motivation to implement it has been mixed. However since its introduction has already evolved a lot, adding a lot of new stuff that people haven’t paid attention to. Here I try to persuade you there are few downsides and plenty of upsides.

Myth: markup doesn’t get rich snippets!

A common objection I hear to people not using Schema is that there’s no point because Google don’t use it for rich snippets. WRONG!

This was true, but is no longer; lots of websites in different markets have taken a leap of faith and are seeing the benefits in the form of rich snippets.

Examples of Rich Snippets Showing in Google

The following are all examples of websites that are currently using the vocabulary:


Image Source | See The Example Page

TV Series

Image Source | See The Example Page


Image Source | See The Example Page


Image Source | See The Example Page


Image Source | See Example Page

As you can see is definitely being used by Google. is not a language. is a Microdata vocabulary; not a language in and of itself. Let me explain the difference, as there is still a lot of confusion in the SEO community.

There are various languages that do the job we're discussing:

  • Microformats
  • Microdata
  • RDFa

When marking up any content on a page for rich snippets or similar machine readable reasons, the method of doing so is always a mix between one of these and a vocabulary. See the example below of using Microdata with the vocabulary.

Of the language and vocabulary above, it’s the vocabulary part that all the search engines have agreed to standardize with

When Google originally announce that they were going to support the vocabulary, they also dropped the bombshell that they supported only Microdata.

They also said that although they would continue to support the existing rich snippets markup, you should avoid mixing the formats together as it can confuse their parsers.

The fact that you couldn’t mix and microformats or RDFa annoyed a lot of people and as @TomAnthonySEO pointed out in his HTML5 blog post, Kavi Goel from Google later said this was a mistake and they are fixing it. You can read the discussion here

BREAKING NEWS: 2 days ago a pretty big announcement was made on the blog. There are plans in the pipeline for the vocabulary to be used with the RDFa language; with support for using other vocabularies on the same page.

5 underused applications

I personally believe that is the future and if you’ve not already done so, you should be implementing it right now. Regardless of what type of website you have, there are always ways you can use, even if it’s simply defining an article and the publish date.

That being said, there are cases where I think you can gain even more by implementing it, here are my top 5 examples of ways I think should be getting used.


The event schema lets you get really specific about what type of event you are describing. Right now you can specify an event as any of the items shown in the image below.

With the recent QDF update, it’s important that you give Google as much information as possible. Events by their very nature are obviously time sensitive so using to enforce event details is obviously a good idea.

The events schema is a pretty comprehensive vocabulary, you are able to markup things like; attendees, duration, performers, location and the start and end date. For more information see the events page:


I don’t think I can describe how amazing this is. The jobs markup is a recent addition to the vocabulary and was announced last week on the schema blog. Even more amazing is what was announced on the Google blog today. Google have just launched a custom search engine that specifically looks for job markup. The custom search engine is used to find veteran-committed job openings. You can read the blog post here.

I would love to see search related queries returning results like that in the example below.

Reputation Management

This isn’t ground breaking so I’ll make it quick. Make use of the Person Schema to make the best page online about the person in question. Not only can you mark up the obvious things like name and age, you can use the tiny details such as what university they went to (alumniOf), what awards they have won (awards), where they work (worksFor), who their colleagues are (colleagues) and even who their family are (parents, siblings, spouse, relatedTo). This is an easy way to make a super targeted page around a single person. I tried this on my own blog and marked up as much as I could. (Disclaimer: I’ve not got round to actually writing a blog post yet but you can see my about Craig page that I used as a schema test. When you put this page into the Google rich snippets tool, look how much information they are now able to extract.

That is an amazing amount of information and is now obviously an awesome result to Display when some one searches my name. This is how it would look in the SERPS as well.

News Sites

The recent QDF update reinforces how committed Google are to displaying fresh content where appropriate. Schema has now extended the vocabulary to include a section specifically for the news industry. This now allows you to reference a particular page or column in the physical paper edition if appropriate. The image below shows the recent additions.

News sites should be using this to markup to tell the search engines what their content is about and when it was published.


I can’t believe how many e-commerce websites I see without any markup at all. People spend so much time trying to rank higher and forget to get the low hanging fruit. Rich snippets are an amazing way to increase click through rates by drawing attention to your listing. The Ebay example shows how much the stars help make the listing stand out.

Wrap up

I hope I’ve managed to convince you that is worth implementing right now.

There are already the benefits of rich snippets to be had but this isn’t just about rich snippets; it’s about creating content that machines can understand and reference. There are already services that try to make use of this kind of information such as Silk, Apples Siri and potentially Wiredoo. Ensuring that you are ahead of your competitors can only be a good thing.

For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Craig Bradford and I work at Distilled as an SEO consultant. If you have any questions please leave comments or ask me on twitter @CraigBradford

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Now That's a Basketball Court

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Monday Nov.14, 2011

Now That's a Basketball Court

President Obama and the First Lady ended Veterans Day aboard the USS Carl Vinson where they watched the University of North Carolina men's basketball team defeat Michigan State University in the first-ever Carrier Classic. They were joined by more than 8,000 people, most of them uniformed military personnel, on the flight deck of the 95,000-ton, Nimitz-class ship.

As much as the President loves a good game of basketball, he made a point to say that the real reason for the event was to celebrate the members of the U.S. armed forces and their families and ensure that our nation does right by its heroes.

Read the blog post here.

Carrier Classic

An MSU player drives to the basket during the NCAA Men's Basketball game between the University of North Carolina and Michigan State University on board the USS Carl Vinson, docked at North Island Naval Station in San Diego, Calif., Nov. 11, 2011. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog.

Women's Issues Are America's Issues
Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett reflects on the President's powerful speech on the importance of continuing the fight for equality for women and girls during a dinner that honored Freedom Riders, who put their own lives in jeopardy in order to fight for the end of gender segregation in the South.

President Obama at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
President Obama kicks off the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers and Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Weekly Address: Honoring Our Veterans for Their Service and Sacrifice
President Obama speaks from the USS Carl Vinson in San Diego during Veterans Day and calls on all Americans to rededicate themselves to serving our brave men and women in uniform as well as they have served us. 

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

3:30 PM: The Vice President swears in John Bryson as the Secretary of Commerce

4:15 PM: The President delivers remarks at a campaign event Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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Let Infographics Boost Your SEO

Though the popularity of infographics has exploded over the past few years, questions may always linger about how to design and promote graphics that generate leads, build your reputation or expand your company's reach on Facebook and Twitter.

Infographics, also known as information graphics, are visual representations of data or knowledge. They present complex information in a quick, clear manner that makes it interesting to the average person.

Some examples of infographic topics have included: “Father’s Day vs. Mother’s Day”, “How Are Smartphones Being Used?” and “What is a Stock.” The information was presented using colorful pictures, graphs and charts. And the data came together in the end as one image known as an infographic.

Infographics are powerful tools for improving your website search engine optimization. They boost SEO by providing visibility and brand awareness, generating social signals and creating natural backlinks.

Infographics also generate visibility by pushing your brand to the forefront of social media marketing ... Read Full Article »

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Company sees boom despite slow economy

One of the largest industries in the United States is the automobile industry, and Michigan is its hub. The state also bears the stigma of a gloomy economic landscape. However, for Alta Equipment Company, this is not the case.

Alta Equipment Company is a family-owned business, which was founded by Steve Greenawalt in 1984. The firm provides industrial forklifts, heavy construction equipment, and warehouse solutions to a variety of companies in the Midwest. They currently have 14 branches located in Michigan, Illinois and northwestern Indiana, and they carry an array of brands from Combilift forklifts to Volvo construction equipment. ... Read Full Article »

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Two awesome tools for link prospecting

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