sâmbătă, 21 ianuarie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Chinese News Reporter Screams

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 07:54 PM PST

This is actually located in the basement of the Tapei Grand Hotel, which opened last year. According to the YouTube page the scream was genuine.

Female Angry bird is made in China.

Happiest Celebrity Mugshots

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 07:02 PM PST

Everyone loves looking at celebrity mugshots. From photos of a disoriented Paris Hilton or Kid Rock, these can provide hours of laughs and entertainment. Celebrities always seem to be smiling in mugshots. I guess that's because they know they're going to go home very soon in there limousines by giving money. The following is a list of some of most memorable celebrity mugshots being happy.

Paris Hilton

Kasey Kahl

Shia LaBeouf

Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Carmen Electra

Khloe Kardashian

Robert Downey Jr.

Kid Rock

Mickey Rourke

Vince Neil

James Brown

Rush Limbaugh

Tom DeLay

Kimora Lee Simmons

Mischa Barton

Nicole Richie

Mel Gibson

John Edwards

Haley Joel Osment

Michelle Rodriguez

Vanilla "Wafers" Ice

Macaulay Culkin

Seth's Blog : Worth a million words

Worth a million words

We all know how much a picture is worth. What about a good short video? (hit the play button and watch for thirty seconds--here is the large version).


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Weekly Address: America is Open for Business

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Weekly Address: America is Open for Business

President Obama tells the American people about a series of steps he's taken without the help of Congress to grow the economy and create jobs -- including a new strategy aimed at boosting tourism introduced this week. In next week's State of the Union Address, the President will outline his blueprint for creating an economy built to last.

Watch the video:

The Weekly Address

President Barack Obama tapes the weekly address and a  Voice of America 70th Anniversary message in the East Room of the White House, Jan. 20, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

In Case You Missed It

State of the Union: On Tuesday, the President will give his address to the nation. David Plouffe -- a senior advisor to the President -- sat down to talk about the speech and how you can get involved.

Google+: Add your voice to the discussion on the new White House Google+ Page where you’ll find news, behind the scenes content, and chances to participate.

We the People: A total of 103,785 people signed We the People petitions asking the Obama Administration to protect an open and innovative internet. Read the full petition response here, or learn more about We the People, a new platform that allows people to create and sign petitions calling for the Obama Administration to take action on a range of important issues facing our nation.

West Wing Week: This week, the President called for government reform through reorganization and a new Cabinet position, honored Martin Luther King, Jr., welcomed the Tuskegee airmen, the King of Jordan, and the 2011 World Series Champs, and traveled to the Magic Kingdom to unveil the latest “We Can’t Wait” action. Check out the video.

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Seth's Blog : Insatiable


Long-lasting systems can't survive if they remain insatiable.

An insatiable thirst for food, power, energy, reassurance, clicks, funding or other raw material will eventually lead to failure. That's because there's never enough to satisfy someone or something that's insatiable. The organization amps up because its need is unmet. It gets out of balance, changing what had previously worked to get more of what it craves. Sooner or later, a crash.

More fame! More money! More investment! Push too hard and you lose what you came with and don't get what you came for.

An insatiable appetite is a symptom: There's a hole in the bucket. Something's leaking out. When a system (or a person) continues to demand more and more but doesn't produce in response, that's because the resources aren't being used properly, something is leaking.

If your organization demands ever more attention or effort or cash to produce the same output, it makes more sense to focus on the leak than it does to work ever harder to feed the beast.


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