marți, 24 ianuarie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

French Bulldog Teaches Baby To Crawl

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 10:20 PM PST

Nowadays teaching a baby to crawl not only requires good parenting skills but a little encouragement from a good dog as well! Here, French bulldog, Sophie, gives little Isabelle a demonstration on how to crawl with a few kisses thrown in for encouragement.

Cats Love Pizza Boxes

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 09:23 PM PST

I had no idea so many cats loved pizza boxes like mine! For cats, pizza boxes offer a heavenly combination of two of their favorite things: boxes and warmth. That is, except most of these pizza boxes are empty which is probably because the cats already ate the contents.

Source: buzzfeed

Giant Sun Installation at Trafalgar Square, London

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 08:44 PM PST

This ʻbrilliantʼ artwork was commissioned by Tropicana (PepsiCo) to support their current advertising campaign. Art collective Greyworld created the spectacular sun which was raised over Trafalgar Square early this morning as part of Tropicana's "Brighter Mornings" campaign.

Created by Greyworld and taking over six months to create, the manufactured sun is 30,000 times bigger than a football, has a surface area of 200m2 and weighs over 2,500kgs. Its internal light source produces the equivalent of 60,000 lightbulbs, 4-million lumens of light.

Still it's no match for the actual sun but who doesn't love a little extra light now and then? Especially in Winter when it's so dark all the time. Check out the video of this morning's illumination and a "making of" video.

Via: telegraph

Get the most out of the State of the Union

The White House, Washington

Good afternoon,

In just a few hours, at 9:00 p.m. ET, President Obama will stand before Congress to give the State of the Union Address. He'll talk about where we are as a nation, and he'll lay out a blueprint for an America built to last.

For weeks, we've been working to this point.

The President has been brainstorming with the speechwriters and huddling with the policy team. He's come up with new ideas, rewritten language, and reordered pages. For President Obama, this isn't simply an editing exercise. He's invested in creating the State of the Union because he sees it as his opportunity to take his vision for the country to the American people directly.

Want to know what that looks like?

We made a behind-the-scenes video to show you what went into this year's State of the Union. Check it out, and stay tuned to watch the speech with us at 9:00 p.m. ET:

To make sure you get the most out of the State of the Union, we've put together an enhanced version of the speech. As the President outlines his plans for 2012, you'll see key facts and figures. We'll present charts and infographics so that everyone can get a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges ahead of us.

We hope you'll join us after the speech as well -- when a group of policy experts and senior White House staff will sit down to discuss the President's remarks online and answer your questions.

The best place to learn more about the State of the Union is at Dig in and watch the speech with us:

Moving forward, the President will do everything he can to turn this blueprint into reality -- and you can help. We need a vigorous debate about these ideas. So lift up your voice, share your views, and spread the word.


David Plouffe
Senior Advisor to the President

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