vineri, 23 martie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Cosplay Pictures from WonderCon 2012

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 03:27 PM PDT

This year at WonderCon 2012, thousands of fans gathered in Anaheim, California for a celebration of all things sci-fi and comic book related. Which costumes were your favorites of the bunch? Which do you think were the most impressive? What characters would you have liked to see?

Via: Comicvine

Pet Insurance 101 [Infographic]

Posted: 23 Mar 2012 02:03 PM PDT

Pet Insurance 101 is a fun infographic designed by Trupanion to answer some of the basic questions pet owners who are considering pet insurance may have. Within the Pet Insurance 101 information graphic you will find some fun facts about pet insurance and answers to some questions like what is pet insurance, why pet owners may like to consider pet insurance, how pet insurance works, and how much the average monthly premiums are.

The options for pet insurance are growing every day and can be confusing, so we have also provided a pet insurance checklist for consumers to compare policy features, terms, and conditions so that they find the right pet insurance policy for them and their pets.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

2-Year-Old Dancing the Jive

Posted: 22 Mar 2012 11:21 PM PDT

Two Year Old William Stokkebroe has seen his parents, Kristina and Peter and the dancers of studie43 practising so many times that he is able to perform as well. William grabs everybody's attention as he dances around the dance floor to 'Jailhouse Rock' by Elvis Presley.

The Cast of American Pie: Then and Now

Posted: 22 Mar 2012 10:15 PM PDT

The 1999 "American Pie" premiere vs. The 2012 "American Reunion" premiere. It is set to hit the theaters on April 06, 2012 in the United States. The film stars Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan, Seann William Scott, Mena Suvari, Tara Reid, Chris Klein, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Shannon Elizabeth, Thomas Ian Nicholas and Jennifer Coolidge.

















Source: buzzfeed

Why WoW might get you more dates than an online dating site [infographic]

Posted: 22 Mar 2012 09:40 PM PDT

You might not play online games like World of Warcraft with the intention of meeting your soulmate, but according to recent studies—you're more likely to meet your love match in a virtual fantasy world than an online dating network. And according to the studies aggregated in the infographic below, the meaningful connections gamers make over online adventures go a lot further toward relationship building.

Click on Image to Enlarge.
Gamers Get Girls
Created by: Online University Via Mashable

Tools and Tactics to Test Your Product/Marketing Before You Launch - Whiteboard Friday

Tools and Tactics to Test Your Product/Marketing Before You Launch - Whiteboard Friday

Tools and Tactics to Test Your Product/Marketing Before You Launch - Whiteboard Friday

Posted: 22 Mar 2012 02:05 PM PDT

Posted by randfish

It takes a lot of time to put together a marketing plan, a landing page, or even a full web app. Wouldn't it be nice to know if what you are building is going to be successful?

In this week's Whiteboard Friday, we will be covering the tools and tactics that you can use to test your product before it launches. Please leave your own methods and feedback in the comments below!

Video Transcription

Howdy, SEOmoz fans and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week we're talking about tools and tactics to test your product and marketing before you launch it, before you invest in it.

The reason this is so important is because you're going to take a lot of time and effort to put together a marketing plan, to put together a landing page, to put together a product, to put together an entire website. A lot of the time, before you launch, you get this feeling like, man, is this thing going to really work? I don't know if it's going to take off. I want to be sure.

This is exactly why you need these types of tactics because you're going to build something. You're going to make that investment, but if you can learn a lot about your customers, about the visitors who are coming to you, about your percentage of conversion, about how much people like the product, about what they're going to do, if you can get that critical feedback before you actually launch, you're going to do so much better. This ranges all the way from how you title a blog post to a full launch of a software product or a physical product in the real world or whatever it is that you're marketing and making.

So, number one, this is very, very common, but a lot of people still don't use it, which is before you invest in all of the organic inbound marketing channels, things like SEO and social media and content marketing and doing press outreach and outreach to bloggers, all of this stuff, you can actually buy keywords through PPC just by flipping on an AdWords account, flipping on a Bing account, and then sending traffic from the search results over to your web page.

Now, the thing about this is you need to have a functional page here, but it doesn't have to be complete. What you really want to understand is you want to understand how interested are these visitors in my potential product? This doesn't necessarily require building out the full feature set, building out the full product.

In fact, we can do number two, beta launch pages. So what this is, is essentially saying here is a teaser. In this page, I'm going to put a teaser of the product that I'm going to build, but it's not yet ready. I will build it soon, or I'll have it launched soon. Sign up to get the email invitation and maybe leave us some feedback about the wire frames or the comp screens that we've shown here. Or ask them two or three survey questions on this beta sign-up page. You can embed something from Google. You could embed a Survey Monkey survey. The Google hosted apps has got a survey that you can embed on web pages.

Whatever it is, you can get that feedback by buying traffic to this page or earning it and building out merely a launch page that says, "Yes, I will build this in the future." If you get that feedback that's basically, boy, we got 1,200 visitors to the page and only 6 of them filled out that they wanted the email and the rest bounced. There's something wrong with this. There's something wrong with the product. There's something wrong with how the page is selling the product. People are not excited about it. The people you thought would be most interested in this, the ones who are searching for exactly what you're trying to build, are not interested, and that's a really bad sign. But knowing that before you invest all of that engineering effort and architecting effort and production effort and the launch is so much better than launching blind.

Number three, you can actually do this and apply it, not just to products but to blog posts, to content, to viral content, to an infographic, to a video, to whatever you want by running surveys, simple surveys of your users or your friends or a beta test list or you can use anonymous lists. You could try something like Mechanical Turk or a FIVERR - we'll talk about those in a second - to test that viral content or even to give you preferences of topics and headlines.

So I could run a survey that's headline one and headline two and headline three, and oh look, most of my users said they liked headline two. That's the one I'm going to go with. That's the one that clearly has got the best launch potential, and I can use that survey data to say, "Oh, this is the right thing to do," and therefore increase my chances of having that viral impact.

Number four, the final one here, there are some great tools that you can use to get this testing up front, and this is not just testing necessarily for a headline or for an app, but to test landing pages and their performance, to test a marketing campaign or a message, even to test the usability of websites. I urge you to give these a try, so Feedback Army, this is something that SEOmoz's own Joanna Lord likes a lot, Five Second Test.

You can buy users on FIVERR to perform more complicated tasks. This is $5 a task, but a lot of people will volunteer their time, and you can certainly put up ads saying, "Hey, for five bucks I want you to go run through this whole app and give me all these feedback pieces." For 50 bucks, you can get 10 people giving you serious, intensive feedback. Silverback App. There are a few other ones that will let you do this as well.

Now, the process here is less about which specific tool you use and what you use it for and more the idea. What I want you to take away from this is that you don't have to do the full launch to get feedback and know how things are going to perform. You can do early, up front testing, make something people want, and then see it perform in the wild in a wonderful, wonderful way.

All right, everyone. Thanks for joining me for this edition of Whiteboard Friday. See you again next week.

Video transcription by

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Please Help: Take + Share the 2012 SEOmoz Industry Survey

Posted: 22 Mar 2012 02:40 AM PDT

Posted by randfish

Buenos Dias, marketers!

Today's an exciting day! We're thrilled to announce the launch of the 2012 SEOmoz Industry Survey. It's been 2 long years since our last survey, which had more than 10,000 respondents from around the world and produced some of the most detailed public information ever assembled about the growing fields of SEO, social media, content, and organic/inbound marketing.

Take the 2012 SEOmoz Industry Survey

This year's survey is projected to take about 20 minutes to complete (I took it twice and the first time took me ~18 minutes), and it's slightly more detailed than 2010's. We know this means a little extra work on your part, but we hope it will be worth it as we make the data available to all. The survey's available now in SurveyMonkey and will run for 5 weeks to collect data (but early participation's greatly appreciated):

SEOmoz Industry Survey 2012

The following sections contain the 54 total questions (49 if you're not an agency/consultant):

  • Your Work in the Industry
  • Questions for Consultants, Freelancers, and Agencies
  • Learning and Improving Internet Marketing Skills
  • Internet and Inbound Marketing Scope and Process
  • Inbound Marketing Tools and Tactics
  • SEO Tools and Tactics
  • Social Media Tools and Tactics
  • Predictions/Opinions for Internet/Inbound Marketing 

As an added incentive for the survey, we are offering the following excellent prizes to some lucky participants: One Grand Prize Winner will get a 16GB Wifi iPad 3. Three First Prize Winners will each get a $75 ThinkGeek gift certificate. Ten Second Prize Winners will each get a $25 gift certificate to the SEOmoz Zazzle Store. To see the full sweepstakes terms and rules, check out our sweepstakes rules page. The winners will be announced by June 4th.

We'd also like to thank our partners who are helping to encourage marketers around the world to participate in the survey, including Outspoken Media, Search Engine Land, Distilled, Hubspot, Search Engine Journal, Techipedia, AimClear, Blueglass, Marketing Pilgrim and Search Engine Watch.

Thanks to Supporting Organizations

If you're able, a tweet, Google+ share, Facebook share, or blog post of your own would be incredibly appreciated. It's our goal to reach as many professionals as possible and share something truly remarkable from the data.

Take the 2012 SEOmoz Industry Survey

Thanks for your help and participation!

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

West Wing Week: "Slainte!"

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Friday, March 23, 2012

West Wing Week: "Slainte!"

This week, the President celebrated his fourth St Patrick's Day in the White House and hosted the Irish Prime Minister, marked Nowruz with a video address, then embarked on a four state energy tour.

Check out the video:

West Wing Week 032312

Twitter Office Hours: Cecilia Muñoz

Today, at 2 p.m. EDT, Domestic Policy Council director Cecilia Muñoz will answer your questions about the Affordable Care Act, and what the health care law means for you and your family.

Follow along at, and ask your questions using the hashtag #WHChat.

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

Expanding Our Oil and Gas Pipeline Infrastructure
Increased oil and gas production is outpacing our nation's pipeline capacity, and causing bottlenecks in places like Cushing, Oklahoma that slow our ability to further increase oil supplies when gas prices are high and we need it the most.

This Week in Office Hours: Two Years of Health Care Progress
As we mark the two year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, Administration officials are answering your questions about the law on Twitter. Find out how you can join.

Learning to Speak Financial Products and Services
A new interactive online tool from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau serves up easy to understand answers to more than 350 financial questions, primarily focused on credit cards and mortgages.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

10:15 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:45 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

12:15 PM: The Vice President will deliver remarks at a campaign event

12:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

3:30 PM: The Vice President attends a campaign event

5:30 PM: The Vice President attends a campaign event

11:45 PM: The President departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews

12:00 AM: The President departs Joint Andrews en route Seoul, Republic of Korea Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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Seth's Blog : Extending the narrative

Extending the narrative

Did you wake up fresh today, a new start, a blank slate with resources and opportunities... or is today yet another day of living out the narrative you've been engaged in for years?

For all of us, it's the latter. We maintain our worldview, our biases, our grudges and our affections. We nurse our grudges and see the very same person (and situation) in the mirror today that we did yesterday. We may have a tiny break, a bit of freshness, but no, there's no complete fresh start available to us.

Marketers have been using this persistence to their advantage forever. They sell us a car or a trip or a service that fits the story we tell ourselves. I don't buy it because it's the right thing for everyone, I buy it because it's right for me, the us I invented, the I that's part of the story I've been telling myself for a long time.

The socialite walks into the ski shop and buys a $3000 ski jacket she'll wear once. Why? Not because she'll stay warmer in it more than a different jacket, but because that's what someone like her does. It's part of her story. In fact, it's easier for her to buy the jacket than it is to change her story.

If you went to bed as a loyal company man or an impatient entrepreneur or as the put-upon retiree or the lady who lunches, chances are you woke up that way as well. Which is certainly safe and easy and consistent and non-confusing. But is it helping?

We dismiss the mid-life crisis as an aberration to be avoided or ridiculed, as a dangerous blip in a consistent narrative. But what if we had them all the time? What if we took the resources and trust and momentum that helps us but decided to let the other stuff go?

It's painful to even consider giving up the narrative we use to navigate our life. We vividly remember the last time we made an investment that didn't match our self-story, or the last time we went to the 'wrong' restaurant or acted the 'wrong' way in a sales call. No, that's too risky, especially now, in this economy.

So we play it safe and go back to our story.

The truth though, is that doing what you've been doing is going to get you what you've been getting. If the narrative is getting in the way, if the archetypes you've been modeling and the worldview you've been nursing no longer match the culture, the economy or your goals, something's got to give.

When decisions roll around--from what to have for breakfast, to whether or not to make that investment to what TV show (or none) to watch on TV tonight, the question to ask is: Is this a reflex that's part of my long-told story, or is this actually a good decision? When patterns in engagments with the people around you become well-worn and ineffective, are they persistent because they have to be, or because the story demands it?


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