vineri, 13 aprilie 2012

Overcoming Your Winter of Dis-Content - Whiteboard Friday

Overcoming Your Winter of Dis-Content - Whiteboard Friday

Overcoming Your Winter of Dis-Content - Whiteboard Friday

Posted: 12 Apr 2012 02:03 PM PDT

Posted by randfish

Are you and your content suffering from the blues after this long Winter? Well have no fear, warmer weather is here and it's time to overcome that winter of dis-"content". Today we will be talking about 5 ways to overcome the content fatigue you may be experiencing. After watching the videos, please share the ways you help keep your content fresh, unique, and successful.

Video Transcription

Howdy, SEOmoz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week we are trying to help you overcome the winter of your discontent, meaning, well, really the winter of your dis-content. You see, I hear a lot of people talking in the industry about the challenge of successful content marketing and I understand. Producing content is hard. If you don't produce great, fantastic, amazing content, it tends to do this: launch, reach some people, fall flat on its face. This is sad, this is tragic, this is frustrating. It makes you not want to invest in content anymore. I understand that, and I want to give you some strategies, some specific strategies that will help you overcome this problem.

My top five are, number one, precede your shares, whether that's links, whether that's people talking about it in social media, whether that's people e-mailing it and sharing it, whatever it is, by including the people that you want to share in the process itself. This sounds complex. It's not that hard.

Here's what I mean. Imagine doing this. These are the people I want to share this. I'm going to send them a survey. I'm not even going to send them a survey. I'm going to send them an e-mail. That e-mail is going to say, "Hey, we'd love your help with a blog post I'm going to write or an article I'm going to write or an infographic I'm launching. Which of the following five appeals the most to you?" Guess what? Not only do you get from them the response that says, "Oh, yeah, this one, that's the one that I really am interested in. That's the one that I think is the best idea of the bunch that you've got," but once you get that feedback, that person has now bought in.

So when you launch it, you can e-mail them again and say, "Hey, remember that thing you helped me with? Really appreciate it. You rock, dude, and by the way, we made it. Here it is. Can you check it out? Give me any feedback." Then once you launch it, you can ask them for their help in sharing. By involving these people, and it doesn't have to be just a survey. It can be something where you actually get data from them, where you interview them, where you're featuring them in videos, or you're featuring their content in some way or whatever it is, but involving the people that you want to share in the process or the content itself means that you're going to get them helping you. This works tremendously well. This will help you get over that problem.

Number two, try to appeal to an influential or underserved or marginalized or politically, culturally, cohesive and connected group. Here's what I mean by this. What I mean is that there are a lot of times on the Web when we're trying to find a group of individuals who are going to share something. If you can find a group that already feels passionate about a topic, for example, in this case, I've got these guys, right, and they really care about the open source movement. You can find someone who cares about a political issue, an issue like taxes or gay marriage or fashion or whatever it is, but they have to be passionate and they have to be united and unified around that, and you're essentially going to leverage the unified power of that existing community and produce content that appeals directly to them.

For a ton of people who are in B2C and B2B, there are a lot of opportunities to do this even if you think you're in a boring industry, because supporting a cause, making a large donation, essentially running a promotion that helps something can get that group behind you and can get that group sharing. That's why so many companies support things like breast cancer awareness or a multiple sclerosis run or whatever it is, because it's powerful in and of itself. It helps create great branding, and it means that you're going to get things shared. When you can do this content-
wise on the Web for an event, for a promotion, for whatever it is, this can really go a long way.

Number three, turn things that are interesting, data in particular that's interesting but poorly formatted data, so what I mean by this is something that's hidden in a PDF somewhere, something that's just literally a list of bullet points that exists in a slide show on Slideshare, something that's merely a few data things that someone shared in a blog post but hasn't turned visual yet, and make it exciting and interesting. So make that beautiful and useful through whatever sort of graphic system or visual system you can, and then go and reach out to the people who made it and get their review, their buy-in, their approval, because when you do that, you not only make sure that you're protected against any legal problems, but you also get their community and themselves behind that. Of course, you can share with them and give that to them and they'll promote it. They'll help you promote it because, of course, you're citing them and you're saying that they're the source and you're helping them to look good. So of course they're going to help you to look good. This is a great way to build up some industry credentials, some respect in your sphere, as well as to get a better content piece to launch.

Number four, popular conversations and discussions are happening all the time in whatever industry you're in. I guarantee they are. If you're in the startup world, Hacker News has all sorts of discussions all the time. If you're in the meme space, there are all sorts of things going on, on Reddit. If you're in the political world, there are all sorts of things going on in political forums and blogs and the news and that kind of stuff. No matter your sphere, there's almost always interesting conversations. If you're having trouble finding these, I highly recommend going and searching on Just take a look at that website, and you'll be able to find a ton of opportunities. Just search for your keywords. Broad industry keywords are best. I wouldn't go for very highly specific things, but you'll find a lot of content.

Then jump in. Essentially, I want you to jump into those conversations and continue them. Add to them, and by the way, please, by all means, ping the people. Send an e-mail over to the person who wrote it and say that you did. Go find their profile of whoever it is through Follower Wonk and tweet back at them. Go find your connections on LinkedIn. Go talk to the people who are already engaged in the conversation. Make them aware of the content that you've produced. Then they will be likely to check it out and also to share it. It really, really helps when you're looking to join a new industry or become a voice inside an industry, gain some thought leadership and get that content out there.

Number five, my last and final one, is just too easy. Rank stuff. I'm serious. Rank anything. Rank people. Rank social media profiles. Rank blogs. Rank content. Rank companies. Rank investment bankers. I don't care what you rank. If you rank things, then people who are high in those rankings will want to share that information, and people who are in the industry will look to that as a leadership board. The more beautiful and creative you make this and the better job you do with real data, so gathering data that people would actually think is influential and should be in the rankings, this works tremendously well and it works every single time. I'm constantly amazed that more people in more industries don't take it upon themselves to rank interesting people, interesting blogs, interesting websites, interesting companies, whatever it is, in their sphere because this is just an easy, easy win in the content sphere.

All right, everyone, I hope that you're over your winter of discontent. I hope to see some great content from you in the future. Take care, and we'll see you again for another edition of Whiteboard Friday.

Video transcription by

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A Small Success Story Inspired by SEOmoz and its Contributors

Posted: 12 Apr 2012 05:20 AM PDT

Posted by Aran Smithson

I’m the e-commerce manager for an online retailer specialising in Coat Hangers, yeah you heard right, coat hangers; and you thought your niche was tough?

We don’t have thousands of inbound links from a myriad of high PR sites, yet we are catching up to the big players in our niche. In December we were no where to be found on the majority of our search terms. Our traffic mainly came from brand searches, which we liked as we pride ourselves on our superb levels of customer service (honestly when I joined I was astonished we could turn a profit with the amount of customer service going on), thus we get a lot of returning customers.

Producing link worthy content for the site has been an uphill struggle, gaining ground in the social sphere is like chewing through leather and guest posting and the like are tough. No one is interested in Clothes Hangers. Granted we have produced guest posts on a few blogs relating to fashion, clothing and even a few ‘moms blogs’. However we quickly exhausted that avenue and needed to look somewhere new.

A meme, a meme, my kingdom for a meme

One day I had a rush of inspiration whilst reading a SEOmoz article on producing an infographic to generate inbound links. There aren’t many interesting stats and facts relating to hangers, thus I decided to go down the meme route.

I jumped on the “Keep Calm and Don’t Panic” band wagon that’s been rolling through the UK/USA in recent months. It’s a saying from a Public Safety poster campaign from the UK in WW2. It sprung a meme with lots of alternative sayings (I’m sure your have seen them for yourself).

My unique twist was to change the saying to “Keep Calm and Hang On”. I also replaced the crown on the poster with an outline of a hanger. See what I did? (see right)

You simply cannot teach that kind of wit. “Hang on”, we sell hangers! (wow tough crowd).

I began my social campaign which involved the following steps;

  • Pinned to Pinterest with a solid description, tweeted the pin to my twitter followers.
  • Shared the graphic with my 20 or so Facebook friends, of whom 10 shared it with their friends.
  • Waited several hours then tweeted the link to my blog page and asked for an RT. Also hash tagged with some relevant tags.
  • Posted the image to our Tumbler blog.
  • Added it to our Flickr gallery, and several related Flickr groups.
  • Posted to reddit, stumble etc.
  • I also ensured that our blog had the means for users to social bookmark and share the page themselves.

The results

It’s been almost a week since I posted the blog entry and shared it with my social sphere and I’m happy with the results.

  1. My website had circa an additional 300 visitors over the week, not a great deal but around about 5% of my weekly traffic for nothing!
  2. Out of my additional visitors I found that 9 had actually bought something (3% conversion rate from a random untargeted graphic!!)
  3. My Tumblr post was re-tagged 7 times. (that’s like 7 do follow links!)
  4. My tweet was retweeted 4 times.
  5. My Pinterest pin was re-pinned once (so far)
  6. I got 2 Facebook likes and a few shares
  7. Very little activity came from Flickr, but still I made sure I added a link in the image description.


Not a great amount of social coverage and certainly not viral, but all this literally took me 30 mins. If I make 1 hour a week to do something cool like this, over the weeks I’m building up plenty of natural links, no spam and no black hat in sight.

The lasting effect from this is I gained;

  • A few extra customers (whom I hope will come back and shop again)
  • 300 extra website visitors who may return one day
  • My brand was exposed to many many more people.
  • 7 links from relatively good Tumblr pages.
  • 6 links from Pinterest
  • A little bit of Facebook love and 3 links

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

West Wing Week: "You're Proof of Change"

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Friday, April 13, 2012

West Wing Week: "You're Proof of Change"

This week, the President hosted a forum on Women and the Economy, welcomed the President of Brazil, traveled to Florida to urge the Senate to pass the Buffett Rule, and took part in the great annual White House tradition -- the Easter Egg Roll.

Watch this edition of West Wing Week:

West Wing Week

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

What's Your Buffett Number?
Use our new tool to find out how many millionaires paid a lower effective tax rate than you.

Hangout with White House Chef Cris Comerford and Gail Simmons
White House Executive Chef Cris Comerford and culinary expert, food writer and Top Chef judge Gail Simmons are hosting a Google+ hangout live from the White House.

Raising the Bar: The One Year Anniversary of Joining Forces
In its first year, Joining Forces has helped translate the gratitude of millions of Americans into service in support of our troops and their families

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

9:50 AM: The President departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews

10:05 AM: The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route Tampa, Florida

12:15 PM: The President arrives Tampa, Florida

1:20 PM: The President delivers remarks highlighting the benefits of trade with Latin America for the Tampa Bay region and communities across America before heading to Colombia for the Summit of the Americas

2:35 PM: The President departs Tampa, Florida, en route Cartagena, Colombia

5:45 PM: The President arrives Cartagena, Colombia

10:10 PM: The President arrives at the base of Castillo, San Felipe de Barajas

10:20 PM: The President attends a leader’s dinner Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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20 SEO Tools You Might Not Have Heard Of, But Should Be Using

20 SEO Tools You Might Not Have Heard Of, But Should Be Using

Link to SEOptimise » blog

20 SEO Tools You Might Not Have Heard Of, But Should Be Using

Posted: 13 Apr 2012 12:26 AM PDT

I should be presenting at BrightonSEO today on a 20/20 slot (20 slides, 20 seconds each) talking about 20 SEO tools.

Unfortunately I can’t be there. Sadly my dad passed away on Wednesday morning having battled cancer so bravely for the last year, but unfortunately his health deteriorated very quickly earlier this week. Obviously it puts things in perspective, as these things always do, but I know my dad would have loved me to do this. He was so proud of my career and paid such a great interest in everything I do, especially speaking at events like this – mainly because this isn’t something I’m naturally comfortable at doing and I’d rather not be center of attention (I’m just like him in so many ways), but I am ambitious and want to push myself and company forward by forcing myself into creating and taking these opportunities.

So while I can’t be there today, I still wanted to share the slides with everyone who’s going along to the event.

I love you dad, this one’s for you!

© SEOptimise - Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. 20 SEO Tools You Might Not Have Heard Of, But Should Be Using

Related posts:

  1. 5 Low Profile/New SEO Tools You Should be Using
  2. 3 Tips & Tools To Help You Become a Better SEO Project Manager
  3. More Than 30 Google+ Tools, Extensions, Tutorials and Other Resources

Seth's Blog : Better than everyone

Better than everyone

Clay Shirky reminds us that the media business has changed. Forty years ago, your TV show only had to be better than two other shows--not every show, just the shows on the other channels. Today, of course, with a million choices, each show earns the attention it gets in every single moment.

As I wrote in the Dip a few years ago, the only way your business wins in Google world is to be the best available option, where "best" means best for the person searching for an answer, and "available option" means everything. (Best doesn't mean most expensive or exclusive, it merely means the best choice for me, right now. You don't have to be happy about how much competition you have, but it helps to admit it.)

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joi, 12 aprilie 2012

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Black Market in Spain: Cash Transactions Exceeding 2,500 Euros Now Banned

Posted: 12 Apr 2012 05:37 PM PDT

Things are going so "well" in Spain that the Government banned cash payments in excess of 2,500 euros

Via Google Translate from Libre Mercado ...
The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, has announced on Wednesday that the plan to combat tax evasion on Friday approved the Cabinet prohibit the payment in cash transactions of over € 2,500 and n which at least involved a businessman professional.

During the control session the Government in the House of the Congress of Deputies and in response to a question about the tax amnesty made by the general coordinator of IU, Cayo Lara, the Prime Minister has revealed that those who violate the ban will face fines of 25% of the payment made ​​in cash.

Black Money

This measure aims to prevent the use of black money in commercial transactions and, in the case of companies, give them an obstacle to not resort to false invoices. The plan to combat fraud adopted on Friday, the Cabinet intends to raise up to 8.171 million euros in 2012.
I calmly predict that black market transactions in Spain will soar as soon as Spain is stupid enough to hike the VAT.

Sadly, such stupidity is just around the corner as noted in Slow Road to Hell: Spain Entertains VAT Hike

Real Anti-Fraud Plan

Once again I am stumbling for a precise translation but I happen to agree with this sentiment (emphasis mine) as translated by Google from the lead article.

The general coordinator of IU Rajoy called on a real anti-fraud plan, with more resources to the tax office, and has taken the opportunity to ask the president that when you announce cuts of 10,000 million euros "do it in Parliament.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Buffett Tax Proposal: Hype or Reality? (Interactive Graph Lets You Set the Tax Rate and See the Results)

Posted: 12 Apr 2012 08:50 AM PDT

Given all the hype from President Obama and Warren Buffet on "fair tax rates" (see Obama evokes Reagan in Touting Buffett Rule), inquiring minds are asking the critical question: Does the US have a spending problem or a tax problem?

Rather than offer my own opinion, I will let you make the call. You can set whatever tax rate you want for the "Buffett Rule" all the way up to a tax rate of 100% on the following interactive Tableau display.

Thanks to Ross Perez at Tableau Software for the above interactive map.

Data is from the Tax Foundation, a non-partisan, non-profit research organization that has monitored tax policy at the federal, state and local levels since 1937.

At a 30% Tax Rate the Buffett Effect Looks Like This

At a 75% Tax Rate the Buffett Effect Looks Like This

Set the tax at 100% if you want. However, I must point out the above results are theoretical.

The graph does not take into consideration the massive exodus of high net worth individuals if such a tax was actually enacted.

Stick it to Obama

The president has stated on numerous occasions he is willing to make "hard choices".

I propose offering him one. Republicans should accept Buffett's proposal in return for scrapping Davis Bacon, passing national right-to-work legislation, and ending collective bargaining of public unions.

Those three things are badly needed and will help cities and states immensely if Democrats accepted the offer.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Fed-Fools, ECB-Fools, and the Illusion of Time; Spain Where Greece Was Two Years Ago

Posted: 12 Apr 2012 07:54 AM PDT

Central bankers respond to every debt crisis as if they were all created equal. As such, they are willing to pile debt and promises upon debt and promises.

In cyclical recessions the strategy eventually "works" using the term loosely.

In reality, such kick-the-can strategies will eventually blow sky high, which is precisely where we are today, with Bernanke is scratching his ass, wondering why his policies are not working.

Any thinking person will realize this is not the typical cyclical recession, but rather a once-in-a-multi-generation debt deflation structural problem. However, the Fed-fools led by Ben Bernanke are trapped in academic wonderland and simply cannot grasp the blatantly obvious.

Welcome back to the crisis!

Wolfgang Münchau on Der Spiegel says Welcome back to the crisis!
About one trillion euros, the ECB has pumped into banks to stabilize the situation. But the idea is to buy time so that proves to be illusory. In Spain the situation worse, there is nervousness in financial markets. We are now back to the point where we were before Christmas.

Welcome back to the crisis! It is not long ago, when Germany in Brussels refused to further increase the reserve fund on the grounds that the markets have finally calmed down. Surprisingly this is not. Two weeks ago, Europe was in the all-round optimism. In recent days, the markets collapsed again. What has changed in recent weeks?

There have been two convictions enforced. The first relates to Spain, the second is the European Central Bank . The markets are now expected to Spain later this year needs a bailout. If that happens, just the increased bailout will prove to be too small. In a few months, we are again faced with the choice either to increase the screen again, or risk a rupture of the euro area.

Spain is now where Greece was two years ago

The markets no longer believe in a stabilization of Spain's debt. It is no coincidence that the last panic attack just in the markets a week passes in which the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy saving measures announced by ten billion euros in 2012, by "efficiency" in the health sector and in schools. Spain is now where Greece was two years ago.

The second reason for pessimism in the markets is changing perceptions about the policy of the European Central Bank (ECB). In December and February, the ECB pushed good one billion euros of liquidity into the banking sector. The markets reacted initially with euphoria. The idea was that the banks borrow cheap money with a repayment period of three years from the ECB. So it would buy short-term bonds to their governments and thus stabilize the bond market. The ECB was allowed for legal reasons, the bonds do not buy themselves. So they chose to go through the banks.

The ECB policy was like a drug

This theory has a number of hooks, which have now become apparent. The first is that the action proceeds indirectly and therefore expensive. Only a fraction of the money actually flows into the bond purchase.

The ECB's policy has thus apparently solved the banking crisis. In reality, the situation of European banks is as bad as ever. And as in Japan during the nineties, governments have no strategy to solve this problem effectively.

The greatest nonsense was the argument that the liquidity policy of the ECB would give the government time to resolve the crisis. There was a time illusion. It allowed the leaders to deny the reality of another three months and push the issue on the backburner.

One of the recent experiences of this crisis is that banks are less long. We are now back after Easter at the point where we were before Christmas.
Illusion of Time

So here we are. Greece is in default. Portugal and Spain are sure to follow. The only action by the ECB is kick the can down the road.

However, every can-kicking exercise adds debt and it is repayment of debt that is impossible in debt deflation cycles.

The current path does not work, and cannot possibly ever work, yet the only strategy of the ECB and the Fed is to do more of the same with greater and greater force.

I wrote about this long ago, on April 03, 2008 to be precise, in Fed Uncertainty Principle.

What I said about the Fed applies to the ECB as well, and central bankers in general.

Corollary Number Two:
The government/quasi-government body most responsible for creating this mess (the Fed), will attempt a big power grab, purportedly to fix whatever problems it creates. The bigger the mess it creates, the more power it will attempt to grab. Over time this leads to dangerously concentrated power into the hands of those who have already proven they do not know what they are doing.

Corollary Number Three:
Don't expect the Fed to learn from past mistakes. Instead, expect the Fed to repeat them with bigger and bigger doses of exactly what created the initial problem.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List