joi, 26 aprilie 2012

Community: The Inbound Resource You Forgot About

Community: The Inbound Resource You Forgot About

Community: The Inbound Resource You Forgot About

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 04:59 PM PDT

Posted by jennita

Remember a time when “community” meant the neighborhood or town you lived in? Or when a business only had to be concerned with making customers happy when they were inside their store? It’s sometimes hard to remember what life was like before online communities became such commonplace. But the fact of the matter is that online communities are where we spend most of our time these days (especially if you're in search marketing... #amiright?).

We talk a lot about Inbound Marketing and how it encompasses areas such as SEO, Social Media, content, blogging, email, Public Relations and Q&A/forums (among others). Now, let me ask you this: What's the one thing that all of those have in common? (You probably know where I'm going here) That's right, Community.

Ok, I admit it, I'm surely a bit biased here. However, I really want you to think about this. At the base of everything we do as marketers, our community (whoever that may be for your particular organization) is right there, standing tall.

The Value of Community

What does "community" mean to you? Or perhaps a better question should actually be: What should "community" mean to you? I want you to think about the people who visit your site, participate in your forums, and buy your products or comment on your Facebook wall. They are the people who you want to find you in the SERPs, who you send emails to giving them discounts and they're the ones you hope will retweet and share your content. You write for them, you create products for them and you (may) want money from them. Yep, they're pretty damn important.

Your community is important in so many ways. They are your:

  • Brand advocates
  • Software supporters
  • Members/Users
  • product feedback specialists
  • content generators (UGC BABY!)
  • link builders
  • critics (hecklers?)
  • lovers
  • sharers of content
  • forum participators
  • website uptime monitoring service ;)
  • reason for eating lots of cupcakes (yea, ok. Maybe that's just me.)

Determining the actual value of your community isn't so cut and dry. Sure, we all want to put a dollar value to everything, but you can start with these steps:

1. Figure out who the community is in your organization.

Who are your community members, what do they care about, why does it matter, where do they hang out, and how are you going to interact with them? Are they the people who participate in the forum on your site? Are they the ones who read your blog? Are they the people who buy your products? Are they all of the above?

You can get this information in a number of ways:

  • Look at your analytics! Where are your users coming from, and where are they going next? What keywords are they searching for to find you? Who are they based on demographics?
  • Facebook Insights. If you're active on Facebook why not dig into your user data and see if it matches up with your analytics.
  • Dig into your own data. Do you require sign up on your site? Do you ask for gender or any other useful information that can help you determine who your community members are?

2. Figure out what your community really cares about.

Do they care about sharing your content? Will they spend endless hours in your forums? Perhaps they just want a daily email update from you (never to hear from you otherwise). But how do you figure out what they care about?

Ask. It never hurts to ask. Add a poll to your site, send them an email, or ask them on your social channels. We do this all the time here at Moz and getting feedback from the community helps us grow!

3. Determine how much time/energy/money you're putting into your community.

Think about where you're putting your resources. Do you spend your time creating blog posts? How much time do you want to devote to social media? Is someone managing social media full time? What about SEO and content? Do you pay outside contractors to help in the forums or write content for you?

You want to know this, so you can then determine if you're spending resources in the right areas (see next step ;-).

4. Are you spending your time/energy on the things your community actually cares about?

Boom. You've figured out who the community is, what they care about and how you're currently spending your time. Now you can determine if you're utilizing your resources well.

You want to know if you are wasting time creating blog posts (that no one is reading), because they care more about writing their own content. Do you scour the internet looking for content to share on Twitter, only to realize your community doesn't really get into Twitter. Should you focus your energy on beefing up your emails because your members like to get info that way?

5. Rinse and repeat.

This isn't a one-time process. You need to constantly be thinking about how you can leverage your community in the right ways. Don't stop simply because you found something that works for now. The biggest takeaway here is also that you need to determine what works for YOU. You can read all about how others manage communities, but it's up to you to set your own course.

Here at SEOmoz, our community is always on top of mind as we develop software, create resources and share content. We believe strongly in keeping our community alive, strong and continually growing. We want to challenge you, please you, help you and whenever possible, make you laugh. So what is the value of the SEOmoz community? This is the best part, it’s invaluable. Because without our amazing community, we’re just another software company. But as you well know, we’re more than that, and that’s because of you. (Can we say "job security")?

Community Resources

Before I let you go work on determining the value of your community, I wanted to give you some great resources on building, managing and keeping a strong community:

  • Community Roundtable - Be sure to follow their tweets as well as they tweet lots of great info about managing communities.
  • #cmgrchat - This is a great chat that runs every Wednesday at 2pm Eastern. They have different topics each week, and I've learned a ton participating.
  • My Community Manager - Holds a weekly Google+ Hangout on Friday's at 2pm Eastern where they discuss various aspects of community management. This Friday, I'll actually be talking about why SEO is important to Community Managers. :) (My worlds COLLIDE!)
  • Some valuable posts:

Ok. Now it's up to you! I'd love to hear how you value the community and the steps you've taken to figure that out. Do you think I've missed anything or should add any steps? Why is community important to you?

By the way, I'll actually be talking about Community Management as a part of Inbound Marketing at Mozcon this year. I hope to see you there!

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

An Open Letter From a Frustrated Outsourced Link Building Author

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 06:21 AM PDT

Posted by TrendingSideways

Outsourcing your link building efforts can work, but as a Textbroker author I can tell you right now, most people aren't doing it right. The majority of clients who submit articles are still living in a world before the Panda update, and a striking number of them still use tactics that haven't even worked since Google's inception.

I'm going to tell you now, what you're about to hear isn't pretty. We're going to take a visit to the underbelly of the outsourced link building world. I'm going to get a little rough here, but odds are you'll learn something.

How Much Do Your Link Building Articles Cost?

About 1.2 cents per word? If you're really looking for quality, you're paying 2.2 cents per word. I'm a four star author, so the articles I write cost 2.2 cents a word. But I only see 1.4 cents for each word I write. Let's do the math, shall we?

To make $10, I need to write 714 words. I am a native English speaker who lives in the first world. I'm not willing to work for less than minimum wage. What does that mean? It means I'm not going to spend much more than an hour on a 714 word article.

I've chosen this source of income because I'm a college student with a bizarre schedule and the hours are convenient. $10 is not a lot of money to me.

If you ask me for an article about [your keyword here], and your description reads as follows:

“Please write an article about [your keyword here]”

then you should know something. I won't write you a decent article. Odds are, I'll reword something that I come across on EzineArticles. You know, that site that got slammed by the Panda update, and knocked down all of the sites that got their links there?

There is only one subject that I write decent articles about: SEO. That's because I actually know what I'm talking about, and I can recite most of the stuff from memory. I'm even up to date on the subject, because I regularly educate myself about it. Of course, those still pale in comparison to the articles on my own site, which take hours or days of research and a willingness to actually communicate with science experts.

The thing is, I could write good articles about other subjects. It's just that Textbroker's clients would need to learn how to streamline their outsourcing processes. And nobody seems to be doing that.

Allow me to offer you some advice.

You're Still Keyword Stuffing? Really?

Some of you might be shocked by this, but I am routinely being asked to stuff my articles with keywords. It takes up more work than it ever should for me to sift through the article requests and find one that isn't asking me to jam the same keyword 12 times into a 400 word article.

Then there's the client who only asks for the keywords to be repeated 2 or 3 times, but wants five or ten tangential keywords to be included in the text. “But that's only an 8 percent keyword density!” No, it's not, because each one of your keywords is three to five words long, and pretty soon a quarter of your article consists of meaningless keyword phrases. I can't tell you how often I've written an article where I had to include at least one keyword in every sentence.

In case you think I'm joking...

Horrible Keyword Requirements

(That's a 20 percent keyword density. MINIMUM. I repeat. That's at least one in every five words.)

Forget Panda. You think that's going to pass a manual review?

It gets worse. There's the client who wants me to write about “dog leashes seattle.” Please tell me how to use that phrase in a sentence. Textbroker now allows you to give writers the option of using connecting words, so I could write something legible like “Dog leashes in Seattle.” Inexplicably, very few clients use this option.

Presumably, the clients actually believe that including an exact keyword in their text is preferable to legible writing. Inevitably, I am occasionally forced to write things like “When it comes to dog leashes Seattle is the place to buy them” even though it makes no sense to write this, ever, and it completely ignores proper comma use.

More often than not, I have no choice but to say something like “Looking to buy dog leashes Seattle?”

Please. Clients. Each article should be about one keyword. If it's in the title and it's in the article, and it's what the article's about, congratulations, you've met Google's keyword density requirements.

Don't Ask Me to Do Research

It might sound like I'm whining, but you need to think logistically here. As I said before, if it takes me much more than an hour to make $10, you're paying me less than minimum wage. That means one of two things. Either you're not going to get any research, or you're going to get research from somebody who does not speak native English.

There may be exceptions, but they'll burn out fast.

At 1.4 cents per word, you're not paying me to do research. You're paying me to type. I've had enough experience that I can offer you a bonus: actual writing infused with emotion and good article structure. But research? It's not gonna happen.

“But I ask that only people who are experienced with the subject should write about it.” Good for you. That's why my SEO articles are actually good. But if you really think anybody on Textbroker is actually much of an expert on anything else, you're deluding yourself. The experts are writing elsewhere, or doing something else that makes a lot more money.

Am I saying that you should accept crap articles? Of course not. I'm saying that if you want your articles to be well researched, you're going to need to handle the research.

What would I do if I had the budget to outsource link building articles?

  • I would spend a week scouring the web for facts about my subject.
  • I would visit my local library and read a book about the subject.
  • I would talk to industry experts about the subject, and leverage those relationships later on.
  • I would subscribe to blogs about the subject, go to Reddit and visit subreddits on the topic, and join Facebook pages about the subject. I would go to StumbleUpon and use their search feature to stumble the topic. I would search for the keyword in Twitter or FollowerWonk and follow those who tweet about the subject.
  • I would upload all of this information out of my brain into a list of a hundred or so of the most pertinent bullet points on the subject.
  • I would write the most stellar article in the world on my subject.
  • I would pick five or ten random bullet points to go into each one of my outsourced link building article requests. I would ask the author to use each one of these facts in the article as the basis for a subtitle, and I would ask the author to react to each one of these bullet points with their own personal view on things. Such an article could easily take up between 400 and 800 words without using filler words. It would also contain more genuine content than anything else I could buy, short of contacting a professional author.

In case you're curious, this is a virtually unlimited source of link building articles about your subject. When choosing from a list of 100 bullet points, there are literally more than ten trillion ways to pick ten of them, no matter what order you present them in. No need to write the same article about the same ten things over and over again.

Of course, I'd probably play it safe, and “only” buy 100 articles on the subject, then move on to learn another 100 bullet points, write another stellar article, and buy another 100 link building articles.

Third Person? Neutral Tone? No Company Names? Are You Crazy?

Allow me to take a leap in the dark and assume that most of your link building articles are intended to become guest posts on blogs. Spend some time reading a blog. Blogs address their readers directly. Blogs aim to be entertaining, not “neutral.” Mentioning other company names is a widespread practice on reputable blogs.

Oh. You're submitting the posts to EzineArticles and low quality directories that have no idea what an engaged audience is. You're doing this in the hopes that Google will reverse it's strategy and that social media is just a phase. You're doing this because you think that non-promotional means never having any fun.

Let me break it to you. It doesn't matter if you're just out to game Google with some manufactured links. Your article's not going to make it onto a high quality site if it isn't written in a way that gets an audience excited. There's never been any question that a link from a high quality site is better than a link from a low quality article directory, and it's clear that Google will only get better at telling the difference.

If you were trying to get your articles published in an academic journal, then it would be a different story. And you'd be going to the wrong place for your articles.

Don't ask your authors to be neutral. Give them something interesting to talk about, and let them respond to the topic like a human being. Maybe then it will be easier to convince the search engines that it was, in fact, written by a human being.

What Have We Learned?

Don't keyword stuff, do the research, and ask for articles that look like they were written by human beings. It's really all pretty basic stuff, and I know anybody with a budget is capable of doing it. But you wouldn't know it from taking a look at the article requests I sift through every day. Good luck, and godspeed.

Scratch that. Luck has nothing to do with it.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Celebrating National Parks Week

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Celebrating National Parks Week

Did you know that there are nearly 400 national parks across our country? This week we celebrate all of them. From the Grand Canyon to Gettysburg, the Virgin Islands to the Hawaiian Volcanoes – each of our parks is a place to explore, learn and be active. And this week, they are all free!

The First Family in Acadia

President Barack Obama and his family hike on Cadillac Mountain at Acadia National Park in Maine, July 16, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

President Obama Speaks to Students in Iowa about Student Loan Rates
Interest rates on federal Stafford loans are set to double in July, saddling more than 7 million students with an additional $1,000 in debt.

By the Numbers: 7.4 Million
Approximately 7.4 million students will rack up an additional $1,000 in debt if Congress doesn’t stop the interest rate on federal student loans from doubling on July 1.

Republican Budget Threatens Health Coverage and Insurance Protections
Republican Representatives in Congress want to return to the days where insurance companies, not American families, were in charge of health care

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
10:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:30 AM: The Vice President delivers remarks at a campaign event

12:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

3:00 PM: The Vice President meets with Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Dr. Hussain Al-Shahristani of Iraq at the White House

4:30 PM: The President meets with the Vice President

6:30 PM: The Vice President attends an event for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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Near Miss or Near Perfect? New Match Behaviour Coming to Google

Near Miss or Near Perfect? New Match Behaviour Coming to Google

Link to SEOptimise » blog

Near Miss or Near Perfect? New Match Behaviour Coming to Google

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 08:45 AM PDT

Google announced new matching behaviour just over a week ago, nicknamed 'near exact and phrase': exact keywords will match misspellings and 'close variants', and phrase keywords will cover searches containing misspellings or close variants of the phrase. It's not live yet (and won't be until mid-May) but the setting for the new behaviour is already available in all campaigns and is switched on by default.

So, should you opt in or out? Here are my thoughts:

What will the effects be?

Even if you turn the setting off, you can still be affected.

As campaigns are opted in by default, it seems likely that the majority of advertisers will be using this new match behaviour. So there may well be a sudden increase in competition on misspellings and close variants – clearly this will affect you if you already bid on them.

Could it homogenise performance? There’ll suddenly be a whole group of search terms under one bid, where previously there was only one term. If many competitors have [widget] on near exact match, they'll be using the same bid for 'widget' and 'widgets' – if 'widgets' is more competitive and needs a higher bid, the competitors might increase the bid on [widget] and so make 'widget' more expensive too. Different variants will still perform differently – there isn't a change in the searchers, so you wouldn't expect a change in conversion rate – but CPCs of variants may converge.

But shouldn't I be bidding on all these variants anyway?

Proper keyword research should uncover many variants. But it’s likely that some will be rare enough to have the dreaded ‘low search volume’ status: that means Google won’t let you directly advertise for them, but you could bid on them indirectly with near exact match. Also, it's nigh impossible to find all possible variants – searchers are very inventive when it comes to misspellings.

Doing the keyword research to find variants takes time, and (as the cliché says) time is money. Ad impressions on irrelevant search terms are also money. The question is: which is less money? Google may let in some dud search terms, but it may cover relevant variants you wouldn’t have found otherwise.

You could use near exact as part of your keyword research: have an exploratory campaign with the new setting on and fill it with exact match keywords to find the behaviour of their variants. Then take the best performing ones into your regular campaigns (where exact is exact).

Other matters to think about

Will exact or phrase negative keywords' behaviour change? Google's announcement does not mention negative keywords, suggesting only positive ones are affected. There could be benefits to having a near exact match, such as when using 'embedded match', but keeping exact negative actually exact would seem to be better for most advertisers. Even if the new setting is on, you can still exclude individual variants when they don't work.

What happens if you use Conversion Optimiser? Suddenly your exact match keywords will pick up brand new searches you don't have any history for.

What about keyword metrics? The Quality Score and Estimated First Page Bid columns shown in your account are based on searches exactly matching the keyword (whatever the keyword's match type is). In high competition areas merely changing a singular to a plural can impact performance and price, so if you have [widget] on near exact match but most of the searches are for 'widgets' the QS and EFPB may not reflect the keyword's actual performance. QS and EFPB are both averages and thus should be treated with care: this is another thing to bear in mind when looking at them.

So, will you switch it on or opt out?

Ultimately whether you opt in or out depends on your account. It seems unlikely that near exact will help a campaign where variants are already covered and match-types are segregated; having multiple exact match keywords cover the same search terms will get in the way of precision management in the same way that having broad, phrase and exact match keywords in the same ad group will.

On the other hand, if you have campaigns which don't need or can't have that level of management the new setting may well be helpful. Consider testing the new setting – no one knows exactly how it will work out, so no one can say if it will help or hinder your account.

What do you think? Are you trying the new setting, opting out everywhere, or testing with some campaigns? Share your thoughts in the comments.

© SEOptimise - Download our free business guide to blogging whitepaper and sign-up for the SEOptimise monthly newsletter. Near Miss or Near Perfect? New Match Behaviour Coming to Google

Related posts:

  1. How to Perfect Your Press Releases
  2. Significant Traffic Sources You Probably Miss Unless You Blog
  3. Google’s ‘Over Optimisation’ Algorithm Update – Coming Soon!

Seth's Blog : Do you have a people strategy?

Do you have a people strategy?

Hard to imagine a consultant or investor asking the CMO, "so, what's your telephone strategy?"

We don't have a telephone strategy. The telephone is a tool, a simple medium, and it's only purpose is to connect us to interested human beings.

And then the internet comes along and it's mysterious and suddenly we need an email strategy and a social media strategy and a web strategy and a mobile strategy.

No, we don't.

It's still people. We still have one and only one thing that matters, and it's people.

All of these media are conduits, they are tools that human beings use to waste time or communicate or calculate or engage or learn. Behind each of the tools is a person. Do you have a story to tell that person? An engagement or a benefit to offer them?

Figure out the people part and the technology gets a whole lot simpler.

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miercuri, 25 aprilie 2012

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Irish Support for Merkozy Treaty Drops to 30% with 39% Undecided; ESM Funds At Risk (But That's a Plus!)

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 02:43 PM PDT

Ireland was one of few countries to give its voters a say on passing the Merkozy referendum. A couple months ago, support for the treaty was close to 50%. Now, in spite of pro-treaty (and illegal) propaganda from the Irish government, support has fallen to a mere 30%.

The Financial times reports Ireland sees support for fiscal treaty wane.
With six weeks to go before Ireland votes on the European fiscal treaty there are signs the government's campaign for a Yes vote is in danger of unravelling as public attitudes towards austerity harden and instability in Europe feeds into its referendum debate.

On Wednesday the Irish trade union movement said it could not support the treaty, which would tighten budget rules and introduce penalties for states that break the rules. Opponents of the treaty also threatened to take legal action against the government's €2.2m information campaign, which they allege breaches a constitutional requirement in Ireland that all material paid for by public money should be impartial.

"Nobody within our ranks is in agreement with the fiscal treaty," said David Begg, general secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, an umbrella body for Irish unions. "Everyone thinks it is a bad treaty. We don't see any merit in it."

"My own view on this is that we are damned if we do and we're damned if we don't," Mr Begg said.

Opinion polls show a slim majority (30 per cent) in favour, with 23 per cent against. But with 39 per cent of the public undecided concern is rising in government circles that opinion could swing against the treaty during the campaign, as it did in 2008 when Ireland rejected the Lisbon treaty.

"The trade unions' position shows the naysayers are growing. You can see from studying social media there is a higher degree of anti-European rhetoric for this referendum," said David Farrell, professor of politics at University College Dublin.
ESM Funds At Risk (But That's a Plus!)

Begg's only concerned is access to European Stability Mechanism if the treaty is not passed. It if a concern no one in Ireland should have.

Ireland should leave the euro and default on the bailout money it has received. Accepting more and more bailout money from the banker parasites in Brussels and the IMF is exactly the wrong thing to do. Greece is proof enough.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

UK Back in Recession, Did it Really Ever Leave? Disappointing Details; Five Reasons the UK Recession Will Get Much Worse

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 09:46 AM PDT

It is amusing to watch economists toss around ridiculous terms like "technical recession" to justify their poor forecasts. The entire eurozone is now in recession and the UK was sure to follow because so much of its trade is with the eurozone. This was easy to predict, yet few did.

The Mail Online reports We ARE back in recession: Economy suffers double dip as GDP figures fall for second quarter in a row
  • Official figures today showed the economy shrank by 0.2 per cent in the first quarter of 2012
  • It follows a fall of 0.3 per cent in the final quarter of 2011
  • Cameron: 'I do not seek to explain away the figures'

Britain has suffered its first double-dip recession since the 1970s after a surprise contraction in the first three months of the year.

Official figures today showed the economy shrank by 0.2 per cent in the first quarter of 2012 having declined by 0.3 per cent in the final quarter of 2011.

It marked the first double-dip since 1975 and was a bitter blow to Chancellor George Osborne in the wake of last month's 'omnishambles' Budget.

The decline in gross domestic product (GDP) was driven by the biggest fall in construction output for three years, while the manufacturing sector failed to return to growth, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.

Andrew Smith, chief economist at KPMG, said: 'It's official, we're in a double-dip.

'But worse, output remains broadly unchanged from its level in the third quarter of 2010 and, four years on from its pre-recession peak is still some 4 per cent down – making this slump longer than the 1930s Depression.

UK GDP In Perspective

The UK had five consecutive quarters of growth so I suppose one can make a claim the recession ended. However, look at how feeble that growth has been. Only one quarter exceeded 1% and then just barely.

Moreover, for the last six consecutive quarters, there has not been two consecutive quarters of growth.

I suggest the UK slid back into recession during the 4th quarter of 2010.

Disappointing Details

It's not just the headline numbers that are anemic, the details are also very poor. Via Email from Barclays ...
As expected, construction output declined over the quarter. However, the ONS has made some revisions to the weak January and February data, and assumed some further revisions and a strong March outturn in arriving at the Q1 estimate, so that the estimated 3.0% q/q decline in construction output was less than half the fall we had expected. As a result, construction's -0.2pp contribution to GDP growth was a lot less significant than we had anticipated.

Rather, much of the downside news came on the services side, where February's Index of Services, published alongside the GDP data, disappointed to the downside, and January's estimate was also revised down. Much of the weakness was concentrated in business services and finance, which accounts for almost 40% of total services output, and where activity declined by 0.1% q/q. As a result, overall services output grew by just 0.1% q/q in Q1, and the downside news on services more than offset the upside surprise on construction.

Like the MPC, we had thought that the weakness in the official construction data looked somewhat overdone, and had been prepared to look through downside news from this source. However, the disappointing outturn in services suggests that the economy's underlying growth momentum may be somewhat weaker than previously thought.

The weak GDP outturn, combined with more persistent than expected inflation, highlights the MPC's ongoing policy headache. April's minutes showed the committee increasingly focused on inflation and minded to look through weak official activity data, which it expected to be driven mainly by somewhat dubious construction data. Further QE in May seemed unlikely. The configuration of today's outturn, more than the headline number, may give the committee reason to reassess. We still expect no further QE in May, but this is now a less certain call; and even if QE is not extended then a continued stagnation in demand could yet lead the MPC to act later in the year.
Wishful Thinking

Barclays thinks the UK will "narrowly avoid a further quarter of GDP in Q2".

I don't. Why should it?

Five Reasons the UK Recession Will Get Much Worse

  1. The eurozone is now an economic disaster, credit stress has returned to Spain and Italy
  2. The ECB abandoned the LTRO and is in the midst of huge infighting
  3. UK services took a huge hit and that trend will strengthen
  4. The Eurozone is the UK's largest trading partner and there is no reason for UK exports to the eurozone to rise. In fact, UK exports to the Eurozone, just may collapse.
  5. The better than expected (but still feeble construction numbers) will likely disappoint to the downside soon enough, if not immediately.

If you thought the euro would help Europe, you thought wrong. The Euro made a disaster in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and Italy. It's time to abandon that failed idea.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

53% of New Graduates are Jobless or Underemployed; Rude Awakening for Class of 2012; Useless Degrees; Who Benefits From Student Aid?

Posted: 25 Apr 2012 02:35 AM PDT

The USA Today reports graduating class of 2012 is in for a rude awakening as Half of new graduates are jobless or underemployed.
A weak labor market already has left half of young college graduates either jobless or underemployed in positions that don't fully use their skills and knowledge.

Young adults with bachelor's degrees are increasingly scraping by in lower-wage jobs — waiter or waitress, bartender, retail clerk or receptionist, for example — and that's confounding their hopes a degree would pay off despite higher tuition and mounting student loans.

Median wages for those with bachelor's degrees are down from 2000, hit by technological changes that are eliminating midlevel jobs such as bank tellers. Most future job openings are projected to be in lower-skilled positions such as home health aides, who can provide personalized attention as the U.S. population ages.

Taking underemployment into consideration, the job prospects for bachelor's degree holders fell last year to the lowest level in more than a decade. "I don't even know what I'm looking for," says Michael Bledsoe, who described months of fruitless job searches as he served customers at a Seattle coffeehouse. The 23-year-old graduated in 2010 with a creative writing degree.

About 1.5 million, or 53.6%, of bachelor's degree-holders under the age of 25 last year were jobless or underemployed, the highest share in at least 11 years. In 2000, the share was at a low of 41%, before the dot-com bust erased job gains for college graduates in the telecommunications and IT fields.

Out of the 1.5 million who languished in the job market, about half were underemployed, an increase from the previous year. Broken down by occupation, young college graduates were heavily represented in jobs that require a high school diploma or less. In the last year, they were more likely to be employed as waiters, waitresses, bartenders and food-service helpers than as engineers, physicists, chemists and mathematicians combined (100,000 versus 90,000). There were more working in office-related jobs such as receptionist or payroll clerk than in all computer professional jobs (163,000 versus 100,000). More also were employed as cashiers, retail clerks and customer representatives than engineers (125,000 versus 80,000).

According to government projections released last month, only three of the 30 occupations with the largest projected number of job openings by 2020 will require a bachelor's degree or higher to fill the position — teachers, college professors and accountants. Most job openings are in professions such as retail sales, fast food and truck driving, jobs which aren't easily replaced by computers.
Useless Degrees

The USA Today talks about the "underemployed". Is that really what's going on?

Just what job does someone majoring in Political Science, English, History, Social Studies, Creative Writing, Art, etc., etc., etc., expect to get?

Arguably, graduates in those majors (and many more) should be thankful to get any job. Therefore, those who do land a job should therefore be considered fully employed, not underemployed.

In turn, this means a college education now has a negative payback for most degrees. 
Bledsoe, currently making just above minimum wage, says he has received financial help from his parents to help pay off student loans. He is now mulling whether to go to graduate school, seeing few other options to advance his career. "There is not much out there, it seems," he said.
There is nothing out there for many degrees which means that going to graduate school will do nothing but waste more money. Nurses are still in demand, but technology and engineering majors are crapshoots. If you can land a technology or engineering job it is likely to be high paying, but if not, the next step is retail sales.

Who Benefits From Student Aid?  

Students get no benefit from "student aid". Rather, teachers, administrators, and corrupt for-profit schools like the University of Phoenix do.

Obama wants to throw more money at education, and that is exactly the wrong thing to do. Instead, I propose stopping student aid programs and accrediting more online schools to lower the cost of education so that degrees do not have negative payback.
Sadly, there is a trillion dollar student loan bubble, and that debt overhang will negatively impact the economy for years to come. Let's not make the problem worse. It's time to kill the inappropriately named "student aid" program.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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