luni, 9 iulie 2012

Seth's Blog : Announcing a small-group college seminar (and a quick survey)

Announcing a small-group college seminar (and a quick survey)

If you have ever considered coming to one of my events, I'd appreciate it if you would take this quick two-question survey.

And, if you're a full-time college student, or you know someone who might benefit from an intensive three-day seminar in my office (it's a gift from me, there's no charge to attend), please share this with them. The deadline for applications is in just a few days, so hurry and apply if you're interested.


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Ask an expert about refinancing

The White House Monday, July 9, 2012

Ask an expert about refinancing

As we've been talking about President Obama's plan to make it easier for responsible homeowners to refinance, we've heard many different questions about the process.

So we've set up a special online event with the U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Shaun Donovan, to answer your questions and go over the issue in detail.

This Thursday at 3:15 p.m. EDT, Secretary Donovan will participate in a live video conference with homeowners from across the country.

RSVP to the conversation with Secretary Donovan -- and we'll send you a reminder before the event.

To get the conversation started, we sat down with Secretary Donovan and asked him to answer one of the most popular questions we've received -- how will cutting red tape for responsible homeowners help the economy at large?

So take a minute to watch his answer, RSVP for the conversation with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and find out how to submit your questions:

Watch the video

Also, please pass along this invite to other folks you know who may be interested in refinancing and housing generally. It's important to make sure everyone has the facts about this important issue.

Don't forget to tune in this Thursday at 3:15 p.m. EDT.

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GTD for SEOs - Simple Tools to Get More Done

GTD for SEOs - Simple Tools to Get More Done

GTD for SEOs - Simple Tools to Get More Done

Posted: 08 Jul 2012 07:57 PM PDT

Posted by CraigBradford

I want to keep this post as short and actionable as possible; do you have any tools that do just one thing really well? You know the kind I mean, those plugins and hack projects that you may only use once a year but when you do use them, you really appreciate them.

I’ve gathered a bunch of these (some I use everyday) and I want to share them with the community. Could I ask a favour though? If you have similar tricks, hacks, plugins or bookmarklets, could you leave a comment and share it with everyone? This could then turn this average list into an epic list that’s been built by the SEOmoz community and we can all come back to and reference in the future. Do we have a deal? Ok great, first things first though, a bit of a disclaimer; a lot of the tips below you may have heard of before, but if everyone who reads this post gets just one or two actionable tips I think it’s been worthwhile.

Let me know your favourites and don’t forget to share your tools in the comments.

Learn to Scrape - install Scraper for Chrome

Knowing how to use things like import XML can be a massive time saver but there’s a learning curve to get really good at it. This plugin for Chrome is a great tool to quickly scrape any elements you want and automatically put them into a Google doc. I use this a lot for scraping lists of websites or headings on a page. It’s super simple to use, just right click on what you want to scrape and off you go. Get it here


Use Text to Columns for extracting Root Domains 

Ever have a list of backlink URLs that you just want to extract the root domain from? The Excel text to columns feature makes this easy.

Select the column that has the URLs, go to “Data” in the menu and click on the text to columns button as shown below.

Instead of the default tab option select the custom option and add a “/”. Click finish and you’ll have a list of the root domains. I highly recommend going through the Distilled Excel for SEO guide if you haven’t already which shows you how to do this and more.

Send to Kindle bookmarklet - Keep up to date on all the latest SEO news

If you have a kindle you’ll love this plugin that lets you send any webpage you are reading to your Kindle. I use this to help keep up to date on all the latest SEO news. Before leaving the office I’ll visit a few of my favourite SEO blogs and send a bunch of posts to my Kindle for reading on the tube.

Install AJ Kohns Rich Snippet Testing Bookmarklet

Want test rich snippet markup? This bookmarklet form AJ Kohn lets you quickly use the Google rich snippets testing tool.

Install Undo send Email

I can’t tell how many times this tool has saved me. If you use gmail go into the labs section and enable the undo send feature. See here for more details

Categorise URLs or Keywords using Filters and Functions

The following formula will allow you to search for a letter word or number within a string:


Combined with filters, this can be really useful for categorising keyword groups, type of links or site structures. Just replace the “filtertext” with whatever you want to look for.

Instantly tell if a page has a rel=“canonical” tag on it.

I love this tool; Install this plugin and if you are on a page that has a canonical tag on it, a little blue icon will show up in the address bar as shown below: 

Quickly take and share Screenshots and Video using Jing

Jing is the tool I used to take and annotate all of the screenshots for this blog post. It’s a free desk tool that allows you to instantly take a screenshot or short video and share it with colleagues. When you click copy, it uploads then automatically copies the sharable url to your clipboard meaning you just need to paste the link to wherever or whoever you want to share it with. Get it now.

I use this all the time when checking guest post or press coverage. Rather than going to each website one by one, I copy all the URLs, dump them into this tool and press go. Each site will then be opened in a new tab.

Google Cache Bookmarklet

Add the following code as a bookmarklet to quickly check the Google cache of the page you are on:



Export More Keywords in GA

The maximum number of keywords (or anything else) you can view or export in Google Analytics is 500 but you can change this by editing the URL in the address bar. When you select 500, the URL will end in: 


It’s no surprise that the 500 is the number of keywords, just change that to whatever number you want and hit export.

Turn on "Send and Archive" in Gmail

The more I use this tool the more I love it. This does exactly as you would think, it adds a send and archive button next to the regular send button making clearing out your inbox that little bit faster. This is another labs feature which you can read about here.

Use Ubersuggest for quick and dirty Keyword Research

This is the fastest way I know to get some quick and dirty long-tail keyword research. If you’ve never used it before, Ubersuggest basically makes use of the Google suggest feature. You input a word and it will enter a letter in front of it to give you a list of hundreds of new combinations, you can then export these, dump them into the Google keyword tool to get search volume. There are normally one or two gems in there.

That's it for now, thanks for reading and I look forward to reading the comments, give me a shout on twitter if you have any questions: @CraigBradford

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Watch Live: President Obama Speaks in the East Room

The White House

Your Daily Snapshot for
Monday, July 9, 2012


Watch Live: President Obama Speaks in the East Room

Today at 11:50 a.m. EDT, President Obama will deliver a statement on the need for Congress to act to extend tax cuts for middle class families in the East Room.

Watch his remarks on

Photo of the Day

June 9th Photo of the Day

President Barack Obama looks at baked goods during a stop at Kretchmar's Bakery in Beaver, Pa., July 6, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

Join us for a White House Google+ Hangout with Secretary Donovan
On Thursday, July 12th at 3:15 p.m. EDT join us for a Google+ Hangout with Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan, moderated by the real estate marketplace, Zillow, Inc.

President Obama Signs the Transportation and Student Loan Bill
The bill will keep thousands of construction workers on the job and prevent 7.4 million students from paying higher interest rates on their student loans. 

Weekly Address: Pushing Congress to Create Jobs, Keep College in Reach for Middle Class
President Obama discusses legislation he signed on Friday that does two important things: It keeps thousands of construction workers on the job rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, and it stops interest rates on federal loans from doubling this year for more than seven million students.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

10:45 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:15 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

11:50 AM: The President delivers a statement on the need for Congress to act to extend tax cuts for middle class families

12:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

1:30 PM: The Vice President attends a campaign event for Senator Claire McCaskill

2:00 PM: The President is interviewed by regional television outlets

4:15 PM: The President attends a campaign event

5:20 PM: The President attends a campaign event

8:00 PM: The Vice President attends a campaign event for Senator Maria Cantwell Indicates that the event will be live-streamed at

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Seth's Blog : The false choice of mediocrity

The false choice of mediocrity

Too often, we're presented with choices that don't please us. We can pick one lousy alternative or the other. And too often, we pick one.

I was struck by Apple's choice to put a glass screen on the original iPhone. Just six weeks before it was announced, Steve Jobs decided he wanted a scratchproof glass screen. The thing is, this wasn't an option. It wasn't possible, reliable, feasible or appropriately priced. It couldn't be done with certainty, and almost any other organization would have taken it off the list of appropriate choices.

It was unreasonable.

And that's the key. Remarkable work is always not on the list, because if it was, it would be commonplace, not remarkable.

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