miercuri, 18 iulie 2012

Owl.li Is Ranking Above My Own Page! What To Do? Whooo To Blame?

Owl.li Is Ranking Above My Own Page! What To Do? Whooo To Blame?

Owl.li Is Ranking Above My Own Page! What To Do? Whooo To Blame?

Posted: 17 Jul 2012 08:04 PM PDT

Posted by evolvingSEO

Preface: How Normal URL Shorteners Work

Hang tight, folks! Before we get into the whooo-done-it part of this post, here's a basic illustration of how URL shorteners work.

It's pretty simple actually, on the surface.

  • You need a short domain name (like bit.ly - which is possible because of the .ly extension)
  • A random URL (or custom "vanity" if you choose) is created on the short domain like bit.ly/h1oiSn/ or bity.ly/example-url/ (both fake)
  • A visit to that URL sends the user via 301 redirect or 302 redirect to the page it's linked to.

Here's a real example of a URL I recently shortened with Bitly:

See? NORMAL. And Bit.ly uses a 301 redirect which is also most liked, since 301's pass link equity.

And the Bitly URL should (ideally) never rank above the final "real" URL.

Danny Sullivan's post, although a bit outdated now, shows (of the shorteners from that time) which services use 301s and which use 302s. Note that he highly advises against the use of URLs with 302s. Remember that for later :-)

If you want to examine more details before we begin, you can check out the wikipedia page on URL shortening. However, the point of this post is to analyze a particular SERP which returns a shortened URL instead of the normal URL.

Which One Of These Things Doesn't Belong?

For one, startupcity.org should probably rank #1 - implied brand search. But... that's not quite it. See it?

Perhaps if I restate it.

Here's a Hint - Whoooo Doesn't Belong?

(Image source)

If You Said "The Owl" or "Owl.li" - Good Job!

No prize though I'm afraid.

Strange result credit: tweet by Rand.

There are two things wrong with this screenshot.

  • An owl.li URL is ranking in the first page on the SERPs
  • Startupcity.org is not ranking as well as you'd think, as this is definitely an implied brand search.

Needless to say, Rand's tweet highlighting this strange behavior certainly led to the idea for this post.

Initial Hypothesis: Owl.li URLs are NOT normal

But what's different about them? What's causing one to rank on the first page?

Who's at fault - Google, owl.li, or the site owner?

Let's see if we can find out!! In the process, we'll examine the implications of using owl.li and come up with some best practices that you can follow to avoid this happening on your site.

The first thing I'd like to invite you to do is to join me on a guided video tour of a bunch of screenshots I took while investigating this.

The Evidence In a Screencast 

Oh boy, this is a multimedia extravaganza on the Moz blog! I decided to walk through all my bits of evidence in a screencast  - to give you a quick overview of the investigative process behind this.

Video 1/2 - you'll want to expand to full screen

Video 2/2 - again, full screen will look best!

Well now... those videos were fun, yes? Alright, let's examine the biggest takeaways from this first look.

Top 5 Highlights From the Video

You didn't want to watch the videos? (Sadface) OK. Here are the 5 most significant screencaps:

1. What's the Redirect Path To the Final URL?

This naturally was my first question. How is owl.li executing the redirects? And what a fabulous opportunity to use this new redirect checker chrome plugin by Ayima. The redirect path of this owl.li URL is as follows:

redirect path of owl.li link

It's a 302 redirect followed by three 301 redirects. I know redirect chains are not the best thing in the world, so could this be causing the strange indexation? I file that question in my brain for later.

2. Does StartupCity Have Internal Links Sending Mixed Signals?

You should ALWAYS internally link to the current version of your URLs. This makes your site faster, it prevents things from breaking in the future, and allows only external links/bookmarks to be passed through redirects.

Sometimes internal links pointing to pages which then 301 can send mixed signals. Sure enough, there's some of that happening on startupcity.org

site has internal links that 301 redirect

However, I'm not entirely convinced this is causing Google to actually rank the owl.li page.

3. What Does Google's Documentation Say About Redirects?

Google states pretty clearly that they can and do index 302's.

google documentation on server responce codes 3xx

I do find it interesting that Google doesn't say either way if a 301 can be indexed.

References here and here

4. Can I Get BOTH URLs To Return in a Search?

I switched around the keywords, and now we have both URLs ranking on the first page. Yes, the owl.li URL AND the startupcity.org URL are both on the first page.

this just keeps getting weirder - BOTH urls are indexed

5. How Do You Make an Owl.li URL?

You'll see in the video that I had a few unsuccessful attempts at making an owl.li URL (had no idea, never done it before!). I finally figured out where owl.li links come from. I'm sure some of you already know, but as I am not a heavy HootSuite user, I had to look. (Note: this image is not in the video. So consider this a bonus? Unless you're watching the video - then you're missing out.)

  1. First put the link in the link field
  2. Before shortening click the gear (advanced)
  3. Select owl.li from the drop down

Who to Blame? Google, Owl.li, or the Site Owner?

The following conclusions and recommendations are my personal thoughts - I would follow them myself and refer them to clients. However, I have to be completely honest. I'm not 100% sure why Google is ranking that owl.li result for [startupcity 100].

I do have some strong hypotheses and tips for site owners.

Owl.li Was Created as an Alternative to the .ly Domain

I finally found some record of when and why the owl.li shortener was put into place.

  • Here's the post directly from HootSuite - to sum up, they state to have initiated it because of concerns over the .ly top level domain and civil unrest in Libya (the country from which the TLD belongs to). Users of HootSuite were given the option of choosing their shortener in April of 2011
  • Here's an article from the Social Times - the article more or less sums up the move to owl.li for safety and all that.

Now I know WHY this was put into place, but still don't know why they chose to use 302's.

Also, they claim users can avoid the .ly TLD - this isn't entirely true though, because everything still passes through ow.ly as a redirect.

Owl.li Sends You Through a 302 and Then 301 Redirect

Owl.li is not like other short URL services. It sends you through a 302 and then a 301.


This is perhaps the biggest takeaway of all, which is worth restating. Owl.li sends their links via 302, through ow.ly which then 301 to the final page. This, again, seems like a double whammy. Not only is the "double redirect" not necessary, the 302 means none of the link equity is being passed on to your page.

Again, I would like to know - why does HootSuite tell us owl.li is an alternative to ow.ly (to avoid the .ly) but then direct all URLs through ow.ly anyway?

Google's Side - Possible Reasons/Implications of Shortened URLs In the Index

Redirects alone don't prevent indexation - Google does not say they don't index 301's or 302's. They state in the affirmative that they may index 302's - and they don't state anything either way about 301's. So it does make sense as to why the shortened URLs are in the index. (Please note that Bing does not index 302 redirects, according to this article from 2010 - which is likely why there are almost no owl.li URLs indexed).

Ranking signal - They were likely indexed because they were tweeted. Perhaps further indication of Google using Twitter as a ranking signal? Index the short URLs and assign a page value to them (by number of tweets, inbound links, etc.)? There's really no value for the user to have them in the index, right?

Destination pages had issues - The pages they pointed to had some internal issues - like the IP addresses not resolving, or the internal linking, or large chains of redirects.

A short URL ranking well Is an anomaly - However, the startupcity.org result was the ONLY one that actually ranked above its destination page. All the other ones may be indexed, but I have never seen a short URL ranking on page one before. (If you have I'd be interested - tweet me @dan_shure with a screencap).

Site Owners - Follow These Best Practices

Ultimately, I don't blame the site owner in this case (or in many others). But there are some best practices to follow that can reduce the risk of these issues (or others) appearing in the SERPs.

1. Reduce and ideally eliminate chains of redirects

  • Use the new tool by Ayima to check for redirect chains on a page by page basis.
  • To check redirect headers a bit more intensely, use URI Valet (set to Googlebot for indexation questions).
  • You can even use Screaming Frog SEO Spider to check for redirects.

To eliminate redirect chains; instead of Page 1->Page 2->Page 3


Page 1->Page 3

Page 2->Page 3

2. Use noindex, the URL removal request, or robots.txt to permanently get a page deindexed

Google will index 301 and 302 redirected URLs. If the page still exists, use a meta noindex tag on the page and request removal with webmaster tools. If the page no longer exists, do the URL removal request and use robots.txt to keep it from getting back in the index.

3. Keep your site's internal links updated.

As mentioned, this helps to;

  • Make your site faster
  • Eliminate mixed signals
  • Prevent things from getting broken in the future
  • Only external links/bookmarks have to get passed through redirects

Point your users at the current version of your URLs whenever possible. Anything from pointing to the homepage as /index.php when its just / - always keep your internal links updated.

Use Screaming Frog to crawl the site and look for any that need fixin'

4. Use Ow.ly in preference to Owl.li

We have seen that by using owl.li you're STILL using Ow.ly - because the ow.li 302 redirects through ow.ly. Who knows if this will always be the case, but why send your links through an extra redirect and also risk the owl.li URL showing in the SERP of the destination page?

So Whooo's Responsible?

Right - I never did say :-)

It sure would be most fun to point blame at one particular party - but in this case it's completely a team effort.

  • Google - is indexing thousands of owl.li URLs
  • Owl.li - is sending all those URLs through a 302 and then a 301
  • Startupcity.org - has additional 301 redirects leading to that page, in addition to internal links not pointing at the most current page.

I believe it is the combination of these three factors that's causing this, but my findings are certainly not scientifically conclusive. I always encourage you to do your own questioning and investigating.

So site owners, follow the best practices above, and remember how interesting it is to bring this third service of URL shortening into the mix to contribute to these sorts of issues.

Further Reading On URL Shortening

It seems this topic was of much larger discussion around 2009. Understandably so, since its kind of "old news" now. But is it really old news? Danny Sullivan says that it's really time for an updated look into this topic.

I personally hope this post may get some other people to look more into this topic, starting with the comments. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic.


I'll be at MozCon... come say hi!

or say hi out in the interwebs :)

Update - Was About to Hit Publish, and then...

You thought this post was done? Well, so did I! And then I did one last search for startupcity.org - only to find the whole site now redirects to another URL, startupseattle.com

So if you go and try to research this yourself - it seems like this case is changing by the hour! Definitely an interesting one to follow.

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Behind the Scenes with Team USA Basketball

The White House

Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Behind the Scenes with Team USA Basketball

The USA men's basketball team played an exhibition game against Brazil at the Verizon Center in Washington, DC, Monday night as part of the lead up to the 2012 London Olympics.

President Obama, along with First Lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Biden, watched Team USA take on a talented and experienced Brazil squad and capture an 80-69 win.

We managed to grab some behind the scenes video from the night. Check it out below.

Taking in Team USA

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

Advise the Advisor: Streamlining Improving, and Simplifying Rules and Regulations
Cass Sunstein, Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Administration, asks for your input on how we can continue to streamline, improve, or simplify rules and regulations.

President Obama Announces New Plan to Create STEM Master Teaching Corps
The Obama Administration announces the President’s plan to create a national Science, Math, Technology, and Engineering (STEM) Master Teacher Corps. Ask your questions about this new policy during this afternoon's Office Hours on Twitter.

So How Many Consumer Reporting Companies Are There?
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau yesterday posted a list of consumer reporting companies– companies that collect information and write reports that could be used to decide if you will be able to get credit, insurance, or a job. Learn how you can find out what they are saying about you.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

10:30 AM: The President and The Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:00 AM: The President meets with Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to discuss the Administration’s efforts to respond to the drought

12:30 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney WhiteHouse.gov/live

12:30 PM: The President and The Vice President meet for lunch

2:25 PM: The President honors the 2012 NCAA Women’s Basketball Champions WhiteHouse.gov/live

3:30 PM: The President and The Vice President meet with Secretary of State Clinton

4:00 PM: The President and The Vice President meet with Secretary of Defense Panetta

5:40 PM: The President attends a campaign event

WhiteHouse.gov/live Indicates that the event will be live-streamed at WhiteHouse.gov/Live

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Seth's Blog : Marketers with power

Marketers with power

I know that I have to fill out this form before the doctor will see me, but the way you behave when you design the form and the way you ask me to fill it out will change the way I think about everything else you'd like me to do.

I know that I have to go to that meeting or pay that tax or listen to this lecture, but, right here, in this moment when you have power, you are going to to establish the way I feel about your entire organization.

If a marketer works hard to provide a positive experience when the customer has no choice, the benefit of the doubt that's earned is worth far more than it costs.

Redesign that form, change your attitude, adjust your fees and bend over backwards to be grateful. It'll be rewarded.

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marți, 17 iulie 2012

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Wealthy Flee France Top Tax Rate of 75%; Cameron Lays Out Red Carpet

Posted: 17 Jul 2012 05:25 PM PDT

The higher the tax rate, the greater the length people will go to avoid it. France is a case in point.

An 'Exodus' of Wealthy is underway even before French parliament has passed Hollande's proposed top tax rate of 75%.
The latest estate agency figures have shown large numbers of France's most well-heeled families selling up and moving to neighbouring countries.

Many are fleeing a proposed new higher tax rate of 75 per cent on all earnings over one million euros. (£780,000)

The previous top tax bracket of 41 per cent on earnings over 72,000 euros is also set to increase to 45 per cent.

Sotheby's Realty, the estate agent arm of the British auction house, said its French offices sold more than 100 properties over 1.7 million euros between April and June this year - a marked increase on the same period in 2011.

Alexander Kraft, head of Sotheby's Realty, France, said: "The result of the presidential election has had a real impact on our sales.

"Now a large number of wealthy French families are leaving the country as a direct result of the proposals of the new government.

Gilles Martin, a Swiss tax consultant, reported the same trend. "Since the socialists came to power in France, I have been deluged with inquiries from rich French people who would rather pay their tax in Switzerland," he told Switzerland's 20 Minutes newspaper.

A report earlier this year by London estate agents also showed France's richest people were heading to Britain to escape new higher taxes.

Prime minister David Cameron angered the French last month when he said he would "roll out the red carpet" to wealthy French citizens and firms who wanted move out and pay their taxes in Britain.

"If the French go ahead with a 75 per cent top rate of tax we will roll out the red carpet and welcome more French businesses to Britain and they can pay tax in Britain and pay for our health service and schools and everything else."
So what's Hollande to do? Make it a crime to move for purposes of tax avoidance? Tax people for moving?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Medicine is Killing the Patient; Increasing the Dose is Madness

Posted: 17 Jul 2012 03:36 PM PDT

Nigel Farage is once again making common sense arguments in European parliament while blasting the absence of European commission president Herman Van Rompuy and EC commissioner José Manuel Barroso, noting the medicine is killing the patient.

Select Quotes

  • The medicine is killing the patient.
  • Increasing the dose is madness.
  • Greece outside the Eurozone may well provide an inspiration for Spain, Portugal, and many other countries.
  • We need to recognize that a terrible mistake has been made.
  • We've got to break up the euro
  • We've got to restore democracy
  • We've got to restore human dignity
  • We must ignore Barroso and Van Rumpoy.
  • We must provide people with hope

I agree with Farage on all points. Indeed, I believe any clear-thinking person would see that he is correct on all points.

The only reason the eurozone has not broken apart already is politicians, especially German chancellor Angela Merkel, have made career commitments to the Euro. Merkel in particular would sell her soul to save it. It may come to that, and if so she will fail anyway.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

What Role Does Government Play in Price Inflation? Various Charts Provide the Answer!

Posted: 17 Jul 2012 08:04 AM PDT

Let's take a look at inflation from the standpoint of prices.

That viewpoint puts the cart before the horse (my definition of inflation pertains to an increase or decrease in money supply and credit, not an increase in prices). Nonetheless the results are significant.

Inflation Comparison - Select Components Since 1978

Inflation Comparison - Current CPI Components Since 2000

Discussion of Starting Year

The above charts are from Doug Short at Advisor Perspectives. Doug creates excellent charts every month on various CPI components. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I asked Doug for a set of custom charts.

Specifically, I had asked Doug to go back to 1971 for both charts.

Unfortunately, data for components in the first chart only goes back to 1978, and in the second chart not even that far.

The reason I asked for a starting year of  1971 is that's when I started college.

Tuition at the University of Illinois in Fall of 1971 was $250 a semester for engineers (My degree is in civil engineering). Current University of Illinois Tuition is $8,278 per semester for Illinois residents, $15,349 for non-residents.

Note that tuition difference: $250 in 1971 vs. $8,278 today. 

Note Areas of Highest and Lowest Price Inflation

The least government interference is in apparel and recreation. The most government interference in the free market is education and health care.

Education is rife with "no child left behind" madness, student loans, and free tuition for veterans. Moreover, the influence of public unions in raising taxes to support teachers and administrators (not the kids) is staggering.

Medicare and Medicaid are behind soaring medical costs.

Energy is  up because of peak oil. It is also up because the US military is one of the largest consumers of petroleum products.

Productivity improvements in food are nothing short of amazing. Had the drought we are experiencing now  occurred 12 years ago, corn production would likely have been hammered in this heat wave. Nonetheless, government crop subsidies and preposterous ethanol regulations have pushed up the price of corn. In turn, corn prices filter through to cattle fattening operations, cereals, and high-fructose corn syrup which unfortunately is a product everywhere you look.

Note that in the eight components of the core CPI (second chart), that education and communication are listed together. The rationale for that grouping escapes me. 

Also note that the cost of a new car (first chart) since 1978 is the lowest in that grouping. Please reflect why: Other than safety regulations and mileage requirements, government interferes little in the auto segment (ignoring the recent GM bailout). Car prices are of course hedonically adjusted. Then again, today's cars are far better than any car you could get in 1978.

Housing costs (second chart) are reflective of Owners' Equivalent Rent, not actual housing prices, so that component does not reflect reality at all.

In short, prices are up in areas with the most government interference and the least in areas of the least government interference (apparel, autos, recreation, communication).

Housing Prices

Housing certainly merits a discussion. However, as noted above, the housing component in the CPI is a measure of rental prices not home prices. Here is a chart from How Far Have Home Prices "Really" Fallen? HPI and the CPI

HPI Nominal Price, PCE Adjusted, and CPI Adjusted

click on any chart for sharper image

Home prices soared along with hundreds  of  government "affordable housing" initiatives. Well home prices are now affordable in many areas but Bernanke, banks, and government officials are extremely distressed over this unwelcome news. 
No one but consumers really wanted "affordable housing" they just wanted to claim they did. Heck, even consumers do not want affordable homes once they buy.

Politics of Low Prices

Mitt Romney is not satisfied with low prices of autos or apparel. Nor is president Obama. Nor is the Fed. Romney has even declared he would label China a currency manipulator if elected.

Romney desperately needs to study history, specifically the results of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act that compounded problems during the Great Depression.

Consumers like and want low prices (with the exception of home prices after they buy).

Who doesn't want a bargain?  The answer is Romney, Obama, the Fed and unions.

All of them want to rob you blind in misguided belief that high prices are better than low prices.  It's a mad, mad, bureaucratic world where cheap, plentiful goods are considered a problem.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List