duminică, 22 iulie 2012

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

German Vice Chancellor "Very Skeptical" Greece Can Be Rescued, Euro Exit has "Lost its Terror"; Will Defeat Be Snatched From the Jaws of Victory Once Again?

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 09:14 PM PDT

At long last, everyone is willing to wave the white flag on a Greece exit from the eurozone. Please consider German Vice Chancellor 'Very Skeptical' Greece Can Be Rescued.
German Vice Chancellor Philipp Roesler said he's "very skeptical" that European leaders will be able to rescue Greece and the prospect of the country's exit from the euro had "lost its terror."

Roesler, who is Germany's economy minister, told broadcaster ARD that Greece was unlikely to be able to meet its obligations under a euro-area bailout program as its international creditors hold talks this week in Athens. Should that be the case, the country won't receive more bailout payments, Roesler said.

"What's emerging is that Greece will probably not be able to fulfill its conditions," Roesler said today in an ARD summer interview. "What is clear: if Greece doesn't fulfill those conditions, then there can be no more payments."
Greece Behind on Asset Sales, Spending Cuts, Deficit Targets

Adding additional details to the above story, Bloomberg makes a nice understatement with
Greece Back at Center of Euro Crisis as Exit Talk Resurfaces
Greece retakes its position at the heart of the European debt crisis this week as its creditors assess how far off course the country is from bailout targets, raising again the specter of its exit from the euro.

Greece's troika of international creditors -- the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund -- will arrive in Athens tomorrow amid doubts the country will meet its commitments and reluctance among euro-area states to put up more funds should it fail.

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras's three-way coalition, formed last month after a June 17 election ended a six-week political deadlock in the country, has scrambled to assemble budget cuts to convince troika officials.

Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras has identified about 8 billion euros of spending cuts and savings for the next two years out of 11.5 billion in additional cuts required.

The Greek government is also behind on state asset sales, having so far brought in 1.8 billion euros, a fraction of the 50 billion euros it aims to raise by 2020, half from sales in company stakes and half from real estate. The state is unlikely to generate more than 300 million euros this year, short of the about 3 billion euros targeted for 2012, according to the outgoing chief of the state's asset-sales fund, Costas Mitropoulos.

Once taboo, the possibility that Greece could exit 17- member monetary union has been voiced by European officials this year who consider the fallout from such a scenario would be the lesser evil against a seemingly perpetual crisis.

Roesler, who is Germany's economy minister as well as the Free Democratic chairman, told ARD that a curtailment of aid to Greece would lead to a sovereign default, which would in turn lead to "Greeks coming to the conclusion that it is probably wiser to leave the euro area."
Will Defeat Be Snatched From the Jaws of Victory Once Again?

The ducks for a Greece eurozone exit are lined up once again. Admittedly, every time the ducks had been lined up for default previously, defeat has been snatched from the jaws of victory.

I say that because Greece really does not belong in the euro. Of course, no other country belongs there either because the euro was fatally flawed from the beginning and the sooner this mess goes down the toilet the better off Europe will be.

Comparatively Speaking

I was asked earlier today if I thought Greece would recover if it returned to the Drachma. My answer was something along the lines of "At least it has a chance". For comparison purposes, Greece has no chance of a meaningful recovery in the euro.

In that regard, there is absolutely no point in any further delays, something I correctly said three years ago as well.

In the short-term Greece is likely doomed either way. In the long-term Greece has a chance once it rids itself of the shackles of the euro. Hyperinflation may be Greece's destiny, but if so, I see no point in delaying it.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

IMF Seeks to Halt Aid to Greece; September Bankruptcy Awaits; Dominoes Will Fall

Posted: 22 Jul 2012 10:08 AM PDT

According to Der Spiegel, the IMF Wants to Stop Aid to Greece as soon as the ESM is up and running in September. At that time Greece would become bankrupt.

This is a Mish-modified translation from German:
The patience of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) with Greece comes to an end: According to to information obtained by SPIEGEL, senior IMF officials told EU leaders in Brussels that the IMF was no longer willing to provide additional funds for Greece.

The Troika estimates that Greece needs between ten and 50 billion € to meet targets, but many governments in the euro zone are no longer willing to shoulder new burdens. In addition, countries like the Netherlands and Finland, have linked their support because the IMF was involved.

The risk of withdrawal of Greece from the monetary union is now held in the countries of the Euro-zone control. To limit the risk of contagion to other countries, governments want to wait for the start of the new bailout ESM.

The judgment of the German Constitutional Court regarding the ESM on September 12th will come into play.
Dominoes Will Fall

I picked this story up from Roel at Automatic Earth. Here are some interesting point of view from Automatic Earth that I generally agree with.
It'll be a lot of fun seeing the IMF, and European leaders, try to deny the article and its implications. From what I understand, they want to wait until the ESM is effective, and then dump Greece. The article may trump any such intentions. Some things only work in secret, and once Pandora's box is open, they no longer do.

I still think it would be curious that the ESM, supposedly good for €700 billion or so (if not more), would be used to "save" Spain and perhaps Italy, but not Greece. For countries like Portugal and Ireland, dumping Greece would mean they need to get very nervous about being the next one thrown under the wheels and off the back end of the wagon.

The message might become that any and all reform and austerity measures demanded must be adhered to very strictly or else. Politicians in these other "borderline" countries might go along with it all, but will the people? Do the Irish really enjoy the idea of being strangled into submission? And will Spain really be "saved" once real debt numbers are known?

It seems far more likely that getting rid of Greece will be merely the first step in dissolving the entire eurozone. The rest of the dominoes can then fall in rapid succession.
There's more in the AE article including a discussion of the resignation of Peter Doyle, former division chief in the IMF's European Department, who, upon resigning, shared a few of his thoughts on the fund: "After twenty years of service, I am ashamed to have had any association with the Fund at all..."

Everyone Prepared to Pull the Plug

DW has a bit more information in IMF to provide no new funds to Greece 
In an article published on its website, Spiegel cites unnamed senior European Union sources in Brussels who told the news magazine that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had signaled it would not contribute to any further aid for Greece.

The  report comes ahead of a planned visit to Athens by a team of auditors from the troika of the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the IMF. They are to conduct another inspection of the new government's economic program to determine whether Greece is doing enough to comply with the terms of its second international bailout to merit receiving the next tranche of funds.

Just this past week, leading Greek politicians pushed back talks on how to cut almost 12 billion euros ($14.6 billion) from the budget after it became clear that they were far from reaching a comprehensive agreement.

On Friday, the ECB increased the pressure on Greece to comply with the terms of the bailout when it announced that it would stop accepting the country's bonds as collateral in return for ECB funding, at least until after a positive verdict from the troika.

In a further indication that patience may wearing thin among Greece's paymasters, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle on Saturday ruled out the possibility of relaxing the conditions of Athens' second bailout.
Many signs suggest that everyone is finally ready to pull the plug on Greece. Hundreds of billions of euros have been wasted in the last three years attempting to stop the unstoppable.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

A Look at Full and Partial Feeds in an Increasingly Mobile World Graywolf's SEO Blog

A Look at Full and Partial Feeds in an Increasingly Mobile World Graywolf's SEO Blog

A Look at Full and Partial Feeds in an Increasingly Mobile World

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 07:28 AM PDT

Post image for A Look at Full and Partial Feeds in an Increasingly Mobile World

As of July 2012 I no longer recommend using this tactic, as it creates too many low quality links to your website

I’ve long stated that I prefer full feeds over partial feeds. Now that I’ve spent the past few weeks using an iPad, I feel even more strongly that full feeds are the way to go and that offering partial feeds is an obstacle to getting your posts read by as many people as possible.
Two sites I read on a regular basis that offer partial feeds are Search Engine Land and Wired Magazine. I like both websites and read them on a mostly daily basis, using a either Google reader or the Newsrack iPad app. In an effort to be clear, I’ll disclose that I am also a regular columnist for Search Engine Land.

As use of blackberries, iPhones, iPads, android, smart phones, and other Internet consumption appliances increases, I think it’s time that publishers rethink the use of partial feeds …

My typical routine includes scanning the list of feeds 1-3 times per day. If an article is interesting and something I want to read, I’ll send it off to Instapaper to read on the iPad while I’m at the gym later that day or (if absolutely necessary) on the laptop. The iPad has really affected the way I consume. It’s much easier to read on the iPad than it is on a laptop or desktop computer.

When I encounter a partial feed, it’s problematic because I have to send it through a middle service provided by Google. Google actually scrapes the content and provides a “light” version. You can see an example at this URL or the screen shot below.

As use of blackberries, iPhones, iPads, android, smart phones, and other Internet consumption appliances increases, I think it’s time that publishers rethink the use of partial feeds. Providing content that has barriers to consumption isn’t a smart long term solution.

I think it’s time for publishers to rethink using partial feeds as consumption habits change …

The most common argument revolves around advertising and not being able to include it in the feeds. To be honest, this really isn’t a valid argument. There is a lot of off the shelf space available right now for free. You can use the feed footer to randomly insert advertising links in the bottom of each post. Want the ads at the top? Use the RSS Footer and you’re all set. If you need a more sophisticated solution you should have enough of a budget to build a  custom plugin.

The next biggest argument is that the posts will get scraped. Getting scraped sucks but, to be honest, it’s a non issue most of the time since Google is pretty good at figuring out the original. They aren’t perfect, but they are right more often than they are wrong. Lastly in most cases getting scraped works to your advantage.

Another solution would be to turn full feeds into a revenue-generating opportunity. You could offer partial feeds for free, and publish full feeds using a subscription model. Give each subscriber a unique feed that redirects to the full feed published at a secret URL. If the subscription is expired redirect to a partial feed. Change the full feed secret URL every month to eliminate people sharing or getting access when the subscription expires. Concerned about people republishing? Embed a unique identifier in each feed in the form of a tracking bug. Its not a perfect or foolproof solution, but it’s a big step forward.

I think it’s time for publishers to rethink using partial feeds as consumption habits change and devices allow content to be read in new ways. Publishers have to adjust and make changes.

PS: I’ve read a lot of reports about mobile consumption and, unless you are delivering rich media, you should consider providing a “lite” or “mobile” version. If you view this website on an iPhone, iPad, blackberry, or even a Wii, you’ll see a slightly different version. I use the wptouch plugin with some custom user agent settings, and it works pretty well.
Creative Commons License photo credit: Yutaka Tsutano

tla starter kit

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This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

A Look at Full and Partial Feeds in an Increasingly Mobile World

WordPress SEO: How to Use RSS and Scrapers to Build Links

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 02:12 AM PDT

Post image for WordPress SEO: How to Use RSS and Scrapers to Build Links

As of July 2012 I no longer recommend using this tactic, as it creates too many low quality links to your website

When you run wordpress or any other blog for that matter, chances are your blog is getting scraped, and re-used without your permission. In this post I’ll show you how you can use this to your advantage to build links with the anchor text of your choice.

The first step you need to take is to make sure you are publishing a full feed. I know this sounds counterintuitive, as publishing a full feed will actually encourage more people to scrape your feed, but that’s exactly what you want to happen.

Next you’ll need the RSS Footer plugin from Joost de Valk. By default the plugin links back to your home page with the name of your blog, and back to the individual post with the post title as the anchor text. This helps the search engines figure out who is the source of the blog post.

However you can take this plugin to a whole new level by also adding in links to different parts of your blog (or another website) with the anchor text that you put in. Initially I used this plugin in test mode to help me rank for the term [seo blog]. Once I had established that worked as proof of concept it was on to something more competitive. I’m now using it help me rank for the phrase [seo consultant].

Some important aspects of using this strategy, you don’t want to leave the anchor text, links, or surrounding text in place to long, you want to change it somewhere between every 30-90 days. This helps your backlink profile look more natural, and helps the scrapers from filtering out your links with pattern matching. Second go ahead and use it to build links for commercial terms, but don’t be greedy about it. Stuffing it full of  30 links pretty much shines a big spotlight on what you are doing, keeping it down to to 2-4 links keeps it from attracting too much attention.

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  2. BOTW.org - Get a premier listing in the internet's oldest directory.
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  9. Krystal Glass Whiteboards - Glass writing boards for offices, boardrooms, and classrooms.

This post originally came from Michael Gray who is an SEO Consultant. Be sure not to miss the Thesis Wordpress Theme review.

WordPress SEO: How to Use RSS and Scrapers to Build Links

Seth's Blog : Commander Obvious chimes in with Tip #3 for effective web marketing...

Commander Obvious chimes in with Tip #3 for effective web marketing...

Hey Kids: Professional web site marketers understand that you should treat different people differently. I'll be really specific—if you run a store in the real world, every single person who walks into that store sees the same windows, the same door, the same aisles and the same prices.

But on the web, the cost of multiple home pages, for example, is close to zero.

Example: I've been a user of Filemaker's Mac database since 1985 (!). I launched the software recently and saw an alert about the ability to upgrade to the new version. Of course, I clicked the link. And it took me... to their homepage. I needed four minutes and a bunch of clicks to actually find the upgrade on their site.

They went from treating me like a trusted customerr, someone who had been buying upgrades for 27 years and went to treating me like the hoi polloi, like a stranger who just stumbled in from a Google search.

Don't do that. Different pages for different people. It's not difficult, and it represents an understanding of how the web works and how valuable your customer's time is.

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sâmbătă, 21 iulie 2012

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Monetary Insanity: ECB Considers Negative Interest Rates, Looking for Clues From Denmark; Anteaters and Hurricanes

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 10:36 PM PDT

The ECB is now pondering monetary insanity: ECB's Coeure says negative bank deposit rate an option
Cutting the deposit rate the European Central Bank offers lenders in the euro zone below zero is an option, ECB Executive Board Member Benoit Coeure said on Friday.

Speaking in Mexico, Coeure said the bank needed to take the rate down 25 basis points to zero to match its cut in the reference rate.

He said policymakers would need to consider whether it could take the deposit rate below zero, which would mean the central bank would start charging banks for the privilege of parking spare cash in the ECB.

"It's still possible," Coeure told students at an event in Mexico City. "It's true that we are hitting a psychological limit at zero. And it's unclear whether markets can function at negative interest rates. Some of them can."

"Some of them apparently can't. So before making the next step, which would be moving the deposit facility to a negative yield, we'll reflect about it," he added.

Denmark introduced a negative interest rate this month and the ECB is watching closely how the move plays out.
Negative Rates in Denmark, Switzerland

The Wall Street Journal discusses Negative Rates in Denmark, Switzerland.
July 6, 2012

For the first time ever, the Danes cut one of their official interest rates to below zero on Thursday.

Struggling against a tide of foreign capital seeking a safe haven, the Danes are trying to keep their exchange rate from rising to the point of throttling domestic industry. Unfortunately, one way or another, the struggle to retain competitiveness is likely to be a forlorn hope.

Denmark's certificate of deposit rate was chopped by a quarter point to where CDs now yield minus 0.2%. Which is to say holders of these certificates willingly pay the Danish government a fifth of a percentage point for Denmark to hold their money.

Like Denmark, Switzerland is once again struggling against these capital flows, albeit nowadays they're coming from closer to home.

Market rates on various short-dated Swiss, German and Danish government paper have been negative during the past year. Indeed, what started off as negative rates on the most short-dated bills has been creeping along the yield curve. On Friday morning, yields on the German two-year note, known as the Schatz, dropped to minus 0.01%.

So far, Switzerland and Denmark have managed to limit their currency appreciation. Switzerland has heroically been defending the 1.20 Swiss francs to the euro floor by buying euros frenetically.
Anteaters and Hurricanes

Denmark and Switzerland want to stop capital inflows and currency appreciation.

In contrast, the ECB does not want to stop currency appreciation nor does it want acceleration of bets against the euro. Rather, the ECB wants to stop capital flight specifically from Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal. 

Moreover, and also in contrast to the problems in Denmark and Switzerland, the ECB is struggling with dramatically different sovereign bond rates in the Southern Europe (notably Greece, Spain, Italy, and Portugal), than the rest of Europe.

Such conditions only apply to monetary unions, not individual sovereign countries.

The only thing the ECB is likely to achieve if it goes ahead with this ridiculous idea is cause a massive cash withdrawal from money markets in general, not halt capital flight in Southern Europe.

Negative rates sure will not spur lending, another possible goal of the ECB.

Yet, Benoit Coeure wants to study results in Denmark. Good luck with that.

All things considered, studying negative rates in Denmark for application across the entire ECB is like studying anteaters when the problem is hurricanes.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Prepare for Spanish Implosion: Businesses Threaten to Leave Spain Over Tax Hikes; Finance Minister Proposes 56% Tax on Short-Term Financial Transactions

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 03:59 PM PDT

Cristobal Montoro, the Spain's finance minister has made a liquidity destroying proposal to tax short-term financial transactions at an astonishing 56% tax rate. Businesses are already upset over hikes in the VAT and have threatened to leave Spain.

Interestingly, in spite of raising taxes elsewhere, the VAT was lowered on the highly subsidized renewable energy sector.

Why? Here is the answer: "Secretary of State for Finance, Ricardo Martinez Rico, is the leading advisor in the industry".

Prepare for Spanish Implosion

Here is the "as-is" Google translation of the El Econimista article Waiting for the Intervention. Emphasis in bold not added.
The Bundesbank is opposed to the purchase of deduda, the only thing that can save Spain and Italy. Autonomy, conflict, power and government crisis rumors complicate everything.

The situation is out of control. The government approved last week the biggest adjustment of his story in hopes that it would serve to calm the markets. But it was not. The risk premium yesterday overcame the barrier of hundred basis points, something never seen, and the bond closed at 7.27 percent. The first question that arises is what should make efforts so painful as the increase in VAT or removal of the extra pay of officials if markets continue to punish us hard. It would be naive to think that just announced a big cut, things would begin to change. There are still many uncertainties that sow mistrust.

The fine print of 65,000 million adjustment shows that there is more emphasis on income than expenditure. Tax revenues provide about 38,000 million, compared to 27,000 in less spending. This, coupled with the rise in income tax, makes Spain one of the countries with the highest direct and indirect tax burden on the planet Earth. Economists warn that this tax increase may cause a contraction in gross domestic product (GDP) higher than expected by the Government. Especially in 2013, in which the drop exceed 1 percent, twice the official estimate.

Apart from the contradictions of the official figures of the adjustment and the controversy, was put in doubt the 22,000 million in revenue under VAT, only so far this year has accumulated a fall of 10 percent. The increase will boost the economy submerged and can neutralize the expected increase in revenue, defended himself as finance minister, Cristobal Montoro, as opposed to undertake this measure. The general impression is that more cuts are to be decided. Montoro himself fed this thesis to warn this week in Congress that state coffers are empty.

The other settings should focus on the regions and aim to remove 427,000 employees created by them during the last ten years (see story on Monday in elEconomista). However, this week has been strong resistance from regional governments to make further cuts. The call of the President of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, a regional rebellion against the Government is a paradigm for stimulating this international distrust.

Many people wonder, moreover, what moral authority left to the PP's general secretary, Maria Dolores de Cospedal, to convince the rest of communities governed by their party, when his government of Castilla-La Mancha is among reprimanded. No, of course.

I do not think right now an investor in and outside our borders who believe in the autonomy will obey Montoro. The finance minister was guilty of naivete in advance at the beginning of the year 5.176 million for half of the estimated settlement funding system because it has stopped to tighten their belts. In addition, ICO 15,000 million in loans to cover the debt did not help anything.

In the energy sector also confusion reigns. Vice President, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, yesterday attributed the delay in reforms that several ministers were outside Spain, including Industry, José Manuel Soria. But the reality is that Soria travel left after slamming the door and refuse to accept the distribution of tax burden and renewable power on the table by Montoro. Some companies threatened to move the headquarters of their business outside Spain to avoid the very strong tax hike planned by the minister of finance.

The reduced charge provided for solar energy, although it is one of the most subsidized, and the fact that former Secretary of State for Finance, Ricardo Martinez Rico, is the leading advisor in the industry, Abengoa, raises many critical and casts suspicion on the cleaning process. If autonomy is not yet speak openly of rebellion, in power so clearly.

To add more uncertainty, Montoro announced his willingness to levy confiscatory rates close to 56 percent of the purchase or sale of short-term securities. An initiative incomprehensible allegedly coming from a government liberal or right, we like a capricious regime such as the populist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

To complete the clinical astonishing about our rulers, the rumors of clashes between the ministers of finance and economics, Luis de Guindos, or between it and the head of the Economic Office, Alvaro Nadal, have given way to a possible government crisis to designate a single responsible in economic affairs. The recent article by Foreign Minister, Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, El Pais, dedicated to solving economic problems rather than addressing the many international crises, pitted the bonfire of the vanities. Margallo with Josep Pique are the secrets to a hypothetical vice presidential candidates economy. It is true that in Europe caused a great embarrassment to the current division of responsibilities between the Treasury and between them and the Economic Bureau, which serves as a minister in the shade to chair the Executive Committee for Economic Affairs in the absence of Rajoy.

The spark that triggered this Molotov cocktail on black economic forecasts and instability of the government team is highly liquid Treasuries. The data show that the mattress is exhausted debt issued earlier this year at affordable prices, so from now the Treasury must pay prohibitive prices, which make untenable the vote.

The mere request of the autonomous community of Valencia to qualify for the liquidity fund announced by the Treasury market sparked fears and attacks on the risk premium. The alarm was given by the auction on Thursday, because it showed no there is a demand for government debt beyond the lyrics to one year. With banks in retreat, because they have run out of ammunition delivered earlier this year by the ECB, nobody can predict how they will renew the 28,000 million coming due next October.

The German Parliament gave strong support for the bank bailout. But the statements by Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann, the end of last week, encouraging all to seek the intervention Rajoy, are a sign of strong opposition within the ECB to resume purchases of debt of Spain and Italy, all that could save us. It is also an indication that Germany is not aware of the risk to the single currency. Experts predict that if Spain is operated, the eye of the hurricane will move over Italy and eventually destroy the entire European project. The countdown to self-destruction of the euro is already underway. We'll see if we can stop it.
Countdown To Self-Destruction

Some of that translation is a bit choppy, but it is certainly easy enough to understand the entire gist of the article.

My Take

Spain certainly needs reforms such as shedding government workers, removing subsidies, and revising work rules to make it easier to fire (and thus hire) workers.

However, Spain does not need increased VAT taxes and it certainly does not need a 56% tax on financial transactions.

In short, Spain is resisting the measures that would be productive, and implementing those measures that will do the most harm.

Spain Set to Implode

Spain is set to implode. I agree with the author that "a countdown to self-destruction" is underway. Also see Death Spiral in Spain; Six Spanish Regions Seek Aid; Bankrupt Spain to Bail out Bankrupt Regions

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Death Spiral in Spain; Six Spanish Regions Seek Aid; Bankrupt Spain to Bail out Bankrupt Regions

Posted: 21 Jul 2012 09:06 AM PDT

Yields on 30-year and 5-year bonds in Spain hit a euro-era record on Friday as the Valencia region of Spain filed for financial assistance.

Bloomberg reports Spain Bonds Slide as Valencia Aid Request Deepens Crisis
Spain's bonds fell, sending five- and 30-year yields to euro-era records, as the region of Valencia prepared to seek a rescue, deepening concern policy makers are failing to find solutions to the debt crisis.

"Valencia's request for assistance underlines fears as to the central government's ability to bring wayward regions to heel," said Richard McGuire, senior fixed-income strategist at Rabobank International in London. "That puts Spain under a considerable degree of pressure."

Spanish five-year yields jumped 47 basis points, or 0.47 percentage point, to 6.88 percent at 5:21 p.m. London time, after touching 6.903, the most since the euro started in 1999.

Valencia will tap Spain's financing facility for regional governments, the area's administration said in a statement on its website today. The funding mechanism was created last week to inject liquidity into the cash-strapped regions.
'Death Spiral'

The Spanish 30-year bond yield climbed as much as 17 basis points to 7.35 percent, a euro-era record. The 10-year yield rose 26 basis points to 7.27 percent, having jumped 61 basis points this week. The euro-era record is 7.285 percent. The extra yield investors demand to hold Spanish 10-year securities instead of bunds widened to 613 basis points, the most since Bloomberg began compiling the data in 1993.

Spain faces a "death spiral" as higher yields push up borrowing costs, and that adds to concern the nation won't be able to services its debt, McGuire said.
More Spanish Regions Seek Aid

On Saturday, Bloomberg reported Six Spanish Regions May Seek Bailout After Valencia
The Balearic Islands and Catalonia are among six Spanish regions that may ask for aid from the central government after Valencia sought a bailout, El Pais reported.

Castilla-La-Mancha, Murcia, the Canary Islands and possibly Andalusia are also having difficulty funding themselves and some of these regions are studying plans to tap the recently created emergency-loan fund that Valencia said it would use yesterday, the newspaper said, without citing anyone.

Spain created the 18 billion-euro ($23 billion) bailout mechanism last week to help cash-strapped regions even as its own access to financial markets narrows.
Regional Revenue Plunges

These translated paragraphs from El Pais tells the grim story.
Regional governments are choking. In recent weeks, some banks have slowed lending to communities waiting for the Government to launch the Autonomous Liquidity Fund (FLA). The autonomous liquidity has evaporated.

Although most communities have taken a severe pruning in regional expenditure, revenue is in freefall. Noninterest income of the regions fell 6.15% during the first quarter, according to the budget implementation of the regions in the first quarter of 2012. Revenues from the transfer tax and stamp duty (ITP and AJD), one of the most important to communities because they manage themselves, has fallen nearly 23% between January and April this year.

This cash has dried communities are beginning to look cobwebs in their safes. An example of the agonizing situation is suffering the autonomy of Catalonia, two weeks ago had to formalize a loan of 500 million to pay the summer bonus to its employees.
Bankrupt Spain to Bail out Bankrupt Regions

There are 17 Autonomous communities of Spain of which at least six have applied for or are expected to apply for aid.

Eventually most, if not all of those regions will request aid. Spain itself needs a bailout (which it still denies but the market is going to force any time now). The plan in place now is for the bankrupt to bail out the bankrupt.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List