vineri, 24 august 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

The Business Marketers’ Guide to Instagram [Infographic]

Posted: 24 Aug 2012 12:41 PM PDT

Instagram is on the bullet train for total photo-marketing domination, and with its user base expanding faster than the universe, it provides a cornucopia of opportunity for B2B marketing. Its simplicity allows for a wide variety of applications and it is quickly becoming an essential element to any successful visual content marketing strategy.

In this infographic Marketo explore the budding social photo-sharing site turned marketing platform and how it can give your company an edge in generating leads and promoting your brand.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Landing Video in HD [video]

Posted: 23 Aug 2012 07:45 PM PDT

This is a full-resolution version of the NASA Curiosity rover descent to Mars, taken by the MARDI descent imager. As of August 20, all but a dozen 1600x1200 frames have been uploaded from the rover, and those missing were interpolated using thumbnail data. The result was applied a heavy noise reduction, color balance, and sharpening for best visibility.

Trains in India

Posted: 23 Aug 2012 05:26 PM PDT

Riding a train in India is very extreme.