luni, 3 septembrie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Crazy and Funny Pictures Of Jackie Chan

Posted: 03 Sep 2012 11:31 AM PDT

The famous Chinese actor never stops to amuse his fans via social media.. For more of his offbeat humor click on his Facebook page Here.

50 Embarrassing Nightclub Photos

Posted: 03 Sep 2012 11:03 AM PDT

Here is a collection of pics for us all to laugh at those embarrassing drunken antics that go on in the wee hours of the morning in night clubs….

Kitchen Cheat Sheet [Infographic]

Posted: 03 Sep 2012 10:52 AM PDT

Gone are the days when we reached for the all-purpose cookbook that provided everything we needed to know about conversions and how to prepare every cut of meat imaginable, so lucky for us, Everest has provided this handy infographic to give us just what we need to keep our cool in the kitchen.

Click on Image to Enlarge.

Tips for Filming Whiteboard Presentations

Tips for Filming Whiteboard Presentations

Tips for Filming Whiteboard Presentations

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 07:58 PM PDT

Posted by Nick Sayers

Whiteboard presentations are a great way to easily communicate advanced ideas and engage your audience. Sure kid, but what isn’t so great is lighting for whiteboard presentations. No bulls-eyeing womp rats here. In fact, sometimes filming a presentation on a whiteboard can be like listening to a self-entitled princess micromanaging your ship. Needless to say, we get a lot of people writing in and asking about our WBF gear, so here it is!

(One caveat: I cannot take credit for the current WBF setup. The lighting was already professionally set up before I joined the Moz team.) Let's dive right in!


Lighting is the most important aspect of our setup. The mission of our lighting setup is threefold:

  1. Light the presenter
  2. Light the whiteboard
  3. Eiminate shadows

Sounds easy enough, right? Whoa! Don’t get ahead of yourself, kid. Too much light directly on the Whiteboard will create glare; too little light and the actor will cast a distracting shadow over their content. The best way to get even light is by using lights with softboxes.

whiteboard side lighting    Whiteboard friday lighting set up

Most people ask Rand what camera we use for WBF, but they really should be asking about our lighting setup. We use four lights with soft boxes. The camera is important, but you should spend most of your time on lighting. Just remember hokey cameras and ancient microphones are no match for a good lighting kit at your side, kid.

You can see what Moz's lighting setup looks like from my advanced and very technical schematics:

Whiteboard lighting presentation

We have two lights mounted about 3 feet above and 6-7 feet away from the whiteboard. Mounting the lights above and back will light your presenter as well as cast less shadows on the whiteboard. We have another two lights on the left and right side of the whiteboard to provide an even, fill light across the board, which should eliminate any left over shadows. You will have to test how far to stage your lights from the whiteboard based on any reflections or glares. I recently found that you get an even look if you place your lights in the bottom corner and the top corner on opposite sides. This can also reduce glare. Again, all of this takes some fine-tuning, so you will need to experiment until you find the perfect placement. But don’t get cocky, kid.


I would suggest any prosumer camcorder (price ranges vary), but if you use your lights well, then you can go skimpy on the camera. At Moz, we have a pretty spendy Panasonic camera. If your latest smuggling runs aren’t producing enough to keep the Hutts off your back and you’re afraid to shoot first, then you can go for something a bit cheaper.

whiteboard friday camera set up

The features you should look for in cameras include:

  1. Iris control
  2. A manual focus ring
  3. Zebra lines

Iris control will allow you to manually open or close the lens to regulate the brightness and darkness of the scene. A manual focus ring will let you set focus either to the whiteboard or the presenter. This is important because automatic focus functions get confused with expansive white spaces and can ruin your shots. The zebra lines will help you see what is overexposed or blown out. This is a great way to see if your iris is at the perfect spot. Always remember to practice with your camera because filming isn’t like dusting crops or moister farming.


Sound is fairly important for whiteboard presentations. I would say your sound quality is more significant than your video quality as people are more likely to turn off a video because of bad audio over subpar cinematography. For our sound recording, we use Sennheiser lavs, which are a bit pricey, but the price is well worth it for great audio.

You want sound that will isolate your presenter’s voice and eliminate background interference. Isolated sound is also a must if you have bantering protocol droid roaming around the office. Again, if you’re low on credits, just go cheaper with other brands likes Azden or Audio-Techina. Make sure your lavs have at least two frequencies to avoid interference from your hyperdrive (you wouldn’t want to warp into a sun or a supernova). If you want to get the lower-end lavs or microphones, you should look into some audio/video editing programs that let you clean up hums, noise, and interference. Use Audacity to accomplish some crisp audio, but don’t get any delusions of grandeur. There are some other great editing programs out there.


We were using iMovie for WBF, but we recently switched to Adobe Premiere. The reason for the switch was to take advantage of the amazing color correction tools. This is essential in keeping the WB balanced and white instead of reddish, yellowish, or bluish. Use any robust editing program if you are having trouble with color temperature and you can’t seem to fix with lighting or camera settings. With practice, you can make that whiteboard look almost as sleek as the Millennium Falcon.

whiteboard presentation color correction


If you want to regularly publish whiteboard content, then you should look into creating a studio. Make sure the room is at least 20’x20’ so you have enough room to experiment with different lighting schemes. Remember what I said about sound, kid? Well, you should probably put some sound deadening panels on the walls. Wait, won’t that make my converted studio ugly? Not so fast—there is such a thing as sound deadening wall art! Bet you didn’t see that one coming.


Looking for an amazing host? Look no further, because Wistia has you covered. Wistia offers excellent compression options, comprehensive analytics, world-class customer service, and a blog that is more addictive than Coruscant death-sticks. Oh, and they also let you add your videos directly to a sitemap for excellent indexing opportunities. If that isn’t enough to get you signed up for Wistia, then maybe this will: if you are a PRO member, you get an awesome discount!


Any Whiteboard Friday fan knows we have nifty transcriptions below each video. Not only are these great for the hard of hearing, they are also great for SEO. We use Speechpad because they have an easy upload process and their turnaround is amazingly fast. Don’t get any ideas; they’ve got nothing on the Falcon, but they can blow any Star Destroyer out of the sector.

Non-lizard brained creature

Don’t try getting some rodian or trandoshan to shoot your presentations. I would also stay away from any Fetts. I recommend finding someone who has experience with cameras to shoot the presentations. If there are any bumps in the road, an experienced filmer will have the knowledge to correct the issue. If you don’t know anything about shooting video, here are some great materials to get you started:

  1. The first thing you want to read is The Bare Bones Camera Course for Film and Video. This book is one of the greatest resources I’ve seen for a quick and comprehensive intro to shooting video.
  2. Then, you will want to learn about color temperature and white balance.
  3. Next, you will want to learn how sound works.
  4. The last thing you should learn is the best export settings for your video hosting. If you don’t have an awesome host like Wistia, then you will need to compress your video correctly to avoid host compression settings.

Last but not least, you should definitely thank the people who make Whiteboard Fridays come to life. Give Kenny, Aaron, Casey, Joel and Abe a huge round of applause for making WBF happen every week!

Think you can film a whiteboard presentation now? Well good luck, kid. Oh yeah, and may the force be with you.

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Seth's Blog : Yield


The rules of right of way make sense.

A manueverable motor boat yields to a sailboat because it can more easily recover from the turn.

A bicyclist going downhill yields to one struggling uphill, because he can get back up to speed more quickly.

The senior partner invests a little bit of time helping the junior one, because no one else has the skills to do so, not because reciprocation is the goal.

Asymmetrical trades are what makes a society work.

Yield has two meanings, and one leads to the other.

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duminică, 2 septembrie 2012

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Most Economically Illiterate Journalist In History Proposes "Gold is Backed by Nothing, but US Dollar Backed by Federal Reserve"

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 07:07 PM PDT

Congratulations to Canadian journalist Bridget Brown, a CTV news field reporter for being the most economically illiterate TV journalist in history. Brown proposes gold is not backed by anything but the US Dollar is backed by the Federal Reserve which will be around a year from now.

This story is actually about a year old, appearing as early as September 30, 2011 on Natural News with a story headline of The most moronic TV news journalist ever?

I offer this story and the following video for entertainment on this Labor Day weekend.

Should that video be pulled, you may wish click on Natural News which is keeping the video alive even with legal threats from CTV. You will need to flash forward to the 13:45 mark to skip past a lengthy Natural News lead-in as to why their posting of the video constitutes fair rights.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List

Who Do You Blame for the Woes of the Middle-Class?

Posted: 02 Sep 2012 11:32 AM PDT

The Pew Research center ponders The Lost Decade of the Middle Class.
Since 2000, the middle class has shrunk in size, fallen backward in income and wealth, and shed some—but by no means all—of its characteristic faith in the future.

These stark assessments are based on findings from a new nationally representative Pew Research Center survey that includes 1,287 adults who describe themselves as middle class, supplemented by the Center's analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau and Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

Median Income

Median Net Worth

Fully 85% of self-described middle-class adults say it is more difficult now than it was a decade ago for middle-class people to maintain their standard of living. Of those who feel this way, 62% say "a lot" of the blame lies with Congress, while 54% say the same about banks and financial institutions, 47% about large corporations, 44% about the Bush administration, 39% about foreign competition and 34% about the Obama administration. Just 8% blame the middle class itself a lot.

Who Is To Blame?

Three Lost Decades!

Median net worth is back to a level first seen in the 1980s. By that measure, the US has had three lost decades. Wow.

62% Blame Politicians, Only 8% Blame Themselves

Note that 62% blame politicians and 54% blame financial institutions, but only 8% blame themselves.

Five Questions

  1. Did banks force people to take out loans they could not pay back, or did people do so voluntarily?
  2. Who elects congress? 
  3. Do people make enough effort to understand interest rates, debt, the economic policies of politicians, exponential math and its implications, the untenable nature of public union pension plans and promises?
  4. Do a significant number of people (if not the majority) get their economic views (assuming they have any economic views) from The View, Oprah, The Talk, or CNBC?
  5. Why did PEW leave off the Fed and Fractional Reserve Lending from the list of answers?

Two Bonus Questions

  1. Would the majority of respondents know anything at all about the Fed and Fractional Reserve lending had the PEW listed those options?
  2. Who is really to blame for what is happening?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List