vineri, 14 septembrie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Top 5 Most Amazing Feats of Ancient Engineering [Infographic]

Posted: 14 Sep 2012 11:20 AM PDT

Want to build a giant stone structure? That's no problem thanks to today's heavy equipment and modern building practices. But imagine the work that went into building some of the engineering wonders of the ancient world. Engineering Management show us five of the most amazing feats of ancient engineering.

Click on Image to Enlarge.
Top 5 Most Amazing Feats of Ancient Engineering

GoPro Camera Stolen By A Seagull

Posted: 13 Sep 2012 07:47 PM PDT

French tourist Nathalie Rollandin was filming the sunset over the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco, when suddenly, a thieving seagull snatches her camera and flies away with it.

Funny Video Game Photos

Posted: 13 Sep 2012 05:21 PM PDT