marți, 25 septembrie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Gangnam Style - Ohio University Marching 110 [Video]

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 04:14 PM PDT

The Ohio University Marching 110 dancing to Gangnam Style by Korean rapper Psy during the halftime of the Norfolk State vs Ohio football game at Peden Stadium in Athens, Ohio.

Busty Girls of Oktoberfest

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 03:56 PM PDT

Girls are the second best part of every Oktoberfest. After the beer, of course.

Cartoon Character Doppelgangers in Real Life

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 12:07 PM PDT

Gaming in the Classroom - [Infographic]

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 11:27 AM PDT

Gaming, wikis, blogs, social media, interactive polls and QR codes: just some of the technologies that teachers are bringing into the classroom. The dizzying pace of tech evolutions offers some challenges as teachers and administrators race to keep up with the latest tools. The research discussed here shows the payoff for schools that become "friends" with educational gaming. Experiments show how technology supports learning, with the potential to increase student engagement and motivation. Games target all kinds of subjects and age groups, with different types of gaming from strategy to simulations to hard-core curriculum topics. Teachers can access an arsenal of tools, from game consoles to laptops to smartphones. Check this infographic out to see how technology can support learning.

Click on Image to Enlarge. Gaming in the Classroom
Courtesy of: Online Schools

A Toy Train in Space [Video]

Posted: 24 Sep 2012 08:44 PM PDT

Ron Fugelseth's 4-year-old son has spent almost his entire life with 'Stanley', a toy train. Ron created a video featuring his son and Stanley. Ron edited the video giving Stanley facial expressions and moving eyes, his son now believes Stanley takes batteries. In their latest video Ron and his son use a weather balloon to send Stanley into space.