vineri, 9 noiembrie 2012

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

From Fatty To Hottie

Posted: 09 Nov 2012 03:09 PM PST

Never give up if you want to lose extra weight. It is possible only if you really desire to bring changes to your life. All these girls have proved that stunning body transformations can become the reality once you make efforts to stay fit and healthy. Check out these incredible before and after pictures of girls who have successfully lost a significant amount of weight.

Epic Fails - Part 19

Posted: 09 Nov 2012 12:50 PM PST

Choose the Best Dog Food [Infographic]

Posted: 09 Nov 2012 11:02 AM PST

As you may have heard, there has been a lot of discussion surrounding the latest dog food recalls. Many dog owners are unaware of what to look for when choosing the proper dog food. Due to the recent controversy, Havahart Wireless has chosen to create an infographic educating dog owners on the best methods of selecting a healthy dog food. This infographic includes statistics on the latest problems with dog food, how to read a dog food label, what ingredients to look for and avoid, etc.

 Click on Image to Enlarge. Choose the Right Dog Food Infographic Via havahartwireless

Disney Princesses Welcome Princess Leia From Star Wars

Posted: 08 Nov 2012 08:02 PM PST

Snow White, Ariel, Belle, Cinderella and Aurora teach Princess Leia what it means to be a Disney Princess.

Dorms in China

Posted: 08 Nov 2012 07:47 PM PST

Look at these pics showing the living conditions of the average Chinese people. Isn't it just awful?

I'm Excited to Announce Secret Boards

Hi, Hari!

I had two thoughts driving home from the hospital with my wife, Divya. The first was, “I can’t believe I’m a Dad.” The second was, “I hope I can get our new baby, Max, out of that new car seat when we get home.”

During the first couple weeks, we started to figure out all the little things that are second nature for experienced parents: changing diapers, swaddling a wriggly infant, and doing every household task with one arm. As usual, Divya was a few steps ahead of me. When our doctor suggested we buy a humidifier she said, “Oh, I already have one!” When I was getting Max ready for his first bath, she pulled out a neat homemade bath kit, complete with a tiny towel, comb and toothbrush. I felt like I’d forgotten to read a secret New Baby Instruction Manual. In an exasperated moment, I remember asking Divya, “How did you figure all this stuff out already?!” She looked at me and and cheerfully replied, “I just follow other parents on Pinterest!”

Over the last year, there have been so many ways, big and small, that the Pinterest community has made my life better. I’m happy to say that I’m not alone. We’ve heard from teachers who use Pinterest to plan lessons, chefs who share recipes, and museums that pin their archives. We've also heard from millions of people who’ve been inspired to pick up an old hobby or try something new. It’s honestly more than we ever expected when we started Pinterest. We're humbled to be part of such a positive, warm and creative community.

Today, we’re excited to continue this tradition with a new feature we hope will make Pinterest even better—secret boards. Secret boards give you a place for things you’re not quite ready to share yet, like a surprise party, special gift ideas, or even planning for a new baby. We’re testing out the feature by giving everyone 3 secret boards. You’ll find them at the bottom of your profile. We can’t wait to hear what you think!

On behalf of our team here at Pinterest, thanks so much for pinning, inviting your friends, and sending us ideas for how we can improve. Most of all, thanks for sharing your inspirations. With your help, we’ll make Pinterest a little better every day.

—Ben & the Pinterest Team

Happy pinning!

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What's next

The White House Friday, November 9, 2012
  What's Next:

The next 53 days are crucial. That's how much time Washington has to come together to stop taxes from going up for 114 million middle class families. That's how much time we have to figure out the right way to begin to get our deficits under control.

So watch this video: It may be short, but it's important. The President lays out a clear strategy to move the country forward -- past the dysfunction and into a future built on a strong middle class.

No matter where you stand on the issues, it's important to know where President Obama does. So watch him speak and share it with others, no matter their political background:

President Obama Speaks on Taxes and the Deficit

Now you have a choice to make. This debate can either stay trapped in Washington DC, or you can make sure your friends and neighbors participate. You've shown that getting people outside of Washington involved shifts the conversation in favor of the middle-class priorities.

As the President just said, let's get to work.

Stay Connected

The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111

No, Content is Not the Only Way - Whiteboard Friday

No, Content is Not the Only Way - Whiteboard Friday

No, Content is Not the Only Way - Whiteboard Friday

Posted: 08 Nov 2012 06:52 PM PST

Posted by randfish

A few weeks ago, Rand spoke on the death of Link Building. While the idea of content marketing is a powerful idea, it's not the only way to win at inbound marketing.

Rand spoke briefly at Distilled's SearchLove conference on content marketing and ways to earn your customers. In this week's Whiteboard Friday, he elaborates on his talk with some tips for staying competitive without needing to invest in content.

Video Transcription

"Howdy, SEOmoz fans, and welcome to our first ever beardless version of Whiteboard Friday. I know it feels like I'm naked. I'm very embarrassed here. I shaved it off for a Halloween costume and also as part of November where we will be growing some moustaches in the SEOmoz offices. So I hope you don't mind my plain face, but that being said, I do want to address something that we talked about a few weeks back in Whiteboard Friday.

So we did a Whiteboard Friday about the future of link building and how link earning was going to replace link building. I think that was actually a very important concept, something I definitely believe in. But one of the things that I saw, especially heavily in the comments, in the tweets, in the email replies to me was this idea from SEO folks and from folks who practice web marketing of all kinds that this seems almost a little unfair that the only way to do SEO in the modern era is to be a great content marketer, that I have to create great content, put it in front of people who will link to it and share it, and that's my only path for SEO?

No, that's not the only path. It's a very powerful path, a very popular path. I expect to see a ton of it, and it's going to be hard to compete against the folks who are good at it. But it's not the only path.

So I've got my Luke Skywalker up here. I want to be good at web marketing, but I don't want to invest in content. Then I hope you don't mind I drew a little orange Yoda. I probably should have done it in green, but other ways there are. That was a terrible Yoda. That's all right. We'll get over it. We'll get through this Whiteboard Friday together.

So let's talk about what some of these are, and there's not a ton of different paths, but there are a few. So number one: Relationships, reputation, and word of mouth.

There is Washington Partners here is Seattle, commercial real estate brokers. They are used by almost all the startups, including SEOmoz. Their web presence is not great. They don't create a lot of content. In fact, they create almost no content. They don't have blogs. They don't really have Twitter accounts. They're not investing in social media marketing. They're not doing any of the things that you might classically associate with being great at SEO.

But they are ranking well, and they get almost everyone's business because they have great word of mouth. Whenever I talk about Clay Nielsen, who is one of the guys there, I rave about him. I've got a recommendation for him on my website. Whenever I talk to startups who are looking for space, I always mention those guys. They are number one and they are great. They'll take us around and drive us places, and they'll show us stuff. Whatever we want, whatever we like, they'll invest the time and energy. They'll give us the straight dope on places. They'll say, "Well, this is a good spot, but the landlord is not great here. We have worked with them before on other properties." Because of that they develop a fantastic reputation, fantastic word of mouth and tons of links.

If you look at their backlink profile, it is all people recommending them authentically. It's not because of content. It's because they do great work and they have great word of mouth.

Number two: Phenomenal advertising. You can see this from a lot of the big sort of offline brands who do great advertising online and offline, and because of that they earn a lot of awareness and attention. Think of a big insurance company, think of big sports brands or consumer brands, even electronic brands. They're not necessarily investing very heavily in content. Some of them are, some of them aren't. But what they've turned into their content is their advertising, and that includes things like banners, it includes video, it includes classic things like billboards.

The ones who are creative and inventive with those ads, the ones who get awareness and attention, the ones who have a million people who watch their advertising video on YouTube, those are the ones who are winning quite well, and they earn things like links and attention, awareness and traffic. Because they can monetize it at a good rate, they're able to have success on the web without necessarily needing to invest in content and SEO kinds of things.

Number three: Inherently viral products and services. Let me give you my favorite example of this is SurveyMonkey, because SurveyMonkey, the first time that you use it is almost always because someone sent you a survey link. They sent you a link to a survey, and it says, "Powered by SurveyMonkey. Want to create your own survey?"

Now they happen to rank very well because they've been around a long time, but they don't do a lot of content marketing. They don't invest in a ton of SEO kinds of things. They have an inherently viral product. Anyone who has been surveyed is likely to say, "Oh, yeah, maybe I want to run a survey. I'll go back to SurveyMonkey."

Think about the growth of things like a Pinterest or an Etsy or anything that's got a platform where repeated use and sharing is part of the platform. Those inherently viral products and services tend to do very well without having to invest in content themselves.

Number four: Community building and engagement. I see multiple brands doing this quite well. They essentially don't produce a ton of content on their own site, but they do one of two things. They either invest in their community on and off their own site. So meaning through social, through Facebook and Twitter, through LinkedIn, through Quora, through forums, through blogs, they participate heavily in those other places, Hacker News all these kinds of places, and/or they actually have an engagement platform on their own site, a community of their own, where they are not really creating the content. They're just a user generated content platform.

So a great example of this might be a Stack Exchange. Stack Exchange, they don't create a lot of stuff themselves. It's all created by their users, and then they occasionally participate. The moderators, the creators will participate in those communities.

Because of this they build up a lot of content that's not self-created, and they get a lot of engagement from their community, which means they're getting lots of links, they rank very well all these kinds of things. GitHub is another great example of a platform where these things happen.

If you're thinking that, hey maybe content is not the path that I can take, or it's the only path that Google has left available, not necessarily. I want you to ask, What are your strengths? What are your strengths from a marketing perspective, from a product perspective from a services perspective? What are you and your business uniquely good at? What do you love to do? Do you love writing blogs? Do you love participating on Twitter? Do you love commenting of forums? No? Choose another path. Do you love getting together with people in person and giving them a great customer service experience? That's a perfectly legitimate way to go.

What are you able and allowed to do? For many folks there are restrictions and requirements around certain industries, or there are restrictions and requirements created by their management, their boss, their team. So you need to account for those and then ask, "What are my competitors failing to execute on? Where are they not investing?"

It could be very well be, that in the world of SEO, in the world of content marketing, there are a lot of people saturating the space in content, but not in these other areas. Maybe those are places where you can invest and you can win, and it might not necessarily be through the classic, "I've got good links with good anchor text pointing to my pages and so I rank number one." It could be in many other ways.

Remember that the picture of marketing on the web is not just search and it's not just social and it's not just content. It's all of these things, and a lot of these can input and provide great, great return on investment if you're willing to invest in them.

All right, everyone. I hope you've enjoyed this edition of Whiteboard Friday, and we will see you again next week. Take care."

Video transcription by

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Tune In Live to Watch President Obama

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Friday, November 9, 2012
Tune In Live to Watch President Obama

This afternoon, at 1:05 PM EST, President Obama will talk about the action we need to take to keep America's economy growing -- while at the same time reducing our deficits. We'll stream the event live on, and you should tune in.

Here are the details:
  • What: President Obama talks about growing the economy and reducing the deficit
  • When: 1:05 PM EST on Friday, November 9
  • Where: Watch on

Photo of the Day

President Barack Obama talks on the phone with a foreign leader in the Oval Office, Nov. 8, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

President Barack Obama talks on the phone with a foreign leader in the Oval Office, Nov. 8, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

West Wing Week: 11/09/12 or "Our Journey Forward"
This week, the President urged Americans to contribute to the recovery in the Northeast, met with governors, mayors, and other local officials, as well as his Homeland Security team to talk about the response to Sandy, and addressed the nation on election night.

Sandy Recovery Efforts Continue as Latest Storm Moves On
Despite the arrival of another storm, hurricane recovery efforts continue throughout the Northeast. For DOT, this means working with state and local officials to help commuters get where they need to go and ensure families have access to housing and other resources.

FEMA Works with State and Local Officials to Prepare Region for Nor'easter
FEMA currently has more than 5,100 personnel working alongside state and local partners. It is supporting disaster response and recovery operations throughout the areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

10:00 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

10:30 AM: The President and the Vice President meet with Secretary of State Clinton

1:05 PM: The President delivers a statement about the action we need to take to keep our economy growing and reduce our deficit

2:00 PM: Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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Seth's Blog : Avoiding the false proxy trap


Avoiding the false proxy trap

Sometimes, we can't measure what we need, so we invent a proxy, something that's much easier to measure and stands in as an approximation.

TV advertisers, for example, could never tell which viewers would be impacted by an ad, so instead, they measured how many people saw it. Or a model might not be able to measure beauty, but a bathroom scale was a handy stand in.

A business person might choose cash in the bank as a measure of his success at his craft, and a book publisher, unable to easily figure out if the right people are engaging with a book, might rely instead on a rank on a single bestseller list. One last example: the non-profit that uses money raised as a proxy for difference made.

You've already guessed the problem. Once you find the simple proxy and decide to make it go up, there are lots of available tactics that have nothing at all to do with improving the very thing you set out to achieve in the first place. When we fall in love with a proxy, we spend our time improving the proxy instead of focusing on our original (more important) goal instead.

Gaming the system is never the goal. The goal is the goal.

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