miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Los Angeles Overreacts to Cold Temperatures [Video]

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 06:08 PM PST

Jimmy Kimmel compiles some clips of news people from Los Angeles and their reaction to the recent local cold temperatures, making them look pretty ridiculous.

Superheroes Clean Windows of Children's Hospital

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 05:36 PM PST

At the Le Bonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, the window washers donned superhero costumes for their normal workday in an attempt to cheer up children at the facility. Spiderman and Captain America were both spotted at the scene.

Via huffingtonpost

The World's Most Unusual Vending Machines

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 05:09 PM PST

Vending machines have changed a lot since their invention. The first modern coin-operating vending machine was in England during the early 1880's and it dispensed post cards. Since then, we've come a long and strange way.

Live Crab Vending Machine In China

Caviar Vending Machine In Los Angeles

Lettuce Vending Machine In Japan

Pizza Vending Machine In Europe

Banana Vending Machine In Japan

Mashed Potato Vending Machine In Singapore

French Fries Vending Machine In Australia

Beer and Sake Vending Machine In Japan

Eggs, Milk, And Cheese Vending Machine In Germany

Egg Vending Machine In Japan

Hot Bread Vending Machine In Germany

Sprinkles Cupcake ATM In The United States

Baguette Vending Machine In Paris

Burger Vending Machine In Moscow

Rice Vending Machine In Japan

Hot Dog Vending Machine In The United States

Draft Beer Vending Machine In Japan

The "Hot Menu" Vending Machine In Japan

Pecan Pie Vending Machine In Texas

Vending Machine Restaurant In The Netherlands

Canned Bread Vending Machine In Japan

Ice Cream Vending Machine In The United States

Lobster Vending Machine In Las Vegas

Vending Machine Restaurant ("Automat") in NYC
Via Buzzfeed

Stolen Train Crashes Into Home in Sweden

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 02:43 PM PST

A 20-year-old cleaning woman took control of a train in a suburb of Stockholm, Sweden, Tuesday, crashing it into a house and injuring herself.

Why it Sucks Being the IT Guy [Infographic]

Posted: 16 Jan 2013 10:08 AM PST

No one likes to be pre-defined! Even before meeting an IT person, people assume they "get" them. Shows like The IT Crowd lead to misconceptions about information technology. There are many jobs IT workers specialize in. Of course no one person can do all of these things well, but often they are expected to be a Security Expert, Systems Administrator, Webmaster, Programmer and even Help desk. Too much to be effective.

Click on Image to Enlarge. Via orsyp

Inglewood Police Chase Jan 13, 2013 - Front Row Seat [Video]

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 08:36 PM PST

What a twist ! I didn't expected that at all.

Now You Can Afford to Own a Lamborghini Too

Posted: 15 Jan 2013 07:53 PM PST

Selling for only $11, 600, this 2003 Lamborghini Murcielago is a steal!

If not now, when?

The White House, Washington

Hello --

Today President Obama announced a plan to help protect our kids and communities from gun violence. You're going to hear a lot about it, but I wanted to make sure you got a chance to get the facts, straight from me.

After hearing from Americans from across the political spectrum, we decided to focus on some key priorities: closing background check loopholes, banning military-style assault weapons, making our schools safer, and increasing access to mental health services.

The ideas we sent to President Obama are straightforward. Each of them honors the rights of law-abiding, responsible Americans to bear arms. Some of them will require action from Congress; the President is acting on others immediately. But they're all commonsense and will help make us a little safer.

Now is the time for all of us to act.

Read about the events that brought us to this point, learn about the plan we've proposed to help protect our kids, and then add your name in support to help build momentum for this plan.

Here's what we've put together:

We're calling for requiring background checks for all gun sales and closing the loopholes that allow dangerous individuals to make their purchase without going through one of these checks.

We're asking for a new, stronger ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines that allow a shooter to fire dozens of bullets as quickly as he can pull a trigger. And we're asking Congress to help protect law enforcement by make it illegal for members of the public to possess armor-piercing bullets.

We're going to give law enforcement more tools and resources to prevent and prosecute gun crimes, and we're going to end the freeze on gun violence research that prevents the Center from Disease Control from looking at the causes of gun violence.

We're calling on Congress to help make schools safer by putting up to 1,000 school resource officers and mental health professionals in schools and ensuring they have comprehensive emergency management plans in place.

And we're going to increase coverage so that students and young adults can get access to the mental health treatment they may need.

We know that no policy we enact or law we enforce can prevent every senseless act of violence in our country. But if we can save the life of even one child, we have a deep responsibility to act.

Now is the time to come together to protect our kids. Learn about the plan, then add your name alongside mine:



Vice President Joe Biden


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