joi, 31 ianuarie 2013

96 Quick SEO Wins - What Can You Do With an Hour?

96 Quick SEO Wins - What Can You Do With an Hour?

96 Quick SEO Wins - What Can You Do With an Hour?

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 05:27 PM PST

Posted by kevingibbons

In many ways, 2012 was the year search engine optimization (SEO) really grew up. Google left us with little choice. But we evolved as an industry, striving to build high-quality content and focus on adding as much value as possible for our users, readers, and customers.

There was a lot of pain along the way throughout this growth process, and many are still cleaning up from the aftermath. For example, the gaps in Google’s algorithm have been closed to the point that any quick SEO tactic is likely to be just that -- a short-term fix at best, a potential cause of long-term damage at worst.

If you want to win in 2013, you must commit to a solid long-term strategy. However, that’s not to say you can’t build small wins into your long-term strategy to assist in developing brand strength.

The only real way to beat the well-known online brands is to become one yourself. But just because the more traditional SEO tactics from previous years are now areas to avoid in 2013, doesn’t mean there aren’t any quick wins out there.

Research and Analysis Wins

Research and Analysis Wins

  1. Make a cup of tea and read through Google’s patents to figure out where they’re going next!
  2. Not a fan of tea? Take your client for a beer instead. Find out what else they’re working on outside of your campaign. There’s a good chance you’ll find information that can be of great assistance.
  3. Spend time with your dev team. Get to know them and figure out their difficulties and bottlenecks.
  4. Build a checklist scorecard of how well you know outreach targets, and map out stages of how you you can get to know them better.
  5. Find the top bloggers in your local city or region. Figure out where they hang out so that you can meet them (events, don’t stalk them on the way home).
  6. Even better, arrange your own meetup and invite key bloggers and journalists.
  7. Run an industry survey to collect data, which can then be used for content production.

Google+ and Authorship Wins

Google+ and Authorship Wins

  1. Set up Google Authorship for your site, or if you have already, verify that it’s working.
  2. Arrange a seminar to demonstrate how your team can link up their Google+ author profiles.
  3. Encourage your team to build up their Google+ profiles and share other content.
  4. Have a blog? Find orphaned posts from ‘guest bloggers’ and move them under the relevant author profiles where you can map them up - same for ex-staff members.

Events and Sponsorship Wins

Events and Sponsorship Wins

  1. Find local sports teams and events you can sponsor.
  2. Submit a speaker pitch for an industry event.
  3. Create a content plan around liveblogging an industry event.

Content Strategy and Planning Wins

Content Strategy and Planning Wins

  1. Be creative - brainstorm new product ideas to make them link-worthy.
  2. Acquire a company!
  3. Get sued! (Ok, maybe don’t.)
  4. Open new content angles by relating your niche to a different topic.
  5. Dig into your data - look over old company reports, white papers, etc. for key statistics.
  6. Schedule a team brainstorm to develop new content ideas.
  7. Share a Google Calendar mapping out your website content plan with auto-send reminders to the people involved with different areas of content creation.
  8. Aim to split opinions with your content and promote this to both audiences for a reaction. It doesn’t have to be controversial, just as long as you have no right or wrong answer.

Relationship-Building Wins

Relationship Building Wins

  1. Follow up! Make the effort to stay in touch with key contacts via social, email, phone, and face-to-face.
  2. Become friends with key influencers and meet them in person - invite them to lunch or arrange a meetup.
  3. Reuse great outreach connections and build on-going relationships.
  4. Provide customer testimonials for your software, product, and service providers.
  5. Ask influencers to add you to their partner pages.
  6. Get your users involved. Build relationships and brand interaction by rewarding loyal fans.
  7. Ask your friends and family to link to you if they have personal websites.

Content Production Wins

Content Production Wins

  1. Take photos and make them available under a Creative Commons license.
  2. Write topical content about a trend from that day.
  3. Interview experts within your niche (ego bait).
  4. Craft an exclusive content pitch for a leading authority website.
  5. Focus on one piece of great content, instead of four average ones.
  6. Develop a content ideation plan for an infographic using data from within your company.
  7. Answer common questions asked within your industry. This can be a great method for brainstorming content ideas.
  8. Set up Google Alerts for these questions so when these are asked on blogs or forums you can reply with your opinion (and link to your content).
  9. Create and syndicate video content to target new audiences.
  10. Offer a discount promotion to get people talking, and so they are picked up on promo-code websites.
  11. Create a great 404 error page. Your users will love it, and it might get you some links for creativity!

Comment Marketing Wins

Comment Marketing Wins

  1. Make the effort to reply to comments on all of your content (posts on your blog, guest posts, news coverage, etc.) to help build relationships.
  2. Find an active forum within your niche to start contributing and building profiles.
  3. Find two targeted blogs; comment where you can add value, and subscribe or follow them and their key writers on Twitter.

Local SEO Wins

Local Wins

  1. Take photos of your office, or store and upload a minimum of six high-quality photos to help your local listing stand out.
  2. Ensure all of your company addresses are registered and up to date on Google+ Local.
  3. Design business cards that encourage customers to review your brand on Google, TripAdvisor, Yelp!, etc. Offer them a next-time discount incentive.
  4. Create landing pages with local intent. Submit them to Google Local if you have multiple addresses.
  5. Take a visit to your local library and dig deep into historical information about your local town or city. You might find a gem that hasn’t been written about online, which is great for picking up local citations and links. Michael Dorausch has some great tips in a local review of Tampa.
  6. Create a list of power reviewers within your sector and look to get on their radar.
  7. Make sure you’re listed on the key local providers, such as Yell, ThomsonLocal, ReachLocal, etc.

Blogger Outreach Wins

Blogger Outreach Wins

  1. Find two of the most authoritative bloggers in your niche and figure out the best way to connect. In all likelihood, they’ve added that to their “About” page.
  2. Pick up the phone and speak to top influencers.
  3. Hire writers within your niche and leverage their contacts for outreach.
  4. Spend your hour carefully crafting a great content pitch and make it personal and original.
  5. Give bloggers and journalists a product they can use or test in exchange for a review (use with caution, and make this well-targeted and selective).
  6. Write for authority sites within your niche. Build strong relationships and strengthen your reputation by leveraging the audiences of well-respected industry blogs.
  7. Get your client to create a company email address for you with their domain so it’s clearer when you’re sending emails out on their behalf.

Penguin and Panda Penalty Review Wins

Penguin and Panda Penalty Review Wins

  1. Perform a content performance ratio analysis to figure out how much content you need to clean up.
  2. Build a list of top sites you want to remove links from.
  3. Clean up your own internal anchor text from over-optimisation.
  4. Reduce cross-linking from other sites you own. Link from partner pages, rather than sitewide.
  5. Clean up any links from your social profiles and author bios.

On-Site Optimisation Wins

On-Site Optimisation Wins

  1. Prioritise a list of key actions, and assign responsibilities and deadlines.
  2. Install SEO WordPress plugins to optimise your blog.
  3. Optimise page title tags. It’s the oldest quick SEO win in the book, but it still works!
  4. Test pay-per-click (PPC) ad copy as title/meta description to lift organic click-through rate.
  5. Review navigation structure such as breadcrumbs and internal linking.

Productivity Wins

Productivity Wins

  1. Use tools. I could fill another 96 points here, but I suggest discovering which two or three make you more efficient. Then spend the time to really get to know how to use them fully.
  2. Start to document your delivery process. This will save you a lot of time in the future when training your team.
  3. Run a knowledge share session with your internal team and/or client. Try to make sure they know what you do, then you don’t have to do it all yourself!
  4. Learn how to get things done. Watching this video takes 45 minutes -- you’ve still got 15 minutes left. So you’re instantly more productive!

Link Removal Wins

Link Removal Wins

  1. Analyse your backlinks to find off-topic, poor anchor text links.
  2. Analyse the market to find the percentage of exact-match anchor text for key competitors.
  3. Clean up any obvious paid or over-optimised links.

Link Reclamation Wins

Link Reclamation Wins

  1. Google Operator Query “Brand Name” “Key Person Within Organisation Name.” Then ask to be credited with a link within article if not already given.
  2. Google Image search for your infographics or photos. Ask for link credits where these are not provided.
  3. Find broken links pointing out of site with this tool. This is another easy fix to clean up and makes your site look good.

Competitive Analysis Wins

Competitive Analysis Wins

  1. Research competitors’ top pages in OpenSiteExplorer to get content ideas.
  2. Review brand traffic history in analytics to measure the impact of offline brand signals.
  3. Think of creative ways you can get more people searching for your brand by joining up with offline advertising.

Public Relations Wins

Public Relations Wins

  1. Bring your PR and social teams together to understand what they are doing and how they can help each other by working more closely together.
  2. Sign up for PR service HARO (Help a Reporter Out) to become a link source for news articles.
  3. Build a list of key journalists and media contacts you want to influence.
  4. Enter relevant industry and local awards competitions.
  5. Brainstorm ideas to connect offline with online tactics. How can you get more people searching for you (sending brand signals to Google)?

Technical Wins

Technical Wins

  1. Create and submit an XML Sitemap to keep this up to date in Google Webmaster Tools.
  2. Check how your website displays on mobile and tablet devices, and plan to create platform-specific sites if you don’t already have them.
  3. Fix duplicate content homepage: www vs non-www.
  4. Check for external duplicate content.
  5. Make sure the geo-targeting for your international site is set up correctly in Google Webmaster Tools.
  6. Optimise your site for mobile. Do it in less than an hour with a plugin.

Analytics and Measurement Wins

Analytics and Measurement Wins

  1. Start developing a strategy around your top 20 PPC spend/converting keywords.
  2. Find your top converting landing pages. Optimise them and update the content to attract new links.
  3. Ensure all your analytic goals are in place to measure both micro and macro conversions so you can report on revenue, leads, and ROI to your boss and/or client.
  4. Talk to your clients and learn about their main business.
  5. Finally...spend your hour writing a report making a business case for the value of SEO to get extra resources allocated. Because really -- an hour's just not enough!

Whew! I could go on and on, but hopefully you get the point. And a big thanks to Ryan Gibson, Amrit Gill, Paddy Moogan, Danny Ashton, Matt Sawyer, and many more for their helpful responses on Twitter.

Let’s hope this is enough to keep you busy for the first 96 hours. Then you can use the 97th to plan the rest.

I know I am not satisfied with 96. I want to know -- what else would you do? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

The four things President Obama wants to do to fix immigration

The White House, Washington

Dear friends --

Our immigration system is broken. It has been for some time.

Right now, there are 11 million people living in a shadow economy. There are Americans waiting in long lines to reunite with their families. There are employers who are exploiting the system by hiring undocumented workers, and that threatens the wages and working conditions of American workers. None of this is good for the economy, and it isn’t fair for the middle class.

So President Obama is determined to fix this broken system so that everyone plays by the same rules, and we wanted to make sure you get the details. Here's what he wants to do:

-- First, continue to improve the security on our borders;

-- Second, crack down on the companies that hire undocumented workers;

-- Third, provide undocumented immigrants the chance to earn their citizenship and hold them accountable by requiring that they learn English, pay taxes and a penalty, move to the back of the line, and pass background checks; and

-- Fourth, streamline the legal immigration system for families, workers, and businesses.

The good news is that lawmakers from both parties agree with that basic set of principles, and a bipartisan group of Senators is already working on a bill that's consistent with President Obama's proposal. That's big.

But the surest way to keep up the momentum is for people like you to show that you agree as well. We've put together a page where you can get the latest information -- read more details about the President's plan, watch video of his new speech about the need to fix our broken immigration system, and add your name to show that you stand with President Obama.

Check it out here:

If you've talked about this issue with others in your community, I hope you'll share this important information with them, too.



Cecilia Muñoz
Director, Domestic Policy Council
The White House 

P.S. -- I'm going to speak to people from all over the country about immigration reform in a Google+ hangout at 1:00 ET today, and it should be a great conversation. Watch it here.

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Watch Live: A Fireside Hangout on Immigration Reform

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Watch Live: A Fireside Hangout on Immigration Reform

Cecilia Muñoz, Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council, will join the latest "Fireside Hangout" – a 21st Century take on FDR’s famous radio addresses – to talk about immigration reform.

Watch the hangout live on, or tune in to the White House’s Google+ page today, January 31 at 1:00 p.m. ET.

A Fireside Hangout with Cecilia Muñoz

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

President Obama Signs New Directive to Strengthen our Work to Advance Gender Equality Worldwide
President Obama takes a critical step to institutionalize all these efforts by signing a Presidential Memorandum to strengthen and expand U.S. government capacity and coordination across all agencies to better promote gender equality and empower women and girls.

A Record Year for the American Wind Industry
The Obama Administration has made extraordinary progress in developing a clean energy economy and protecting our environment for years to come.

Advance Estimate of GDP for the Fourth Quarter of 2012
According to the “advance” estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis yesterday, real GDP edged down 0.1 percent at an annual rate in the fourth quarter of 2012, amid signs that Hurricane Sandy disrupted economic activity and Federal defense spending declined precipitously.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

10:00 AM: The President and the Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing

1:00 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

1:00 PM: The Vice President will attend the Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Committee Lunch Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on

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Seth's Blog : Customers who break things


Customers who break things

2% of your customers don't get it. They won't read the instructions, they'll use the wrong handle, they'll ignore the warning about using IE6. They will blame you for giving them a virus or will change the recipe even though you ask them not to.

And not only that, they'll blame you when things go wrong.

If you do a very, very good job of design and UX and process analysis, you can lower this number to 1%.

But then what?

The thing is, blaming this group for getting it wrong helps no one. They don't want to be blamed, and they're not going to learn. 

The other challenge, of course, is that the 1% keep changing. If they were always the same people, you could happily fire them. But there's no way to know in advance who's going to get it wrong.

If you're going to be in a mass market business, you have no choice to but to accept that this group exists. And to embrace them. Not to blame them, but to love them. Successful businesses have the resilience to make it easy for them to recover. To make it easy for these people to find you and to blame you and to get the help they need.

Sure, whittle down the number. But the ones who are left? They're part of the deal.

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miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Government Expenditures Plus Transfer Payments Equals 40% of GDP; GDP Shocking Downward Surprise; Don't Worry It's Transitory

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 04:26 PM PST

Inquiring minds are digging into the 4th Quarter and 2012 Annual GDP Advance Estimate.

Heading into the report, the WSJ Economists' GDP Forecasts were
+1.6% for Q4 2012 and +1.7% in Q1 2013

"Shocking" Contraction

The GDP report was a shocker, coming in at an annual rate of negative 0.1%.

Real gross domestic product -- the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States -- decreased at an annual rate of 0.1 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012 (that is, from the third quarter to the fourth quarter), according to the "advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the third quarter, real GDP increased 3.1 percent.

Choice Comments From Consumer Metrics

Rick Davis at Consumer Metrics had some choice comments via email (also in the preceding link).
We have mentioned before that the BEA is notoriously poor at recording turning points in the economy in "real time." The first quarter of 2008 was a classic example, initially being reported in "real time" as yet another quarter of sustained growth before being revised downward several times over some 40 months to become the first quarter of contraction leading into what we now call the "Great Recession." We fully expect that ultimately the surprising economic upturn seen in the 3Q-2012 data will largely vanish in future revisions.

It is hard to look at these new numbers without at least some cynical thoughts about the reported numbers for the prior quarter. We were frankly astonished when the final numbers for the third quarter came in at a 3.09% "full recovery" growth rate, driven largely by unexplained increases in Federal spending, particularly in the Department of Defense (DOD) -- the timing of which was completely controlled by an Administration in serious need of positive pre-election economic headlines. The annualized rates of growth for defense spending rose to over 15% in 3Q-2012, only to magically reverse to a -15% annualized contraction rate in 4Q-2012 -- after the polls had closed.

To that last point: arguably the DOD was simply moving materiel acquisitions forward in anticipation/avoidance of "fiscal cliff" sequesters, with the economic impact of the contracting binge a mere side effect of bureaucratic hoarding. We should all hope that the context of any such timing shenanigans were more budgetary than political in nature.
Real GDP

Inquiring minds may want to further investigate the above comments, with a look at actual BEA data from the top link.

click on chart for sharper image

Note the highlights in yellow for Federal and defense spending, quarter by quarter. Now let's turn our  attention to personal income.

Table 10. Personal Income and Its Disposition

click on chart for sharper image

Personal Transfer Receipts

I highlighted line 12, "Personal current transfer receipts". Those are social security payments, disability payments, Medicare, unemployment insurance, etc.

In spite of a falling unemployment rate, transfer payments go up and up.

More people are retiring of course, but much of that is involuntary. Simply put, many people of retirement age want a job and need a job, retired involuntarily to have some money coming in. Moreover, Disability Fraud is rampant.

In 4th quarter of 2012, $2.4 trillion went into "transfer payments".

From Table 3 of the BEA report (not shown) we see that nominal GDP for 4th quarter was $15.829 trillion. Thus personal transfer payments accounted for 15.16% of GDP.

In the 4th quarter of 2012 we also see that federal government spending added an additional $2.46 trillion to GDP.

Thus federal government spending + personal transfers (more government spending) was $4.86 trillion, 30.7% of the stated GDP.

State and local adds another $1.46 trillion to GDP. All totaled, government spending accounts for 40% of GDP.

Don't Worry It's Transitory

For those looking for sugar-coated thoughts, I offer soothing comments from the Fed from today's FOMC Statement.

Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in December suggests that growth in economic activity paused in recent months, in large part because of weather-related disruptions and other transitory factors.

Yes, indeed. Let's blame hurricane Sandy for the rapid drop in military spending.

However, if it's not transitory (and I suggest it isn't), Bernanke will be tossing massive hints to Congress begging for more fiscal stimulus.

Here is a formula for measuring GDP.

GDP (Y) is a sum of Consumption (C), Investment (I), Government Spending (G) and Net Exports (X – M).

Y = C + I + G + (X − M)

G (government spending) is the sum of government expenditures on final goods and services. It includes salaries of public servants, purchase of weapons for the military, and any investment expenditure by a government. It does not include any transfer payments, such as social security or unemployment benefits.

Always remember: Government spending and government giveaways (regardless of how stupid or unproductive) add to nominal GDP, by definition.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Dissecting the Fed-Sponsored Housing Bubble; HPI-CPI Revisited; Real Housing Prices; Price Inflation Higher than Fed Admits

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 02:20 AM PST

In the wake of rising housing prices a reader asked if I would revisit my March 2102 article How Far Have Home Prices "Really" Fallen.

The reader specifically wanted an update on inflation as measured by the HPI-CPI (a measure of the CPI where actual home prices instead of rent is the largest CPI component).

Here is some background on the request: The CPI does not track home prices per se, rather the CPI uses a concept called "Owners' Equivalent Rent" (OER) as a proxy for home prices.

The BLS determines OER from a measure of rental prices and also by asking the question "If someone were to rent your home today, how much do you think it would rent for monthly, unfurnished and without utilities?"

If you find that preposterous, I am sure you are not the only one. Regardless, rental prices are simply not a valid measure of home prices.

OER Weighting in CPI

OER has the single largest weight of any component in the CPI, at 23.957%.

Let's play "What If?" Specifically, "What if the BLS used actual home prices instead of OER in calculating the CPI?"

Home Price Data

Home price data in this post is courtesy of Lender Processing Services(LPS), Specifically the LPS Home Price Index (HPI).

I passed on an Excel spreadsheet of LPS HPI aggregate housing prices to Doug Short at Advisor Perspectives and he produced the following charts.


  1. Click on any chart to see a sharper image
  2. Current data is as of November
  3. Annotations in purple by me

Let's start with a look at the rate of increase in home prices vs. the rate of increases in OER.

Comparative Growth in HPI vs. OER

From 1994 until 1999 there was little difference in the rate of change of rent vs. housing prices. That changed in 2000 with the crash and accelerated when Greenspan started cutting rates.

The bubble is clearly visible but neither the Greenspan nor the Bernanke Fed spotted it. The Fed was more concerned with rents as a measure of inflation rather than speculative housing prices.

Fed Funds Rate vs. CPI and HPI-CPI

The above chart shows the effect when housing prices replace OER in the CPI.  In mid-2004, the CPI was 3.27%, the HPI-CPI was 5.93% and the Fed Funds Rate was a mere 1%. By my preferred measure of price inflation, real interest rates were -4.93%. Speculation in the housing bubble was rampant.

In mid-2008 when everyone was concerned about "inflation" because oil prices had soared over $140, I suggested record low interest rates across the entire yield curve. At that time the CPI was close to 6% but the HPI-CPI was close to 0% (and plunging fast).

As measured by HPI-CPI real interest rates were positive from mid-2006 all the way to 2010, even when the Fed Funds rate crashed to .25%. That shows the power of the housing crash.

Real rates went positive again in mid-2010 until early 2011.

CPI and HPI-CPI Variance From Fed Funds Rate

The above chart shows the "Real" (inflation adjusted) Fed Funds Rate as measured by the Fed funds rate minus the CPI, and a second time by the Fed Funds Rate minus the HPI-CPI.

With the recent rise in housing prices, the HPI-CPI is 2.78% while the CPI as stated by the BLS is 1.76% (both numbers from November).

In my estimation, the BLS and Fed now understate price inflation by a full percentage point. Inflation as measured by expansion of credit is another matter.

Variance Between the CPI and HPI-CPI

The above chart shows the difference between the CPI and HPI-CPI. Note that the largest negative discrepancy marked the exact top of the housing market in summer of 2005.

Some suggest the top was in 2006. However, 2006 is too late.

Massive housing incentives such as "free garages", "free landscaping", "free trips", etc., etc. started in summer of 2005. So did fraudulent kickbacks to the buyer. "Official" prices did not reflect those incentives and kickbacks.

Moreover, condo prices in many areas crashed in summer of 2005 and condos are not in the home price indices.

How Far Have Home Prices Crashed?

In nominal terms, home prices are about where they were in mid-2003. In "real" inflation adjusted terms, this time using the CPI and PCE (personal consumption expenditures) as a measure of inflation, home prices are about where they were in mid-1998. What a crash!


Mike "Mish" Shedlock

"Wine Country" Economic Conference Hosted By Mish

I am hosting an economic conference in April, in Sonoma, California. Please consider attending.
Click on Image to Learn More