miercuri, 17 aprilie 2013

SEO Blog

SEO Blog

5 Magic Words To Persuade Audience To Buy

Posted: 17 Apr 2013 06:16 AM PDT

Online business is tied closely with words. Yes, whether you're an affiliate or vendor, your business is based on your ability to write. Thus, words carry a very important function in your online marketing business. People in offline business use words verbally, while people in online business use written words...
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Off Page SMO: Tips for Life

Posted: 17 Apr 2013 05:41 AM PDT

Social media trends change more than Kim Kardashian’s shoes. The landscape of social media for businesses is a lot like the wild west. It’s an industry in its booming infancy, but the "laws of the land" are yet to be defined. This leaves businesses racing to leverage every possible, profitable...
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Magento Ecommerce Development – A Cost Effective Solution for Website Owners

Posted: 16 Apr 2013 11:10 PM PDT

Magento, being the prime ecommerce platform in demand, plays the leading role in creating effective and robust web designs which is very much necessary for e–commerce or electronic commerce. The huge potential functions and scalability of the Magento platform is being highly used by the Magento developers who are creating...
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When it matters most

The White House, Washington

Hello --

During the State of the Union, President Obama called for a reasonable debate on a set of commonsense measures to help protect our kids by reducing gun violence. That night, Congress stood up and applauded. But now that the cameras are off and they aren’t forced to look the families of Newtown in the face, some in Congress aren’t backing up that show of support with action.

When it matters most, they're hoping that you're not paying attention.

But I know that's not the case. In the past week, 17,000 people have told us that they'll commit to adding their voices to this debate through social media -- together, they'll reach more than 15 million of their friends on Facebook and Twitter.

We're planning to have them speak out today. And we could really use your help.

Pledge to speak out about the need to reduce gun violence.

If we have a simple vote in Congress, we can get this done. And this afternoon, we'll begin to understand whether or not that's possible.

The Senate is considering a proposal that would go a long way toward making our country safer and protecting our kids. This afternoon, lawmakers get a chance to offer amendments -- some of them aimed at making the legislation better, some aimed at sinking it. One idea, closing loopholes in the background check system, has support from 90 percent of the public. In fact, even a majority of senators support this step. But we still need you to make your voice heard.

Vice President Biden will be talking through all of this today at 2:45 p.m. ET. He'll lead a discussion with a group of mayors from around the country on the steps we can take to reduce gun violence. You can watch that as it happens at whitehouse.gov.

And while you're doing that, take a minute to join the debate.

Pledge to speak out, and we'll work to make sure you're part of the conversation about guns here in Washington:




Dan Pfeiffer
Senior Advisor
White House

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#RCS, YouTube, and Being Helpful: An Interview with Wil Reynolds

#RCS, YouTube, and Being Helpful: An Interview with Wil Reynolds

#RCS, YouTube, and Being Helpful: An Interview with Wil Reynolds

Posted: 16 Apr 2013 07:09 PM PDT

Posted by Erica McGillivray

Anyone who's seen Wil Reynolds from SEER Interactive give a presentation remembers him. The first time I saw him speak, at SearchFest in 2012, I found myself not just nodding along with what he was saying while checking Twitter -- but actually listening. I was actually thinking about what I was doing as an inbound marketer and how I could make it better.

So when I sat down to interview Wil, I wanted to know more about his inspirations and his belief in the power of YouTube. And of course, Real Company Shit Stuff (#RCS).

Wil Reynolds at MozCon 2012

Wil at MozCon 2012. Photo by Rudy Lopez Photography.

What's inspired you lately?

I was most inspired by Lani Lazzari, the 18-year-old who went on the TV show Shark Tank and just killed it. (Fast forward to 22 mins to see her.) It was inspiring to think at that age she had the confidence, poise, ownership of the stage in a way that most people never gain in their entire professional lives. Younger people who do this tend to inspire me.

I don’t throw around the word 'inspiration' often; it's something I don’t say lightly.

I have also recently been reflecting on great client service, and I have been thinking a lot about how to create experiences for our clients that are above and beyond expectations. What got me inspired by that? A recent stay at a 5-star hotel. The attention to detail and the care about me enjoying myself were more than I’ve experienced anywhere.

When you first started pondering #RCS, what kind of hope did you have for the widespread adoption you've seen?

I had no hope. (It's why I didn’t register the domain or anything!) I just started thinking, 'Is my job going to be having a less crappy list of link networks? Do I get excited about sending emails as a female persona because the open rate is higher? NO way!'

My hope for #RCS is the same it's been for every other presentation I’ve ever given. Give people one to two things that will stick with them WELL PAST the day or two after the conference. I want to find the simple things people can do or the mind shift we need to make to make real changes and real successes.

Watch Wil's talk from last year's MozCon on #RCS.



As you've implemented #RCS for SEER and your clients, what's a favorite 'ah ha' moment you've had or seen?

The client response. It's amazing how every so often a lead comes in saying, 'We are looking to do #RCS.' That is always kind of exciting as it means the client and SEER are aligned on what success looks like.

Getting two clients on TV, from an SEO company idea, is hands down one of my proudest moments. I’m glad to have clients who believe and a team who believes that an SEO company is just as able to develop quality marketing ideas as a marketing agency.

I also realize that #RCS should have never had to have been said... If I was at a marketing, branding, or PR conference, it would have been a dud. As that is what they have been practicing all along.

What's #RCS' biggest nemesis?


If #RCS doesn’t drive rankings, then many SEOs will continue to seek to find shortcuts. If the rewards for their hard work of convincing a client; building quality assets; and promoting it to real news outlets, publications, and bloggers will not get ranking love, that is a major smack in the face.

You also advocate for marketers to help each other to build their careers. What are some of your favorite channels to help others on?

YouTube. Google+ Hangouts. It's funny; right now, there is a massive debate on women at conferences. But, I have yet to see someone say, 'Hey, I’ll be on Google+ doing a hangout to help any of these guys (or gals) get better.' I absolutely love the power of YouTube to help others, even in my sleep. :)

As a company founder, I see a large part of my job being to understand what my team is seeking in their careers. And as long as they are kicking butt for clients, how can I invest my time and network to help them get on that path or get that exposure. I think that is the start.

Wil Reynolds' photo from WaslalaWhile we're on the topic of giving back, you've spent some time lately unplugged and in Nicaragua to work for your wife Nora's nonprofit. Tell us a bit about it.

My wife Nora co-founded an organization, Water for Waslala, to help people in very rural Nicaragua get access to clean drinking water. It's funny how, in parts of Waslala, I can get a cell phone signal, but I can’t get clean drinking water. That was eye opening as it was a reminder that there is no money in clean water, and as such, it's not as big of a priority, sadly.

I have been twice, and the trip usually results in several bruises since it is like eight hours travel in the back of a truck. After being there though, it's always all worth it.

I am most concerned with what [my unplugging and traveling to Waslala] says to Nora; I want her to know that me being off the grid never happens, but I place supporting her efforts as highly as she prioritizes supporting mine. I guess it is what makes us work.

Awww. Thanks, Wil, for ending this interview on an awesome note.

For more thoughts on #RCS, Wil will be speaking again at this year's MozCon, July 8th-10th. He'll be giving everyone an update on how #RCS been going and his tips for implementing it in your business. You can also follow Wil at @wilreynolds.

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Watch Joe Biden at 2:45 PM ET

The White House Your Daily Snapshot for
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Watch Joe Biden at 2:45 PM ET

Today at 2:45 p.m. ET, Vice President Biden is hosting a virtual conversation with mayors from around the country to discuss commonsense steps to reduce gun violence. Mayors know first hand the impact of gun violence on communities across the country -- and they've come together to demand action.

Watch live today, and speak out.

Tune In to Watch the VP

In Case You Missed It

Here are some of the top stories from the White House blog:

President Obama: "The American People Refuse to be Terrorized"
In an address from the White House, the President tells Americans that the FBI is investigating the bombing at the Boston Marathon as an act of terror.

Make Your Voice Heard: Now Is the Time to Do Something About Gun Violence
President Obama proposed a series of executive actions to help keep our kids and communities safe, and put forward a set of commonsense proposals for Congress to consider that can make a real difference in protecting our citizens from gun violence. But they are only going to act on them if they hear from the American people.

President Obama: "Why I'm not giving the Weekly Address"
President Obama sends a message to the White House email list to explain why he asked Francine Wheeler to deliver the Weekly Address.

Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

10:00 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing 

10:45 AM: The President meets with senior advisors

11:45 AM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney WhiteHouse.gov/live

12:00 PM: The President and the Vice President meet Secretary of the Treasury Lew

2:45 PM: The Vice President participates in a live Google+ Hangout with mayors WhiteHouse.gov/live

4:05 PM: The President and the Vice President welcome the Wounded Warrior Project’s Soldier Ride to the White House in celebration of the seventh annual Soldier Ride WhiteHouse.gov/live

6:30 PM: The President meets with Democratic Senators for dinner

WhiteHouse.gov/live Indicates that the event will be live-streamed on WhiteHouse.gov/Live

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Seth's Blog : Avoiding the custom bully


Avoiding the custom bully

Here's the thing: no matter how much you paid for your ticket, you never bother to even try bullying the conductor or the gate agent to get your train or plane to leave a few minutes later.

It leaves when it leaves, that's the deal.

Part of the challenge of selling custom work is that it sometimes seems that everything is up for grabs. You should stay up all night for a week. You should rearrange the orchids in order of smell, because even though it's not in the spec, hey, that would be good service, and we are paying a lot...

Promising perfect is actually not nearly as useful as promising what the rules are.

Boundaries eliminate the temptation to bully. State them early and often and don't alter them and believe it or not, the client will be happier as well. They didn't sign up to ruin your life. They signed up to get the most they could from you and your team, and the limits are the limits.

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marți, 16 aprilie 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Philadelphia, 5th Largest City in US is Effectively Bankrupt; Mayor Holds Closed Meeting With Wall Street to Discuss Asset Sales

Posted: 16 Apr 2013 09:38 PM PDT

You know a city is in deep trouble when its mayor invites Wall Street but not the press and not private citizens to a closed meeting to discuss the future, including a sell-off of city assets.

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, whose municipality has the lowest credit rating of the five most-populous U.S. cities, did just that.

My translation: Philadelphia is bankrupt. However, that easily discernible fact will of course be denied until it officially happens.

Please consider Philadelphia Holds Closed Meeting With Wall Street
Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, whose municipality has the lowest credit rating of the five most-populous U.S. cities, will address investors at a conference financed by underwriters and closed to the public and the press.

The invitation bills tomorrow's meeting as a chance to hear "Philadelphia leaders and investors discuss building the city's future."

Philadelphia is hoping to attract investors for the city, which is rated three steps above junk by Standard & Poor's. The city and its authorities have $8.75 billion in outstanding debt as of September, according to bond documents. Philadelphia's pension system is 47.6 percent funded this year, the documents say.

Tours of city assets are set for the second day of the conference, including the Philadelphia Gas Works, the largest municipally owned natural-gas utility in the U.S. The city plans to hire a broker to steer the sale of the system, which may fetch as much as $496 million, according to Lazard Ltd. (LAZ)

Sam Katz, chairman of the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority, created in a 1991 state law that oversees the city's finances, said that with the conference being held locally, it "certainly created some concern on the part of people that it should be made public."

He's more troubled, however, by the fact the school district isn't on the agenda, he said. Facing a $304 million deficit, school officials have asked the city for $60 million and the state for $120 million.

"The school district's in a crisis," Katz said. "They're the same tax base."

Philadelphia officials facing a $1.35 billion spending gap over five years voted in March to shut 9 percent of its public schools.
Philadelphia, 5th Largest City in US is Bankrupt

It does not take a genius to figure out what is going on here. Philadelphia is bankrupt. Without even seeing the details, it is safe to assume untenable union wages and pension benefits are at the heart of it all. A 47.6% funded pension is rather telling in and of itself.

Gutless Mayor Michael Nutter does not even have the decency to let the public or the press hear what is going on. Instead he invited Wall Street to a private tour of Philadelphia's assets, hoping to sell assets and stave off the inevitable.

What fundamental issues is Nutter solving?

Pensions? No
Schools? No
Union Salaries? No
Bloated Payrolls? No
Benefits? No

Instead of inviting Wall Street to a private tour, Nutter ought to be inviting the press and private citizens to a press conference to declare the city's bankruptcy.

We've been down this path before, most recently in Stockton, California. Here are some Stockton Bankruptcy Articles to consider in case you are not familiar with the story. 

Most relevant to Philadelphia is a ruling the Stockton Bankruptcy is Valid, City Acted in Good Faith. The judicial ruling means bondholders are at risk, and the city will not be forced to raise taxes to pay off creditors.

Also see CalPERS Pension System in the Crosshairs of Stockton Bankruptcy Dispute.

With those rulings, Philadelphia's cost of borrowing is likely to soar. Regardless, the city is nothing but a walking zombie now. The end is at hand.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

German Reader Tackles Question "What Percentage of the Vote will Anti-Euro Party AfD Receive in Upcoming Election?"

Posted: 16 Apr 2013 12:40 PM PDT

Polls show the support for the anti-euro Alternatives for Germany AfD party as high as 17% according to the Financial Times.

However that 17% is the number of voters who would "consider" voting for an anti-euro party, not the number of people committed to that outcome.

Specifically, the FT article states "AfD is a late entrant for the election on September 22 and might not be radical enough to attract protest voters it needs in order to make it over the five per cent vote threshold for seats in the Bundestag."

The AfD, led by economics professor Bernd Lucke, is dominated by former CDU members who became disillusioned with the chancellor's European policy that is broadly supported by a majority of the public."

Underestimating the Vote

In contrast to the possibility AfD receives less than 5% of the vote as mentioned by the Financial Times, reader Bern who lives in Germany believes AfD is going to receive substantially more than 10% of the vote.

Bern writes ....
Hello Mish,

I just returned from the foundation congregation of AfD party in Berlin.

About 1500 party members from all parts of Germany came to Berlin to form the federal part of the party as per legal requirement in order to participate in the coming federal elections. The party is now legally formed, it has a legal party statute and an election program.

This means that about 50% of all legal requirements are now met. We have another 100 days to meet the other 50% (establish a State arm of the party in each federal State (16) and to collect 2000 signatures in each State). We do not expect any problems arising from these two obstacles.

It can now safely be assumed that AfD is "open for business" for the coming federal elections.

This party is something entirely new in Germany. It does no longer follow traditional "dividing lines" between left and right or conservative and liberal. Our members are clearly from the heart of the "bourgeois" society of Germany. Small entrepreneurs, self-employed people, teachers and professors, doctors and lawyers, skilled workers, craftsmen,.... in short, a wide variety of the so called "better educated" part of society, who naturally have a rather diverse ideological background.

The common theme uniting this varied crowd is the desire to get rid of the shackles of the Euro and to return to democratic values, both in Europe as well as in Germany.

With about 10,000 members and growing rapidly, I would be surprised if the party received less than 10% of the votes in the coming German federal elections. I am prepared to stick my neck out and predict a figure substantially higher.

AfD will have a considerable influence on German politics in the coming months. It is now no longer possible for the other parties to ignore this new movement.

CDU, SPD, FDP and the Green Party can no longer avoid the Euro as the dominant and overriding theme of the coming German elections.

Chancellor Merkel had wanted to do a "sleeping pill" campaign on such peculiar subjects as "fairness", "family values" and the like. SPD and Green Party were happy to follow. FDP added some "lowering taxes" issues to the mix.

As of today, Merkel can kiss that objective goodbye.

The Euro and democracy will be the overriding themes of the coming elections. This will catapult AfD into the minds of the people here.

As the Euro comes under attack from all sides. I wonder if an orderly dissolution is still possible or if the result is a disorderly collapse. I still believe the latter is more likely.

Best wishes
Given that the nannycrats have underestimated the backlash of every policy decision and every important vote, especially in Italy, I am a firm believer that reader Bern is correct.

In a followup post, we will discuss what this means for chancellor Merkel. Here's a hint. If you are a Merkel supporter, the result won't be pretty.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

55% of Americans Say Their Income Taxes are Fair; 46.6% Paid No Income Tax in 2011

Posted: 16 Apr 2013 10:22 AM PDT

The percentage of Americans who think their income tax is fair has fallen to 55%, the lowest level since 2001 according to a recent Gallup Poll on Income Tax Fairness.

Gallup's history of asking this question stretches back to the 1940s. From 1943 through 1945, during World War II, few Americans complained about their taxes, with an average of 87% of Americans saying their taxes were fair. That dropped down to an average of 61% in 1946, the first year after the war.

Gallup resurrected the question in the late 1990s, when an average 48% said their income taxes were fair, including the historical low of 45% in 1999. Americans' views of their taxes as fair improved from 51% in 2001 to 58% in 2002, shortly after the Bush administration put into place a round of tax cuts.
46.4% Pay No Income Tax

According to the Tax Policy Institute 46.4% paid no income tax in 2011.

The Gallup question specifically stated "Do you regard the income tax you will have to pay this year is fair?" It did not ask if the system was fair.

If those who pay no income tax think their zero share is fair (and logically they should), then a mere 16% of those who do pay taxes think their share is fair.

Here is my math: 55% think their share is fair. Subtract the 46.4% who pay nothing (and logically should be happy about that),  the net is 8.6 percentage points. (8.6 / 53.6) * 100 = 16%

I wonder if some people who pay no income taxes misunderstood the question and said taxes were unfair because they want those who do pay taxes to pay more. Perhaps some of those who pay nothing, want more money back.

Bear in mind that most of those who pay no income tax still pay property taxes, sales taxes, and payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare). So, perhaps some of those who said their zero share was "unfair" do not realize they pay no income tax.

For more on who pays and who doesn't, How Stuff Works answers the question Is it true that only 53 percent of Americans pay income tax?

Here is the answer in a nutshell: The top 20 percent of Americans earn 53.4 percent of the total U.S. income, but pay 67.2 percent of total income tax.

Is that fair? Are your taxes fair?

Mike "Mish" Shedlock