vineri, 7 iunie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Simpsons Heaven in Orlando

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 12:43 PM PDT

Universal Orlando resort opens 'Simpsons' heaven..

Via reddit

Riot Dog of Istanbul

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 12:05 PM PDT

Riot Dog of Athens was the symbol of Greece protests several years ago. In Turkey they have their own riot dog. And it's wearing glasses.

The Voices Of Disney Characters in Real Life

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 11:57 AM PDT

Aladdin: Scott Weinger

Belle: Paige O'Hara

Sebastian: Samuel E. Wright

Ursula: Pat Carroll

The Beast: Robby Benson

Jasmine: Linda Larkin

Ariel: Jodi Benson

Bambi: Donnie Dunagan

Cruella Deville: Betty Lou Gerson

Mickey Mouse (currently): Bret Iwan

Pocahontas: Irene Bedard

Cinderella: Ilene Woods

Prince Eric: Christopher Daniel Barnes

Alice in Wonderland: Kathryn Beaumont

Winnie the Pooh: Sterling Holloway

King Triton: Kenneth Mars

Mulan: Ming-Na Wen

7 Popular Types of Social Media Fans [Infographic]

Posted: 07 Jun 2013 08:55 AM PDT

What do all of your social media fans and followers have in common? They follow you on your social media sites. Aside from that, your social media fans can range dramatically – from the fans who like, retweet, or repin every one of your updates seconds after you post it to the angry "fans" who follow you only to share their bad customer experience.

However, by understanding the different types of consumers on social media, you can determine the best type of engaging content to post in order to get them to take action and share your content. This infographic features seven of the most common types of fans, and what they mean for your business on social media.

What types of social media fans do you have, and what kind of content do they like the most? Let us know in a comment!

Click on Image to Enlarge.


Watch This Week's Behind-the-Scenes Video

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

Watch This Week's Behind-the-Scenes Video

This week, the President urged Congress not to let student loan rates double, and to confirm three judges for the federal appeals court in Washington -- and announced new national security team members.

President Obama also held bilateral meetings with the NATO Secretary-General and the President of Chile, kicked off a National Conference on Mental Health, honored the Super Bowl champions, and announced ConnectED, a major new initiative to expand access to high-speed internet in our nation's classrooms.

To get a behind-the-scenes look at these events and more, watch the latest installment of "West Wing Week."

This week, the President urged Congress not to let student loan rates double and to confirm three judges for the federal appeals court in Washington, held bilateral meetings with the NATO Secretary-General and the President of Chile, kicked off a National Conference on Mental Health, honored the Super Bowl champions, and announced a major new initiative called ConnectED, while the Vice President wrapped up a weeklong trip to South America.


  Top Stories

The Employment Situation in May

While more work remains to be done, today’s employment report provides further confirmation that the U.S. economy is continuing to recover from the worst downturn since the Great Depression.


Hanging Out with High Tech Classrooms

Yesterday, President Obama travelled to Mooresville, NC to announce ConnectEd, an exciting new initiative designed to help bring America's students into the digital age. The goal of the ConnectED initiative is to bring high-speed internet connections to 99% of America's students within five years.


Good News: Americans Saved Billions Thanks to the Affordable Care Act – And Medical Loss Rebates Are On the Way

According to a new report, Americans buying individual market health insurance saved $1.2 billion in 2011 and $2.1 billion in 2012 because law has begun to hold insurance companies accountable.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST)

11:50 AM: The President delivers a statement to reporters on the Affordable Care Act WATCH LIVE

12:25 PM: The President departs San Jose, California

1:35 PM: The President arrives Los Angeles, California

3:00 PM: The President delivers remarks at a DNC Fundraiser

5:05 PM: The President departs Los Angeles, California

5:55 PM: The President arrives Palm Springs, California

8:00 PM: The President participates in a photo opportunity with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China

8:05 PM: The President and President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China will hold a bilateral meeting

11:00 PM: The President will hold a working dinner with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China


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How Business Listings Are Made - Whiteboard Friday

How Business Listings Are Made - Whiteboard Friday

How Business Listings Are Made - Whiteboard Friday

Posted: 06 Jun 2013 02:16 PM PDT

Posted by David Mihm

As a local business owner, it's important for your business to be listed in Google's search results. But how do you fix your business listing if the information is incorrect? 

In this week's edition of Local Whiteboard Friday, David Mihm sheds some light on the complicated process that Google uses to create its business listings.

For reference, here's a still of David's whiteboard diagram.

Video Transcription

"Hey everybody. Welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday and in particular a local edition of Whiteboard Friday. I'm David Mihm, the Director of Local Search Strategy for SEOMoz, and I'm here to answer one of the most common questions that we get asked which is:  "Hey, how come my business information is showing up incorrectly at Google?"

So they type in the name of their business, and there's either a phone number wrong or their address is wrong or sometimes the marker for where their business is, is in the wrong place. So I want to try to answer how Google generates its business listings.

So the first step that a lot of business owners take, which is a great step to take, is they go directly to Google. Google offers a dashboard for businesses that Google Places as well as Google+, there are kind of two ways into it right now. A business owner goes and he enters his business name, his address, his phone number, some categories, maybe the hours that he operates his business, and he tells that directly to Google. Of course the expectation is, "Oh well, I'm the business owner. I'm telling Google this information. That's how it should show up when Google spits out a search result." But in reality that's not actually how Google assembles a business listing. So I'm going to erase these lines, and I'll try to walk you guys through how this process actually happens.

So for many of you, if you're business owners, you go to one of these places, the Google Places dashboard or the Google+ local dashboard, and you tell Google about your business and you find before you even get there Google knows about your business. It can guess at what your address and phone number are for example.

So you might wonder where Google is finding that information. Actually in the United States there are three companies that aggregate business data for United States businesses. Again, this is the United States only, but in this country those guys are Infogroup, Neustar and Axiom. So Google buys or leases information from at least one of these companies and pulls it into its index. But it doesn't go right into Google's index. It actually goes into a massive server cluster that takes it into consideration as one data source.

So not only is the business owner one of these data sources, but you would have one data provider, maybe Infogroup is another data source. Neustar might be another data source and so and so forth. So imagine this graphic going quite far to the right, even off of the whiteboard just with some of these data aggregation services.

That all gets assembled at a server cluster, somewhere in Mountain View let's just say, that compiles kind of all of this information. These however, aren't even the only places that Google gets data. These guys, these data sources actually also, in addition to sending information to Google, they send data out to a whole bunch of other sites across the web. So Yelp, for example, gets information from one of these sources. gets information from one of these sources. Many of you guys have seen my local search ecosystem infographic that kind of details a little bit more about how this process works.

Then Google goes out, and it crawls these sites across the web and again throws that information into this server cluster. So again, imagine this table here going off basically to infinity, kind of off this page.

Additionally, in addition to these data aggregators, in addition to websites, Google looks at government information. So if you're regional, like your county has a place of businesses that are registered in a particular county or maybe your secretary of state, Google is either probably going to crawl that information. In some cases the government publishes this in PDF format or something like that, and that gets pulled into this cluster again as one of these data points in this huge spreadsheet.

Another place that Google might get information believe it or not is Google Street View. Bill Slawski of SEO by the Sea recently gave a keynote at Local University in Baltimore, and there's information in Google’s patents that suggest that street view cameras from these cars that they go out and they drive around trying to find driving directions are taking photos of storefronts with business name signage, with the address numbers right there on the storefront, and that information gets pulled into this, what we call the cluster of information.

So there are all these different sources pulling in, and you as the business owner, you are only one of these data sources. So even though you tell Google, "Hey, yes this is my address, this is my phone number, this is where I'm located," if Google is seeing bad information, at any of these other places from these data aggregators, from websites, from government entities, Google pulls data in from everywhere. So if every other source out, there or a lot of other sources out there that Google trusts, especially major data aggregators or government entities, if they have your information wrong, that could lead to misinformation in the search results.

But there’s one final step actually before Google will publish the information, the authoritative information from this cluster. Google actually has human reviewers that are looking at this information. They are calling businesses to verify things like categories, the buildings that certain businesses are located in, and these reviewers will again call a real business offline. So if you get a call and it says, "Hey, Mountain View is calling you, it might actually be Google." So pay special attention if your business receives those kind of calls. They might be trying to validate information that they're finding from across the web.

The other thing to keep in mind is that Google accepts data from other reviewers, from other human reviewers via a website that it operates called Google Map Maker. So if you're having trouble with your information from one of these sources, you might check It's like a Wikipedia for locations. Anybody in the world can go in there and update data. So it's really, really important if you're a business owner and you're having trouble with Google publishing bad information about your business, you can't just go into the Google Places dashboard or the Google+ dashboard and fix this information. You really need to go to all of these different sources. So these major data aggregators, they're different in every country. So if you're from somewhere else in the world besides the United States, you need to do some research on who these guys are. You need to update your information at Internet yellow pages sites. You definitely need to update your information with government authorities, and you probably want to check your information at least on this Google Map Maker site, because all of these feed into this central data cluster that then feeds into a Google search result for your business.

So I hope that explains a little bit about this very complicated process that Google has to assemble business listings. If you want more information in the text part of the page on which this Whiteboard is published, I'll reference one of my colleagues at Local University, Mike Blumenthal. Mike has a great sort of text based layout of what I just explained visually, and Mike is actually the inspiration for this idea of the data cluster at Google Local.

So hope you enjoyed that Whiteboard Friday, and again for more information I'll link to Mike Blumenthal's blog down near the comments.

Thanks guys."

Video transcription by

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Seth's Blog : The weird tail continues


The weird tail continues

In We Are All Weird, I argued that many factors are pushing us to get ever less normal, at least when it comes to cultural choices and what we buy, what we do and who we do it with. The bell curve that for so long defined mass is melting, with the outliers gaining in number, credibility and impact.

When you give people a choice, they will take it.

One big reason: the web lets us see what the other weird folks are doing, pushing us to get weirder still.

Recent data on naming released by the Social Security Administration puts this into sharp relief. The top 1000 baby names include go-to standards like Zylin, Zymari, Zyrin, Zyrus and Zytaevius. That's not surprising, because, after all, 1,000 names is a lot of names.

What's surprising is that over the last ten years, the percentage of names that don't fall within the top 1,000 keep rising. That means that more and more people are opting out of the popular naming regime, forging their own path. It used to be weird to name your kid Elvis. Now, Zyrin isn't weird enough, because we're ever more aware of where the edges lie.

Same is true with the shows we watch, the books we read and the foods we eat.

If you're chasing the masses, you're almost certainly heading the wrong direction. The masses are ignoring you. It's the weird who are choosing to pay attention, to seek out what they care about.


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joi, 6 iunie 2013

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Personal Arrogance; Preserving Culture vs. Common Sense; Email From France

Posted: 06 Jun 2013 06:35 PM PDT

In response to France Considers Ban on Free Shipping by Amazon, a "Destroyer of Bookshops"; Prepare for Economic Collapse in France I received an interesting comment from "Slavador" who writes "My ability to go to a local bookstore owned by a neighbor with my family is something I see as even more important than the global campaign to efficiently concentrate the wealth in the top 3%."

That was one of several similar comments I received as online comments to my blog or via email.

Major Flaws

There are two major flaws in Slavador's argument. The first flaw is the implied presumption that saving inefficient "mom and pop" operations is of economic benefit.

Here is the reality: Paying too much for goods and services is economically foolish, especially for those who can least afford it.

It is irrelevant to the rational buyer if the money goes to the top 3% instead of the top 5%. But that is my preference. I respect the right of others to overpay if they so desire.

Personal Arrogance

The second major flaw in Slavador's arguments pertains to personal arrogance.

I can accept that Slavador might wish to overpay for books because he likes bookstores. However, I cannot accept the view of "culture-preserving" bureaucrats to cram their beliefs down the throats of everyone else.

If people support the view of Slavador they would not shop at Amazon or Walmart, they would pay more and shop at "mom and pop" stores.

But people don't. And that is why "mom and pop" stores are failing. So... along come socialists and arrogant fools who insist they know best how to spend other people's money.

I propose a simple model. Let people decide how they want to spend their money. And in that regard, the people overwhelming decided against "mom and pop" stores or "mom and pop" stores would not be struggling.

Personally, I like shopping at high quality stores. I also shop on the internet, at lower price stores. It all depends on what I am buying. To me, a book is a book, and furniture is another matter, even though I personally like bookstores.

Regardless, it is not my opinion that matters.

I have no right to dictate my personal preferences on anyone else. Nor does Slavador or anyone else.

People need to decide how they want to shop, not the "culture police", and especially not politicians who think they know what is best for everyone else.

Response From France

Let's consider a more rational response to my post. Reader Julien who lives in France writes ....
Hi Mish,

I am one of your devoted reader from France.

I just wanted to let you know that you have spotted it right with your sentence "Of course, France would then want to dictate the price of books as well, all in the name of "preserving culture."

There is already a French law ("single price for book law") since 10th of August 1981, voted under François Mitterand. This is the root of the Amazon "outrage" because they offer an additional service at no price. And because e-Books have "unfair" pricing, the law might be extended to cover eBooks as well!

Every day there is at least one totally absurd statement or decision by the socialist government in France. Just to give you an idea of how mad the country is please take a look at the European comparison of the tax system for entrepreneur capital gains.

In France, there are almost 30 different conditions and 16 different taxation rules, some of them including several rates, complete with caps and floors.
Preserving Culture vs. Common Sense

Here is a link to the tax rate comparison chart to which Julien referred. Please check it out. And with that link, coupled with my above comments, I rest my case on the economic insanity of preserving culture at any cost.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Nouriel Roubini Seriously Misguided on Gold, on Equities, on Economic Growth, on Money

Posted: 06 Jun 2013 09:27 AM PDT

I just finished reading Nouriel Roubini's seven point analysis on the Bursting of the Gold Bubble in which Roubini's asks and answer the question "Gold skyrocketed to over $1,900 per ounce in the fall of 2011 from $800 in early 2009, but has since collapsed by around 27%. Why?"

I offer a point-by-point rebuttal.

Roubini: First, tail risks are lower. Gold tends to spike when the global economy faces severe economic, financial and geopolitical threats; but, thanks to a variety of policy actions, the tail-risks argument for holding gold is less compelling today than at any time since the start of the financial crisis in 2007.

Mish: Japan is flirting with a Yen crisis thanks to Abenomics. Nothing has been fixed in regards to structural problems in the eurozone. A US recession is at hand. A China slowdown is baked in the cake. Trade wars loom between China and Europe. A full scale housing bust is underway in Australia. The UK threatens to leave the EU. The eurozone is unlikely to survive in its current state. Tail risks are enormous (and growing). I would have thought tail risks were so obvious that any serious economist would notice them. I was mistaken.

Roubini: Second, inflation is low and falling. Gold does best when there is a risk of high inflation, as it is a traditional store of value against inflation. But, despite the very aggressive monetary and quantitative easing from many central banks, global inflation is actually low and still falling as growth in most of the global economy remains below trend.

Mish: Gold actually does well in periods of deflation, in periods of credit risk, in periods of stagflation, and in periods of hyperinflation (the latter is obvious). Price inflation fell from 2000 to 2013 and gold rose from $250 to $1900. When was there risk of high inflation in that time-frame?

To be fair, one also needs to look at the disinflationary period between 1980 and 2000 when the price of gold collapsed from $850 to $250. Yet, in disinflationary periods in the last decade, gold soared. The difference? Credit risk and global distrust of fiat currencies. It's easy to cherry pick a timeframe and say gold does this or that, when other timeframes and other factors disprove the thesis.

Roubini: Third, other assets provide better returns. Now that the global economy is recovering, other assets, such as equities or even real estate, are performing much better than gold.

Mish: Lovely! The same sort of argument regarding housing could have been presented in 2002, in 2003, in 2004, and in 2005. Yes, other assets are performing better, for now. But for how long? Is the current trend supposed to last forever? Has Roubini suddenly become a momentum trader in what is performing best?

Roubini: Fourth, exit from ZIRP will be bearish for gold. Real interest rates and gold prices are highly inversely correlated. Although real rates are still negative, the more positive outlook for the U.S. and global economy implies that the Fed and other central banks will gradually exit from QE and ZIRP. Real rates will rise over time rather than fall.

Mish: Precisely when is the Fed supposed to end ZIRP? Tomorrow? Next Month? Next year? A decade? If "real rates rise" won't that be a sign of increasing inflation?  Is increasing inflation good for gold or not? Roubini attempts to make a case that rising inflation and falling inflation are both bad for gold and both are about to happen simultaneously. Let me also point out that Roubini thinks 'QE' won't end for another two years! He can't have it both ways. 

Roubini: Fifth, highly indebted countries are planning to sell their gold. Some argued that a world full of highly indebted sovereigns would push investors into gold as government bonds would become more risky. Instead, these countries are likely to dump their gold reserves to reduce their debts, or at least are considering doing so.

Mish: Roubini's thesis has gone from circular silliness to the point of complete absurdity. Other than Cyprus (and Cyprus was forced at gunpoint) what central banks are dumping gold? And what central banks are buying gold? ZeroHedge reports Russia, Greece, Turkey, Other Central Banks Buy Gold
Russia, Greece, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan expanded their gold reserves for a seventh straight month in April, buying bullion to diversify foreign exchange reserves due to concerns about the dollar and the euro.

Russia's steady increase in its gold reserves saw its holdings, the seventh-largest by country, climb another 8.4 metric tons to 990 tons, taking gains this year to 3.4% after expanding by 8.5% in 2012, International Monetary Fund data show.

Kazakhstan's reserves grew 2.6 tons to 125.5 tons, taking the increase to 8.9% this year after a 41% expansion in 2012, data on the website showed.

Turkey's holdings rose 18.2 tons to 427.1 tons in April, increasing for a 10th month as it accepted gold in its reserve requirements from commercial banks.

Belarus's holdings expanded for a seventh month as did Azerbaijan's.

Interestingly, Greece's gold holdings climbed for a fourth month, according to the IMF data. Cyrus has about 14 tons of gold. If Cyprus sold all of it, the addition by Turkey alone would cover all of it.
Roubini: Sixth, U.S. dollar appreciation is bearish for gold. There is usually an inverse relationship between the value of the U.S. dollar and the dollar price of commodities, including precious metals like gold. Looking ahead, the relative strength of the U.S. economy and of U.S. asset prices compared with those of other DMs suggests that the dollar may appreciate—as it has done recently—against a basket of DM currencies.

Mish: The biggest gold rally of all time (1979) occurred while the dollar was going sideways with a slight upward bias. The dollar and gold both rose in 2005 as well. If the dollar were all-important for gold, it would never rise in terms of foreign currencies, but it definitely does do that.

Roubini: Seventh, gold has been hyped for irrational political reasons. Some extreme politically conservative gold bugs think that all government is evil, that there is a government conspiracy to expropriate most private wealth and that gold is the only hedge against this risk. This group also believes that we will return to the gold standard as central banks "debase" paper money and as hyperinflation ensues. However, inflation is falling globally and gold is not in any way a currency.

Mish: Yes gold has been hyped by many hyperinflationists. The same was true two years ago, five years ago, and 10 or more years ago.

That makes Roubini's own hype all the more laughable. Roubini ends his hype with this statement: "The price of gold may temporarily go higher in the next few years, but it will be very volatile and trend lower over time as the global economy slowly mends itself. RGE expects gold to go to $1,300 by end-2013 and $1,000 by 2015. For the most part, it is time to offload and underweight Keynes's barbarous relic."

People ask me all the time where the price of gold is headed. I do not pretend to know, especially in the short-term.

However, I understand the fundamentals and Roubini clearly doesn't.

Nor does Roubini have a clue about money or what causes economic growth. His statement "It is time to offload and underweight Keynes's barbarous relic" is quite telling.

Can Printing Money Create Wealth?

Clearly Roubini believes that printing money creates wealth. The average 7th-grader (not yet influenced by Keynesian and Monetarist clown teachers) can easily figure out the fallacies of such ridiculous economic theories.

Who benefits from printing? The answer is those with first access to money (the banks, the already wealthy, and the government). Printing money does nothing but exacerbate the trend of income inequality. This is so obvious that Roubini cannot see it.

Buying gold is a perfectly rational reaction to the crazy central bank and governmental policies that Roubini advocates.

Precious Metal Fundamentals

Those interested in a primer on precious metal fundamentals can find it in Precious Metals – An Update by Pater Tenebrarum on the Acting Man Blog.

Those who think Fed asset levitation can and will last forever need to consider John Hussman's June 3, 2013 article Following the Fed to 50% Flops.

Finally, those who wish to see a brilliant takedown of Roubini's recent bullishness might enjoy "Dr. Doom" Becomes "Dr. Boom" – 1,000 SPX Points Too Late, also on the Acting Man Blog.

Things Roubini is Wrong About

  • Gold
  • Tail Risk
  • Benefits of monetary printing
  • Benefits of fiscal stimulus 
  • On what causes economic growth
  • Inflation
  • Stock market risk

That is one heck of a lot of things to be wrong about!

Mike "Mish" Shedlock