marți, 8 octombrie 2013

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

Toilet-Themed Restaurant Opens in China

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 12:46 PM PDT

In the gradually blossoming trend of toilet-themed restaurants, now the people of Taiyuan City in Shanxi Province have one to call their very own. Having only opened in August of this year, it has been drawing capacity crowds of diners and can often be seen with a line going out the door. Much like a real restroom when in high demand..

Female Celebrities And Their Pornstar Doppelgangers - Part 3

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 11:01 AM PDT

Monroe Tattoo

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 10:39 AM PDT

17-year-old girl paid £50 for a Marilyn Monroe tattoo. She even brought a picture with the image of Monroe she wanted to have on her arm. Unfortunately, she got not what she was expecting. The tattoo master paid her £300 to settle it.

On the Set of the Great Movies

Posted: 08 Oct 2013 10:28 AM PDT

A great collection of photos made on the set of famous movies.

Before and After an Asia Trip

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 08:21 PM PDT

Two friends have travelled through Asia. During the six month long trip they hadn't washed their clothes, shaved and paid for hotels. Let's see how they look like afterwards.

Seth's Blog : Your hall of fame


Your hall of fame

Baseball, sure, but also roller derby and other worthy endeavors have a Hall of Fame.

It says a lot about an industry when it cares enough about its work (and the people doing it) to go to the trouble of organizing this story. The music industry is particularly good at this--not only do they have a hall of fame, but they have gold records, Grammy awards and multiple ways to highlight and honor people doing the work.

Why doesn't your company have one? A wall honoring the driver who broke a stupid company policy and got the shipment there on time... A diorama highlighting a particularly generous middle manager who always managed to find the resources to make something happen... A little glass box holding the purchase order that an heroic salesperson brought back from her long trip...

I got a note a few weeks ago, letting me know I was being inducted into the Direct Marketing Hall of Fame. 101 people --Eddie Bauer, Lillian Vernon and of course, LL Bean--are there (real people, all of them). And also my friend Lester Wunderman, who pioneered the very idea of Direct Marketing and helped launch the American Express card. Three of us are joining this year--Don Peppers and Martha Rogers are the real highlights (if you haven't read their books, you should). Their first book (1996) completely upended my view of the world.

The thing about direct marketing is that it's always been a bootstrapped industry. Lillian famously started at her kitchen table, a few blocks from where I was born (she took her last name from "Mt. Vernon"). Buy some stamps, do some tests, repeat. That approach, the leverage that comes from having big-time media for low-budget money, is here for all of us. We are all direct marketers now.

That means you don't need a permit or permission to start your Hall or your walk of fame. The web makes it easier than ever to have a virtual institution, one that exists solely to find and highlight people that might be worth highlighting. You should start one.

Even better, in a world where we can chart our own course, you could figure out a path that gets you in to the Hall you care about. Not tomorrow perhaps, but, drip by drip, over a career.


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What Is SEO Now that Everything Is (Not Provided)?

What Is SEO Now that Everything Is (Not Provided)?

What Is SEO Now that Everything Is (Not Provided)?

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 04:24 PM PDT

Posted by Ruth_Burr

Google's recent announcement that it will be obfuscating all keyword referral data going forward has created yet another occasion for (and perhaps the first occasion that really deserves) that age-old cry, "is SEO dead?"

My response to the "is SEO dead" question is always the same: The Internet isn't going away, and neither is selling stuff. It's a pretty safe bet that online marketing is here to stay, and as long as search engines drive traffic to websites, marketers should be thinking about how to get the best audience and the most sales from that traffic. The optimal traffic from search engines, if you will.

Here at Moz, our organic traffic has already been at over 50% (not provided) for over a year, and our (not provided) numbers have been hovering around 80% for a while now, so I've had some time to mull this over: in a post-keyword world, what is SEO?

Moving away from keywords

One reason Google's move toward (not provided) feels like such a blow is that for a long time, SEO was all about keywords. You'd start by brainstorming and researching keywords, and once you had your list you'd assign those keywords to pages and content pieces. Then, once you had each page nice and targeted around a keyword, you'd build some links, track traffic from those keywords to those pages, and adjust as needed. Done and done.

The thing is, even without the loss of Google's referring keyword data, search engine traffic isn't just about the keyword anymore. Thanks to the new search carousel, it's possible for users to perform several searches and get to several different SERPs from just one query. Thanks to Google's autocomplete feature, users are often using a suggested query rather than whatever their original keyword might be.

The real killer of the keyword-driven approach isn't (not provided), though. It's Google's increasing devotion to semantic relationships between topics and entities on the web. Author Rank, personalization, and the Knowledge Graph have added new elements to consider: Now, in addition to what your content says and who links to it, Google also cares about who created it, what else they've done, and who's shared it. Content from a trusted source can rank in personalized results for related keywords without specifically targeting them; Google's gotten that good at figuring out topical relationships.

Pages and authority

What this means for SEO is that we need to shift our focus from getting traffic from keywords to getting traffic to pages. The recent hot trend in SEO around quality content is one aspect of that transitionâ€"it's much easier to drive traffic to a great piece of content, regardless of how keyword-targeted it is. A more content-oriented mindset will also help us build topical authority, which is clearly something Google is interested in; they've spent a lot of time and a lot of money trying to figure out who knows the most about what, and authorship is just the latest development in that ongoing quest.

Smarty Pants.
Smarty Pants. by ~Shari, on Flickr

Building authority around a topic involves new, #RCS-oriented twists on classic SEO techniques:

  • Brainstorm specific content pieces within your target topic, research to gauge potential audience interest, plan it out and create it (keyword research, anyone?).
  • Promote your content to audiences you know have an interest in it (some people might call this social media).
  • Build relationships with entities who already have established authority in your topic, especially those who are in your geographical area, and start brainstorming new content and sharing each other's content (that's link building but without all the horrible, tedious or shady stuff).

The great thing about focusing on building topical authority is that all of these tactics also drive traffic to pages. If your goal becomes "get a lot of awesome traffic to this awesome page" rather than "rank for this one keyword by any means possible" or "build x number of links per month" you can continue proving excellence in everything you do while doing better marketing.

In fact, shifting the focus from keywords to pages means that you can show the traffic that came from links you builtâ€"there's no faster way to wean an exec off of the "x number of links per month" mentality than to show what a huge difference there is in different links' potential to drive traffic.

This trend should also (hopefully) eventually kill the idea that we will come in to an existing content site and "do SEO" to it (can I get an amen?)â€"instead, it's more important than ever that SEO be considered throughout the process of building a site.

Brand power

One potential pitfall of targeting increased traffic, especially in the absence of specific keyword targeting, is that clients may claim that increased traffic comes from brand recognition, not from your SEO efforts. To which my rejoinder is: Who says brand building isn't part of SEO?

Part of building topical authority is setting up your brand as the place to go for the best information on that topic. Bust up the notion that branded keyword traffic never comes from SEO! Use your link-building efforts, whether that's PR, guest blogging or content sharing, to get your brand out there. You can track your progress in building your brand online by monitoring search volume for your branded terms in Google Trends. By increasing search volume for your branded terms, which you probably already rank for, you're alsoâ€"you guessed itâ€"building traffic to pages! #Winning!

Win at fundamentals

If you're really invested in showing Google that your site is an authority on a topic, you should also be showing Google that your site is a pleasant place to beâ€"not a weird, difficult-to-parse heap of broken pages that takes forever to load. Do you see where I'm going with this?

FREE GARBAGE!!! by sylvar, on Flickr

If (like me) you work on a big site, or an old site, you know that when it comes to technical SEO there's always more to do. That's one part of SEO that hasn't changed at all: Solid technical SEO can still take you very far. Make it easy for Google (and Bing, and, you know, people) to load your site, to navigate your site and to figure out what each page is about, and you will be rewarded with return visits. Semantic markup is the new hotness in technical SEO for a reason: It helps search engines easily figure out what you're trying to do with your data.

The nice thing about technical SEO is that it doesn't require people outside of your company (or your client's company) to take action in order to succeed. You can have a running list of SEO improvements in your dev team's queue, launching while you're taking the time (and it does take time) to build relationships and create great content.

OK, but what about keywords?

Focusing on topical authority and building traffic to pages is great, but search engines are still search engines, and that means that queriesâ€"a.k.a. keywordsâ€"are still important. Rand had a great post recently about ways to back into keyword trackingâ€"if you know you're ranking for a popular keyword, and you know you're getting search traffic to that page, it's a fair bet that at least some of that traffic is being driven by that keyword.

This is the time, however, to be training our clients away from keywords. Keywords feel nice, and it's great to Google yourself and have your site come up, but the more we can track our activities back to real traffic from real people (and real sales that result in real money!), the better and more interesting work we'll be able to do.

To that end, we all need to be thinking beyond Google when we think about traffic sources. We need to be thinking about other search engines. We need to be thinking about traffic from social media, link building, and third-party content-sharing sites like Pinterest and SlideShare. Reducing our dependence on Google is the best way to "algorithm-proof" our sites and make sure we're getting the best traffic and sales we can. So maybe next time there's a big change like this, it won't be quite so upsetting.

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