vineri, 15 noiembrie 2013

Google AdSense Newsletter - November 2013

Adsense Newsletter
November 2013
Publisher ID: ca-pub-1492172262972996
Dear publisher,

Based on your feedback, we're focusing this month's newsletter on helping you develop a multi-device strategy. Users expect to have access to information, people, and computing power from any screen, so let's make sure your digital solutions are built to support them. In this edition, you'll find:

Best practices from The Mobile Playbook
How to measure your mobile audience
Inside AdSense Blog series on mobile
An AdSense success story
How to keep your ads distinguished from content

See you online,

The Google AdSense Team

Was this newsletter useful? Share your feedback with us.
Best practices from The Mobile Playbook
Building a site that's compatible across multiple devices can be complex and daunting. The Mobile Playbook will show when to build a mobile website, when to build a mobile app, and what it really means to build multi-screen marketing campaigns.
How to measure your mobile audience
To see how multi-screen shifts in consumer behavior are relevant to your website, the AdSense interface allows you to see how your traffic sources are changing:

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Visit your "Performance Reports" tab
  3. In the left column, click on "Platforms"
Here, you'll be able to see your pageviews and revenue coming from each platform: desktop, smartphones, and tablet. You can also pull a comparison report to track the growth in the percentage of mobile and tablet users over the past quarter or year.
Inside AdSense Blog series on mobile
Head over to the AdSense blog for our latest series, where we'll explain a few different mobile solutions to help you identify the one that's right for your business. You'll also find mobile updates from the industry, case studies, and additional resources.
Case Study
An AdSense success story
Ali Aydar is CEO of, where people play and invent their own trivia games and quizzes. Ali began using AdSense in 2007 as soon as the site launched, and the revenue has enabled him to invest in mobile and live trivia. In this video, Ali shares how has grown with AdSense over the years.

Share your AdSense success story.
Program Policies
How to distinguish ads from content
Publishers who have designed mobile web pages can simply use the AdSense for Content ad code to earn from their content. To maintain a good user experience, it's important to clearly distinguish mobile ads from your site content. We recommend that publishers avoid placing ads too close to buttons, image galleries or navigation elements that users may accidentally click while surfing.
Find out about our different support options.
More about AdSense:
© 2013 Google Inc.1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

Email Preferences: We sent you this email because you have indicated that you are willing to receive occasional AdSense newsletters. If you do not wish to receive such emails in the future, you can opt out by clicking here.

President Obama Speaks on Manufacturing in Ohio

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

President Obama Speaks on Manufacturing in Ohio

Yesterday, President Obama spoke at ArcelorMittal's steel factory in Cleveland, Ohio. ArcelorMittal is the largest supplier of steel to the U.S. auto manufacturing sector.

But just a few years ago, President Obama said, the economy was in free fall and the auto industry was on the brink of collapse. That meant demand for steel had dried up. Nearly 1,200 steelworkers were furloughed from the factory.

Shortly after taking office, President Obama stepped in to give the auto industry the temporary helped it needed to start growing again. “We rolled up our sleeves, we made some tough choices,” he said. “We rescued and retooled the American auto industry; it saved more than a million jobs.”

Read the President's full remarks here.

President Obama Speaks on Manufacturing in Ohio



  Top Stories

Two Very Important Lines Crossed Last Month, and it Means Big Things for Our Energy Security

For the first time in nearly two decades, we're importing less foreign oil than we're producing domestically -- and we're using less overall. We put together three charts that show why that's a really big deal.


President Obama Announces New Steps to Help Americans Receiving Insurance Cancellation Notices

In the past few weeks, some Americans have been notified by their health insurance companies that plans they bought on the old individual insurance market are being cancelled -- often because these plans no longer meet the Affordable Care Act's requirement to cover basic benefits like prescription drugs or doctors’ visits. Yesterday, President Obama announced that insurers can offer these customers the option to renew their 2013 health plans in 2014, without change, allowing them to keep their plans.


President Obama Signs New EpiPen Law to Protect Children with Asthma and Severe Allergies, and Help Their Families To Breathe Easier

On Wednesday, in the Oval Office, President Obama signed into law the School Access to Emergency Epinephrine Act, which will encourage schools to plan for severe asthma attacks and allergic reactions, and provide millions of families with greater peace of mind.



  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

10:30 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

2:00 PM: The President meets with senior advisors. 


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Seth's Blog : The behemoth and the Acumen Fellows


The behemoth and the Acumen Fellows

Today, applications are open for the fabled and important Acumen Fellows program. Every year, thousands of people from around the world apply to spend a few months of intensive training with Acumen in New York, followed by nine months in the field with an Acumen investment. This is rigorous and life-changing work, and it's not for everyone (but if you know someone who can leap like this, please pass it on to them).

For the rest of us, there's the chance to support the work, at least financially.

You may remember the limited-edition behemoth that I published last year. It's more than 700 pages and weighs more than 15 pounds. It sold out quite quickly, but I've kept some in reserve for the appropriate fundraising opportunity. Here it is. $145 a copy.

I'm donating 125 books to this fundraiser, plus the shipping and handling expense. Use this Paypal form to order your copy. I'll give all of the money, plus another $50 a book, to Acumen in support of this year's fellow program.

Quantities are limited. I hope to ship the books out December 1. Insert your phone number, hit Buy Now and you'll be taken to PayPal. I'll do my best to ship anywhere in the world, but I know that international shipments take a very long time and you may have to pay your local government agency a customs fee on receipt.

Your phone # for Fedex/UPS

PS you're always welcome to make a donation directly, without getting a book and stuff.


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Why Visual Assets > Infographics - Whiteboard Friday

Why Visual Assets > Infographics - Whiteboard Friday

Why Visual Assets > Infographics - Whiteboard Friday

Posted: 14 Nov 2013 03:18 PM PST

Posted by randfish

The marketing industry seems to have a love-hate relationship with infographics. When they're really done well, they can be effective ways of conveying a lot of complex information in a way that's easier to digest. The problem is that relatively few of today's infographics are really done well, and many are simply created for shallow SEO benefit.

In today's Whiteboard Friday, Rand talks about the differences between infographics and visual assets, and why the latter are far more effective in our efforts.

For reference, here's a still of this week's whiteboard:

Video Transcription

Howdy, Moz fans, and welcome to another edition to of Whiteboard Friday. This week I'm going to take a stance. It's a little bit of a strong and contrarian stance. I'm going to say that I really, really dislike most infographics. In fact, not even most. The vast majority of infographics I strongly dislike. And that said, I really like visual assets. Today I'm going to try and explain the difference to you and show you why I'm a huge believer in one and such a disrespecter of the other.

So the typical infographic and the thing that frustrates me about it so much is that it's really designed primarily to get embeds, to get links, potentially to get some traffic and build some branding. But it's actually not optimized for a lot of these things. In fact, because the medium has both become so overused and because the execution on many of them is such poor quality, I find that they often hurt more than they help. Because of that, I'm not a fan.

So here is your typical infographic. How obsessed are Facebook users with celebrities? Oh my gosh, look, 35% have liked a celebrity's page, and look, more and more people have liked more and more celebrity pages over time. Here's a picture of some people, and here are words in some graphic format that's really hard to read and unnecessary illustrations on the side just to ornament this thing up.

Then they hope that someone is going to pick it up and embed it on their news site, and occasionally this stuff does work. In fact, for a few years now it has worked. The challenge is it keeps going down and down and down. It's reaching a point of diminishing returns, and I think that's because audiences are really tired of the infographic format or are getting very tired, especially more sophisticated and savvy audiences, which for a lot of B2B and even many B2C marketers, let's face it, we are reaching those areas.

Also, these things can be tremendously burdensome to try and put on a web page. They're hard to read a lot of the time. So it makes it challenging even when someone does embed it. Google has said specifically that they're looking at algorithmic ways that they can work around infographics that get embedded that people didn't really mean to or intend to link back, and they are merely doing a link to the infographic because of the embed itself.

This kind of stuff, eh, I'm just not about that. I don't think that most of us in the inbound marketing field should be about that, despite the potentially positive impact that something very similar can have.

So these are visual assets. There are many different kinds of visual assets. In fact, I would say infographics, traditional infographics are just one type of visual asset and possibly not the best one. In fact, probably not the best one in my opinion.

Photos, just a collection of pictures from relevant and interesting people, events, places, even concepts that are illustrated, these get picked up. They get shared around the web. They're useful for social media networks. But they're also useful to have in a photo library that people might take and use for all kinds of different reasons.

Charts and graphs that illustrate or explain the numbers behind a story or a phenomenon, these can be incredibly useful, and they get picked up and used all the time by sources that want to quote the numbers and even by sources that originated the numbers that are looking for visual ways to represent them. This is a phenomenal way to build value through visual assets.

Visual representations, I do stuff like this all the time. Think of the SEO Pyramid. It starts at the base with accessibility, and then we talk about keywords and links, social, user and usage signals, and all that kind of stuff. I've done some visuals like that on Whiteboard Friday, things like the ranking factors by distribution through the pie chart explaining those different things.

I've done stuff like the T-shaped web marketer, talking about going deep in a particular niche, but having a lot of cross domain expertise. These are not high-quality graphics. They're made by me. I use Flash 6 to make these things, because I learned Flash way back in my days as a web designer. I'm lazy and have not learned to get good at Illustrator or Photoshop in particular. Yet, they get picked up and sent all over the place, and you can see visual assets doing the same thing in all sorts of niches.

Comics, illustrations, or storyboards that tell a narrative visually, incredibly popular and get picked up all the time. Screen shots; even just a simple screen shot with some annotation and explanation, examples of what to do, how to use it, how to interpret that information, layering on top some data, these types of visual assets have huge caché and value.

You get a lot more opportunity from these kinds of visual assets, in my opinion and experience, for links, for referencing, being referenced by media outlets, by industry resources, by third parties, by people in your professional or personal sphere. You have more of an opportunity for embeds because they're much simpler to embed, and they can be useful in so many more places than an infographic, which really needs to take up an entire post about it if it's going to get referenced at all.

They give a lot more value to people. They're simple to consume, to understand, and they're useful and usable in ways that infographics often are not. And, a lot of the time they're far simpler to execute. It doesn't take a graphic designer to produce a ton of these different types of resources. It often doesn't cost very much, if anything at all, to make them, and that means you can produce a far greater quantity of visual assets than you could of infographics and have potential there to get links, to get references, to build your brand in really authentic ways.

So I'm sure there will be some vigorous debate and discussion in the comments, and I look forward to it. We'll see you again next week for another edition of Whiteboard Friday. Take care.

Video transcription by

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