joi, 16 ianuarie 2014

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

How to Multitask Like a Boss

Posted: 16 Jan 2014 06:11 PM PST

The Longest Legged Lady in the World

Posted: 16 Jan 2014 08:48 AM PST

20 year old Alexandra Robertson is 1.85 cm (6ft 1") tall and her legs that are an amazing 119cm (47") of that height. She beat the previous record holder, Anastasia Strashevskaya whose legs were measured at 106cm (42").

Beautiful House on the Cliff

Posted: 16 Jan 2014 08:13 AM PST

This house was built in LA by the Anonymous Architects.

Rules of Suits

Posted: 15 Jan 2014 08:30 PM PST

Unspoken suit rules every man should know.

Meet Troy:


Hello, all --

Today, I met a young man named Troy.

Troy comes from New Orleans, where his family lived through the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. He couldn't read until he was twelve, and would regularly cut school because the other students would tease him. When he did attend, he'd shove desks, start fights -- anything to get him out of class.

But then Troy saw his younger siblings start down a similar path. And he decided to make a change. He connected with his fifth-grade teacher, and enrolled in a program called the Urban League College Track. With the support of College Track and his teachers, he worked hard and made his way into high school -- and today, he's a sophomore at Bard College, studying American Literature.

There are a lot of kids like Troy out there -- kids with all the potential in the world -- but far too many of them are slipping through the cracks. They're not making their way to college -- maybe because their parents never went, or because they've never been encouraged to believe they could succeed there.

It's on all of us to help change that.

That's why today, Barack and I hosted college and university presidents, business leaders, philanthropists, and representatives from organizations around the country who are helping more of our kids see their potential and pursue their education. They're helping them navigate the financial aid and college admissions process. They're working with them to find schools that match their ability and interests. And they've made real, concrete commitments to help make college a reality for more kids.

And here's the thing: You don't have to be a university president or an executive to do that. There is something that each and every one of us can do in our communities to help make sure our kids realize their potential and make their way into higher education. That could mean having a conversation with a young neighbor or a relative, serving as a mentor, or volunteering at a local high school to help students fill out their college applications.

So I'm asking you today to make a commitment of your own -- and learn more about the commitments that universities and organizations from around the country are making, too.

I'm passionate about helping our young people because I see my story in theirs.

Neither of my parents graduated from college, but they always encouraged me to pursue my education and told me that college was possible. And I know that there are so many kids out there just like me: kids who have a world of potential but need some encouragement and support to make it through college.

That's why I was so inspired by some of the commitments I learned about today.

Universities are taking steps like helping underserved students with financial literacy, or finding innovative ways for academic advisors to better support students who could use a helping hand. And many colleges are working with organizations like the Posse Foundation to give kids the social and academic support they'll need to graduate.

These kinds of programs aren't just good for these young people. They're good for all of us. Because after everything these kids will have overcome to get to college -- and get through college -- they'll have all the skills they need to thrive in our businesses, and law firms, and labs. And that's not just good for them and their families, it's good for their communities and our country. That's why Barack is working every single day to expand opportunities to every single young person in America. And that's why we're working to rally the country around his "North Star" goal – that by 2020, America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.

Reaching that goal begins with each of us doing our part as parents, students, educators, and citizens.

We can all help a young person realize his or her potential, so I hope you'll learn more about the commitments that organizations and schools around the country are making -- and then make a commitment of your own:

Thanks in advance for everything you will do on behalf of America's young people.

First Lady Michelle Obama


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A Wide Bandgap What?

Here's What's Happening Here at the White House

A Wide Bandgap What?

Yesterday, President Obama visited Raleigh, NC to talk about making the area a magnet for the good, high-tech manufacturing jobs, as a manufacturing innovation hub.

The hub will develop "wide bandgap semiconductors" -- that use 90% less power than conventional ones, and will make everything from cell phones to electric cars smaller, faster, and cheaper.

Find out what makes wide bandgap semiconductors so cool. (Really.)

Wide Bandgap Semiconductors: Essential to Our Technology Future



  Top Stories

President Obama Nominates Maria Contreras-Sweet to Lead the Small Business Administration

Maria Contreras-Sweet, who President Obama announced yesterday afternoon as his nominee to lead the Small Business Administration, knows first-hand what it means to start a small business -- and has a proven track record of helping other small businesses succeed.


North Carolina Is Home to America’s Newest High-Tech Manufacturing Hub

President Obama made two stops during his trip to Raleigh yesterday: the first to tour a company called Vacon, where workers design the drives that power everything from elevators to the giant fans that help cool buildings, and the second to deliver remarks at North Carolina State University -- home of one of the largest undergraduate engineering programs in the country.


Insurance That's High Quality and Affordable? Now That's a Slam Dunk

Hall of Fame Basketball player, Entrepreneur and Activist Ervin "Magic" Johnson urges young Americans to #GetCovered with the Affordable Care Act and shares the story of how quality healthcare saved his life.


  Today's Schedule

All times are Eastern Time (ET)

9:15 AM: The Vice President delivers remarks at the North American International Auto Show

10:20 AM: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

11:20 AM: The President and the First Lady deliver remarks at an Event on Expanding College Opportunity

12:00 PM: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

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Announcing the Brand New Beginner's Guide to Social Media

Announcing the Brand New Beginner's Guide to Social Media

Announcing the Brand New Beginner's Guide to Social Media

Posted: 15 Jan 2014 03:10 PM PST

Posted by Trevor-Klein

I'm both honored and excited to announce the release of a second beginner's guide from Moz: The Beginner's Guide to Social Media.

The prevalence and importance of social media to web marketing can't be overstated. To quote a few statistics from the guide itself, 72% of online adults use social networking sites, and YouTube now reaches more U.S. adults aged 18-34 than any cable network. With that kind of traffic, it's no wonder marketers now use these networks to interact with their customers, and there's plenty more data to prove it. Google searches for "social media" have seen a steady rise since early 2009:

Data from this year's industry survey tell a similar story. In 2012, nearly 20% of respondents reported not using any social media tools; this year, that number was down to 11%. On top of that, 63% of respondents indicated that their demand for social media marketing has increased over the last year. Whether you've been in on the game from the very beginning or are just starting to wonder how social tools can apply to your own professional life, this guide was created to help take you to the next level. Click below to dive in, or keep reading for more details!

What's inside

There's something for everyone in here, from the fundamentals of how social media is used to details about individual platforms and overarching best practices. Here's a list of the chapters you'll find in the guide:

The first section of the guide talks about social media in general, offering a plethora of best practices, a clear sense of the value of social media, ways you can measure your success in this endeavor, and recommendations on how to get started. From there, we dive into individual sites, slicing and dicing each of the major social media platforms and offering a consistent set of topics about each.

Here's a run-through of what you'll find:

Key stats and demographics

How many people are using these networks, and what kinds of people are they? When it comes to figuring out which social networks are right for you to use, it helps to know who you might be able to reach by developing a presence. This section is designed to give you the who, what, where, and when of each platform. You'll find infographics with statistics as well as some more general info.

How are people using the platform?

While the previous section covers who, what, where and when, this one covers the how and why of each platform. With uses ranging from establishing thought leadership to building customer advocates, this section (complete with innovative pro-tips) will give you a clearer picture of why you might want to choose one platform over another.

Strategies and tactics for success

Okay; you've decided to dive in. Success comes in different ways for different platforms, though, so how do you maximize your chances of seeing early results? This section is all about starting you in the right direction, making sure you can learn from the mistakes of everyone who came before you instead of from your own.

What success looks like

Many people learn better when they can see a great example of what they're going for, and while there's certainly no "best" way of going about your presence on any particular network, there's a great deal you can learn by examining some of the biggest success stories for each network. The sites listed in this section are all continuously finding new and innovative practices, so checking back in on them once in a while will help keep you up-to-date.

Etiquette tips and guidelines

At their hearts, all of these networks are really just tools to facilitate different kinds of social interactions. For that reason, there exists an unwritten code of etiquette for each. Most of this code mirrors basic human etiquette, but in new environments it's easy to make accidental slips. This section aims to point out some of the ways in which folks end up harming the trust and authority of their brands by ruffling their audiences' feathers, reducing the chances of any accidental train wrecks.

Recommended tools

While the platforms themselves are full of functionality, there are other tools on the web that can really take your social presence to the next level, offering you everything from scheduling functionality to insight and analytics not offered by the networks. For each of the major platforms, we list our favorite tools and talk about how they can help your efforts.


This guide would never have been possible if not for the absolutely tireless efforts of the following folks.

Thanks to Kristy Bolsinger for actually writing the guide, for her expertise, and for her patience during the editorial process; Rob Eagle for his energy and vision in creating graphics for the guide; Ashley Tate for wrangling the process and polishing the early drafts; and the many Mozzers who worked to bring the guide to life.

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

My Final Post as CEO: Sarah Bird Has the Conn

Posted: 15 Jan 2014 07:49 AM PST

Posted by randfish

In case you missed the post on my blog last month, we have some big news to share: I'm officially handing over the reins as CEO, and am thrilled to welcome our President and COO Sarah Bird into the role. I sat down with Sarah for a conversation about our memories from working together these past seven years and our plans for the future at Moz.

Quick editor's note: We're working on a transcription, but wanted to get you all this video as soon as we possibly could. :-)

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

Seth's Blog : Can I pay you to do me a favor?


Can I pay you to do me a favor?

Simple concept with big implications: In small groups, money corrupts.

In environments that are built on personal interaction and trust among intimates, transactions based on money don't increase efficacy, they degrade it.

At the other end of the scale, in transactions between strangers, cash scales. Cash enables us to interact with people we don't know and probably won't see again.

But if you want to build the intimate circle that lives on favors and gift exchange, don't bring cash. Bring generosity and vulnerability.



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