duminică, 4 mai 2014

Seth's Blog : When is Mother's Day?


When is Mother's Day?

It's sort of a silly question. After all, you and your mom can celebrate it whenever you want, not when everyone else tells you to.

My mom never liked it very much. She told us it was a silly commercial exercise. On the other hand, any excuse to express gratitude is a good one.

I published Sarah's book in memory of my mom. I figured today was a good day to remind you of it.



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Seth's Blog : Origin stories


Origin stories

The Grateful Dead had their breakthrough at Ken Kesey's acid test parties.

Superman was raised by George and Martha Kent.

Hewlett Packard started in a garage.

We hear origin stories all the time. They're magnetic enough that we write books and make movies about them.

Here's the thing: The only thing they have in common is that they are all different.

You can't reverse engineer success by researching origin stories. You can't follow the same path as those you admire and expect you'll end up in the same place.

Everything worthwhile has an origin, but those origins aren't the reason that they are worthwhile.



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sâmbătă, 3 mai 2014

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis

Civil War in Ukraine (But Please Don't Call it That!)

Posted: 03 May 2014 10:46 AM PDT

A civil war is underway in Ukraine. Curiously, no one has labeled it as such even though the Ukrainian government launched an offensive, helicopters were shot down, dozens were killed in the process, and military operations took place in multiple cities.
Two Ukrainian government helicopters were shot down and six people reported to have been killed on Friday morning as state forces launched a military offensive in Slavyansk, the eastern separatist-held city where armed pro-Russia militia fighters are holding several people hostage.

A spokesman for Russian president Vladimir Putin described the offensive as a "punitive operation", raising the stakes in Ukraine's confrontation with pro-Russia rebels and Moscow, after a week that has seen separatists seize control of more government, police and judicial buildings in the country's east.
Punitive Operation

Let's not call it a war, let's call it a a "punitive operation".

"While Russia is making an effort to de-escalate and resolve the conflict, the Kiev regime has ordered combat aircraft to fire at civilian towns and villages, launching a punitive operation and effectively destroying all hope for the viability of the Geneva agreements," said Dmitry Peskov, in remarks quoted by the Interfax news agency.

Anti-Terrorist Operation

Later in the day, Kiev labeled the non-war war an "anti-terrorist operation" complete with the following promise: "Ukraine's leadership is ready to grant amnesty to all . . . that did not commit capital crimes"

Warnings of "War"

Today, the non-war talk turned even more serious and dozens were killed. Bloomberg reports Ukraine Presses Assault on Rebels With Warning of 'War'
Ukrainian forces pressed their assault on separatists today and the head of the anti-terrorist center warned eastern regions are "essentially" at war, even as OSCE hostages were released.

The Ukrainian anti-terrorist operation in the Donetsk region left five dead and 12 wounded, said the center's chief, Vasyl Krutov. Government forces secured Slovyansk as operations in Kramatorsk continued, he said. Another 42 people were killed and 125 were injured in a building fire and street battle in Odessa that began last night when pro-Russians attacked marching football fans and a pro-Ukrainian rally.

"What is happening in the east is not a short-term action, this is essentially a war," Krutov said today.

Open clashes are sweeping Ukraine's east, from Donetsk near the Russian border to Odessa, about 100 miles from the European Union's southeastern frontier in Romania, amid signs the industrial and coastal regions are slipping out of the Kiev government's control.

"We, Ukrainians, are now constantly pushed into confrontation, into civil conflicts and to ruination of the country from inside," said acting President Oleksandr Turchynov on his website today. "We cannot allow this to happen and have to be united in our fight with a foreign enemy who wants to destroy Ukraine."

Kerry Warning

"It's important for Russia to withdraw support from the separatists and to assist in removing people from the buildings and begin to deescalate the situation," Kerry said in remarks to the press in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.

In his own website statement following the conversation, Lavrov said he warned Kerry about a "fratricidal conflict" brewing in Ukraine. He also urged the U.S. to get Ukraine to stop the offensive in the eastern regions.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said at a briefing today in Jezioro, Poland, that officials are "losing hope" about a diplomatic solution to end the crisis.

"This is a war of maybe a different kind, it is a war that's undeclared," Tusk was quoted as saying by PAP newswire at a media briefing. "But what we're really dealing with is de-facto a war. You can clearly see that actions taken by the international community haven't brought results."
What Is It?

It's not a civil war it's a ...

  • Punitive operation
  • Anti-terrorist operation
  • Warning of war
  • Civil conflict
  • Desperate situation
  • Confrontation
  • Fratricidal conflict
  • Offensive
  • War of a different kind
  • De-facto war

You can call it whatever you want, but please don't call it what it is: a civil war.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Damn Cool Pics

Damn Cool Pics

See What It Takes To Keep Facebook Up And Running

Posted: 02 May 2014 07:42 PM PDT

Facebook is an absolutely massive website. Every single day billions of people visit Facebook to get their social media fix and it takes a lot to keep the site up and running. Get an inside look at some of the equipment that keeps Facebook going.

The President’s Year of Action

Here's what's going on at the White House today.

Weekly Address: The President's Year of Action

In this week's address, the President provided an update on the work his Administration has done to strengthen the economy and expand opportunity for hardworking Americans in this Year of Action. While Republicans in Congress are setting records in obstruction, the President is making progress for the American people and has taken more than 20 executive actions since January.

The President vowed to continue taking action on his own wherever possible, but underscored that much more progress could be made if Republicans in Congress were less interested in stacking the deck in favor of those at the top, and more interested in expanding opportunity for all.

Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.

Watch: President Obama delivers the weekly address

  Top Stories

1 is 2 Many

One in five college-aged women is sexually assaulted in college -- most often by someone she knows. Earlier this week, the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault released its first-ever report, which included that unnacceptable statistic, and announced a series of actions to help address the problem and make sure victims know they are not alone.

Vice President Biden, who championed the Violence Against Women Act in Congress back in 1990, spoke about the issue this week and revealed a new public service announcement about the issue:

Video player: 1 is 2 Many PSA

In addition to the powerful video, we launched NotAlone.gov to make enforcement data and other sexual assault resources accessible to students and schools."


Reach Higher

Today, on College Signing Day, the First Lady announced her Reach Higher initiative to encourage students around the country to complete their education beyond high school.

@ReachHigher tweet:

Down in San Antonio, Texas, Mrs. Obama rocked her own college t-shirt and spoke to students about the importance of graduating from high school and continuing their education.


273,000 Jobs

Yesterday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the jobs report for April -- and employment growth was pretty solid:

@WhiteHouse tweet:

For a more detailed look at the 50th consecutive month of businesses adding jobs, read on.


As always, to see even more of this week's events, watch this week's episode of West Wing Week:

Video player: West Wing Week



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